Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 706 Special Chapter Winter Queen Blackwater

Chapter 706 Special Chapter. Winter Queen. Black Water

Fallen leaves were flying in the wind, and the ground creaked from time to time. Verla quietly looked at the small village in front of her where smoke was still rising. Occasionally, she could see people walking by. She tiredly held on to a tree. The slowly withering tree sat on the ground tiredly, looking at everything in the village with a smile.

Nothing in the village has changed, or this place will not change. Looking at the villagers wearing fur clothes, preparing dinner, Vierla did not walk over, but watched quietly, regardless of Whenever I return to this village, I feel extremely comfortable.

This sense of calm gave Vila a little solace in her originally restless and tired heart. Obviously now was not the time to look at the daily life of the village. It took her more than two days to arrive at the village because she took the wrong way. It took Verla some time to find this road, and then in order not to get lost, she could only keep walking along the old road entering the village, which took some more time.

The mountain forest near the village had been walked by her parents when she was a child. Even now, Vila is still very familiar with it. When walking through the forest following her memories, Vila thought about a lot of things, very many things.

These things that have been bothering Vila since she was a child came to mind very clearly during this solo journey back to the village.

Many things were things that Vila had never considered in the past. At this time, someone in the village noticed Vila. After a while, several young people in the village came over. Their eyes were innocent and shy. Come here shyly.

"Willa, why did you come back? Aunt Tasqi always talks about you."

Vierla smiled and greeted several young hunters in the village. They were always shy, lowered their heads and did not dare to look at Vierla. At this time, a hunter stammered.

"Did something happen?"

Several young hunters also saw some injuries on Vila's body, and the pain in her tired and melancholy eyes. Vila pursed her lips and hugged him with a smile. For a while, several young hunters were at a loss. Getting up, Vila stretched out her arms as much as possible and brought several young hunters over. Everyone was a little at a loss.

"Where's your brother?"

A few minutes later, Verla stood in the village, smiling as many nearby villagers came out. Verla just smiled playfully, looking at the man in front of her who was still beautiful even though she was old, with perseverance on her face. The woman looked at herself seriously.

"Fred didn't come back with me."

The name of the woman in front of her was Taschi, who was the mother of Vila and Fred. After Taschi came over, she looked at some of the scars on Vila’s body. Many people around her could see that Vila should be Coming back from walking in the forest, I had a lot of scratches on my body, and my clothes were stained with many plants that are only found in the forest.

Many people in the village came over and felt that something was not right. There was a hint of embarrassment in Vila's expression. Fred had come back before and he just told the people in the village to be careful. Now A big problem happened outside, and he left in a hurry, but no one in the village knew what happened during this time.

"Where's my dad?"

Vila asked, and Tasqi spoke.

"They went into the mountains to hunt and may come back tomorrow."

Vila smiled and informed everyone. After eating, they gathered in the middle of the village. Vila had something important to tell everyone.

Returning to the familiar home, Vila watched her mother add some more food and started cooking. She sat by the window without saying a word, quietly looking at everything outside the window, no matter what was going on outside. No matter how it changes, it has always remained the same here. Life is the same every day. There is almost no communication with the outside world. Everyone lives happily in this small village on the mountain.

"Is something wrong, Virla?"

Tasqi asked, and Verla hummed, pursed her lips, and her expression was slightly bitter. She sighed and said.

"The situation out there is bad right now, very bad."

Taschi put down what she was doing and walked to her daughter.

"Tell mom, what happened?"

Verla hummed, and for a moment she didn't know where to start. Her mother was a more considerate person in the family. Unlike her stubborn father, when the two siblings wanted to go to school in the town, if it hadn't been for their mother Otherwise, the two siblings would not be able to leave the village.

Then Tasqi started talking, starting from the outsiders starting to block the outside of the town, to the current situation, Tasqi's originally gentle expression gradually became serious.

After a simple meal of delicious stewed meat and wild vegetable soup, Verla felt a little more energetic. Although she was tired after walking all the way in the past few days, she was more energetic now.

