Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 714 Special Chapter Winter Queen Peace?

Chapter 714 Special Chapter. Winter Queen. Peace?

"It's very bad. It's very bad. Who can come and help us? This is CKJDHG29. If anyone can hear us, we have been hungry for several days and most of us are sick. Today is May 29th. Who can Tell us, what should we do, where should we go, where is it safe?”

July 19, 2076, 9:03 am

Gerry worriedly recorded the content of this intermittent radio wave. This was what Gerry would do every day before he was completely controlled by the monsters. He would always receive some incomplete radio communications, but many of them were incomplete. It was already a month or two ago.

Through these scattered news, we can roughly know some of the conditions in the outside world. Although Gerry still holds a glimmer of hope that one day he will suddenly receive a notice from the government to let everyone return to the city, but it is obvious that This is no longer possible.

The world is over!

Gerry wrote this line of small words on the last page of his notes, then closed the notebook, when several people walked in.

"Those bastards are too much. It's just a few extra kilograms. They want us to give us an extra kilogram of food."

Gerry looked very angry when he looked at the few people who came in. The food in the fields was grown by them with careful care and hard work every day.

"As long as you can survive, you will always find water."

Gerry said that this is the top priority in their town. Now the engineers are trying to use some simple equipment to make some tools and explore nearby. As long as they can find some water sources, they don't have to be restricted by the water plant. Side.

Now the road to the water plant is interrupted here. Those guys have built a checkpoint with some iron plates disassembled from cars. They need to send some food there every week. Water is currently a scarce thing in the town. Everyone only needs it every day. They can get up to 500 grams of water, plus irrigation water, which amounts to nearly 10 tons of water a day, and they need to bring out 1 ton of food.

There are still more than 7,000 people in the town, and the current food production is enough to supply everyone. They are still increasing their efforts in reclamation, and they still owe nearly 1 ton of food to the people at the water plant.

The food had been mentioned and would be replenished during the next harvest, and the other party agreed. This week, Gerry went over to talk to Vila again, but they still broke up on bad terms.

Today's food distribution is a problem. It can only allow those who rest to eat less and those who work to eat more. Everyone agrees. Now there are more than 300 residents in the town, and Redes has planned to Gather them together and go directly to the water plant to talk to them. If this continues, their food will not be able to satisfy everyone.

After finally driving the monsters out of the town, but now he is in such a water shortage dilemma, Gerry knows that it is not easy to live, now that the world has been destroyed.

The few people who came in to negotiate looked unhappy. Now everyone in the town was accusing the guys at the water plant of banditry. At a time like this, everyone can only survive if they unite, but their actions are no different from bandits. .

"This can't go on like this, Gerry. How about we capture the water plant? That's better or worse."

"No, we have to avoid casualties and conflicts now. If the conflict continues, neither of us will get a good result."

Gerry's goal now is very clear. After trying every means to find the water source, he can at least prevent the town from being so passive.

The current residential area of ​​the town is only two-thirds, and most people still live near farmland because the daily power supply is limited.

"Lu Jin, take people there, bring strong light equipment and weapons, bring at least 100 people there, 50 people will dismantle it, 50 people will be on guard, dismantle some things on the car, and give it to them."

The young man named Lu Jin hummed, turned around and walked away. Gerry was very kind to Lu Jin before, but since he came in, this young man who is only 20 years old has treated Gerry as an elder brother. He also obeyed his words.

"Gerry, how about I take someone to check it out?"

"Don't have such thoughts for the time being, Lu Jin. If there is a conflict, we will not get good results."

Looking at the few people leaving, Gerry planned to go to the factory to take a look. Now he had to find a way to increase the power production capacity. Gerry had already selected a group of young people and planned to use the same tactics as in the army. Slowly train them to serve as an effective defense force for the town.

Everything can only be done step by step. War is bound to come. There is no possibility of peace talks unless Vierra can be killed. But according to what Redes said, Vierra now has her own escorts, those she The young hunters in the village served as her escorts. These hunters had been active in the mountains and forests since they were children and had strong fighting abilities.

