Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 694 Prologue Chapter Zero Revelation

Chapter 694 Prologue. Chapter Zero. Revelation Ⅺ

October 29, 2076


There was a crisp knocking sound, and a pair of soldiers holding weapons, wearing one-piece soft armor, and with golden stars on both sides of their shoulders appeared at the end of the metal corridor. Among them was a white-haired old man who looked quite old. He is very old, and the skin on his cheeks seems to be about to collapse. The old man is wearing some instruments on his hands and feet, and behind the old man is a blond beauty with a high nose, small lips, and exquisite facial features.

Passing by the small window at the railing, it was dark outside. Here was the endless darkness like a curtain in the universe. Occasionally, I could see bright star points not far away, flickering slightly. The woman was wearing a gorgeous off-shoulder purple tulle dress. With beautiful and neat lace edges, it looks sexy and charming, and there is a touch of sadness in the smart pair.


After the old man uttered three words, the woman squatted next to the old man. The old man took off a dark green gem ring like a bright star from his hand and handed it to the woman.


The soldiers around him immediately shouted with respect.

"Her Majesty the Queen of Asgard, Anfiya!"

There was a touch of sadness in the woman's eyes. She closed her eyes and looked at her grandfather who had leaned back, his eyes gradually dimming. She felt a little painful. This sky country had just experienced a power-seizing coup, and her parents had already died. He died in the middle of this coup, and his two uncles, three cousins, two cousins, and four cousins ​​were all arrested.

Anfiya watched her grandfather slowly close his eyes. This is the only way to the National Parliament Hall, and it is also the only entrance and exit to the Sky Palace where the founders live.

"Send Mr. Igor Asgard to the freezer!"

As Anfiya spoke, the soldiers behind her started to move. Then, accompanied by two soldiers, Anfiya put the ring called Skyline Emerald Blue on the middle finger of her right hand, accompanied by a slight smile. Under the bright light, red circuit lines appeared on the surface of the ring.


The mechanical door in front of him slowly rose from bottom to top. As soon as Anfiya walked in, hundreds of men and women wearing white gold-rimmed uniforms stood up in the round hall in front of them. Come, put your right hand on your chest, bow slightly, and shouted in unison.

"Her Majesty the Queen of Asgard, Anfiya!"

In front of her was a round table with a throne inlaid with various gemstones. Anfiya walked over slowly, sat on the throne, and then raised her hands and said.

"My grandfather fell into a coma just now, and he can no longer come here."

Soon the people standing closed their eyes and began to observe silence. On the stage to the left of Anfiya, there were a lot of people in black uniforms. On each of their chests, there was a symbol of chemistry and physics representing science. A circular badge composed of the logos of the three sciences of biology. They are scientists from the Skyland Space Country. They were also scientists who were at the top of the scientific community in human society. Many scientists look very old, and few look young. Among them, a scientist in the front row had only the letter X on his work badge on the left side of his chest.

"Gentlemen! The past of mankind has become history! And everything now is the best revelation for us mankind! My grandparents, parents, uncles and uncles established this sky space country decades ago. Thanks to your decades of hard work, our Tianji Space Kingdom has now become the last remnant of mankind!"

A large number of values ​​appeared on a large screen next to Anfiya, and a nuclear physicist immediately explained it.

"Currently, the earth has been obscured by unexplained matter. Based on our research on the wrapped matter, we can determine that the planet will not be able to contact the sun in the next few centuries. The light is being absorbed by this layer of matter, and this The layer of wrapped matter seems to rely on light to provide energy! According to the amount of nuclear bombs launched a few months ago, according to the speculation of our research team, in the next three years, nine-tenths of the population on that planet will be directly extinct. The small number of survivors will be reduced to 3 million in the next ten years, and in the next twenty years, the planet will become a Death Star!"

Everyone at the scene had uncomfortable expressions. Anfiya raised her hand to signal those standing to sit down, and then continued.

"Gentlemen! I'm here today, firstly for the meeting, and secondly to announce that the Super Hadron Collider experiment has been successful. In the future, we will be able to obtain constant and long-lasting energy, and the sun will also provide our 35 This space station provides an endless supply of energy, so you don’t need to worry about energy! As for food.”

