Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 696 Prologue Chapter Zero Tenacity

Chapter 696 Prologue. Chapter Zero. Tenacity ⅩⅢ

"We're almost there! Everyone, be careful, it'll be okay, there's still some distance to go!"

On the rugged and towering rocks, many people were carrying things on their backs. They climbed up carefully according to the position of the people in front of them, and there was an abyss below.

At this time, there was a terrifying roar, and everyone looked down subconsciously. A man fell down because he was not strong enough to hold on firmly. He fell to the bottom of the valley in an instant and became motionless. He was still vaguely visible at the bottom of the valley. , some people who fell while climbing.

Soon everyone no longer looked at the deep valley below, but tightly grasped the ropes in their hands. These ropes were climbed up and fixed on some hard rocks by some skilled people. One rope can only bear the same weight at the same time. It can weigh up to 8 people, and there are many people waiting at the bottom of the valley. Some people who fell down were immediately stripped naked by the people nearby and took away all the supplies.

"What are you going to do?"

At this time, a young man looked at a few older people, who were carefully dragging the body of the deceased who had just fallen away, and an older man smiled.

"Don't worry!"

Many people present followed him, looking greedy, and soon the body was taken away. The young man seemed to have guessed it, but he couldn't say anything. There was nothing he could do about it. At this time, Chang Zhang, who had just been questioned, turned back, took out a piece of dried meat wrapped in promotional paper from his pocket, and handed it to the young man.

"Your name is Dick Hillman. Take it, you've been hungry for a few days."

Dick swallowed, but immediately slapped the thing out of the old man's hand. The old man picked it up with a smile, and then looked around. The old man immediately carefully placed the bag of meat in Dick's arms. Then he zipped it up for him.

"This is venison!"

As the old man spoke, Dick's original solemn expression relaxed. The old man smiled, took off his small round hat and walked quickly. The reason why he did this was because Dick helped him a while ago and he almost died. If If it weren't for Dick, he would have died a long time ago. The old man was just 50 years old. Although he has encountered such a huge disaster now, the old man still wants to live.

"By the way, sir, what's your name?"

At this time Dick shouted, and the old man turned his head and said with a smile.

"My name is Suellen."

Dick swallowed and turned around quickly, planning to go to his exhausted wife, sister and mother. Along the way, only three women in the family survived, and he was the only male who survived.

I don’t know since when, it has become the consensus of most people to survive by walking to higher places. Everyone is heading towards the highest peak in the world. With an average altitude of 6,000 meters, there is no positioning and they can only rely on it. There was only an aperture of the sun left to identify the location, and some tourist maps that I found piecemeal here and there.

Many people are happy at this moment, because as long as they continue to climb, they can reach the front of the Himalayas. There are many plateau tourism facilities there. Some people have even been there. The Himalayas used to be the natural border of several countries. , and a sacred mountain in the hearts of local people, but it was eventually developed into a fixed tourist attraction.

Some people who have come here have even visited these scenic spots. There are a large number of camps at the foot of the mountain, which are densely packed and stretch to the farthest point. Originally, there was a road leading directly up here, but now that road has been It has disappeared, and the road to the east has been torn by a bottomless chasm.

Most people have been here for nearly 2 months. Most of them are trying to escape the deadly epidemic and can only escape from the city. Most areas have been completely chaotic. The riots have lasted for several days across the entire planet. moon.

And many people prefer to come to this plateau area with a severe climate. The light still shines briefly on this plateau. The sun can be enjoyed in many places. The most important thing for survival is food. As long as there are seeds, Crops can still be grown on this plateau.

This land of hope is the place that everyone yearns for most. After determining the place where they can climb, everyone is eager to climb up. Today is the first group of people to climb, but there are already many people. A few people have stumbled and declined, and those who have no faith are waiting for those who climb up to open a way for everyone to climb up safely.

The leader of this winning area is a famous outdoor athlete. Thanks to him, many people were able to survive some crises without any danger. This man is only 30 years old and his name is Matthew Anger. Sri Lankan outdoor sportsman was the youngest son of a wealthy family before the disaster struck. Because of his passion for outdoor sports, he chose to give up the family business and became an outdoor sports expert. He also had his own live broadcast program and became famous. Has a lot of fans.

"Sorry, kid!"

Su Lun glanced at Dick who ran excitedly to his camp. What he gave Dick was not venison. Although they had hunted a lot of animals for food along the way, the number of animals was far less than that of people. quantity, and those who die along the way become food for others.

