Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 727 Special Chapter The Changes of the Winter Queen

Chapter 727 Special Chapter. Winter Queen. Changes

February 17, 2278

"what's on your mind?"

Phyllis quietly looked at Suzy who poked her head in from the small window next to her. She was standing by the warehouse with a smile. Phyllis's originally dim eyes became brighter. He shook his head and looked towards Susie's abdomen was already clearly bulging.

"It's about to be born!"

Suzy nodded with a smile.

"You shouldn't have come here Suzy, you are now"

"It doesn't matter, right?"

Susie smiled and moved a chair to sit outside the small window. The place has not been demolished yet. Because of Phyllis, Vera did not let Phyllis leave, but let him stay. Because Verla doesn't feel scared because Phyllis is infected with the annihilation virus.

As long as we know the transmission conditions, we can take protective measures, and the most important thing is that this virus is still raging so far. This is the news returned by several exploration teams. The exploration team has traveled as far as 500 kilometers. Outside the city.

Most people have a basic understanding of today's world, especially those who are eager to return to civilized society. They are completely awake. Winter City is their final destination, and the outside world is completely finished.

Some medical talents have also begun to investigate and study the annihilation virus. From time to time, they will come over to extract some NDA from Phyllis and ask Phyllis about some situations, because some abnormal creatures have appeared in the forest outside recently, and they have never appeared before. Some of the creatures that have lived in the past have been hunted and returned. After research, it was found that the DNA information in their bodies overlapped with the DNA information of the annihilation virus as high as 99%, which is incredible.

The world is undergoing some amazing changes, and these mutated animals are being studied by the medical team in the city. Verla attaches great importance to medical research. Now Susie has completely surrendered to this sister. She really It was very amazing, as if she could meet the future.

After some previous cleaning, Winter City is now completely stable, with a population of 60,000, and people are still coming every day.

Susie would come over from time to time to chat with Phyllis. She had clearly told Fred about this before. Fred did not blame her, but supported Susie to come over and chat with Phyllis.

This seemed a bit surprising to Susie, but there was something wrong with Phyllis's condition. Susie was a little worried. She glanced at the food placed on the ground. It had been many days.

"are you not hungry?"

Susie asked and Phyllis shook her head.

"I don't know what's going on with my body, Suzy. I've spoken to the doctors and they said there's been a change in my body's DNA."

Susie hummed and talked to Phyllis about some recent news.

The city has completely changed. Now everyone is still working, and it has not slowed down due to the increase in population. This seems a bit incredible to Susie. In just over a year, a large-scale city has been built. Cities rose from the ground, and all kinds of mechanical tools came into being.

Winter City is expanding at an incredible speed. The Viela plan requires a city that can accommodate a million people. The current progress is only one-tenth of the plan.

The manpower had almost leveled the surrounding mountains and forests. Susie glanced at the houses being built opposite and the mountains that had been dug up in the distance. They were densely packed with people, and everyone was working hard.

The medical system has been basically established. There are now more than 200 doctors in Winter City, and some drugs have been produced in-house. The current situation is much better than in the past. This is everyone's emotion.

The working hours are also adjusted due to rest days and rest periods. For many people, the workload is not too large. Basically, there are people taking turns in every part of the work all the time, and the work efficiency has been reached. maximize.

"You go back and rest, Suzy, after all, you are about to give birth."

Susie hummed, got up and started walking. The Winter Guards behind her immediately came over.

"I'll come back tomorrow. Do you want anything to eat? I'll bring you some."

Phyllis shook his head. After he watched Susie leave, his expression fell into depression again. Although he could go out, he had to be accompanied by the Winter Guards and could not contact anyone. Phyllis had gone out several times. , but now he doesn't want to go out at all. The way people outside look at him makes him feel a little uncomfortable.

So Phyllis doesn't want to go out. He would rather stay here all day. A barbed wire fence has been set up around the warehouse. Ordinary people are not allowed to enter. A small house has been built outside. Some doctors often Will come over, and Phyllis will tell them the situation truthfully.

Phyllis felt very lonely, and only when Susie came, she would feel a little warm in her heart. Now she has completely become an alien.

Phyllis doesn't know who he is now. He heard a medical doctor say that his genes have mutated, and new and unprecedented substances have appeared in the body's cell tissues. The NDA structure seems to have been reorganized, and it is similar to that of human beings. Her genes are completely different, and Phyllis has basically said everything she can.

Phyllis didn't know what would happen next, but he was certain that he might continue like this and be completely isolated. As a research subject, he really wanted to leave this place and stay away from human beings, but he still couldn't let go in his heart. Suzy, Suzy was the only reason Phyllis stayed here.

All the changes nowadays have caught Phyllis off guard. There is no way to predict what the future will be like. In other words, he thinks he has no future. Phyllis stretched out his hand in his broad coat and looked a little slightly. The translucent hand has cracks on it, and a light blue light shines through the cracks.

This power in the body will become stronger as his emotions fluctuate. Phyllis still has feelings and thinking is fine, but his heart can no longer hear beating. Recently, Phyllis seems to not even remember breathing. He tried breathing, but found that he couldn't breathe at all. However, he could smell and see far away. Even if there was an obstruction at a close distance, he could still see what was behind him.

The most obvious change is the sense of hunger and thirst as a human being. Things like hot and cold are no longer felt at all.

This was an extremely strange experience for Phyllis. Phyllis recently knew exactly what he could do. At this time, he looked at his right leg, opened his pants, and could see a large piece of it. The black spots were like pitch-black stones embedded in the rock wall. This thing made Phyllis feel uneasy.

