Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 79 The beast blocking the road (Part 2)

In the courtyard of the 3rd Military Science and Technology University, located in the middle area of ​​the north and bordering the lower area, a section officer was giving attack orders to 100 section members wearing special optical camouflage uniforms.

Each section member has a black metal mechanical device on his body, which is like a backpack. It is connected and fixed on the body by strips of black thin tube-like material intertwined on the chest. There are some convex edges on the back of the circular black material similar to the backpack. There was a small hole in the back of their head, and there was a long strip of material attached to the back of their head that was connected to the backpack, and it was shining with a faint red light.

Each soldier has a hexagonal badge on his chest. There are 6 in total, all of which are weapons.

"I repeat again, you have only one mission. Any take-off and landing aircraft will be shot down as long as it misidentifies the signal three times and cannot be captured alive."

Then one by one, the soldiers began to disperse, and the machine on their backs called individual combat aircraft started. Air flow ejected from the small holes, gradually forming a circular aperture of about half a meter behind them.

Soldiers slowly flew up one by one. This kind of individual combat aircraft can clearly identify the direction and speed signals in the brain, and can be controlled with thoughts. It only takes 5 seconds to accelerate from 0 to 100 kilometers in a short distance, and the maximum sprint distance is 500 meters. .

The soldiers flying into the sky began to take down a round liquid form change badge, and the special goggles that were instantly compressed into liquid appeared like inflated balloons. After putting them on, they quickly left the military department and flew towards the west.

The slightly reddish aperture began to gradually disappear, and the special optical camouflage clothing on the body could not be distinguished with the naked eye unless it was within 100 meters.

Le Xiao was about to go for lunch when she found that there were people from Section 5 guarding the entrance of the subway station, and a cordon had been set up. She hurriedly opened her phone and looked at the news. It was suspected that there was something wrong in the subway station, but Congress The reason has not yet been announced.

Originally, Le Xiao planned to ask Ji Qing to have lunch together, but the phone call could not be reached. Ji Qing should not go to school until tonight. Le Xiao decided to run over. Although the four upper areas are large, they are more than 10 kilometers away at most. Not far either.

After running all the way and taking them away, half an hour later, Le Xiao came to the residential area of ​​Xuanwu District. This place is home to a large number of scientific officers and parliamentarians, all of whom live in this area. Le Xiao arrived at No. 4 Street with ease. She went to Ji Qing's home, but as soon as she passed a villa, Le Xiao was shocked.

Outside Ji Qing's home, there was a circle of people wearing Section 2 uniforms, standing guard with firearms. There were also a large number of Section 2 officers patrolling the courtyard, and a cordon was set up dozens of meters away from the house.

"Could something happen?"

Thinking of Jean's hurried departure in the morning and his unusual behavior, Le Xiao felt a little uneasy. She tried to dial Ji Qing's number again, and this time it only rang once before someone picked her up.

"Xiaoqing, did something happen to your family?"

Before the other party could speak, the call was hung up rudely. Le Xiao called again and still no one answered. Just when she was confused, there was a sound of footsteps behind her. She was startled and turned around. , several people from Section 2 were already pointing weapons at her, and she smiled awkwardly and raised her hands obediently.

In the yard, a one-eyed child in a wheelchair, wearing a tulip-shaped black eye patch, glared at Lexiao menacingly. She was smiling, squatting on the ground tremblingly, a little at a loss.

She had seen the child in front of her before. The last time Luo Han invited her to dinner, she sat at the same table with Jean in that restaurant. Just looking at the atmosphere, she looked respectful to the people around her.

"What did you bring her here for?"

"Section Chief, this woman has been calling the target person's daughter. She has called her 15 times since this morning, so we..."

"Let her go."

Karma Karma

The wheelchair turned slowly, and Mo Xiaolan turned around.

"Listen, go outside, don't do or say anything, and don't make any more phone calls."

"Did something happen at Xiaoqing's family?"

Mo Xiaolan smiled strangely, his eyes became confused, and then he turned around in the wheelchair.

"Just go up and stay with her."

The room was still the same as before, but it was in a mess. It looked like someone had rummaged through it and cleaned it up very roughly. Ji Qing rushed over helplessly, and her eyes that had already been red from crying were overflowing with tears again.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Le Xiao comforted, not knowing what happened, but looking at the situation outside and the current Ji Qing family, Section 2 was on guard, it must be a big deal.

After 10 minutes, Le Xiao probably knew what happened. Ji Mo left in a hurry last night and knocked her unconscious. When she woke up, her house had been searched all over. She had been interrogated about many things, but no one paid attention to any of them. The mood of an 18-year-old girl.

At this moment, the room door opened, and Mo Xiaolan was pushed in.

"Are you devils? That's it."

"Shut up."

Mo Xiaolan grinned and was full of momentum. Le Xiao was completely frightened. This was not what a child who looked only thirteen or fourteen years old should be, especially those sharp eyes that made him shudder at a glance. I feel a chill down my spine.

"Little sister, I just heard someone calling you section chief, could it be..."

Le Xiao couldn't turn her head around. She didn't know how this kid was qualified to be the section chief.

"Idiot is indeed an idiot. Just shut up and sit here. Don't talk nonsense."

Although Le Xiao was a little angry, saying this to a child, she still hugged Ji Qing and sat down. At this time, Mo Xiaolan saw that Ji Qing's attitude was calmer, and Ji Qing was crying because she was getting anxious just now. He got up, smashed things in the room crazily, and even attacked several department members.

"I'll ask you again, what suspicious people are there among the people your father sees in his daily life, and where your father may go."

Ji Qing burst into tears and refused to say a word. She had already learned about what her father had done from the department staff, but she did not believe it. She definitely did not believe the man who had been running around for the construction of the city for so many years. Her father was an amiable father, so she would never reveal a single word. Even if she was coerced, she knew that Gene must be helping her father now, and her father was innocent.


The wheelchair moved a little closer, and Mo Xiaolan smiled horribly. She couldn't wait any longer. The situation had begun to spread in the city and must be contained. Although there were still large-scale searches, maybe at the end of the season, yesterday It’s not necessarily a case of leaving too late.

"If you don't say anything, I will do it myself. You will have some mental problems in the future, and you will recover slowly."

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