Suellen is the handler of the group. He used to be a butcher, and they will distribute the food they get to some people who really can't find food.

"Mr. Matthew is almost to the top."

At this time, someone shouted, and many people looked up. At the top of the mountain, there was an orange figure. It was almost reaching the top. Many people cheered. It was noon, and the sun was abundant. , many people were sunbathing in some higher places nearby.

But when they look at the land covered by darkness in the distance, many people are worried. The light is fading. This is visible to everyone along the way. Soon everything will be shrouded in darkness. After the discussion of several leaders, The top priority is to quickly reach the broad-leaved forest land in the mountains to cultivate and plant crops. This is their only chance. They must cultivate crops before the sun disappears.

In this queue of people, there were also planting scholars and some botanists. Everyone reached a consensus and marched with a clear division of labor. This ensured that tens of thousands of people here could trek long distances to the foot of the mountain.

According to a statistician's speculation, the resources in the Himalayas are enough for millions of people to survive. As long as they can cultivate planting land, sow and harvest, humans can survive temporarily.

Although the sunlight is disappearing after being covered by clouds, artificial intervention and the establishment of fluorescent lamps can be used to provide sunlight to the farmland. A planting base belonging to the remaining humans must be established before the environment deteriorates further.

Most of the people who were able to come here remained rational and did not go crazy with the chaos. Like many people, they snatched everything, but stayed away from the chaos.

"Jiang Ming, I'll be there soon. If you're tired, just rest here."

A smiling, handsome young man with flaxen hair faced the sun and showed his white teeth. He raised one hand and waved it constantly. The young man named Jiang Ming behind him nodded happily.

"Matthew, you'll be the first one up there."

Matthew nodded. Jiang Ming rested comfortably on a rock protruding from the mountain wall for the time being, planning to take a nap. This place was big enough for four or five people to sit. Matthew glanced at the third person who came to the small stone platform. The person in question is a woman. She looks tired, but like Matthew, she is smiling.

"Mandy, you still have to be strong!"

After the beautiful woman named Mandy came up, she removed her hair tie and her long, watery golden hair fell down. Although she was a little tired, she still planned to move forward.

Jiang Ming looked at the two people smiling at each other and sighed helplessly.

"Looks like I don't stand a chance, does it Mandy!"

Mandy shook her hair and shook off a lot of dust. She touched the dust on her cheeks, then opened her arms and shouted loudly.

Matthew looked a little embarrassed, he shook his head and said.

"The opportunities are equal, it's just..."

Matthew said and stretched out a hand in a respectful gesture of invitation. Mandy behind him took Matthew's hand. She glanced at the rope Matthew had fixed above, and then smiled. stand up.

"Let me do it next time"

Matthew, who pulled Mandy up, immediately took her into his arms, kissed her cheek, and then said to the helpless Jiang Ming with a smile.

"She already has her heart set on something, right!"

Mandy pouted and was about to go up, but was held back by Matthew.

"This is not about who is braver, but who is more experienced!"

Although Mandy still wanted to go up and use the tools to fix the rope, there was still a distance of thirty or forty meters from the highest point of the cliff. This was a relatively gentle place compared to other places, but with bare hands like this Climbing on a cliff, all it takes is one mistake and you will fall, never having a chance again.

The difficulty in front of me is nothing to a veteran like Matthew, who has also climbed more difficult climbs.

In the end, Mandy gave in, but she still looked worriedly at Matthew, who had climbed past the fixed position of the rope, and he began to climb with his bare hands.

"Be careful."


As the small stone fell, Mandy's heart was already in her throat. Jiang Ming stood up and walked to Mandy's side to comfort her.

"Don't worry. The power of love is great. Matthew won't have any problems. After all, he is thinking about spending the rest of his life with you."

Mandy smiled happily and nodded.

"Me too."

He was getting closer and closer to the edge of the cliff. Matthew carefully used his hands to confirm the point where he could climb. Although he could throw the hook up, no one knew what was going on up there. Even if the hook was stuck, he would still be able to climb. It's not reassuring. This is a plateau, and the wind will erode the surface of the rocks. Many rocks look solid, but are actually very fragile.

Matthew kept picking at some loose rocks with his hands, and a large number of small stones rolled down. They were getting closer and closer. Less than 20 meters away, Matthew became more careful.


