Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 675 Prologue Beyond Good and Evil (Part 2)

Chapter 675 Prologue. Beyond Good and Evil (Part 2)

Beside the small stages, laser lights of constantly changing colors were flashing. Enchanting and sexy women were performing on the stage. There were many men and women sitting around, drinking and chatting. Each service robot was carrying a cup of wine. Plates and drinks circulated among the guests.

It's almost 0 o'clock, and the business in this performance bar has just begun. The psychedelic music is always accompanied by soft and sultry whispers and sighs, and the neon lights on the walls of the performance bar are always flashing.


With a snap of his fingers, Kurami, who was short but as beautiful as a porcelain doll, snapped his fingers, and with a scratching sound on the ground, a robot with pulleys on its feet ran over.

"Boss! Good evening."

"Bring us some wine and some side dishes to go with the wine."

Kurami said, stepping on his feet and hugging Li Wei behind him.

"I'll definitely introduce you to a good one later."

Li Wei pouted and whistled at a woman who was performing. There was enthusiastic applause from all around, and the woman blew a kiss at Li Wei.

This is the largest performance bar in Fortress City. It has three floors at the top and seven or eight floors underground. There are many rooms for special services. Guests can pay to take the women or men down who they like in the performance.

Only the first floor is open for business here, while the second and third floors are Kurami's private rest areas. The bunch of beauties following him began to disperse, and they directly stepped onto some stages or were greeted by some guests.

Kurami walked to a mechanical door on the first floor. After walking over, he raised a hand and pressed it on the panel. With a creaking sound of air jets and metal friction, a door opened, and the one on the left was the one going up. On the stairs, a soft smoke floated up, and Li Wei was pulled in by Clara.

"If you have any questions, just tell me."

"We have to talk in private."

As soon as you go up to the second floor, there is a large living room. There are many animal bone products in it. The decoration looks bright and there are many luxurious-looking decorations. In the middle, there is a panel on the coffee table. There are some 3D house models floating on it, which are the nine industries controlled by Kurami.

"It's really a bad taste."

Li Wei saw a bunch of decorations made of human skulls. Kurami laughed, then walked to a desk, opened the drawer and took out a box of cigarettes, walked over and handed one to Li Wei, and gave it to her Point.

Li Wei looked quite unhappy now, and Kurami sat next to her.


Li Wei looked at Kurami inexplicably. Kurami smiled charmingly and came to Li Wei's side, looking up at Li Wei.

"The Skull and Bones have infiltrated."

Li Wei stared at Kurami with some confusion, not knowing why, but she still asked.

"So, what are you going to ask me to do?"


A door on the other side opened, and the robot waiter came up with wine and meals. He put them down and left neatly. But when the robot came to the door, its eyes suddenly turned. Just In just one second, Kurami snapped his fingers.

Along with a burst of blue light, intertwined net-like things appeared on the four walls in an instant, and Li Wei sighed.

"What kind of song are you singing?"

Kurami stood up and walked slowly towards the sluggish robot.

"You bastards! I know who you are, you dare to disturb my head, wash your neck and wait."

Li Wei seemed to understand something. She had heard Kevin talk about robots.

"I usually ask my subordinates to bring things up. This kind of robot shouldn't have permission to come up. Do you really think I'm a fool?"

Kurami walked over angrily, pinched the robot's head, and with a click, the robot's head was crushed to pieces. Kurami's seemingly petite body burst out with powerful power in an instant, and directly used his bare hands to After crushing the robot, she clapped her hands and walked towards Li Wei, who was already drinking alone.

"I wanted to talk about something, but it looks like we can't do it tonight. Sorry Li Wei!"

As he spoke, Karami walked to the desk, pressed a button, and 3D modules appeared instantly. Soon, nine men and women with very different looks appeared on Karami's desk.

"Gangya! Bring some help. I'm not in a good mood tonight. Someone is bullying me."

Li Wei sighed and stared sideways at Kurami, who had an angry face. She is the leader of Amethyst, one of the six gangs that control this place. Fortress City is the largest slum in the United States. Due to its special geographical location, it is the largest slum in the entire CA state. It is very famous even in every state in the country.

The slums in Fortress City are different from the nine slums in other areas. It looks like a slum on the outside, but is actually a spending den for the rich and a paradise for criminals.

Whether it is the National Guard or the Sheriff, they try their best to have good relations with local gangs here. Even federal investigators have disappeared here countless times. This is the only place that Congress cannot control. .

The six major gangs are the actual controllers here, and this is the result of many years of hard work and consensus among the six major gangs, so that everyone can make money, and most people here don't have to worry about their lives.

At this time, outside the performance bar, a large aircraft slowly floated down. The surface of this trapezoidal aircraft had a six-pointed star pattern, which was the local police officers.

On both sides of the aircraft, there were many administrators wearing protective suits and armed with guns. Kurami turned his head. At this time, a small opening opened under the aircraft. Standing on the elevator plate was a man wearing a black uniform with a golden hexagon on his chest. The bearded man with the star badge, but the elevator plate did not fall to the ground, but flew towards Kurami's window.

