Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 753 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment

Chapter 753 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment ⅩⅩⅠ

"of course it's true."

X looked at the people in the audience who were asking questions and answered seriously. It was almost dusk, and after the new day's briefing, there was a press conference.

The reporters were very concerned about the technology sharing plan announced in the morning. They asked questions one after another, and X patiently answered them one by one.

But the time was almost up, and X told the reporters that they had to go back and continue preparing for tomorrow's briefing.

What made many reporters happy was that this scientific seminar was not hidden. It was broadcast live in the venue. Those who want to watch, no matter where you are in the world, as long as there is a signal , you can watch it.

The media's evaluation went from skepticism at the beginning to overwhelming support later, and there was such a huge change in just a few days.

X is very clear about what a powerful weapon the truth is. For this plan,

The interaction between interests and positions is simply impossible to achieve such results in a short time. Only letting everyone know the truth is the only way to avoid most conspiracies.

Since everyone wants to know what was discovered on that asteroid, what it is like, and what impact it will have on the technological progress of today's human society, X has seriously announced these doubts. And he told everyone the truth in very casual language.

Coupled with the announcement of plans such as technology sharing, those in power and businessmen have no way to start. If they dare to criticize such an approach, they are the public enemies of all mankind.

X has opened up technology and will not let technology fall into the hands of some powerful people and interests. People who need it can get it.

A large number of technology companies have already sent letters of intent for cooperation negotiations. X also detailed in the plan the patent fees for this shared technology, which will not be very high, so there is no issue of exclusive monopoly.

Moreover, there is a very strict qualification review process, and the application of technology cannot include issues such as war, crime, monopoly, etc.

X quickly returned to the parking lot behind the venue and was escorted by several guards to the outside of the venue.

"Can you give us an answer, Mr. X?"

Bearded Paul looked at X with a sincere face, and X nodded.

"I can allow you to participate in the technology sharing program."

Paul stretched out his hand happily, and then immediately gestured back, and several boxes of money were moved directly out of the car.

Without any hesitation, X asked some guards behind him to take over.

"I will draw up a specific agreement within the next few days."

After talking for a while, more than ten boxes of cash were moved back to the venue by the guards.

"Has the list been drawn up?"

X asked, and one of the guards took off his helmet, nodded, and then took out a computer. After opening it, X quickly saw a large list of names.

The list is full of scientists who will later build the landing spacecraft. It is an extremely complex and huge project. Although there is the help of the AI ​​system, many details still need to be handled by humans.

These scientists all belong to different countries, especially some less prominent countries. X has planned to use money to get the relevant powers in these countries to allow these scientists to participate in this plan.

For scientists in some big countries, money has no attraction, but it is different for these small countries.

The changes in the past few years have made these small countries miserable. They only need to give a sum of money to the people in the corresponding positions, and everything will be easy to handle.

Now X is worried about only one thing, the support of quantum technology. Although there are many outstanding scientists in this area, many solutions are difficult to realize in a short time.

The best quantum technology today is on Asgard's side. Although they have provided enough support, only the quantum technology in Wiener's hands is unique.

How to deal with Weiner is what X is most worried about now. He is also aware of the uncontrollable dangers of this plan that Weiner said, but this has nothing to do with X.

No matter what is discovered in the future, as long as the most important cosmic worm can be obtained and successfully researched, as for what happens after that, it has nothing to do with me, because the core part is always in my hands, and this is enough .

At this time, X is more concerned about the start of the plan. Once it starts, mature quantum propulsion technology is needed to protect the plan.

Unlike other scientists, Weiner either works for the country, his team, or has a family. He is always alone because he was born in a countryless place full of refugees.

Many years ago, Contracts for technology companies.

His whereabouts became a mystery, but he was still found, but the person who found Weiner still didn't get anything from him.

Because people who want to get the technology in Weiner's hands clearly know how precious and important the things in Weiner's hands are. He is already nearly 70 years old and cannot use rough methods.

Therefore, these uninvited guests who visit Weiner can only use some mild methods.

With the quantum propulsion technology in Wiener's hands, it is very possible for humans to carry out interstellar travel in just a few decades.

In desperation, X planned to visit Wiener again, because Wiener's previously published academic papers had revealed that he had successfully created a miniature quantum thruster.

This kind of thruster is not sufficient to support long-distance flight based on the current technology on Earth, but short-distance is no problem.

If this technology can be obtained, landing on a small new star will only take a blink of an eye.

While thinking, X came to the door of Weiner's room again. After knocking on the door, X was surprised to see that Weiner had already packed his luggage.

"This is your plan"

"Sorry Dr. X, I have to go back."

For a moment,

"Please, Dr. Weiner, please."

Weiner smiled and shook his head.

"I'm sorry, you just think I'm a liar. I don't have the technology you want. Don't you remember? I was called an academic liar by people in the scientific community."

X didn't know what to say. Weiner had already left, and he froze in place.

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