Redes has seen the power of these hunters with his own eyes, and the people in the water plant are basically obeying Vierra's words now, plus Vierra's current condition of exchanging water for food, they can live very well. No one wants to come to town.

Even the original townspeople in the town wanted to go to the water plant. Redes said that when he discussed the water plant issue with the original townspeople, many townspeople still complained about these outsiders and disturbed them. Everything, the words reveal dissatisfaction.

People from outside basically rarely talk to the townspeople. Many small groups have already been formed, including some people in the town who also have complaints. However, the people on Gerry's side control weapons and technology. They can only obey orders.

This is not going to work. Gerry recalled everything in the army in the past. No matter what kind of circle or class, different small groups would always be divided. It is not easy to achieve the current balance.

At this time, the door to the room was pushed open, and Redes limped in.

"Gerry, I'm going to negotiate with them tomorrow. What do you think we need to do to make Vila relax?"

Gerry laughed.

"I think it's better to forget it, Redes, but over there in the barn, we must not let that guy come out."

Redes said with a hum.

"He was just given food and water once a day and he agreed to stay in the barn and be delivered by the woman named Susie."

The two of them were talking about Phyllis. He was the carrier of the annihilation virus. There was also a lightless zone over there. Redes had sent people to guard some places with light sources on the outside in order to prevent the carrier from coming over. He You can move freely in the dark area, but you cannot enter the lighted area.

"Redes, you'd better take a good rest and wait until your leg heals before going there. After all, you people there have a lot of opinions now."

Redes knew what Gerry wanted to say and just nodded. Indeed, in the process of talking with the townspeople he had known well in the past few days, many of them felt that it was unfair. Some houses and land were theirs, but these outsiders But they didn't feel any guilt at all. It was clearly their fault that the town had become like this, and some townspeople even planned to take their belongings to the water plant.

Internal and external troubles are the current situation in the town. Redes also knows that if this continues, the town will soon face collapse again, especially those monsters wandering around the outside of the town. Once they are dragged into the darkness, There is no way to come back.

People have been missing one after another in the past few days. Although the alert has been stepped up, when night comes, monsters will wander in the mountains and forests, and it is impossible to go up the mountain to sweep them away.

"We can only take one step at a time."

At 10 o'clock in the morning, most people in the town began to rotate to work in the farmland. Many people would compete to work in order to get a little more food. However, the number of people working every day was limited. Now in the town It was like a lively market, with people gathering everywhere.

Only the south side of the town was deserted. Some people were pulling on the metal mesh, trying to completely isolate the south side.

Especially the auditorium where the monsters used to go every night. It was full of human skeletons. Many people looked creepy. Some people suggested burning the place down, but in the end, some of the original residents of the town found it. He finally gave up amid the noise.

Behind the auditorium is a large forest where most of the plants have withered. It looks a bit scary, and monsters can be seen wandering in the forest from time to time.

"You won't last long."

At this time, next to a big tree, Kuris quietly looked at the situation in the town. He was surrounded by controlled parasites. Nearly a thousand parasites had escaped. Kuris was not in a hurry. He planned to Slowly studying, behind Kuris, on a flat ground, there are several tree stumps pierced into the ground. Black and red tentacles are crawling all over the tree stumps. On them are several people captured a few days ago. They look like they are dying. .

Kuris walked over with a smile and looked at a frightened man. He kept shaking his head and seemed to still have some strength.

"It's okay, you will become one of our kind soon."

The more Kulis studies, the more he feels the magic of this parasitic organism. He has now surpassed the category of human beings. This is not the first time Kulis has seen this kind of extraterrestrial object. It was during the asteroid landing plan. I have seen some materials sent back by top-secret detection robots before.

That's why Curris and his team rushed to the coast as soon as they discovered this kind of object. All creatures are small and humble in front of this kind of object. Curris planned to stay for a while and then go to the city. Only when you get there can you find some research equipment, so that you can better deconstruct this object.