"Miss Kurami!"

Kurami opened the window and walked to the balcony. At this time, some large aircraft appeared in the sky everywhere and were quickly gathering here.

"Chief Wilson, are you planning to come and play?"

Kurami asked with a serious expression. Wilson took off his hat and stepped onto the balcony with a smile.

"Can I come in for a drink?"

Wilson glanced at Li Wei inside, and then looked like he had a headache.

"Asshole! Do you want to die here?"

Kurami asked, and for a moment Wilson subconsciously pressed his hand to his waist.

"Sorry Miss Kurami, can you give me a few minutes?"

Wilson's tone was always a little soft, because he had seen the cadres coming around and the large group of people he brought with him. If a fight started here, he would die.

"Just let him talk about it!"

Li Wei laughed loudly, and Wilson looked at Li Wei.

"Shut up Li Wei, you bastard."

Finally, Kurami walked into the room. Wilson poured a glass of wine and walked to Kurami.

"Just a small problem Miss Kurami."

As he spoke, Wilson handed a glass of wine to Kurami, who slapped the glass away. The glass shattered with a bang and the wine spilled on the ground.

"piece of cake?"

Wilson took out a slender black ballpoint pen. This thing's official name is a currency storage device, which is an encrypted electronic currency issued by the federal government.

"Here's a million! And the money is clean, Miss Crummy!"

Wilson said as he handed over the currency storage device, and Kurami stared at Wilson angrily.

"This is all for the sake of stability. Do you want to cause a war, Miss Kurami?"

Kurami's solemn expression relaxed. She giggled and took the 1 million from Wilson's hand. Wilson took another cup, drank a drink with Kurami, walked out, waved and stepped on The elevator tray then carried Wilson back to the aircraft.

After the aircraft turned its head, a red flame spurted out. For a moment, only a faint smoothness could be seen in the air, and the aircraft had gone away. When it reappeared, it was in a bright modern city with soft light and high-rise buildings.

On the top of a building with the word "Public Security", the aircraft slowly landed. Although it was night, the sun in the sky would not go out until 0 o'clock.

"Hmph, bitch!"

Wilson cursed as soon as he got off the aircraft. A group of people dressed in black came from a distance. The leader was a bald man with fair skin and a skull tattoo on his shiny head. Two bones were crossed with a skull on it. picture of.

"Thank you for your cooperation Sheriff Wilson."

Wilson smiled and bowed.

"Mr. Jetton, please be more careful in the future. Now that they have been traced, if we cause any more problems, it will be difficult for me to calm down those monsters."

Jayden nodded with a grin, his smile looked a bit cold, and he looked at the criss-crossed place in the distance with flashing neon lights.

"We don't want such aliens to continue to exist. They are not allowed in our United States of World."

Wilson sighed.

"Then there's nothing I can do to help you, Mr. Jetton, just take care of yourself!"

Wilson said and walked away directly. He didn't want to do this favor at first. After all, it would bring trouble to himself. The guys from the Federation behind him never knew why those monsters were called monsters.

These guys came here three years ago. In the name of a new robot company, they began to sell some service robots cheaply. They soon occupied the market in CA state, but their main purpose was to obtain some of the robots in the slums. Information, a few months ago, they began to rely on some of the information they obtained from time to time to resell, create chaos, and effectively poke Karami's head.

Kurami's cruelty is well known to everyone. Although things have calmed down tonight, it is unknown what Kurami will do based on his character. At this time, Wilson pressed his forehead.

"No wonder he went to find that lunatic Li Wei, hey!"


0:00, October 31, 2276

Li Wei kissed the currency storage device, and then quickly raised her left arm, opening a small hole in the arm. Li Wei inserted the currency storage device, and instantly laughed with excitement.


At this time, there were nine people standing on the balcony outside, 5 men and 4 women. They stood respectfully on the balcony. One of them was wearing a white suit and his mouth was completely grinning, as if he was smiling. Each of his dark teeth had a Patterns in different colors.

"Steel Teeth!"

Kurami said something, and Gangya walked up. He was more than 2 meters tall and looked unusually tall and strong.

"Boss, do you need to inform the others in advance?"

Kurami chuckled, and Gangya walked up to Li Wei, took out a disk from his pocket, and put it in Li Wei's hand. Li Wei laughed and kissed the disk.

"The item was indeed received."

"I will personally call everyone together for a drink later. Listen up, Li Wei. For everyone on this list, I want him to never see the neon lights at night again. As for the leader, he will be alive if he can. Bring it here, if you can’t keep it, do whatever you want!”

With cold eyes, Li Wei put the disk into the mechanical box on her left thigh, then turned around and started walking.

"Remember Li Wei, this matter is your personal behavior!"

Li Wei nodded.

"Of course, it is 1 million after all! If one person's head is 2000D,"

Li Wei opened her palm and stretched out five fingers.

"500 people! It's already a great value. I can give you some extra, but you have to pay for the excess, okay, Boss Kurami!"

Gang Ya walked over.

"Li Wei, don't mess up this matter, otherwise you will know what will happen!"