This was the only place where Phyllis felt some pain, just like the previous pain. Phyllis thought for a long time before she understood it. Looking at the black spot embedded in her thigh like a stone, Phyllis felt fear. and anxiety.

Gradually, Phyllis also understood that this thing was the annihilation virus. It was just a small and inconspicuous black spot at first, but now it is getting bigger and bigger. Phyllis didn’t know what to do, but she always felt sad in her heart. I had the impression that I had to get rid of this black spot, otherwise I would die.

Phyllis did not explain this to the doctors. The extracts in her body could detect unknown biological information. The doctors believed that this was the annihilation virus, but Phyllis knew that the extracts on her legs were This black spot is the annihilation virus, and this strange power in the body is suppressing the annihilation virus.

Recently, as the dark spots increased, Phyllis found it difficult to even stand up. He had to do something. Then Phyllis closed his eyes. He wanted to follow the voice in his head and find a solution. method, that voice would appear from time to time, and it felt like I was experiencing something I had never seen before.

Don't be sad, don't be afraid, don't worry, just relax!

Suddenly, this series of things appeared in Phyllis's mind, and he opened his eyes in disbelief. He didn't know what the voice meant.

Think of what else you have!

Phyllis stood up and looked around, but couldn't see anything. He covered his head and felt very shocked. Everything in front of him seemed familiar and yet strange.

Believe in yourself and believe in everything you hope for!

Phyllis ran to the window, where Suzy was just now. He quietly looked at a chair outside, and everything Suzy had said to him in the past came to mind.

Gradually, Phyllis felt happy. At this time, along with a twinge of pain, Phyllis looked at her thigh in shock. There was a sizzling sound, and a black smoke floated up.

Phyllis looked at the dark spots on her thighs in surprise, which were turning slightly red.

Keep this feeling, this is the last thing I can do for you.

"Who are you anyway?"

Phyllis stared blankly as the light blue particles from his body slowly floated out, and these particles began to form a human shape.

"You have inherited my power, but my consciousness has been swallowed up. Remember not to forget the light in your heart. No matter when, as long as your face shines, you will naturally understand everything."

"What exactly are you!"

The human shape formed by blue particles began to collapse in front of him, and Phyllis saw a smile.

"Don't forget, if you can't keep the light in your heart, you will definitely be eaten. Use this power well and use it for those suffering lives."

As blue particles scattered, the human figure in front of him disappeared. These blue particles entered Felice's body along the cracks on the surface of his skin.

Phyllis stood there in a daze, his mood a little difficult to calm down. He didn't know what this thing talking to him was, but what was certain was that the voice was no longer in his head. Phyllis looked at The dark spots on his legs became smaller, and he fell into deep thought.

2 o'clock in the afternoon

Many places began to become lively, with the sound of banging and banging. Lu Jin walked quietly in the city, holding a clear list and checking it from house to house to prevent anyone from stealing food.

These things must be done once a week. Once it is found that the amount of food is too different, something can be found. Some of the people who distributed food have been sent to the mines for punishment.

Now Lu Jin is not responsible for distributing food, but visits every household every week to complete the food distribution comparison in his own area, because each area will have detailed records of what food is eaten every day and how much food is used, and Lu Jin needs to do Just ask these people if they have received enough food for themselves today.

There will also be false reports, but once a malicious false report is discovered, you will immediately lose your identity as a citizen of Winter City and be directly expelled, so basically everyone does not dare to lie.

Because I was under surveillance cameras before, and I obviously received enough food, but because I had a grudge with the person who distributed the food, I deliberately said that I didn't receive the food. As a result, this person was expelled directly.

Later, the exploration team found that he died on the road. The monitoring system is still being set up. After the monitoring system is set up, if there is a problem, the monitoring can be checked. However, the electronic equipment is currently seriously insufficient. The next wave of exploration teams will set off soon. .

"Hey, Lu Jin, do you want to have a drink with me at my house tonight?"

In front of him, Redes, who was sitting at the door of the radio station, greeted Lukin with a smile. Lukin greeted him with a smile. There was a hint of chill in his eyes, but it was only fleeting. Lukin had no plans to deal with this guy Redes. Being too close to him was because Lu Jin knew very well that he had been put on the list of serious targets.

Lu Jin now has another identity. He is a secret agent directly affiliated with Fred. He will observe every move in Winter City and then report it to him. Because of Lu Jin's various actions in the past, some guys who were dissatisfied with Vila took the initiative to contact him with excuses. Predictably, they were all publicly executed.

Lu Jin enjoys everything now. He is different from the past. In these few short months, Lu Jin feels like he has grown up. At this time, many people are standing silently on the street in the distance. On the side, Lu Jin immediately hunched over and looked at Susie walking through the street surrounded by the Winter Guards. A trace of bitterness floated in Lu Jin's heart, and he shook his head with a wry smile.

"That's good."

The reason why he became a secret agent was because Susie came to find him personally. Lu Jin nodded immediately without any hesitation.


Redes laughed contemptuously, and there was anger in Lu Jin's eyes. He had advised Susie many times to just deal with Redes, but Susie still did not agree. Although Lu Jin knew that he would take the long term to catch the big fish. This is true, but Lu Jin knows what Redes is doing secretly in private. Some of his women are very close, including Gerry's wife.

Lukin didn't know why Gerry's wife was talking to Redes. He had seen it once, but he didn't tell Gerry about it. He could only report it secretly and let other spies observe it.

"Come to my place and play when you have time, Lu Jin!"

Redes said and walked into the radio station. Lu Jin hummed and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

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