It's just that these parasites can't bear to move long distances now. Now Kuris can only find a way to turn these parasites into parasites like Mux.

Kuris plans to continue to stay here, as long as there are hundreds of parasites like Mux at his disposal, it is enough. Now, including the people at the water plant, there are nearly 10,000 people here. According to current statistics The probability, 100 to 1, is completely enough for Kuris to leave with the parasites in the second stage.

Whether it is the situation in the water plant or the situation here, Kuris knows clearly that some parasites are hidden in the town and the water plant. The parasites in their bodies have not attacked because Kuris has been able to accurately control these parasites. thing.

Like normal people, they will not notice anything strange in their bodies. They are like mobile surveillance, allowing Kuris to see every move on both sides.

From the perspective of Kuris, the current deal between the town and the water plant has already created the final result from the beginning. No matter which side wins, it doesn’t matter to Kuris. They are all his experimental subjects. .

Kuris closed his eyes and immediately laughed. Looking at the situation in the water plant, it looked very smooth. The fields cultivated on the foothills on the right side of the water plant had been successfully planted and harvested. It shouldn't be a problem, and the people in the water plant seem to be living quite well now, because they have received more than one meal of food this week.

"It won't be long."

Kuris smiled and turned around. At this time, the tentacles entangled with these people pierced their bodies bit by bit. These people looked quite painful and could not even scream.

12 noon

It was the time of day when the sun was the strongest, and Virla looked at her father sitting in the truck, some people in the village, and the food on the truck.

"Be careful yourself Vella."

Claure said, and Fred beside him said with a smile.

"I'll send you back and I'll be back soon."

Claure nodded. He had to go back to the village to tell everyone about the situation. He also had to take a look at the current situation in the village. The prey would only become more and more scarce. Vierla also planned to wait for discussions with everyone in the village to build a new farm near the village. Some planting areas were established in some open flat lands.

People in the water plant are very happy these days, because there is more food, and Virla also takes advantage of the food delivered to give everyone a little more food.

The top priority is to make some simple traps in some mountains and forests near the water plant. Hunters have been making them in the past few days. All of this is to prevent problems before they happen. Vierla does not intend to be lenient to the people in the town.

Recently, the flow of water in the underground river has begun to decrease sharply. Virla knows that in a few years, it will fall into the most harsh era. Only two to three thousand people are needed. It is best to continue slowly, and if there are too many people If it does, it will definitely collapse.

It's obviously the rainy season, and the sky is always hazy, but it hasn't rained recently. This is what worries Vierra.

But what we should be worried about now is the problems in the town. Those guys will not continue to let them exploit like this.

"Okay, now those of you who have free time, continue to build the reservoir."

Verla plans to build some small reservoirs near the water plant, so as to prevent the water from being completely cut off when the groundwater dries up one day.

We can't hold on here for long. Werla plans to take the people back to his village after he has accumulated enough food. There are mountains and forests at his back, and there are several water sources, so there is no problem at all.

The truck slowly drove out of the water plant, and Fred, who was driving, had a darkened expression.

"I think my sister should have a good talk with the people in the town."

Claure looked at his son, then laughed.

"Klauer, if I were Vila, I might want more."

Fred hummed. His father supported his sister's approach because such a selfish approach could allow a small community to continue for a longer period of time. And the purpose of her sister's doing this was ultimately for everyone in the village. This was Will Ra has said it clearly.

For the people in the town and the outsiders, Vierla will not treat them the same as he treats the people in the village. Vierla also said that these people are only short-term labor force.

Fred felt a little cruel, but he couldn't say anything, because this was the natural law that their village had followed since ancient times. They had been slowly relying on nature for so many years.

My sister did this just to allow the village to continue better. In such an apocalypse, the village can no longer continue by relying on the hunting model of the past.

"Don't say anything about Fred when you go back. Some people may find it difficult to accept it."

Fred hummed silently.

A brief period of peace came, and for the next month, transactions between the town and the waterworks continued. Although there were some quarrels between the two sides, there was never a larger conflict.

August 18

"Can't Vila deserve more?"