Li Wei patted Gangya's arm, then turned and walked away.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve received such exciting big business!”

Li Wei said and left the room. Karami lit a cigarette and then waved. Gangya walked up to her and raised a hand. A 3D panel immediately appeared and a number appeared on it.

"Little girl! Why are you looking for me so late?"

"Old Tang, could you please help me make an appointment with the other four people? I have something to talk to you about."

An old laugh came.

"Little girl, have you caught the fox by the tail?"


An angry look appeared on Karami's face. They had been looking for the group of people who had been poking at their property recently, but they couldn't find them. But just now, Karami asked a robot to bring drinks. It was originally It was an unintentional move, but the robot really brought the drinks. The room was encrypted and the robot had no authority to come up.

The moment the robot came up, Kurami knew that his men had found something. At this time, a man wearing thick sunglasses, a white coat, fluffy and curly hair, and a lollipop in his mouth walked in.

"Curly, thank you very much."

Curly, who was praised by Kurami, bowed.

"Of course I'm tired. I was searching day and night. This time they failed. I hacked into their server and got a lot of information, including this list of personnel, but there was no mention of skeletons on it. It will happen."

"It doesn't matter, Curly Hair, you can go back and have a good rest."

Curly bit the lollipop and chewed it.

"Boss, can I go downstairs and play?"

Kurami nodded.

"I will find the ones with the best skills for you. How many do you want?"

Curly scratched his head.

"Three is enough."

Gang Ya laughed for a moment, and even several people on the balcony laughed.

"Can you? Be careful if you die tonight, you will be in trouble."

At the door was a little girl with golden twintails who looked to be only fourteen or fifteen years old. She was wearing a cute white dress, but there was an evil look on her childish face.

"Shut up Wednesday!"


Li Wei stepped into a basement


The lights came on, and the huge basement was filled with various mechanical arms and a large number of weapons. There was also a mechanical cabin in the middle. Li Wei scratched his head.

"Give me the lightest and most efficient configuration!"

Li Wei said something, and with a creak, the mechanical cabin was like a blooming flower, starting to crack from the middle and opening to both sides. After Li Wei walked over, she lay down in the mechanical cabin. At this time, in front of her A 3D panel appeared.

A set of weapon configurations appeared, and Li Wei began to think about it.

"I'm not very satisfied with this configuration."

"Then please debug it yourself!"

The mechanical voice in the room seemed a little dissatisfied. This is Li Wei's secret residence. Only Kevin knows the place. Even the doctor and Monday don't know. There is a long-abandoned house on the ground, which is still maintained. As it is, the underground is Li Wei's machinery maintenance warehouse.

Mechanical cabins were opened on the wall. Inside, there were mechanical arms and legs with different textures and different colors. They were all in sets, and each set was numbered.

"Just use A880D for the limbs."

"Not recommended. Although it is very flexible and can help increase your lethality and reaction speed, its defensive properties are very poor and can easily be penetrated by laser weapons, as well as ordinary bullets, including chemical corrosive bullets, and High-energy explosives may cause considerable damage to the A880D, and the repair cost is roughly estimated to be around 100,000."

Li Wei immediately laughed.

"Just use this, hurry up."

As Li Wei said, there was a sigh, and Li Wei frowned slightly.

"What's your dissatisfaction?"

"I've said it many times, Li Wei, my name is Zhou Ba, can you call me by my name? This is very rude."

Li Wei laughed contemptuously.

"It's just a high-level AI, just a bunch of data."


Some robotic arms stretched out on the wall. Four robotic arms accurately grasped the limbs of the somewhat dark A880D and leaned towards Li Wei. The hands and feet were both slender. Li Wei liked this model very much. The mechanical limbs are very pleasurable every time they fight. It feels like they are riding on the wind, able to cut off all winds.


Accompanied by bursts of twisting sounds and harsh turning sounds, Li Wei's limbs were connected to the body. Sparks burst out under the twisting of the working mechanical arm. The limbs were soon removed. This The limbs look much thicker than those of the A880D because they are more defensive and full of kinetic energy.

The only shortcoming of A880D is its defense and kinetic energy. With a click, the slender hands and feet were inserted into the corresponding parts of Li Wei's limbs by the robotic arm. Then, a loop-like mechanism on the robotic arm that had just removed Li Wei's limbs was The steel ring clamped on the connection between Li Wei's mechanical limb and body, and a crunching sound was heard.

Li Wei moved her fingers happily, and then continued to look at the weapon combinations on the 3D panel.

"Add a spider-type kinetic energy defender."


A robotic arm quickly grabbed a six-sided crystal-shaped backpack-like object from a metal shelf and placed it beside the mechanical cabin.

"A880D can only be used with four kinds of weapons, how do you choose?"

A large row of weapon lists appeared, moving slowly in front of Li Wei's eyes. When Li Wei focused on a certain weapon, all aspects of the weapon's data would immediately appear next to it.

"Bring me a pair of dog-head knives. They need to be of high hardness and have openings on both sides."

"Then use the D101G Sails dog-head knife!"