A biologist immediately stood up and bowed slightly. Immediately, the picture on the screen changed. Many people looked at what they saw in amazement. On the surface of the moon, in the transparent covers, under the light Already mature crops.

"We have successfully developed and established a lunar surface production base, but it is still in the experimental stage. In the past, our country's food was purchased directly from the earth and shipped up. In the past, our country only had 50,000 people, but now there are 150,000, the population base will continue to increase, but please rest assured that the food problem has been solved, and there is a large amount of floating solid water in space. We only need to undergo degradation reactions to get the water our bodies need. The solid water reserves on the moon are enough for 1 million people to use for 500 years, so you don’t need to worry about it for the time being, and the only thing we need to worry about now is the labor force.”

Many people started talking in a low voice, because Tianji Space Country adopts the ultimate scientific elite education system. Every citizen born will start scientific studies at the appropriate age, and all learning is for the existence of the space station. Service, even stupid people can become technical maintenance personnel, responsible for the maintenance of space station facilities.

"Just a few days ago, the dignitaries at the European launch station have reached an agreement with our country. Most of the scientists on the list we gave have been found, including 237 scientists, 1,038 dignitaries, and 39,048 Ordinary soldiers, they will become part of our country, the rocket will take off today, and we will have a welcome dinner today!"

At this time, many people at the scene became anxious, because the increase in population means the intense consumption of water and food, and there are currently 35 space stations, of which only 15 are inhabited, and the other 20 space stations are scientific research teams A place to be stationed.

"Gentlemen, please don't worry about the shortage of supplies caused by overpopulation. Just last month, Dr. X came up with a very interesting idea!"

At this time, X stood up and bowed to Anfiya first, then turned and bowed to a large number of council members.

"Now we have become the last remaining fire of mankind, and if the earth continues to deteriorate and eventually dies, we ourselves will also be affected, so we must never stop scientific research, in order to one day be able to Interstellar travel, however, if science and technology wants to progress, it must be accompanied by rebirth and destruction, layer by layer, generation after generation! In this vast universe, there are a lot of floating materials, and these metals can help us achieve many things. , However, we do not have enough manpower to obtain these materials, and there are even no personnel to cultivate the planting land we already own. Now we lack nothing, the only thing we lack is labor, an endless supply of labor."

Following X's words, the values ​​​​of some places where Tianji Space Country's personnel are missing appeared. Many people know that Tianji Space Country currently lacks a large number of manual workers. This is the most troublesome, although it can be left to the soldiers. However, many soldiers also take on the work of space station maintenance personnel and the work of driving escort small ships to prevent cosmic floating objects from suddenly hitting the space station, causing huge crises and losses.

"So Dr. X!"

Anfiya looked at X not far away with a smile, and X bowed again.

"So I came up with an idea and a plan, and clones can do it!"

There was an uproar in the hall for a while. Regarding the matter of human cloning, it has been listed as a prohibited scientific research project by the international community decades ago. Although there are still some people who try to solve the mystery of human lifespan through cloning, most of them fail. But now the method proposed by Dr. X, one of the survivors who landed on the asteroid before, is unconvincing.

The reason why X was promoted and did not continue to be a prisoner was that he helped Queen Anfiya and successfully eliminated the three forces that wanted to plot to seize the rights of the Sky Space Kingdom.

All this is because among Igor's many children and grandchildren, only Anfiya is outstanding, both in terms of ability and personality. She is a top physicist in her own right. When Igor felt that he was about to Before his death, it was announced that Anfiya would succeed him and become the new king of Tianjin Space Kingdom.

However, it was this decision that made Anfiya's other uncles dissatisfied. They planned and launched a coup, but the coup ultimately failed.

Among them, Rather than hand over power to founders who have no talent and can only live leisurely by relying on the shadow of their families, it is better to choose Anfiya.

The founders have caused trouble in this country not once or twice, but now that Anfiya has officially come to power and gathered power, this is a good thing for most people.