As a rock rolled down, Mandy immediately covered her mouth. She didn't scream. Matthew grabbed a rock with one hand and missed it with one foot. Fortunately, Matthew grabbed it right away. He reached the protruding rock on the other side, and the people below felt goosebumps all over their bodies as they watched this shocking scene.

"If it weren't for me, Matthew would be in space eating steak right now."

Mandy muttered, and Jiang Ming next to him smiled and scratched his head.

"If it were me, I would probably choose to leave."

Mandy made a face at Jiang Ming.

"That's why you don't have a chance, Jiang Ming!"

Jiang Ming was not angry, he just laughed. In his opinion, this was really unbelievable. In the face of death and survival, the adventurous man chose death without hesitation. This is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

A long time after the disaster, the mercenaries of the Angus family found Matthew in the chaos. However, Matthew did not leave with them because Mandy left with the hunting group and was not in the city. , finally the plane took off and took away some of the people, but Matthew insisted on staying in the camp and did not take the lifted rocket to Asgard.

This was what shocked everyone at the time, because the choice Matthew made was tantamount to death. At that time, Mandy hugged Matthew's arms, and the two of them pierced the window paper.

Watching Matthew getting closer to the top of the mountain, the last short section seemed to be risk-free. It turned into a small slope, and it only took three or four meters to reach the top.

Many people below raised their heads. At this time, Matthew stood up and pulled the rope. After the rope was untied, it was slowly put back into the backpack. Matthew walked step by step, his legs and feet were a little weak, and he staggered a few times. Later, Matthew stood on the edge of the cliff in a daze, looking at the towering mountains in front of him. Although he had seen it before, Matthew was shocked by what he saw now.

The planet was not completely destroyed because of this disaster. The sun shines on the tops of the undulating mountains and shines in the clouds. In front of you is a large area of ​​green plants, including lakes, and some animals can already be seen. Horses Xiu raised his hands in excitement and stepped onto this land. Then with bursts of loud cheers, everyone below cheered. Although they were far away, they could still vaguely hear a lot. People are clapping.

"Hurry up."

Mandy's voice came from behind, and Matthew wiped away the tears that overflowed from the corners of his eyes. This majestic and majestic land was their future residence. Before the disaster, Matthew had set foot on this land. Every time he passed through those quiet places, Matthew would feel the magnificence and tenacity of this planet.

"The world is not dead yet, not yet dead!"

Matthew shouted. After the excitement calmed down, Matthew began to look for the fixed point of the rope, and soon found a raised rock. After Matthew fixed the rope, he lowered it. Plant a double row of ropes, one for climbing and one for fixing the body to prevent falling. Unfortunately, there are too few such equipment. Matthew held the rope tightly.

If more people are not sent up as soon as possible, more people will die. Many people endure hunger every day. The wild fruits and grass nearby have been eaten by people. If we continue The only people who can eat down there are the people around me.

"so beautiful!"

While she was thinking, Mandy had climbed up and looked at the dazed Matthew. Mandy walked over and stood in front of Matthew with her feet on the ground. The two hugged each other tightly, under the sunlight. They kissed each other.

Then the two began to help the people below. In just two or three hours, hundreds of people came up. Everyone was happy. Mandy took the crossbow and planned to go to the distant place with some people from the hunting group. Hunting near the lake, after all, everyone is too hungry, especially the people below.

Matthew is still dividing everything. After a short rest here, they will investigate everything nearby, and then go to the tourist attraction 100 kilometers away to see if there is anything else that can be used. If it is suitable, everyone Just move there.

Seeing more and more people coming up, many people rushed towards the lake as soon as they came up. Although Matthew had asked them to wait first and help the people behind, many people seemed to be impatient and wanted to get it. Something to eat.

At this time, Matthew looked at the place behind him, feeling a little heavy, because if the land was still not reclaimed after eating all the food nearby, he would be in big trouble.

"We'd better make plans early. This place is really not suitable."

Jiang Ming leaned over and muttered. Matthew knew what Jiang Ming wanted to say.

Many people have already started to make rope ladders. Everyone found some hard tree trunks nearby to make rope ladders for more people to climb up. This time they want to make safety rope ladders.

Looking at most of the people who had already rushed to the lake as soon as they came up, Jiang Ming felt contempt in his heart. Many people couldn't bear it for a moment. Hunger and thirst tortured everyone every day, but what was needed more now was unity.