Soon, two dark blades of about 60 cm with curved blades like waves were grabbed by the mechanical arm. Li Wei raised his hands, and two small grooves were opened on both sides of the arms, and the blades shrank directly to the handles. , and then was stuffed into the groove by the robotic arm, and the arms were closed.

"Where's the weapon? What to choose? I recommend the Secora Revolver 298. It can carry 300 rounds of high-quality explosive bombs. It has a very good clearing effect. The impact is unparalleled."

Li Wei nodded, and a large-caliber silver-gray revolver and a box of ammunition were loosened from the weapons rack. A small compartment was opened on the left side of Li Wei's thigh, and the revolver and ammunition could just fit in. .

"There is one last weapon, I recommend it."

"Finally, just give me a positioning flywheel. After all, I've been using this thing quite smoothly recently."

Zhou Zhou laughed helplessly. The robotic arm grabbed a stack of three layers of circular saw teeth from a short distance away. The center was large and the sides were small. There was a red block crystal in the middle of the disc saw teeth. Li Wei Pressing the left side of the head, a small opening soon opened, and a groove appeared. Li Wei took the jagged disk and pressed the red block crystal in the middle into the square groove on the left side of the head. inside.

"The identification signal is connected!"

Li Wei took the sawtooth disk and suddenly threw it into the air. With a burst of sound, the disk rotated violently and flew out, and then formed an arc in front of Li Wei's eyes. Returning to Li Wei's side, he stopped instantly.

"I don't know how long it will last. It's such a bargain."

This positioning flywheel is an automatic attack weapon. Once activated, it will attack according to the instruction signal. It can also automatically attack units judged as enemies by Li Wei, but it can be used for a short time and has a high probability of damage. High, but the key is that it is extremely lethal at close range and can often take it by surprise. Li Wei just wants to add some insurance to herself.

Then Li Wei put the positioning flywheel into the mechanical cabin on her right thigh. She jumped out of the mechanical cabin. Then the robotic arm lifted the spider-shaped machine from the ground and placed it on Li Wei's back. On the ground, with a crunching sound, Li Wei seemed to be carrying a big backpack.

Except for one part of Li Wei's body that has not been modified, basically 85% of her body has been modified.

"Where's the body armor!"

Li Wei raised one hand and took out an irregular, palm-sized black metal substance from the mechanical cabin of the thick mechanical leg on the side.

"Of course it's the same as before, Neptune C878."

As she spoke, Li Wei stuck the black substance to her belly button, and a crisp clicking sound was heard. In an instant, the black substance began to rise layer by layer, and soon spread out and turned into a room of fish scales. , covering the surface of Li Wei's body, including the area behind her.

"Li Wei, please take it easy. The cost of this equipment is at least 300,000 yuan. It will be very troublesome to repair it after it is damaged."

Li Wei raised her hand and gestured OK. Of course she knew that these things were a tool for making money for herself. Every time they were damaged, it would be troublesome to repair them. If they were scrapped and needed to buy new ones, it would cost a lot of money, and the hired ones People only pay employment fees.

"By the way, Li Wei's latest information is that there is a set of equipment leaked from the Federal Research Institute, which costs about 950,000 yuan. Are you interested in taking a look? It will be on display at the underground market over there at OR Week next week. I Guaranteed you will be very satisfied.”

Li Wei laughed.

"I've known it for a long time, idiot. The reason why I took this order is to get something. I am determined to get it, even if I use force, I will get it."

Li Wei said and walked slowly, then took out a large windbreaker from the closet on the side, put it on and walked to the door.

"As long as there is profit, then it's time to find Kevin."

Li Wei is not the crazy woman she looks like to the outside world. She looks bold but has a very delicate mind. Li Wei sees tonight's situation with her eyes. The reason why Wilson came here is just to spend money to avoid disaster and let her Once the situation calms down, if a big problem occurs here, the National Guard will be dispatched. The most important thing is that the federal government will definitely investigate.

Kurami just wanted to confirm something, so she had such an attitude. That insidious and cruel woman would not allow others to mess around on her own territory.

In the past few months, Amethyst's three underground casinos, six clubs, and nineteen restaurants have experienced varying degrees of problems. Now Kurami is almost going to explode. She will appear in a place where low-level gangsters gather. streets, for a reason.

Li Wei remembered that she had just stepped out of the parking tower and saw some gangsters gathered there. Among them were several leaders of organizations. They were all small-time gangsters who made money by serving as guides for outsiders. And reselling some things.

Li Wei didn't notice Kurami when he first entered the store, but Kurami appeared when Kevin was about to leave. All this was to find him, and Li Wei showed a cold smile.

Li Wei probably knew what the consequences would be if he intervened this time, but as long as he had money, we would talk about the rest later. Li Wei really wanted the set of mechanical limbs and other weapons and equipment mentioned on August 8. This thing is in Li Wei heard the rumor a few months ago.

Li Wei took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it and took a puff. Although he really wanted some heaven-enhancing medicine, he just had to work now. Although it felt great to eat that kind of thing, it was needed at this time. He has a calm mind. Li Wei doesn't know how many heads are on the disk that Kurami gave him, but he is sure that there are a lot of them.