Gerry came with three human-powered generators. He originally wanted to pay for 6 tons of water, but Vierra only counted 3 tons.

"There's nothing we can do about it. We have no shortage of electricity here."

There was a buzz of people all around. People in the town and people in the water plant were carrying out various discussions and transactions. Bartering was the most direct way, and the distribution of food and other things on both sides was almost the same. almost.

"4 tons!"

Finally, Verla said, and Gerry hummed, looking at the trading market in front of him with a smile. Most of the people in the town exchanged food for some things, water or some fur equipment. The temperature has been getting colder and colder recently, so It seems like winter has entered.

"Virla, when can we sit down and talk about it? As long as everything is allocated in detail and each of us takes care of it, I think we will all live a better life."

Verla stared at Gerry sideways, shook her head and decisively rejected Gerry's proposal.

"That's fine now."

Gerry just smiled. Recently, he heard people at the water plant say that Vila would always send some food back to the village. Such a move caused dissatisfaction among some people, but due to Vila's current absolute rule, , most people could only complain, and they heard that Vila had already reclaimed planting land in her village.

Although the water can still be supplied every day recently, the speed is much slower. Gerry asked some questions indirectly, and it is certain that the water flow at the water plant should have decreased. After all, there has not been a rain from last month to now. rain.

"Okay, the deal is over."

Following Gerry's order, everyone began to separate. The people holding weapons on both sides also looked at each other warily and began to separate. Gerry waved his hand.

"Be a little cheaper next time in Vila. We are short of water here every day."

Vila didn't say anything. A strict grading system has been established in the water plant. Craftsmen are the highest class, strong young and middle-aged people are the middle class, and the old, weak, sick and disabled are the bottom class.

Each class receives different treatment. If you want to get more, you have to make a contribution. The water plant has completed a great transformation in just one month. There are many more machinery and equipment. Those who have reclaimed the land have There are crops in the fields ready for harvest.

Vierra knew the current situation in the town, because in the past, some residents of the town had agreed to Vierra's proposal and acted as spies for the water plant. Every time Gerry came over, he seemed relaxed and happy. In fact, there were people in the town. 5 adults can only eat one meal a day.

The disadvantages of having too many people have been highlighted, and Viera knew very well that even if they didn't use food for water, they would definitely collapse again because of the food problem.

In the absence of the sun, it is unrealistic to only rely on light to provide light for work. The yield and quality of the crops grown will not be very good.

In Verla's vision, a maximum of 1,500 to 2,000 people is enough. Once this number is exceeded, problems will only arise again and again in such a harsh environment.

Now Gerry and the others are in a dilemma. Many conflicts have broken out in the town, but such conflicts will only become more intense.

Vierla has already made plans to bring the useful people back to the village once the field reclamation near the village is completed, while the useless people will stay.

"Look carefully, someone will come to replace you tonight."

There are 50 to 100 people stationed at this small water flow monitoring station in the middle of the road. As Vierla said, he walked slowly, and many people began to walk towards the water plant one after another.

At this time, Gerry felt mixed emotions inside. He was very tired. Now large and small gangs have been formed in the town, and the situation is very bad. If this continues, a new round of collapse will happen again. The drop in temperature has indeed affected the yield and quality of most crops.

Many people have discussed attacking the water plant. Basically, Gerry did not say that food cannot be supplied to everyone even if the water is not exchanged. But now most people's understanding is that those greedy guys in the water plant take it. Gone most of the food.

Along the way, Gerry heard many people complaining. This was no longer a small problem. There were more and more voices of dissatisfaction. Those who could only eat one meal a day were saying it was unfair, and Hege People with good connections here or people on Gerry's side can eat two meals a day.

Gerry also discussed this issue with Redes, and finally came to the conclusion that only some people can be allowed to leave, and conflicts are unavoidable. Next week, Gerry and Redes will promulgate some measures, which violate the People who take these measures will be driven away. This is a helpless move. The cultivated fields cannot feed more than 7,000 people.

"The brief peace is ending!"

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