"As long as we can survive, human nature will be exposed. Listen to me. Let's leave together with the hunting group, and bring the botanists and other scientific researchers with us. A team of up to 200 people. , we can go to the scenic area, there are too many people here, plus those other guys."

Although Matthew can't bear it, Matthew has seen too many things along the way, and the reason why everyone can work together to come here is because this place allows everyone to take a short rest and survive.

"You can be their leader today, but tomorrow maybe because of something, they will kill you as their leader! Or do you want to see Mandy cry?"

Matthew hummed.

"I understand. When the people are almost here, we can rest and settle down for half a month before setting off."

Jiang Ming breathed a sigh of relief. He knew very well that he wouldn't be able to stay in this place for long.

There are already many people looking for food in the low trees, especially those who came first. Many people do not intend to stay and help at all, but intend to get a little more supplies. Many people below are urging. , ask the people above to put down the rope ladder quickly.

Although the sound was very fast, you could see that everyone was gathered in front of the mountain wall. Many people were impatient and wanted to come up as soon as possible.

Finally, at 4:45 pm, the rope ladder was completed with the efforts of more than 200 people. Jiang Ming once again warned the people below through the short-range communicator that the rope ladder only allowed a maximum of 8 people, and preferably 6 people. , the limit must not be exceeded.

Although this high-strength metal composite rope can withstand a weight of 1 ton, according to detailed calculations, 5 to 8 people are the safe range of the rope, and this is based on an average weight of 60 kilograms.

With the help of some people who were still waiting on the mountain wall, the rope ladder was successfully lowered at a place with a not very steep slope. The stone wall there was a little light and not easy to climb.

Several safety ropes were also put down, and people near the mountain wall began to climb. Many people climbed very fast. With the rope ladder, one person only needs to climb the mountain wall with a vertical distance of up to 700 meters. It takes more than 10 minutes to climb up, and the steps are made of at least six branches tied with metal wires.

Matthew taught everyone how to make it very early, and then everyone tried their best to send the materials. More than 200 people completed the production in 6 hours.

Jiang Ming has been turning on the radio. At this time, the sounds below are very chaotic. Many people are not confident about the rope ladder, because if there are too many people stepping on it, safety will be problematic, and there are at least 3,000 people nearby.

Because there are some resources for eating and drinking in other places, which are occupied by other forces who came together. Although everyone is harmonious on the surface, they are still hostile. It was because Matthew proposed to board here that the previous tensions became tense. situation has changed.

"Don't crowd."

At this time, there was a roar on the radio. It seemed that the situation was quite bad. The materials to make a second rope ladder were not enough. If someone hadn't lost some rope materials on the way, three rope ladders could even be made.

"Human beings' bad nature cannot be changed at any time."

Jiang Ming said and shouted loudly into the intercom.

"If anyone doesn't wait in line properly and still behaves randomly, we will remove the rope ladder immediately and you will be down there for the rest of your life."

Soon the seemingly chaotic situation below was under control. Matthew sighed and sat down tiredly. At this time, not far away, the hunting team came back. Sure enough, they had hunted animals. They had just gotten close. Many people smelled the smell of blood.

"Eat it quickly. Although this berry is a bit bitter, it tastes not bad."

As soon as Mandy came over, she placed a bag of berries in front of Matthew. Jiang Ming, who was next to him, leaned over. As soon as he stretched out his hand, Mandy glared at him. He unceremoniously grabbed a handful and stuffed it into his mouth. Although it was very bitter, it tasted good. Matthew also started eating it. The more than 30 people in the hunting team seemed to be more energetic. They had already eaten in advance.

"We have temporarily hidden the food we hunted, and there are still people guarding it."

Mandy said, and Matthew snorted. At this time, more and more people came up, and many people came over, hoping to get some food.

"There are a lot of things to eat over there at the lake. You can go there on your own."

Mandy was not polite to them. Some people's disobedience caused big trouble to everyone along the way. Mandy had no patience with them.

"We will leave after settling in for a while. At most 200 people are enough."

Matthew hummed, Mandy leaned into Matthew's arms with a smile, and closed her eyes tiredly.

"You have great leadership skills Matthew, but as a leader, you have to make decisions!"

Jiang Ming said, Matthew looked at Mandy and said hum. Although it is cruel to abandon most people, if you don't do this, before there is stability, this fragile trust relationship will be affected by hunger. And collapse.

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