"In the past few days, we have been bathed in blood and blood again, haha!"

Li Wei plans to work here for a few more years before leaving. Although her reputation in this place is not bad, most of the jobs she takes are blood-sucking jobs, and her way of doing things, which only recognizes money and not people, has angered many people. Few people will fall into disgrace one day, and Li Wei knows very well that it is impossible to stay in this profession for a lifetime.

When she stepped into Kurami's shop, Li Wei knew that it was impossible for her to take action. The six major gangs seemed to be harmonious on the surface, but in fact they were all fighting underneath. If Kurami really took action, he would cause trouble. If there is a big problem, the Federation will intervene, and then they will just throw all the blame on Kurami. She is not stupid enough yet.

Wilson naturally knew this and dared to come over, otherwise he would not have dared to bring so many people over if he had ten more courages. The two of them were just cooperating with each other, and what seemed to be a solution was actually not over yet.

After Li Wei walked out of the mechanical maintenance room, she quickly entered an upward elevator. In less than a few seconds, Li Wei stepped out of the elevator entrance. This was an abandoned pipe that was exposed on a river embankment. After Li Wei quickly walked out of the drainage ditch, she jumped lightly onto the embankment. Most of this area used to be uninhabited. Even homeless people would not live here. After all, although this place is surrounded by slums, name, but in fact most of the homeless people are the informants of major gangs.

Besides, tramps are still very popular in this place, because there are some vile videos that require tramps to perform, and one of the six major local gangs makes money by producing some vile things. It can span the entire United States and is very marketable.

Li Wei walked along the river embankment towards the lighted place. She smoked silently, her ponytail flying in the breeze. This is a place sandwiched between hell and heaven. People who have come here for vacation in recent years have More and more.

People from all over the United States will come here, and foreigners are one of the important incomes here. It is absolutely safe for foreigners to come here. As long as you have money, you can buy everything you can buy here.

At this time, there were some sneaky figures in the distance. Li Wei walked over as if nothing had happened. She squinted at a few young men and women, seemingly wanting to do something exciting, but soon Li Wei She laughed and continued walking.

Li Wei took the cigarette, took the last puff, yawned and threw the cigarette butt to the ground casually, causing sparks to fly from the cigarette butt to the ground.


Suddenly, a black line shot over in an instant. The moment Li Wei took a step back to avoid it, Li Wei saw clearly what it was. It was a high-voltage electric whip, which was specially used to destroy and transform the human body.


The two dog-headed knives had already popped out. The moment Li Wei held it, she jumped back. The six people by the river embankment immediately rushed up and swung them over with electric whips.

Li Wei nimbly dodged these whips. They seemed to be modified humans, but their performance was too poor. The built-in electronic eyes in Li Wei's eyes easily saw the trajectory of these guys' attacks.

"Young boys, let me give you a piece of advice. Do you have any money?"

Li Wei asked, and a cyborg spraying blue flames suddenly attacked. Li Wei dodged the electric whip in his hand, and the dog-headed knife she held behind her back slashed the cyborg's abdomen. She herself was dexterous. jumped to the side, and with a loud crackling sound, the electric whips of the other two reformers fell, and Li Wei looked at them mockingly.

The modified man who had been cut by Li Wei had fallen to the ground, clutching his bleeding abdomen in pain.

The other three reformers chased after them. Li Wei really didn't want to waste any driving energy when dealing with this kind of thing. After all, driving energy also costs money.


With quick eyesight and quick hands, Li Wei used the dog-headed knife to instantly cut off the three electric whips that were swiped at them. Rays of lightning flashed in the air. Li Wei looked at the three people and jumped up instantly. The dog-headed knife held front and back was as fast as Lightning flashed across the throats of the three of them.

With the blood splattering, Li Wei jumped to the left. The blood did not stain his body. The remaining two people seemed to give up and turned around to escape. Li Wei suddenly bent his legs and padded his feet, whooshing. With a sound, Li Wei flew out like a spring. She did not directly attack the vital points, but raised the knife and cut off the legs of the two people.

Li Wei put away the two thermal high-frequency dog-head knives and looked at a man and a woman on the ground. The man behind him, whose abdomen had been cut open, was dying and looking at this side.

"Do you remember what I asked you just now? Do you have money?"

Li Wei said, taking out a cigarette and looking at a man and a woman with a smile. The two looked at Li Wei in horror.

"We don't know anything, you want to kill"

"If you have money, I can let you go, 500D each."

As Li Wei said, the woman was a little moved. She hurriedly took out a coin storage device from her pocket and handed it to Li Wei. Li Wei confirmed it immediately after getting it.

"Okay, you can live."

The man stared at the woman angrily.

"This is our income from this mission."


Li Wei unceremoniously broke the man's neck, and the woman looked at Li Wei in horror.

"500D? Is my life so worthless? It seems like you are newbies. Work hard at a service shop for a few months. Maybe you can get your money back, and then take the money and go to a place where you can live a good life. Here Not suitable for novices like you!”

