Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 789 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment L

Chapter 789 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment LVII

"Please don't believe some rumors on the Internet. We have dispatched troops and negotiators as soon as people were kidnapped, and we are still talking to that group of armed forces."

A gray-haired man faced the camera and said this with a smile, but many reporters below immediately showed suspicious expressions.

"Mr. Minister, I would like to ask you why there are no mistakes in the department regarding what you said?"

"Because this matter involves the national position and a series of previous conflicts with third world countries, we can only conduct rescue operations secretly."

In the face of reporters' continuous questions, the minister responded calmly. Regarding the rumors on the Internet, the state did not care about the people who were abducted and did not take any action. The minister even threatened to severely punish those who spread the rumors.

The press conference soon ended, because the live broadcast in the territory of the armed forces, which had caused uproar around the world in the past few days, had come to an end in this country for the time being.

And that crazy reporter has been blacklisted by many TV stations around the world, but a few TV stations still contacted Pie directly and obtained the right to broadcast the live broadcast.

Some countries directly banned the spread and dissemination of this live broadcast, but after all, this matter could not keep the fire alive, and it had spread all over the world in just a week.

It's just that many people are questioning the authenticity of this live broadcast, but everything in the video is actually recorded, and the reporter named Pie told the camera about the current situation, and there is a crowdfunding project at the bottom of the live video. address.

This is the most suspicious part. It may be a fraud trap. After many people clicked on it, they saw that someone still donated a little money. So far, it is only more than 400D.

"Please, please donate. Only donations can save these people. Their lives depend on all of you."

On the side of a street, many people were watching the live broadcast. One of them, a man with glasses, clicked on the donation channel. After hesitating for a while, he donated 1D.

"You are stupid. If one person has 1D, if there are millions of people, they will become rich instantly."

More and more people are questioning the authenticity of this live broadcast, and there are not many people who want to donate. Even though those who were hijacked said something in tears, many people are still indifferent.

Countless scams like this have happened in the past, relying on misfortune to win everyone's sympathy.

Pierre in the picture looks quite tired, but he is still talking about a series of things and asking everyone to donate.


A live broadcast room of a live TV company was opened, and a group of people in suits walked in, followed by the person in charge.

"Stop broadcasting immediately."

At this time, Tom and Jerry, who were specially recruited as interns, were sitting in front of the broadcast equipment. They watched the video screen at a loss as it ended. Jerry immediately stood up and said.

"Don't you feel the slightest bit of shame?"

Jerry shouted emotionally, and a group of people with national security certificates came in and started investigating.

"From now on, you don't need to intern. You can leave here. You are not from this company."

The person in charge decisively refused and told the two to get out, and the two were forcibly taken away from the studio by security guards.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Jerry and Tom walked into a burger restaurant again. The two kept switching some websites and downloading some foreign apps. However, they soon discovered that the program had been downloaded directly from multiple TV companies. Fought.

At this time, Jerry took a bite of the burger, stood up immediately, and said angrily.

"We must find a solution ourselves and we must not let this matter go unsolved."

Tom smiled and stood up.

"We look for people who are willing to help, and there will always be someone willing to help."

The two of them ate the food quickly. The two of them had already donated 300D, which was already the limit for the two of them.

The two knew very well that the reporter Pierre was not joking, and what he said was true, because they had seen many real reports about the area there, but the public could not see these real reports.

Many people only see processed reports, so when such a real and bloody thing is presented in front of everyone, most people are skeptical.

This world has caused countless human disasters due to ignorance created by lies. Both of them knew that if they could not raise money, those who were hijacked would die.

A total of 236 people from developed countries have been kidnapped, but basically most countries have the same rhetoric and have secretly dispatched troops to deal with the problem.

What made the two men even more aware was that the people in power would not allow these people to come back, because once they came back, they would tear off the masks of the people in power one by one.

The best way is to do nothing, everything will return to darkness again, no one can see it, no one can understand it.

"Help, Parker!"

Jerry held up the phone. The Parker he was talking about was a programmer he had known since he was a child. He was several years older than him. If he wanted to convert the signal source and publish it on some platforms, he would naturally be able to do it. .

"I can't help Jerry, I don't want to go to jail."

Parker said directly.

"Please help us."

"You idiot, the country doesn't want people to know about this kind of thing. You are seeking death."

Jerry was still saying something fiercely, and Parker became a little impatient.

"The most I can do is donate. I just donated 3000D. Don't bother me again."

The phone hung up, and Tom looked embarrassed.

In the past, the reason why TV stations would accept such broadcasts was just because it could create good ratings and arouse topics. Sure enough, their ratings have been rising, but now it is all over.

The two kept calling, hoping to find someone to help. However, at this moment, a mysterious phone call came, and the display turned out to be numbers and garbled codes.

Jerry looked at the phone suspiciously and then picked it up.

"Good afternoon gentlemen, I am a ghost!"

A sharp voice that had been mechanically changed sounded, and Jerry immediately spoke.

"Why do you know"

Jerry soon stopped saying anything, after all, Specter was a hacker who caused big national security problems in the past.

"I'm just for the justice of the world! You just need to do what I say, and it will spread quickly. You don't have to worry about being caught. What I need is a point where it can spread."

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