More and more people have gathered in the middle of the village. Recently, the villagers have also noticed that the situation has changed, because the sun is always hidden behind thick clouds, and the mountain forests have begun to wither after several rains. The prey that could often be seen in the past also moved deeper into the forest.

The temperature also started to get lower and lower. It was obviously June, but it seemed like the cold winter in December. This change made everyone feel that something was wrong, but they didn't know what was happening.

Looking at the pair of clean and clear eyes, there was some suspicion, and the people were almost gathered, Vierla started to speak.

Werla did not explain many things in detail. He only told the villagers that everything happening now was caused by the huge fireball that fell a few months ago. Afterwards, under the shocked expressions of many villagers, Werla continued to talk. Looking at the current events in the town, from the initial conflict to the current complete confrontation, the two sides have fallen into a state where there is no way to negotiate peace, and have been engaged in a firefight for more than a month.

Taschi, who was sitting next to Vila, felt something was wrong. These things had a huge impact on the villagers, and the current conflicts in the town actually had nothing to do with them.

From a long time ago, people in the village have maintained the tradition of hunting and do not have contact with outsiders. If outsiders do not come to disturb the people in the village, it is impossible for the people in the village to disturb the outside world. The reason why Vila said these things was for a purpose.

Tasqi has known since she was a child that her daughter will always use some small means to achieve some goals. This is very similar to herself, because in the past, Tasqi had many competitors in order to be with her husband. Next, Tasqi also did a lot of things secretly, and finally allowed her husband to win and be with her husband successfully.

After Vierla finished speaking, people in the village started talking about it, especially the tragedy that Tasqi mentioned in the town, which seemed unbelievable and appalling to many villagers.

"There is nothing false about what I said. The purpose of my coming back this time is to hope that everyone can help me. If the outsiders in the town are allowed to continue, one day they will come here. Those people He has gone crazy, and is no longer a human being, but a bloodthirsty monster."

Vila shouted in a high-pitched voice. She saw some people nodding and some shaking their heads. Everyone was still talking, and the village chief was also thinking quietly about something.

"This is not in keeping with our traditions, Viera."

At this time, the village chief spoke, and many people fell silent and began to nod.

"Village Chief, what I said will have a great impact on the future. If we really don't do anything, they will definitely come here one day, as well as several nearby ones that are much smaller than us. Village, they will definitely attack us.”

The village chief fell into silence, and all the villagers started talking again. Many people were still reluctant to leave the village and go to the town to participate in such a bloody struggle.

Vierra was still trying his best to persuade the villagers, but finally the village chief stood up and said.

"Stop talking, Viera, we will discuss this matter."

In the end, the villagers dispersed, and Viela was a little disappointed, but if he didn't ask for help from the villagers, one day the mine would fall, and those aliens would pour into the mine.

When night came, Verla lay on the bed on the second floor. Taschi was still packing some things. Verla looked at her mother and wanted to say something to her, but in the end she held back.

"What exactly do you want to do, Virla!"

At this time, Tasqi asked. She knew very well that her daughter must have a purpose. Seeing that Vila did not speak, Tasqi fell silent.

"I just want to do something. Mom, this is an opportunity. One day, the prey may no longer be captured. What will our village do then?"

Tasqi put down the things in his hands, sat on the edge of the bed, thought for a while and then said.

"Let it go, daughter, I watched you grow up, you want to do something, or if you don't do it, those people will die, right?"

Verla hummed, then pulled up the blanket. Taschi glanced at an old-fashioned shotgun hanging in the room. She stood up and picked up the shotgun.

“Tackle threats before harm occurs.”

Verla hummed.

The small village fell into darkness. Most of the villagers would go to bed at 8 o'clock in the evening and get up before 7 o'clock in the morning and start to get busy. Some people would go directly into the mountains, and some would go to some nearby wild vegetable fields to tend. .

This comfortable and quiet little village has almost no changes. No matter what era, the village always remains the same. Everyone is a hunter, and this has been the case for generations.

June 27, 2076


Gerry and more than ten people stood quietly on the second floor of a small shop in the north of the town, staring at the place illuminated by the surrounding light. Tonight, they planned to wait until late at night, go around the middle of the town, and go to the town. Check it out on the north side.