Li Wei turned around and started walking, smiling happily. The dying man stopped moving. A woman's cry came from behind. He seemed to be calling brother. Li Wei typed Yawning, he started walking without caring at all.

At this time, Li Wei put a hand on her left leg and was still walking slowly. When she was about to approach the street, Li Wei suddenly turned around, and the positioning flywheel in her hand flashed with a fierce red light. He flew into a room.

There were screams everywhere. Li Wei smiled excitedly and jumped over instantly, hitting the house directly. Three people had fallen into a pool of blood. One of them was holding a pistol and his leg had been cut off. Li Wei was holding a Hand, the flywheel stabilized and slowly stopped at Li Wei's fingertips.

Li Wei glanced at the three dead people on the ground, squatted down and took out a badge from one person's pocket. It had a golden eagle pattern on a silver background. Li Wei weighed it and immediately searched for the badges on the other corpses. , after all, it is gold and silver, which are quite valuable. I also found some currency storage devices from the corpse and inserted them one by one into the small holes in my right arm.

"You come out to work with only so little money? Dear federal agents."

The man was about to lose consciousness. Li Wei saw that he was still holding the gun. Then he walked over, stretched out a finger, and pressed lightly. The gun immediately fell to the ground. Li Wei picked it up and weighed it. Click.

"It can probably be sold for 50D, which is not bad."

"You villain!"

The dying agent murmured, and Li Wei nodded.

"Sorry, everyone here is a villain!"

Li Wei walked over and searched, finding badges and an electronic currency storage device. Then she saw a photo folder of a woman and a child.

After Li Wei casually threw away the photo, he searched again and found a gun on them. The federal agent was very remorseful. His hands were trembling and he covered the bleeding section of his foot, his expression getting darker and darker. Getting paler.

"Although I don't know who sold you the fake news, this place is far more dangerous than you federal bosses imagine. It's difficult to even take a step here with such little weapons and security."

Li Wei walked out of the house and she laughed.

"When did I become so talkative!"


There was a sound of falling to the ground behind her, and Li Wei did not look back. She knew that the man would die of excessive bleeding, and perhaps he had already seen the kingdom of heaven.

Soon Li Wei walked onto a street. As soon as he passed several nearby recycling bin owners, he greeted Li Wei. Li Wei took out four badges and four guns.

"The federal badge is gold and very valuable. How can Li Wei sell it?"

"A gram of silver is 10D, a gram of gold is 100D, and a gun is 50D."

Several bosses clamored to take it away, but no one would give in.

"Hurry up, I'm in a hurry to get to work."

After the last few bosses negotiated, each of them got a badge. After giving the money, Li Wei started walking.

"Li Wei, can't these be the men who just passed by? There should be two groups of people passing by."

Li Wei laughed.

"There are some dead cyborgs on the river bank over there. You can go and recover them, but the information fee is 100D."

Several bosses immediately pooled their money to give to Li Wei, and then drove over on their motorcycles.

Li Wei just sighed helplessly. This place was not far from Kevin's house. Li Wei planned to walk directly there and sleep at Kevin's house. She asked Kevin to help her sort out the list and find the detailed location. After waking up, Li Wei Wei planned to start working.

Soon Li Wei stood at the door of Kevin's house at 2 o'clock in the morning, and she slapped the door vigorously.

In a daze, Kevin was woken up by a rapid knock on the door. He looked at the picture on a 3D panel that appeared next to him.

"Li Wei, this bastard!"

Kevin cursed. As soon as he opened the bedroom door, he saw the female clone sleeping soundly on the sofa. For a moment, Kevin felt embarrassed. Thinking of what he had done at the harbor last night, Kevin hurriedly walked over. He suddenly picked up the female clone, and she screamed, but calmed down after seeing that it was Kevin.

"You want to do it."

The female clone was roughly thrown on the bed by Kevin. She blushed and turned her head, and Kevin turned around in panic.

"Don't make any noise. Don't come out of here. We have guests at home."

Kevin said as he closed the door and breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't want Li Wei to find out that he bought a clone. It would be really embarrassing then. After all, Li Wei was thinking about ascension to heaven.

Kevin hurried upstairs, because if he didn't open the door, Li Wei wouldn't be able to break the door directly, and then there would be another repair bill.


"Why are you doing this so late at night?"

Kevin yawned and pretended to have just woken up, but the next second Kevin discovered that Li Wei had changed her equipment, and her expression looked serious. The most important thing was that Kevin smelled a smell of blood.

"Going out to work again?"

Li Wei took a disk and handed it to Kevin.

"The list of people and their locations on the disk helps me organize and archive it. I sleep until I wake up in the morning and start working."

Kevin looked at Li Wei who walked in in shock.

"You go back to sleep, why did you come to my house?"

Li Wei pushed Kevin away without any explanation and walked directly in. Li Wei was a little tired, but at this time Li Wei discovered that the originally dirty garage had been cleaned, although it was only half done.

Li Wei laughed.

"Why, who helped you clean it?"

Kevin muttered.

"Of course it's me."

With that said, Kevin took Li Wei downstairs, and then pointed to a small bed in the server room on the second floor.

