At the bottom of the prison tower, inside the huge and long tunnel, there were a lot of banging sounds. Each prisoner was digging shirtless. In a newly built grotto more than a hundred meters to the left of the excavation site, Leng Rui huddled in In a shabby and smelly blanket, he often had a high fever and talked nonsense in the past few days.

Because of the side effects after taking the special drug to fake death, and the injuries he deliberately caused to hide from the guards, he felt like he had been in hell these past few days.

At this moment, a man wearing a linen hood, with only two eyes exposed, nearly 2.5 meters tall, extremely strong and strong, with arms as thick as water pipes, strode in. He was holding a sumptuous sum of food in his hand.

The man's eyes were full of kindness and he knelt down next to Leng Rui. The man in the hood had been taking care of Leng Rui these days. The man had a hunched back and was a bit sloping. He knelt down and gently put down the food.

"Something to eat."

The man's voice was rough, like crushed walnuts, a little broken, and his articulation was not very clear.

"When you are full, you will feel angry."

Leng Rui trembled and shook his head. He couldn't eat it.

"Quasimodo, thank you, yourself."

Before Leng Rui could finish speaking, Quasimodo, the man with a linen hood behind him, picked up Leng Rui like a baby. He first fed him a mouthful of hot soup, and after Leng Rui got used to it, he started to hold Leng Rui little by little. The food was crushed and fed to Leng Rui.

"That's enough, Quasimodo, you eat the rest."

Seeing that there was still more than half of the food, which was the first normal food he had seen in seven years, Leng Rui couldn't help crying.

A calloused, thick index finger pressed on Leng Rui's cheek, wiping his tears.

Quasimodo is a very good man. According to rumors, he is extremely ugly. People here sometimes treat him as a fool, but he has a very gentle temper. He has never had any disputes with others, and he will also take the initiative to treat himself as a fool. The food in exchange is given to those in need.

Leng Rui didn't know why Quasimodo came in. He asked the wise man several times, but the wise man didn't know either. The only one who knew about Quasimodo's past was Alpha.

There was a sound of footsteps, and Alpha walked in with a cigarette in his mouth.

"You eat the rest. There will be some left in a few days, otherwise it will go bad. If you understand, then eat it."

Quasimodo's huge body sat up cross-legged, closing his eyes as if praying, holding the plate, and after a while he began to eat, eating slowly and carefully.

"Boy, the old man asked me to ask you, what exactly did you leave on the Internet?"

Leng Rui looked at Quasimodo with some worry, Alpha looked back at the cave and said.

"He is also the target of this transaction between the old man and Jean. Let's talk about it. The situation in the city is very chaotic now."

Leng Rui hummed.

"It's a built-in plan, a human transformation plan. This is a document I saw when I committed the crime. The specific things can only be found by intruding into the Congress network. There are also many records of transactions between members, clerks and businessmen. As long as these records are slightly compared with the food production and other material production of the 12 families every month, we will find that they are completely inconsistent. There are too many people involved, and it is still impossible to fully understand it."

Alpha nodded and leaned against the cave wall quietly.

"Take good care of him Quasimodo. I will deliver food regularly. Don't let people who don't know the truth see this kid."

Quasimodo nodded.

"Yeah, I'll take care of it."

What makes Leng Rui a little confused at this time is that in addition to the wise man, Alpha, himself and Quasimodo next to him, there are 5 people involved in the transaction. Who is the other person?

10 o'clock in the morning

In an underground bar located on Circular 9th Street, Tian Hen was already drunk. There were bottles of wine lying on the table. Niya was leaning on the soft tiger-striped sofa with a cigarette in her mouth.

The decoration of the bar is very monotonous. When you look up, you can see a bar counter with rows of tables and chairs on both sides, all made of light and shadow. Now there are only sofas and tables where two people can sit. The boss is almost a hundred years old. He was an old man, dressed as a standard waiter. No one would come to the bar at this point, but he opened it to familiar customers early in the morning. When the boss saw Tianhen and Niya, he let them in.

"Tianhen, Lord Jean, don't you plan to come over today?"

Niya glanced at the boss.

"Old Liu, go about your business."

Tianhen stared at the ceiling with slightly red eyes, his hat had already covered his eyes, and he looked limp.

"You idiot, do you know what the consequences will be if I wait a little longer? It is true that your military department has the power of extrajudicial execution and will directly execute these guys who have anything to do with the rioters who endanger the city, but things have to be done through a process."

"You mean dumping everything on them?"

Tianhen looked at Niya with red eyes, and drank unhappily from the bottle. Niya snatched the bottle from Tianhen's hand.

"I'm afraid our two departments are in trouble now. Accountability is indispensable, and the positions of the bastards who caused the trouble are not low. Maybe we will be removed from this position this time."

"Go down, go down, I'll join Section 13, and then kill the pigs that stained us one by one, and the whole world will be clean."

Niya smiled.

"Some guys did it on purpose. Although Mo Xiaolan didn't say it clearly, it would take a lot to find out Ji Mo's bastard. Someone stabbed Ji Mo's group in the back. Now Ji Mo's whereabouts are unknown, and all the spearheads are at stake. Pointed at him, the 2nd Division can detect such a huge and dense line so quickly and accurately. They can't do it without conclusive evidence. The situation in the 9th Business Division is even worse now. I sent someone secretly last night 379 people have been arrested, and things can no longer be suppressed. Some people hope that this problem will be exposed and use this to impeach us."

Tianhen stared at Niya blankly, and Niya stood up and pressed Tianhen's cheek.

"We must hold on to this position no matter what, even if we pour all the dirty water on others, even if it leads to tragedy, if we hand over our rights, the consequences will be unimaginable. Do you still remember what Gene said? Before we We were still just clerks."

“Only when you climb to the corresponding position can you accomplish what you want to accomplish.”

After a while, Tianhen calmed down and slapped his cheek.

"The big change is coming soon. The only thing we can do is not to let those pigs push us down. If this city eventually becomes a place where all the sorrow and pain are borne by the people at the bottom, everything will end. This It’s not that there is no justice in the world, there is only good-hearted people who don’t act. Let’s keep our heads clear. We are gray, neither black nor white.”

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