Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 738 Special Chapter Heavenly Punishment

Chapter 738 Special Chapter. Heavenly Punishment VI

A spacious and clean street was surrounded by uniformed management personnel. They kept out a large number of reporters and people. A car drove past on the street from time to time.

At the end of the street is a large brain-shaped creative venue, which is the headquarters of the world's most famous technology exchange seminar.

At 9 a.m. on January 24, a large number of scientists from all over the world began to gather in the venue, where several technology companies played more detailed image files and obtained some information.

One after another, stretched bulletproof luxury cars passed by, and the people sitting inside were either rich or noble. Many of the world's most famous rich people came over. As investors in the project, they had the right to attend this seminar. .

In a room with a large balcony and swimming pool located on the upper floor of the venue, there were more than ten people gathered, as well as a large number of bodyguards. They were drinking and talking about something.

"This plan is very likely to fail. After all, there are too many problems to be solved. Although funding is not a problem, there may be technical problems. After all, this is a problem between countries."

Someone said, and an old woman immediately laughed.

"I believe your scientific research team has obtained the exact information, right? With the current technology, our bodies can still support it for thirty years, but after thirty years we will all have to be buried."

Many people laughed.

"I heard that you recently married another Miss World. Are you okay?"

"What's wrong? That woman is a beauty. If you have time, you can come to my private island villa to play. I don't mind letting you know what makes this beauty so proud."

Many people in the room laughed, and the woman who had just spoken coughed.

"Next, I will introduce you to a person. He is the initiator and organizer of this plan, Dr. X."


The door to the room opened, and a bald young man walked in. He smiled and bowed.

"Good morning everyone, I am X, the initiator of this plan."

"So young."

An old man in his 50s said, and X laughed.

"Unfortunately, sir, I am actually much older than you. I was born in the last century. As for why I am so young, it is inconvenient to reveal it, but I can tell you for sure that as long as you can log in By going to that asteroid, we will have a way to develop a vaccine that can revolutionize your body cells. Although it cannot be said to be a rejuvenation, it is still possible to increase your life span by 50 to 100 years."

For a moment everyone in the room became excited.

"So how much funding will this plan require?"

X said with a grin.

"One trillion D, this is just a small number for you."

At this time, many people showed some doubts.

"Is such an investment really worth it?"

Questions arose, and X showed a cruel smile, then bowed again and said.

"I am not your subordinate. I have no obligation to explain to you. I can only ensure that your investment will not be wasted. The people who want to invest are not limited to you. Even if you don't spend this money, you can still find many buyers. , the time for you to decide whether to invest is limited to today."

"What's your attitude?"

An old man said dissatisfiedly. X turned around and opened the door but was stopped by the bodyguard.

But the next second, small holes opened on the wall of the room, and streaks of scarlet lasers shot out.

"Please don't cause a conflict here, otherwise, the laser weapons in the wall will beat you into pieces before you can hurt me."

Everyone in the room showed fear, and X showed a cold smile.

"This is not your country, nor is it your company. I have the final say here. What we lack in this plan is not funds, but talents. Okay, you have one day to think about it."

X said that he was about to leave, but was forcefully stopped by a bodyguard. At the signal of a guy behind him, X smiled contemptuously.


With a flash of scarlet, the bodyguard who stopped In an instant, in less than a second, all the bodyguards fell to the ground.

"I've warned you."

X said and left the room with a smile. He now needs to meet a very important person, Weiner, who calls himself the Destroyer of Worlds.

X himself respects this man very much, but he is a heretic in the scientific world and has long been exiled by the scientific world. As a top scientist in the quantum mechanics of the universe, X needs his help very much.

X walked along the floor, and angry voices came from the room behind him. He had no interest in money and power. Only science is the ultimate goal that human beings should pursue.

Money and power will always decay and change over time, always rotating over and over again. Only science is eternal.

Soon X came to a floor. At the door of a room on the same floor, X knocked on the door.

"Mr. Weiner, thank you for coming."

In the room, a young man with white hair was chatting happily with Weiner. X glanced at the young man and their eyes met.

X subconsciously felt that this young man was not simple, so he took a few more glances.

"Dr. X, I have only one purpose here. I hope you can cancel this landing plan."

X was a little surprised, but soon laughed.

"You are still the same Mr. Wiener. Don't you want to see progress in human society?"

"Progress means there will be an uncontrollable process."

Bai Tou took the initiative to walk to the balcony, and X walked into the room and closed the door.

"I very much hope that you can participate in this project, Mr. Weiner. This project is the key for us humans to move towards the next era. We have definitely obtained the cell data of those cosmic worms, which is very amazing."

Weiner smiled.

"The current society is enough for human beings. We should solve problems such as war and famine at the moment instead of once again leading human beings into an unknown abyss."

X said with a smile.

“When we were young, we were full of passion and enthusiasm, and we were moving forward on the road of science. When we look back, we are already old. But whether this road itself has an end cannot be covered by theology. Please consider it carefully, Mr. Weiner, I find an academic article you published before very interesting! Please consider it carefully!"

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