"You can sleep well here."

Li Wei took a look.

"How can you sleep in this place? I'll go to your bedroom."

Kevin immediately became anxious.

"You're sleeping here, why do you want to go to my bedroom, and we need to talk about guys."

Li Wei waved her hand and went downstairs without waiting for Kevin to say anything. Kevin could only chase after her.

"No matter how much it is, just get it out for me. I just got a 1 million order."

Kevin looked at Li Wei in shock, and immediately chased him with a serious expression. In the workshop on the second floor underground, Kevin directly opened the contents of the disk, which were all simply encrypted. After looking at them for a while, Kevin This kind of work can be done in 15 minutes at most.

"I only charge you 50D, but Li Wei, what's going on with the 1 million order? Are you red-eyed by the benefits?"

Of course Li Wei knew what Kevin was talking about, but soon Li Wei walked to a crystal computer, opened a 3D screen, and quickly found the information about the mechanical limb that Kevin had found before.

"Of course it's for this thing, 950,000, it's pretty good, isn't it!"

Kevin scratched his head.

"Wait for a few minutes, and I'll take a closer look at it for you."

"I'm going downstairs to get some food. I'm a little hungry again."

Kevin hurriedly turned around and followed. After taking out some food and drink for Li Wei from the refrigerator, he took her back to the workroom.

Sure enough, Kevin analyzed the encryption of the file in 11 minutes, opened the file, and was shocked when he took a look at it. They were all gang organizations, there were more than 40 large and small, dozens of people in more, and a few in less. Although they are all small organizations, some of them are related to the six major gangs and belong to their subordinate organizations.

"what are you planning to do?"

"Of course, kill them all! Help me count how many people there are."

Kevin looked at Li Wei with a serious expression.

"Are you crazy? If you did something like this, you wouldn't be."

"I want you to help me count how many people there are."

Kevin immediately began to calculate, and after a minute Kevin spoke.

"A total of 637 people."

Li Wei laughed.

"There are still 274,000 that need to be supplied to me."


Li Wei bit into a piece of gambling cake, then turned around and scratched her head.

"You help me sort out a detailed document. I need to upload it into my navigation, confirm the personnel list, etc. Anyway, do it, I will give you 100D."

Li Wei said and went downstairs. Kevin was horrified at this time. He didn't know what was wrong with Li Wei to accept such a job.

This is not a small problem. Once Li Wei really takes action, the situation will become very serious. Kevin immediately thought of the doctor, but soon Kevin gave up such an idea. Kevin has always been obsessed with the doctor. Identity is in doubt.

"Let that idiot go, it has nothing to do with me."

Kevin doesn't want to think about Li Wei. After all, this is the case in this place. The only things that are trustworthy are money, the technology or power in his hands, and his brains. These are the only things that survive in this slum. law.

The first time Kevin cooperated with Li Wei was five years ago. They have cooperated with each other continuously in the past five years, but at this time, Kevin felt a little reluctant to let go. After all, if Li Wei was really killed, maybe You will feel sad.


With a loud noise, Kevin was startled, turned around and rushed down to the third underground floor. He quickly ran towards his bedroom, which had been opened. He had forgotten to lock it in his panic.

"It's fun, Kevin!"

Li Wei smiled and held the head of the female heart clone in front of her with one hand. She was still struggling. Kevin walked over and smiled awkwardly. After Li Wei let go of her hand, she looked at Kevin.

"Get this thing out of here, I'm going to rest."

The female clone stared at Li Wei angrily. Kevin directly signaled the female clone to get out. Finally, she left the room and Kevin closed the door.

"I don't care what the bullshit purpose is for you to bring this thing back, but I want to warn you, Kevin, your little compassion may sometimes kill you."

Li Wei lay on the soft bed, then pulled up the quilt. Kevin smiled awkwardly, turned around and closed the door. At this time, the female clone stared at the door.

"You can continue to sleep here. One more thing, I remind you, don't mess with Li Wei, you will die."

After Kevin finished speaking, he quickly went upstairs. The female clone in the living room lay back on the sofa, with a trace of sadness in her eyes.

"I'm nothing! I'm a human being!"

It was already 3 o'clock in the morning in Fortress City late at night, but this was just the beginning of nightlife. A large number of people seemed to be sightseeing, watching something new. Under the escort and leadership of a group of burly and strong gang members, they were enjoying the fortress city. nightlife.

The reason why this place is called a fortress city is because in the past, when disasters occurred, most people could only enter the bunkers of their own homes, and many bunkers were built. Many people were lucky enough to escape.

Starting two centuries ago, or even going back three centuries, many people in this land seem to have doomsday plots. Every household will build bunkers to some extent, and in coastal areas, there are very many bunkers. Yes, I just didn’t expect that these bunkers would really come in handy when disasters occurred. Since then, this place has been named Bunker City. A large number of high-rise buildings in the past have basically disappeared in the past 200 years.

Most people prefer to live underground, because there are a lot of harmful dust in the upper air that is not good for the health. Every week, two air cleaning robots will take turns to clean up some of the dust floating in the city every two or three days. Harmful dust.

