Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 744 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment

Chapter 744 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment XII

"I understand, Your Excellency, please rest assured, no matter what means I use, I will definitely get it done."

Li Chu quietly held the one-step round communication phone. It looked different from ordinary phones. In some corners of the room, there were some standing small light-emitting machines.

"Don't mess up, Mr. Li Chu, my term is about to end. If you mess up, the consequences will be serious."

"Please rest assured that your Excellency, President, will definitely get something useful, and it will not affect your re-election."

After Li Chu put down the phone, he relaxed a little. The situation was very bad. Someone had already taken action in advance. They might take action tonight and directly kidnap Weiner. Li Chu immediately walked to a big black bag and looked at it from the inside. A lot of round machines were taken out, these were small reptilian bombs.

Li Chu originally wanted to get acquainted with Weiner and then put forward some conditions, but now some guys can't sit still and want to kidnap Weiner even in this neutral place.

Having obtained accurate information from the CIA, he had to do something.

In today's situation, if existing rocket propulsion technology is used, the time to land on the asteroid will be increased by three days, and these three days will be wasted.

According to calculations, the asteroid will travel slowly outside the earth for about 10 to 15 days at most. After leaving the earth's gravitational circle, it will resume its original speed.

Now it is basically very difficult for countries to reach an agreement, and it is simply impossible to achieve it.

Li Chu was still thinking about the method, and he couldn't explain it directly to the person in charge of the seminar. After all, he also had a shady identity.

The kidnappers will take action tonight. After thinking about it, Li Chu planned to talk to Weiner directly later and ask Weiner to change rooms immediately or live outside the club directly.

1:39 p.m.

A wisp of smoke and dust rose up, and there was a clicking sound.

Deguna placed an assembled pistol on the table, and the nine people in the room were looking at the cross-section diagram on a computer.

"I hope you will remember that this mission is very necessary. Please be mentally prepared."

Deguna said, flicking the cigarette ashes, and the nine people in the room nodded.

"There is only one chance. Quantum propulsion technology is extremely important to us, whether it is long-distance navigation or the manufacturing of quantum weapons. We still have six hours to prepare. We will start after dinner today. I will be responsible for maintaining the Na was brought to Guang Neng No. 3, and you who are in charge of the rear must stop all pursuits at all costs."

The nine people stood up and stood at attention in front of Deguna with their hands behind their backs. She began to assign tasks.

Deguna has bribed a large number of guards here in advance, and they will deliberately turn a blind eye, as long as this thing can succeed.

Deguna looked at the ceiling. The kidnapping only happened in an instant. She had spent nearly two months confirming everything here and the external environment. Above was Weiner's room. The kidnapping would start in an instant. , and ended in an instant.

In the past two months, all weapons and equipment have been brought in bit by bit in parts.

"Please remember that all this is for the great rejuvenation of our motherland."

Deguna said, and continued to let the team members start to adjust the weapons and equipment.

But after a while, Deguna stared at the nine team members suspiciously. She always felt a little uneasy in her heart. This plan that had been prepared for two months had most likely been exposed because they bribed too many people, and Anyone with a little bit of intelligence can figure out what they want to do.

But the only thing unclear was the time. The reason why Deguna chose to do it on the day when the seminar just started was because everyone's eyes were on the new things announced today, and it was easy to overlook some things.

This mission is the most difficult one that Deguna has felt over the years. After all, if it is exposed, the situation will be very bad.

After hesitating, Deguna still chose to take action because she was bound to win. She would prepare for each mission for a long time before taking action. The success rate was always very high.


Following Deguna's order, people in the room began to put on different clothes one after another and prepared to leave the room.

2:03 p.m.

Tang Rao was sitting on the toilet, holding a long communicator in his hand and reporting the situation.

"I think the original plan should be cancelled. Kidnapping is not realistic."

"According to our intelligence, there are at least seven groups of people who want to kidnap Weiner. I think it's better for us to strike first."

Tang Rao laughed.

"Didn't you understand what I said? That Weiner actually brought a student with him. We don't need to kidnap Weiner. We just need to get what we need from his students. Today I gave the maximum of 100 million. price."

"Are you crazy?"

Tang Rao laughed heartily.

"If we get the thing, we can earn more than 1,000 times. Or are you saying you don't want to see me lying in someone else's arms?"

The other side of the communicator was silent. Tang Rao stood up and ended the call. He walked out of the bathroom and walked in front of the mirror. He was applying makeup with a makeup bag. At this time, a woman walked in. Tang Rao continued to apply makeup as if nothing had happened. lipstick.

The woman was also holding a makeup bag and looked like she was going to touch up her makeup. The moment she put down the makeup bag, her eyes suddenly turned fierce.


Tang Rao looked at the softly fallen woman next to him with cold eyes. There was a small hole at the end of the lipstick she was holding, and a needle had been pierced into the neck of the woman next to her.

"A neurotoxin that can kill someone in just 0.5 seconds, are you a novice? Then you're an idiot who doesn't know how to hide his murderous intent."

Tang Rao said as he carefully pulled out the needle with a tissue, put it in the toilet and took it away, then left the bathroom with a small bag.

"Looks like he was exposed!"

Tang Rao knew full well that she should have been exposed, so the killer came. However, Tang Rao walked to the conference venue in a good mood. She had been living on a knife edge every day since she was 11 years old. Have 100% confidence in your abilities.

At this time, there was a burst of exclamations in the venue. After Tang Rao walked in, he saw that the excited scientists were bursting into enthusiastic applause.

X on the stage looked very happy and kept introducing the possible effects of the new substances discovered.

At this moment, behind Tang Rao, the man Li Chu, who had previously refused her entry into the house, approached.

"Can we talk? Miss Tang Xiao."

Tang Rao turned around and raised his middle finger.

"I don't talk to fags."

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