Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 775 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment L

Chapter 775 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment ⅩLⅢ

On the river where garbage was floating, from time to time some teenage children fished out some objects from the water and swam quickly back to the shore.

Some children who caught something good happily showed off to the people around them, while some children who didn't catch something good threw their things into the river and sat on the bank to bask in the sun, preparing to jump again next time. Go into the river, and then dive deeper, because there is a high chance of fishing out some gold and silver belongings of the deceased.

The whole river looks a little turbid, but there are still many women washing clothes by the river. Most of their headscarves are old, patched or faded.

This is a slum in a certain country. Almost no one is willing to take care of the problems here, including the former countries on this land. Even some gang members are unwilling to come to this place. Let alone oil and water, the people here You can't get a penny out of it.

This place has been completely reduced to a no-care zone. This river is the only source of income for people here. You can find some useful things from the garbage in the river, and then sell them at the edge of the isolation zone, exchange them for money, and then Buy some daily necessities.

There have been too many problems in this country in the past, and various inequalities have created one quarantine zone after another. Basically, after entering the quarantine zone, they can only fend for themselves, and those in power have no mercy at all.

Days like this have been going on for a long time. No one knows why it has developed to this point, and no one knows what the future of this place will be.

In the distance, under the rays of the sun, you can clearly see the towering buildings and the beautiful city. They are completely different from this place with only low and dilapidated shacks.

At this time, a cloud of dust rose up in the distance. A large number of people by the river immediately got up. Some people who came out of the water grabbed their clothes and wrapped them up and ran over, regardless of how wet they were.

On a relatively spacious dirt road, cars slowly came down under the escort of a group of soldiers. They seemed to be very powerful. The cars were surrounded by crowds of people rushing past, with their arms stretched out. Hands, noisy noises, and even the escorting soldiers firing into the sky could not stop the enthusiasm of these people.

Soon the car stopped in a square with broken stone slabs and sculptures. The soldiers in the truck came down and started driving them away.

A bunch of people got out of several cars, many of them were elderly. They were in suits and ties. They didn't look like they were from this country. They all wore badges with mechanical patterns. They were people from technology seminars.

Soon, under the shouts of the soldiers, people outside the field began to pass the information around. After a while, a few eloquent and prestigious elders gathered here.

X quietly glanced around. It was just after 10 o'clock in the morning. He came to this country at 9 o'clock. This country with many "gods" has been plagued by disasters since the last century.

We have reached an agreement with the people from country M. They will meet here in two days. This is also the maximum compromise the other party has made. He walked over directly and spoke in standard local language.

"In our science and technology seminar, we currently have some experimental drugs that need to be completed at your place."

Several elders were stunned and looked at X in disbelief, and then one of them spoke.

"Just give me money."

X shook his head.

"Each family that agrees to the experiment can receive corresponding supplies, drinking water and food every week, and an electrical appliance every month."

Several elders showed joy, and an official came over and explained to them in detail. In the end, the elders nodded.

X glanced around and shouted by the news around. They looked very happy. There were food and drinking water, which was the greatest attractive for them.

Drug experimentation is the last remaining value of the people here. This experiment

It is necessary to actually collect the body DNA change data of various human races, and then synthesize these big data to obtain a truly effective method. Once the cosmic worm is obtained, it will soon be able to produce fruits.

Although some people have noticed the actions of the science and technology seminar, X has reached certain agreements in private with the core people of many countries.

The world will soon undergo more drastic changes. The sharing of many technologies is good for most countries in the world, but in fact not many countries can successfully apply these technologies.

Soon under the command of the soldiers, many people began to return home. This news was also broadcast on the radio throughout the poor areas. Tomorrow, more than 50 drug distribution points will be officially set up at the isolation network. Get Families receiving the medication can receive a week's worth of food and are eligible to receive necessary drinking water every day.

X looked at what an official and several elders were still discussing. He had other things to do here this time. A pharmacologist named Singer was hiding in this place.

After nearly 6 years of investigation, we finally found out that the pharmacologist was hiding here. Soon, X followed several investigators and accompanied by some soldiers, turned into a crowded road.

Singer possesses a drug technology that can tamper with other people's memories. This new type of synthetic chemical drug can completely mess up a person's memory. This drug was originally used to solve problems in some black worlds. Used for certain troubles.

X they studied the finished product and found that this kind of chemical drugs have other aspects, so the founders of the drug must be found to fully understand how this drug is produced. It works, because there are countless combination possibilities, and it would be too time-consuming to try them all.

Soon outside a dilapidated cement house, , it seems that Singer's life is quite miserable.

The reason why Singer is here is just because a political figure in a certain country is still being treated because of this drug. The person who drugged him was caught, and Singer was also arrested, so he ran away directly. Because all countries want to catch him.

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