Warm shouts were heard everywhere, and some prisoners who wanted to watch the excitement dispersed to the edge of the circular underground square. The prisoners rushed towards Jean one by one, roaring and waving their fists.

Jean was still unmoved. A tall prisoner who leaned over and bumped into him with his arms had already arrived in front of Jean. He suddenly turned to the left and dodged the impact, instantly holding down the prisoner's neck and knocking the tall prisoner's head off. His head was pressed into the soil, making a loud noise, and the soil dented directly.

After Gene stood up, he looked around at the prisoners who were still trying to attack. They had been suppressed for a long time, and they had countless anger and sadness in their hearts without any place to vent it. After a period of time, some prisoners would have mental problems. , and in the end they can only be ruthlessly thrown outside the barrier area to fend for themselves.

With a whoosh, there was a strong gust of wind behind him. The moment Jean felt it, he had already turned around. Two prisoners attacked from the left and right sides, and some prisoners who were waiting for an opportunity also began to approach.

With two punches, the two prisoners who were planning to attack Jean from both sides were punched in the face and flew out, knocking away several prisoners coming behind them.

There were a large number of mutants among these prisoners, and many of them punched with more than a ton of force. However, many of the prisoners looked very nervous in front of Jean.

"What's wrong? It's over like this?"

Jean was grinning widely. Immediately, several prisoners could not help but rush forward. Jean suddenly moved forward, dodging the prisoners' fists and kicks with great accuracy, and moved gently across the five In the middle of the prisoners, a rock with a diameter of more than one meter flew over the moment they stopped.

The prisoners behind who were still trying to fight back panicked. The smoke from the cigarette in Jean's mouth was flying violently. The prisoners behind him had already fallen to three people because of their unstable body.

There were bursts of excited cheers all around. Jean crossed his hands and stared at the rock. For a moment, the rock stopped in the air. The cheers all around stopped. Many new prisoners looked at them in disbelief. of this scene.

Jean smiled and widened his eyes. In an instant, the rocks in front of him turned into powder. There was a pop of dust, and the powder was flying in the air. The prisoners who were still on the outside and planning to attack seemed to have withered. Some of them knelt down directly. On the ground.

"No matter how many times, I said, every time I come here as long as you can knock me down, all of you can return to the sun again."

Gene said and walked slowly, but at this time, the prisoners who were full of anger just now gave way one after another. After passing a prisoner kneeling on the ground, the prisoner raised his head with sad eyes. looked at Jean.

"Is it fun to treat us like monkeys? Are you happy? Demon Jean, it is impossible to defeat a monster like you. We will only be able to do it for the rest of our lives."

Gene stopped, bowed down, and looked at the prisoner with his hands in his pockets.

"You should have woken up before you decided to commit a crime. In the peaceful life that mankind has re-established, what you have done has threatened peace. Everything now is just a little punishment for you. You deserve it."

There was a loud scream, and a thin prisoner who could no longer bear it rushed towards Gene. Gene grabbed his neck with his backhand and lifted him up.

"After this digging plan is over, you will get an amnesty from Congress. However, if you continue to commit crimes during this period, you will only die. The next time you come, you can think of how to knock me down."

For a moment, the prisoners who were originally looking sad started yelling and cursing again, and the scolding was so unpleasant that even the guards on the wall behind them couldn't bear it anymore. Jean still kept smiling.

"It's a bargain, isn't it? When the project ends, most of you will be seventy years old at most, and you will have 80 years left to live, so think carefully about how to survive the remaining time. If you work harder, the project will be completed early. , you can obtain amnesty in advance.”

But at this time, a prisoner with strange red eyes who looked like he was only in his 20s walked out, clapping his hands.

"Jean, you say so nicely, but what is the real situation? Also, you said that as long as we can knock you down, all of us here can be free. This sentence is based on a reciprocal situation. Come on, now we are all wearing collars and cannot use our mutant abilities, but you can, this is obviously unfair."

Suddenly, there were bursts of jeers all around, and Gene stood up and turned his head with a smile.