In the past few days, Silly didn't need to remind them that many people living in the town had felt strange. There was indeed something strange about the lunatics wandering around the town during the day.

Someone told Gerry before that he saw a man jumping directly from the ground to a roof more than ten meters high, like a wild beast, on all fours, with a fierce look in his eyes. Someone once saw a man laughing maniacally and raising a very high With such a heavy car, even this seemed impossible to Gerry.

But just during the day today, Gerry saw a weak-looking woman who easily broke an iron rod. This scene shocked Gerry. In the past few days, Gerry had discovered the actions of those lunatics. Getting faster and faster, no longer like humans.

Tonight Gerry planned to go to the auditorium on the north side of town to have a look, because most of them gathered there every night and had no idea what they were doing.

The one-week deadline was coming soon, and Gerry didn't intend to let anyone else dictate to him. Several people were still discussing that they would go directly through the forest outside the town and go all the way to the auditorium to the north to have a look.

"Please check your weapons."

Gerry reminded that everyone in the room began to check each other. Among them was a man named Rodel who had exchanged fire with them before when they launched a surprise attack.

Rodel has already said that that night he saw with his own eyes how the townspeople who were armed with weapons died tragically at the hands of those people. Those people seemed to be able to see in the dark night and moved very quickly. This is not at all Things that people can do.

Then Gerry took the people and set off. Soon a group of people entered the mountain forest from the west of the town. Everyone climbed up the mountain carefully. After a while, they arrived at the mountain forest to the west of the town. In advance, Gerry had led people to set up the climbing equipment two days ago and had confirmed the route in advance.

Soon they found that on the road entering the town, there were still many cars parked. These were materials that could be used in the future. In the past few days, Gerry would bring people over every day to dismantle the materials on the cars and then start Touch some.

After a while, Gerry and the others came to the mountain forest to the south and west of the town. Looking at the dark town below, the wind always carried some disgusting food, and many people couldn't help it. Covering their noses, although they have tried this smell, they still cannot accept it. Some people have been having nightmares for many days in a row. This is not something that people can endure.

Soon Gerry and his party arrived at the edge of the southern town. They walked quietly. Everyone wore fur mats on their feet to avoid making too much noise.

Sure enough, Gerry saw a lot of people at the door of the auditorium. There was only a dim light outside the auditorium. More than 10 people quietly reached the back of the auditorium. What was strange to Gerry was that they were completely unguarded. No matter it is day or night, they will not arrange for anyone to guard it.

As if telling everyone that they don't need to be on guard at all, they are the leaders here.

Gradually, Gerry and others reached the back of the auditorium. At the broken window, Gerry peeked in. Through the dim light, Gerry noticed Mux who was standing at the top of the auditorium doing something. , you can tell from his clothes that Mux seems to be smiling at this time, constantly stretching out his hand to hold a bowl and serving something for the people in the queue to drink. All the people in the queue look very expressive. Weird, they seemed to be longing for something.

The person who drank the contents of the bowl immediately knelt down and worshiped. Gerry held a night vision device and after putting it on, he saw a large bucket of water. Gerry didn't know what was in it. Mux kept giving People in line drank water from the bucket.

At this time, Gerry remembered that during this period of time, he had hardly seen Mux and the others eating. What he saw every day was their zombie-like state. Gerry felt that it was getting more and more strange. people also find it strange.

"What on earth are they doing?"

Rodel asked, and Gerry immediately signaled him not to speak. At this time, Gerry noticed that Mux stopped what he was doing, and suddenly his eyes started to shake. Mux disappeared, and Gerry was shocked. His eyes widened, and just when Gerry was confused, the lights in the auditorium suddenly turned on.

Gerry immediately took off his night vision goggles. At this time, everyone saw that it was a large bucket of black water, and there were some things floating on the water, which looked like vines. For a moment when Gerry was stunned, There was a crunching sound, the sound of someone stepping on a branch.

"Keep your voices down."