But this is not the case in the wealthy areas. There are cutting-edge energy barriers there that can shield most of the harmful dust, and there are things like solar machines, so most people can enjoy the sunshine.

There is always only night in the fortress city, and the neon lights flashing in the night. There is almost no clear boundary between day and night. Many people sleep when they are tired, eat when they are hungry, and have some fun when they are tired.

In the past, many security guards could be seen, but now there are no security guards patrolling this place. Because it is too dangerous, the security guards only come to check regularly. There is nothing that can be trusted in this place, the only thing that can be trusted Only money.

"Guest, do you mean you are not satisfied?"

"Nonsense, I'm here to consume, can't I say if I'm not satisfied?"

A man was a little angry, and one of the guides around him had already persuaded him not to get into trouble anymore.

"If you cheat people like this, who will come next time?"

The shop owner said with a smile.

"Then you can choose as many guests as you like until you are satisfied, but the money must be paid."

"I can't play anymore. How can I be satisfied? I'm so angry that I have to pay half at most."

The tall guide next to him dragged the man, and then spoke to the boss in a friendly manner.

"I advised him."

"Do you know where I come from? I am..."


The gun rang out, and in an instant the arrogant-looking man fell into a pool of blood.

"I'll give you 100D, deal with it."

The boss said and gave the guide money, and the guide laughed.

"Of course, don't worry, Boss Zhou will definitely handle it."

Some tourists looked at the scene in front of them with some fear, and their respective guides immediately comforted them.

"Oh, it's okay, sir. As long as you pay, there won't be any problems here. As long as you don't default on your bills."

The boss named Zhou also started shouting.

"This guy obviously had a lot of fun just now. He wanted to take our waiter away. He ordered a lot of expensive things and started to default on the bill when he paid. He deserved to die."

The situation quickly calmed down, and the streets returned to their usual bustle, except that some shops were closed. After all, it was almost 4 o'clock in the morning.

At this time, someone noticed that at the entrance of this street, many people started shouting and consciously stepped aside. Kurami, wearing a purple backless dress and black high heels, walked in, followed by a bunch of subordinates.

At this time, an old man wearing a white shirt and a mustache walked out of a three-story splendidly decorated restaurant on crutches, followed by a group of people in black suits.

"Old Tang, I'm sorry, I came here first. What do the other guys say?"

"Little girl, go upstairs to drink tea and wait. Your men are on the first floor. I'll have someone greet them."

Kurami nodded and helped Old Tang walk. The two exchanged glances and nodded slightly.

A few minutes later, in a small underground room with only a sofa and a coffee table, Old Tang placed a cup of tea in front of Kurami.

"Old Tang, help me."

Old Tang smiled and nodded without saying a word. After sitting down, he took out a cigarette, lit one himself, and handed one to Kurami across from him.

"I'm old, little girl. The time when I could help you has passed. Besides, I also helped you. But I heard that you asked Li Wei!"

Kurami laughed, then nodded.

"What's wrong, I just invited her for a drink."

"It's time now, don't try to seduce me. What do you want to do?"

An angry look appeared on Kurami's face, she crossed her arms, leaned back, and put her feet on the round table.

"Those guys, what they have done in the past few months, Old Tang, are you blind?"

Old Tang said with a gentle smile.

"Whether you are blind or deaf, I am already old, little girl, and I don't want to repeat it a third time."

Kurami retracted her feet, then leaned forward and said.

"If you help me, I will also help your son and grandson when you are gone."

Old Tang sighed.

"As expected, you are a smart little girl."

Kurami hit the mark on what Old Tang was thinking in his heart at this time. His two sons and one grandson are not very useful. He is already old. If he passes away one day, his territory will probably be destroyed. Disappeared overnight.

"What are you going to do?"

Kurami said with a giggle.

"I have thrown away a piece of fat, and the mad dog has taken away the fat. Soon there will be a bloody storm in many places!"

Old Tang looked at Kurami in shock.

"Nonsense! Call Li Wei back now, it's not the time yet."

Kurami shook his head.

"Old Tang, where did your previous momentum go? Some of the places below you were also touched by those young boys. Shouldn't you teach them a lesson and tell them who is the boss here!"

Old Tang could only sigh. He knew very well what Kurami wanted to say. Now among the six major gangs, except for himself, the other five gangs, including Kurami, were all the same. They were full of blood. This place had been stabilized. It has been a long time, but now that the Federation has planned to intervene, things will become more complicated and no one can be immune.

"Krummy gives you a piece of advice. When they come later, no matter what they say, you have to do it."

"I know, I will definitely endure it. You can rest assured about this, Old Tang. After all, this is the way the world is. If you respect me a foot, I will return a foot to you, right?"

Old Tang nodded happily.

"As long as you listen, it's okay, but it's best not to use that guy Li Wei, because that guy is just a mad dog and only talks about money."

Kurami laughed.

"I also hesitated for a long time before deciding. Since it has already begun, don't be afraid of Old Tang. Don't worry. If I can take it down, half of it will be left to your children."

Old Tang hummed and showed a cold smile.

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