"Why can't I see it?"

Lulu looked at Nono who was squatting on the ground and spreading his palms. Blue particles were floating around Nono's palms. Nono had his eyes closed and was investigating.

All tangible things can exist in this world, and its original form is perceptible to Nono. Nono really wants to know what is happening on this planet.

This galaxy, which is located between the seventh and sixth dimensions, is also the first time for Nono and the others to come here. He has followed the Great Elder to visit countless galaxies and has seen countless lives fall. Regarding the visit of this Devourer, Nono wanted to know what happened on the planet he had visited.

With a faint white light, a blurry picture gradually began to form in Nono's head. It was like going back in time, with flames and embers against the background. On a vast expanse of wilderness, there were creatures nearly one meter tall and with long upper bodies. .

This creature has a small head, big eyes, and pieces of connected bone armor on its back. It looks like a crustacean creature. It has four hands, of which the ones near the head are longer and look like pliers. The hands below are smaller and look very flexible. Behind them are round metal houses.

Both males and females appear to be in pairs, with many numbers and symbols, as well as their unique slightly rigid words.

The wind blew gently across the lawn, and a huge shadow crossed the sky. It was a huge flying creature. These creatures were not afraid of seeing this huge flying creature. Instead, they seemed to be in awe of something, raising their heads slightly. Head, as if greeting this flying creature.

Like a strong wind passing by, many young creatures on the grassland were chirping, chasing this huge flying creature, and emitting notes of joy, which should be laughter.

These creatures look primitive on the surface, but in fact they have a highly developed civilization. The metal dome house exposed on the ground is only a small part of them. Under the dome house, these creatures live. The place.

The periphery of the wilderness is a dense forest with thick trunks. The diameter of the trunks of many trees is at least 10 meters. This planet that has experienced many years has a lot of living things.

Lulu happily sat on a stone with her hands on her chin. Changes were still happening around her. The earth was trembling and the sky was mourning. There was not much time left before the planet would completely collapse and disintegrate. The blue particles had already It covers a considerable area and continues to extend towards the surrounding areas at an extremely fast speed.

Lulu knew that Nono wanted to read the material memory of this planet, so as to restore the original appearance of this planet with life in her mind. At least she had to record this image. This is Nono's favorite thing to do. .

"Proof that life existed!"

Lulu grinned slightly. Large swaths of blue particles surged like an ocean. Lulu closed her eyes. A flash of red light suddenly penetrated the ocean of blue particles and rose into outer space. Lulu knew clearly In his head, he saw a planet almost covered in blue particles.

Lulu just likes this about Nono. She has a very sincere character, more so than others. She released her power for a planet that has collapsed, just to understand that this planet once existed. trajectory, which is somewhat incomprehensible in the eyes of others.

"Did you see anything? Nono."

Lulu put her hands on her chin and asked with a smile.

Nuonuo's head tilted slightly towards Lulu.

“A very beautiful place.”

The majestic and vast mountains and rivers, oceans and blue skies, the whole world was once full of vitality, with a huge number of biological groups, and a civilization that coexisted with nature.

Everything on the surface is almost the same as in the primitive era, while underground is a huge underground technological kingdom established by the planet's first civilized creatures, because they were originally primitive creatures living underground and have gone through a long period of time. Evolved to possess intelligence.

"Obviously this is all very good!"

Nono murmured, and the vivid image in his mind made Nono couldn't help but smile.

"Smile, Nono, you are actually quite cute when you smile."

Nono felt a little embarrassed for a moment. The blue particles around him suddenly seemed out of control and became chaotic in an instant. Lulu hurriedly stood up.

"Sorry, sorry, I shouldn't have interrupted your material mind reading."

All tangible things have thoughts, but these thoughts are not in the same dimension. Mountains, rivers and trees, insects, fish, birds and beasts, earth and air, soil and night sky.

This can be clearly seen in the world of microns. Lulu can also read the mind of matter, but she cannot read the mind of an entire planet like Nono.

Gradually, Nuonuo's expression returned to its original appearance, and Lulu knew that she must have seen a bad side.

In a dark, cold and damp underground cage, many creatures are wearing shackles, handcuffs, and special straitjackets. They are criminals.

A pair of angry and unwilling eyes always reveal anger, as well as sadness that appears from time to time. Society is an inevitable product of civilization.

Society means unfairness, unfairness of birth, unfairness of ability, unfairness of treatment. In the end, society will derive order, and order can well stabilize the structure of society.

Anyone who makes a mistake in the order will fall down as a loser.

This is the tragedy of civilized life, what intelligent creatures that have escaped from the laws of nature must experience.

When classes begin to appear, opposition will arise accordingly. This is the eternal theme, because any living thing can only move forward in the process of evolution, and rarely retreat, especially in the face of the huge threat of nature. At that time, creatures must evolve. Only by continuing to evolve until they can get rid of natural threats can they return to the original equality of life.

"Obviously life is equal!"

Nuonuo muttered. At this moment, Lulu felt something strange. A very uneasy aura filled the air around Nuonuo. A black smoke, like a ribbon, floated around Nuonuo. .

"Be careful, Nono, the Devourer's particles are still there."

Nono snorted.

"I'm almost meeting him!"

"Forget it Nono, let's go back to the micron star as soon as possible!"

Lulu looked worriedly, and Nono grinned slightly and shook her head.

"I really want to see it, because there was life here, and I will take away all the memories here as evidence of the existence of life! Stay in my micron world forever."

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