As soon as Gerry turned his head, he saw Muke standing behind them. More than ten people were shocked and subconsciously took out the guns in their hands and pointed them at Muke. At this time, Gerry noticed Muke Si was a little strange, he was smiling, blue veins popped up on his cheeks, and veins were beating under Mux's cheek, and one of Mux's eyes seemed to be blind, showing a gray color. It's black and looks extremely scary.

But now there were more than a dozen guns pointed at Mux. Although Gerry was scared, he still stood up and asked.

"What the hell are you doing Mux?"

Mux laughed and then took a step forward.

"do not move."

Gerry warned that everyone else had their hands on the trigger. Now they just want to escape. After all, they are holding Mukes hostage. They should not dare to attack in a big way. At this time, there are people with strange eyes standing around. people.

"It's okay, everyone can continue to eat."

Following Mux's order, everyone around him moved aside. Rodel swallowed and became bolder.

"If you dare to come close, I'll blow his head off."

Rodel threatened, and everyone around him left. Mux took a step forward with a smile, and one person put a gun on Mux's head.

"What on earth are you doing?"

Gerry asked again, and Mux said with a smile, grinning, with a row of black teeth that looked incomplete.

"You're not doing anything, you're just following God's will. You are not qualified to be God's people."

"What are you talking about, you lunatic."

With a bang, Rodel walked over and hit Mux on the head with the butt of his gun. Mux fell to the ground, still smiling, and a small piece of his head was dented by the blow just now. Blood also flowed out, but under the light, Gerry saw that Mux's blood was a little darker.


A man walked over and raised his foot to kick him over. However, before he could say anything, he felt something. His foot was grabbed by Mux's hand.

"Let go, believe me or not"

With a scream, everyone was stunned for a moment. Mux directly crushed the man's feet like tofu. In an instant, Mux stood up, and the sound of gunshots rang out, followed by a burst of violent shooting. The sound sounded.

In an instant, bullets shot into Mux's body like a tide. He lay on the ground, blood flowing out. Looking at the man on the ground whose foot was directly crushed by Mux's hand, Gerry panicked. Others Everyone felt strange.


A burst of evil laughter sounded, and for a moment everyone looked at Mux who fell on the ground in horror. Something seemed to be squirming in his body, and the bullets that had been shot into his body were squeezed out one by one. The blood that originally flowed out of the wound was sucked up by some hair-like black-red things that appeared in Muke's body, and the bullets squeezed out of the body were also crushed by this kind of thing, as if eaten, Muke The wounds on Si's body were healing little by little. The moment he stood up, Gerry shouted.

However, in the next second, the heads of several people around Mukes had disappeared. Splashing blood sprayed on Gerry's cheeks. Screams were heard everywhere, and the gun held by Gerry fell to the ground.

Someone turned and ran, but was easily caught by Mux, his head was broken, and his body was penetrated. At this time, Mux was no longer human at all. There were a lot of black and red colors on the surface of his body. The alternate hair looks like a bunch of fine vines, dancing, making it look like a monster.

"Well, everyone who knows this secret is dead. Only you are still alive, Gerry."

Gerry couldn't help but take a step back, and Mux came closer little by little. These tentacle-like things seemed to be Mux's feet. With the help of these things, he quickly moved to Gerry's around.

"God said that a person is needed to manage you. After all, you are the person chosen by God. God's will cannot be disobeyed. How about you, Gerry?"

Gerry swallowed and nodded. Mux stuck out his tongue and licked Gerry's cheek. Gerry screamed in horror. At this time, he was surrounded by people who had mutated. Their eyes were He looked at Gerry fiercely.

"Your woman seems to taste pretty good, Gerry. For your stupid behavior tonight, I have decided to punish you. Gerry, bring her over to the festival this Sunday."

Gerry almost collapsed and looked at Mux, who pinched Gerry's neck.

"Either you come over, or she comes over, it's up to you to choose. This is a trial given to you by God. If you pass the trial, you will be a qualified manager of those livestock. If you cannot pass the trial, you will It will become a sacrifice, so hurry up and get into your warm nest, and have a good time with your woman, time is running out."

Gerry shouted like crazy, turned around and ran, looking at the monster-like people grinning around him, Gerry ran wildly, shouted, and disappeared into the darkness.

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