"Gentlemen, as I just said, everything about mankind has become history! From now on, we will need a lot of labor force to maintain the basic operation of Tianji Space Country!"

The matter has been settled, no one refutes, no one even dares to speak out, because everyone knows that Anfiya did not eliminate some of the people who supported Anfiya's relatives in the past, which is already a great mercy. And now no one wants to run into the muzzle of the newly succeeded queen.

"Dr. X, please explain in detail!"

X bowed, walked out of his seat, came to the big screen on Anfiya's right, took out a controller, and directly retrieved some research information.

"The growth cycle of cloned humans is very fast, usually from birth to adulthood to old age and death. According to our past research, the lifespan is only 3 to 10 years. And this is when the cell half-life is stable. If it is unstable, it will be very difficult. He may die in a year or two, but according to our existing technology, we can ensure that the cloned human is intact and will not suffer from congenital physical defects. In the future, I hope that you can cooperate with our science department's human cloning research. Engineering, I believe that in the next ten years, we can produce clones in batches!"

X continued to explain a lot of things as he spoke, and finally he spoke.

"Please rest assured, as for the thinking and memory of cloned people, we have found a way to implant memories, but it is only limited to the memory implantation of cloned people, and normal people will not be affected. Soon we will Space Nation will usher in a new era, and I hope you will not have any sympathy or pity for clones. They are only produced as tools for us humans, and are not real humans!"

Anfiya closed her eyes, and then the people from the Ministry of Science began to speak one after another about the current situation of the international space country and the current level of science and technology. Many of the 50,000 people who came up from the earth have been designated as The labor force for lunar land reclamation is used.

The meeting finally ended. At 11 o'clock, with everyone bowing and watching, Anfiya turned around and entered the corridor behind her under the escort of the guards. She looked tired and held on to the cold and hard wall, revealing her A tragic and sad smile.

"I may have made the cruelest decision, maybe!"

Anfiya has loved listening to her grandfather telling stories since she was very young. She especially likes to read the historical stories of the countries on earth. Exploitation and exploitation will always exist in human society, and as long as there is oppression and exploitation, human greed will be reduced. Desire is expanding infinitely, and class antagonism has actually emerged in the Skyland Kingdom.

Part of the people who launched this coup are the workers at the bottom of the Sky Space Country. No matter how hard they work, they can only be at the bottom, because in this country, stupid people are not allowed to survive. The stupid can only be reduced to laborers and inferior to others.

Soon the sadness in Anfiya's eyes disappeared, and her eyes became sharp. Nowadays, as long as clones can be mass-produced, many human problems can be solved. They will always be the lowest class like tools. In an endless cycle of use that is forever enslaved.

Real humans do not need to have any pity or sympathy for them, they only need to treat them like tools. Only in this way can the guilt in everyone's hearts be eliminated little by little.

Anfiya has thought it through. She has been engaged in a fierce ideological struggle during this period, but in the end Anfiya clearly realized that in order to prevent such a narrow and closed society in the universe from collapsing, clones should replace the most powerful people in the past. The bottom level is the best way. 10 clones support one human being. This kind of social structure is very good and can continue into the future.

Anfiya then walked to a platform overlooking the space, sat down quietly, and looked at the dark space in the distance. At this moment, Anfiya's heart was calm. She knew very well that if she didn't do this, , this country will be destroyed one day.

The concept of clan has begun to take shape in this country. This is also the first thing that will appear since humans have society. Grandpa did not use a currency system. He had different residences and received different rations based on the location of work. But now Now that everything is over, Anfiya plans to launch a currency system next, but it is a little different from currencies in human history. Equivalent currency is the only means to prevent the expansion of capital in this country.

The equivalent currency issued every month will be distributed with corresponding rations based on the value of the currency, and then the currency will be recovered and continued to be distributed in the form of wages.

In the past, this place was just a country with a strong experimental nature. Most scientific researchers on the earth would visit from time to time, including some wealthy people, who would give huge houses in exchange for vacations in space.