"Please, please remove the collar from the neck of the prisoner who wants to fight me."

Suddenly, the guards on the city wall looked horrified, while Jewell smiled helplessly. Song Xuan next to him adjusted his glasses and sighed silently.

The four walls of this special square below are made of special memory metal. Even if it is damaged, it will recover as before in a short time.

"Section Chief, even the legendary Lord Jean cannot do this."

Jewell looked at the many newcomers in the room who had only been working for two or three years and said with a smile.

"Do as Gene says."

The atmosphere in the underground square was instantly ignited. One by one, the mutants removed their collars and danced with their own abilities in great excitement. Most of them were fire, body hardening, strength and speed, and some special bodies. A guy who can discharge electricity or partially possess telekinesis.

More and more mutants who planned to join the battle had their neck collars removed. Gene stood motionless in the middle, smoking. After a while, nearly a hundred mutants had their collars removed and were gearing up. look.

It’s just that the red-eyed young man who just took the lead did not remove the collar, but returned to the cave with a cheerful smile. There were many small artificial caves on the cave wall, which were the rooms where the prisoners rested. They were dug by themselves. When they come out, there will be a larger number of prisoners who are not planning to participate in the battle and are snickering on the outside.

"You really feel uncomfortable if you don't do anything for a day. Didn't you already know the result from the beginning?"

A strong-bodied woman with tied hair walked out of a cave. She was quite beautiful and stood outside the cave with her hands folded with a serious face. An old man next to her also walked out, yawning.

"Hahaha, of course I know. Their chance of winning is zero. Haha, those newcomers and idiots have no idea how ruthless that bastard Gene is. I have learned this lesson countless times. I just want to have some fun."

Sure enough, as the red-eyed young man said, many old prisoners began to bet on today's food. They all bet on Gene to win. Only the new prisoners bet on the more than 100 mutants.

All kinds of clamoring sounds were heard everywhere, and a large number of prisoners were waiting to watch the show. Gene still stood unmoved in the middle, watching the mutants approaching him one by one. Many of them had already physically A small bump appeared.

"Kill you."

A mutant raised a fist that had inflated like a balloon and hit Jean.

With a bang, when Gene turned sideways to dodge his fist, his fist had already hit the prisoner's abdomen. The prisoner rolled his eyes and fell to the ground. The other prisoners began to swarm up, and suddenly a ball of flames rushed towards Ji En. Well, he smiled and took off his coat.

Continuous explosions were heard everywhere, accompanied by dull blows, and mutants continued to fall to the ground after approaching Jean.

The scene became extremely chaotic. Gene walked easily among the mutants, flickering as deftly as threading a needle. All the mutants who approached him were knocked down with one blow and fell unconscious.

Gradually, the voice began to quiet down. Gene held a mutant's head with one hand and squeezed it hard. The mutant's thick arm was tightly clasping Gene's arm, but Gene's arm was like Like steel, the last mutant immediately lost consciousness.

Gene picked up the coat that had fallen aside, put it on and strode away. There were cheers from all around. The old prisoners had won, while the new prisoners looked horrified and stared at Ji En in disbelief. kindness.

"Haha, it's still your style, Gene, not bad."

When they reached the entrance of the cave, the young prisoner with red eyes clapped his hands and smiled and approached him. Gene suddenly pinched his head and pushed him toward the hard wall on the left.

There was a bang, and the red-eyed prisoner whimpered and burst into tears.

"Next time I cause trouble, I'll kill you first."

Jean looked at the woman in front of him with a cold voice. The woman got out of the way with a smile. The old man behind him sighed and smiled and made a gesture of please. The prisoners who fainted soon put on special neckbands again. Circle, the prisoners also began to go back to work one after another.

Jean followed the old man into his own room. At the bottom of a long and narrow passage, there was a room of more than 30 square meters. The furniture inside was made of stone, and a lot of liquid food was stored.

The old man seemed to be in good spirits, with gray hair, pale skin, and severe dark circles at the corners of his eyes. He was wearing a collar and had a kind smile on his face.

