The wind swept through the empty alleys, picking up sand and trash. The whine echoed through the windows of the vacant houses, as if dozens of people were moaning.

Gene held the phone and said nothing. The phone was always in call mode. King Xue on the opposite side was still waiting and said nothing more.

It's a very simple question, ah, I know it, it's a very simple question.

Gene's face was cold, as if there was a layer of frost on it, and the cigarette had long been extinguished on his slightly opened lips.

"It's been half an hour, Chief Jean. You should know better. Haven't you done this countless times? Time and time again."

"Bury the truth in darkness."


After hanging up the phone, Gene took out a cigarette and stared quietly at the only subway entrance in the vacant housing area. The other two nearby subway entrances were all in occupied neighborhoods, this area of ​​20 square kilometers. No one was inside.

When the riots broke out, most of the people here were encouraged and began to rush to the middle level, vandalizing, smashing, and looting. Poverty aroused their desires. Many people thought that everything would be fine. Men, women, young people and old people all rushed to the middle level. .

No children have been born here for nearly 20 years, and all the information is echoing in Gene's head, because they can't even support themselves. The average citizen level is 2. In addition to working in the food base in the east, they get a little money every month. and food, their lives are in embarrassment.

Gene covered his head with one hand and leaned the back of his head against the cold, hard wall. The sunlight above his head was so dazzling that he took out a cigarette again. After lighting it, Gene's expression relaxed a lot.

Most people thought that the law would not punish the people, so they took this opportunity to get a little more. As a result, nearly 300,000 people were forcibly expelled to the barrier area after the riot.

The moment Gene stepped here, he understood what to do, and everything he said at the end of the season coincided with what he thought. Although there were some differences, the city had only experienced such a tragedy. You can't afford a second trauma. Once hatred is buried in your heart, it will always take root and sprout.

"Move quickly, enter from the subway, don't miss every trail, check the top in detail, bring dry food and water, and search like a carpet."

Niya kept shouting, and as a helicopter landed, the situation was still exposed. When they arrived at the northern center platform, in just one minute, Section 3 and Section 5 had already appeared on the news. The people of the Department are entering the former underground transportation channel, and it is a large-scale search.

Everyone was worried about what was happening in the city. Less than 10 minutes had passed when a large number of reporters appeared outside, and a large number of people took photos with their mobile phones. Just 15 minutes ago, all subway stations were shut down.

The special card at the end of the season has not been cancelled, so his means of underground passage must be cut off. Mo Xiaolan has just sent all the plans to suppress the matter. He has obtained the consent of the General Affairs Section and 12 section chiefs. of signatures, including Jean's.

Niya scratched her hair and was still a little drunk. Tianhen was already drunk. The secretary of the 3rd Military Section was temporarily responsible for directing the search operations in the south.

Once the 12 section chiefs sign, they can unconditionally carry out all actions in the city without reporting it to Congress for ruling. The 12 sections have been linked up. Only the core section officers in each section know the plan. Now as long as Ji is found, Eventually everything will end.

Many of the staff who entered the alley and began to be diverted did not even know what was going on, but they could only obey the orders of their superiors.

Zhuque District, located in the south, is a wealthy area. Many people in the upper class have noticed these extremely unusual actions. One after another, the black and green camouflage three-color takeoff and landing aircraft of the 3rd Military Section landed, each carrying Personnel from the three equipment departments rushed down and began to block the entrance to the upper-level South District Central Subway Station.

Walking down from above was a woman with short black hair, a straight face, and cold eyes, with a round and beautiful face. Her skin was a little dark. From the left arm of her black female uniform, there was a white lace book pattern. She was from the 3rd Military. Section Secretary.

Rows of soldiers stood upright at the entrance of the huge central station. Those who were still waiting for the bus and did not know the truth were driven out. A cordon was set up 100 meters near the entrance.


Following the order, the soldiers began to pour into the subway station in an orderly manner. The woman's name was Xima. She had followed Tianhen for nearly 10 years. She was Tianhen's right-hand man and a determined and out-and-out workaholic.

At this time, Xima was also angry inside, but she could not express her emotions or anger. The only thing she could do for such a thing was to act more specifically, quickly and efficiently when the situation occurred.

After receiving the order, Hima and several core officers of Section 3 immediately obtained the map of the transportation lane of the southern subway station, held a brief 10-minute meeting, and deployed the operation in detail.

What happened to his subordinates caught Xima off guard. After reading the information sent by Section 2 with Section Chief Tian Hen, Xima began to investigate in her head. She originally thought that the last time the South Guard Station was captured, it was because There was a traitor in the guard station. Unexpectedly, the enemy penetrated so deeply. Some subordinates who usually obeyed her instructions secretly colluded with the enemy.

Didi didi

Xima glanced at the number 0013, and she immediately stood up straight and picked it up.

"Lord Jean, Section Chief Tianhen is unconscious now. I will temporarily take over the Military Section."

"Deploy special air operations forces and shoot down all takeoffs and landings without a confirmed signal."

After the call ended, Xima quickly opened Tianhen's mobile phone, and then adjusted a controllable light and shadow screen. After inputting a string of orange special character commands, he immediately performed fingerprint authentication.

Then Hima took her phone and dialed 0002.

"Lord Mo Xiaolan, please activate the orange warning recognition signal of the landing gear. Division 3 has dispatched special air operations troops to intercept and destroy all take-off and landing landing gear that cannot recognize the signal."

Soon Xima entered a large military lift. Inside this special lift that can accommodate 300 people, the captain was waiting, and a light and shadow screen flashed out.

All takeoffs and landings change the internal identification signal of the military department once every minute. Anyone who cannot respond to the identification signal within 20 seconds will be warned. If it fails three times or more, it will be directly destroyed.

At the same time, the 1st City Management Section also issued a no-fly order to all companies and individuals with the right to use takeoff and landing aircraft.

With a touch of coolness, Ji Mo woke up from his deep sleep. He touched the lamp on the bedside table and turned it on. Ji Mo was sweating profusely and smiled slightly.

"Most people don't know about the city that has long been stuck in the quagmire. By the time they find out, they are unable to climb out."

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