But in the huge disaster that happened a while ago, this place was renamed Sky Space Country, and a country was officially born. At this time, Anfiya's thoughts came back, and she looked at the flashing communicator in her pocket. The video was a message from the head of the military department. It was about his uncle and his cousins. Although they were reduced to prisoners, they still regarded themselves as creators.

Anxiety surged into Anfiya's brows again. She knew very well that the handling of this matter was crucial to everything in the future. The coup had been known to the people, and the attitude of most people towards those who launched the coup was Resolutely, demanding immediate execution.

It's just that Anfiya can't make a move. For these relatives who have grown up with her, Anfiya has never been able to make such a cruel decision.

Anfiya soon thought clearly, and gave them the last bit of mercy, letting them live in the Tianji Palace forever, without access to rights in their lives, and their children also needed to be raised by herself.

This may be a way that Anfiya has found to weigh all of this. The founders are not only the Asgard family who initiated this huge space station national project, but also other wealthy businessmen who participated. They are all members of the space station. As for the actual managers, some of them have died or been arrested in this coup. Anfiya has already thought about how to deal with this group of people, leaving only the younger generation, and those who are planning behind the scenes. Otherwise, leave nothing behind and directly divide it into space execution and throw it into space.

At this time, a burst of communication information came in. Anfiya took a look. It was X's request for an audience. Anfiya approved X's request.

Soon X was brought here. Anfiya was always wary of this guy. His identity information was not found, but he just briefly talked about his past. Infinite clones have survived to this day. There is not much explanation for the rest, but this guy must be one of the core personnel studying human cloning in an organization on earth. He brought most of the human cloning technology.

"Her Majesty the Queen!"

After being brought in by the soldiers, X immediately bowed solemnly.

"Is there anything else you want to say Dr. X?"

"It's about dealing with those rebels. I think none of them should be left behind. Her Majesty the Queen, once they are allowed to communicate with the outside world, maybe the next rebellion will be brewed quietly."

Anfiya knew what X said was true, but she still shook her head.

"I plan to move the Tianji Palace to the moon, so that they can live on the moon in the future."

X laughed suspiciously.

"You are too kind, Her Majesty the Queen. No matter how the rights change, there cannot be any gaps. Once there is a gap in the rights."

"Are you teaching me how to do things? Dr. X."

"Your Majesty, that is not the case. Facts speak louder than words. In the countless bloody histories of mankind, no one is willing to fall behind others, especially when they have the opportunity."

X said, clearly seeing the solemn expression on the 28-year-old girl's face. When They are still in awe, after all, they single-handedly established this sky country.

But a hundred years later, all this will change. This is what X foresees. He can continue to live by cloning himself infinitely, but it is obvious that others cannot do it, because there is only one special case like him in the whole world. A cloned individual that retains complete memories.

Anfiya was obviously shaken by X's words, and there was a look of indifference on Anfiya's face at this moment.

"If you forgive them this time, they will not forgive you next time, and they will not be grateful for your kindness, because they feel that it does not belong to you!"

X's words had already shaken Anfiya's inner decision.

"How about starting an era of your own, Her Majesty the Queen, I will do my best for the future of the entire empire."

"what do you want?"

Anfiya looked at X blankly, and he laughed.

"eternal life!"

Anfiya laughed. This is impossible now, because those asteroids are finished, and everything about human beings no longer exists. Although with the help of some gene synthesis drugs, human beings can extend their lifespan by 30% to 50%. %, but this is already the limit, generally 30% is a very rare example.

"To put it more accurately, it means being able to live until the day when I see the destruction of the human race. Because I really want to know everything, the origin of the universe, the composition of the world, and unknown civilizations. For me, these are the most important things. It’s okay, I’m just a helper.”

Then Anfiya stood up and showed a cruel smile.

"Please make a decision, Her Majesty the Queen. If it drags on for a long time, some secret forces may take the opportunity to do something, especially when the powerful scientists and soldiers on Earth arrive."

Anfiya nodded and immediately gave the order.

X looked at it with satisfaction. The situation was indeed as he said. Everyone wanted it. If such a large number of people were to join in, some problems would inevitably occur. If the internal problems were not dealt with now, when disputes broke out, everything would It's too late.

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