The old man's prisoner number is No. 0001. He was once the biggest criminal in Brilliant City. No one knows his name. His only title is Wise Man.

"Time has passed so long, Jean. In the blink of an eye, I haven't seen you for about a year!"

The wise man said that Gene leaned against the wall and took out a cigarette. The wise man leaned over and hoped to take one with a smile on his face, but Gene rejected the wise man with an angry look.

"If you want a cigarette, tell me what you know."

The wise man shook his head.

"It's too cheap to exchange for my information for just a cigarette."

Jean sneered, and the wise man continued.

"Threats are useless. You know Jean. I am born with a strong bone. Of course, I don't want to suffer. This time I want to make a deal with you. If I give you some information, you have to How about taking me out of here?"

"Aren't you awake? Wise man, the crimes you have committed in the past may not be offset by the death penalty ten thousand times."

The wise man smiled, revealing his blackened and incomplete teeth, and there was a hint of weirdness in his smile.

"Maybe tens of thousands of people will die this time."

In this prison, although the prisoners have no way to get out, the management cannot keep an eye on these prisoners 24 hours a day, so through some loopholes, some guards even have some private transactions with the prisoners, so the prison and the outside world There is a certain connection between the world and the outside world. Items belonging to the outside world can often be found in the prisoners' rooms. At first, the 11th Criminal Management Section strictly investigated, but later this phenomenon continued to be banned, and some guards worked hard and their wages were low. It's not very high, so I turn a blind eye to this phenomenon now.

"Think carefully Gene, taking me out is the only weight you can trade with me this time. I know very well what is happening outside."

Jean pondered, the only space for prisoners from LV0 to LV5 to communicate was the bathing time once a week. Due to the tight water supply, they all bathed together, but the guards could not keep an eye on the prisoners all the time. , so the prison is more like an independent society, but it is inseparable from the outside world.

Some criminals with double-headed snake tattoos were also there, but no information could be extracted from them. Some were completely unaware, and some were stubborn.

"I no longer intend to commit a crime Gene, you believe me, and if I commit a crime again, you will kill me this time!"

Gene threw a cigarette, and the wise man happily took it in his hand. Suddenly, the cigarette spontaneously ignited under Gene's gaze.

"I will think about it. I can't make a decision on this matter alone. I have to go to Congress."

"You don't need to say these polite words to me Gene. You are the only one who can take me out of here. My brain is still somewhat useful in today's society."

Gene raised his head, with a look of helplessness on his face. He tilted his head and looked at the wise man sideways.

"Tell me everything you know. As for your matter, I will consider it."

The wise man nodded gratefully.

"The so-called two-headed snake is just a confusing symbol. What is really hidden behind the scenes? Jean, please investigate the recent food production capacity carefully. You have to investigate carefully. After all, the entire city There is already a rancid smell permeating the air, let’s start from the basics.”

Gene nodded, and the wise man walked to Gene's side with a smile, stood up on his feet, put his mouth to Gene's ear and whispered softly.

The lights at night were dim. Le Xiao opened the door and returned home. She was very tired. Even though she had the bus pass, she still walked a lot today and listened to everything. Everything today did not deter her, and her head was a little confused. , do you want to interview Jean to make big news, or do you want to understand Jean.

Le Xiao felt a little sad when she thought about the feeling she had when she held Jean in her arms at noon.

"Take a good bath tonight!"

Le Xiao said and came to the corner of the four-foot-square room. Just as he was about to activate the bathtub equipment, there was a knock on the door.

With a doubtful attitude, Le Xiao looked out. There was a man and a woman standing at the door. They were smiling. Le Xiao opened a corner of the door.

"Excuse me."

"Is it Miss Le Xiao? We are reporters from Weekly Weekly and we are traveling with you. We want to talk to you. If we have time, we will go to the bar on the corner. We will treat you. Of course, we will pay you a certain interview fee."

Le Xiao immediately closed the door in surprise and asked the other person to wait. She also wanted to know something from the other person's mouth, and her tired body regained its vitality.

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