Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 68 Charity Dinner (Part 2)

Zou Yun kept socializing in the crowd. Time passed by and it was already 10 o'clock. The atmosphere of the banquet was not quite right at this time.

Bursts of laughter were heard on the right side of the banquet hall near the door. Around a long table, many women were chatting and laughing with Jean, and Jean was able to handle every woman one by one.

The men sitting in many places around looked at him with slight anger in their eyes. Zou Yun smiled helplessly and walked towards Gene.

Gene has received a large number of business cards on his mobile phone. Many women even made requests to invite Gene to dinner and movies. However, Gene politely refused. Le Xiao, who was sitting next to Gene, was completely helpless. In such an atmosphere, she didn't know what to say.

However, what surprised Le Xiao was that as the banquet came to an end, many women left. Jean never mentioned the plan to establish an experimental base in the barrier area of ​​the Agricultural Department. Obviously, among these women were congressmen, celebrities, and a large number of As a rich woman, Jean can completely rely on her advantages of being handsome and gentle to get them to help vote.

The banquet was over. Zou Yun stood at the door and kept seeing off the guests. It was almost 12 o'clock and there were fewer and fewer people in the banquet hall. Le Xiao didn't know what to do because of her foot injury. Look at Jean. Still drinking, with no intention of leaving.

"Why didn't you just say something about the Agriculture Department? Isn't that why you came here?"

Finally speaking out the question in his mind, Gene said with a smile.

"This will cause a lot of extra entertainment for no reason, and they are not helping me for free. They are helping me for my own sake, rather than realizing the impact this plan will have. If it cannot be implemented, it will affect the entire What kind of problems do cities cause.”

Upon hearing this, Le Xiao recalled the many women who had flirted with Jean just now. Although they did so intentionally or unintentionally, they still offered to help Jean in any way and hoped to invite Jean to his home.

In the past, Le Xiao would have wondered whether Jean was really having an affair with some rich woman, but after these few days of contact, Le Xiao completely believed that it was a rumor from the outside world.

"Mr. Jean, thank you for coming to the banquet. Can I take up some of your personal time?"

Zou Yun came to Ji En and said sincerely. Le Xiao was shocked. Soon she was left at the banquet venue. Many waiters came to wait for her. Le Xiao saw Ji En and Zou Yun coming up. Upstairs.

In a room with retro decoration on the second floor, Zou Yun took out a box of exquisitely packaged cigarettes from the cabinet.

"Mr. Jean, this is the finest tobacco in Brilliant City. It is produced in my private garden."

After taking it, Gene started smoking it before Zou Yun could light it for him.

Cigarettes, one of the luxury goods in Bright City, are produced in a small piece of land divided from the agricultural base in the east. The cheapest cigarettes cost 1 yuan each, while the more expensive ones range from ten yuan to one hundred yuan.

"Can you provide a supercomputer?"

Jean said bluntly, Zou Yun nodded and sat opposite Jean, looking at Jean with some nostalgia.

"I still remember when I was in my 20s, I often saw you, Mr. Jean, running around the city. In the blink of an eye, a hundred years have passed. I am in my twilight years, but you, Mr. Jean, have not changed."

"No need to reminisce about old times. What are the conditions?"

Zou Yun smiled and nodded.

"Dr. Huashen also mentioned to me that many people must not be willing to take such a big risk on establishing an experimental base in the barrier zone of the Agriculture Department. However, everyone is aware of the current situation, but they are just not willing to face it. Yes, we can support you Mr. Jean, and in return, I just hope that life can continue."

Gene's expression suddenly changed, and Zou Yun nodded with a smile.

"This is my only condition. We are also willing to contribute money and efforts. We have less than 100 votes in Congress, which we can provide to you, Mr. Jean. You have to figure out the other parts by yourself. Of course, I am still strong. , there are still many years to live, Mr. Jean, you can think about it slowly, I have an old friend who wants to meet you next."

Gene nodded.

Zou Yun went out after a while, and Chen Qiao walked in slowly.

"Mr. Jean, first of all, I would like to extend my most sincere apology for my grandson's reckless behavior."

Chen Qiao lowered his head and bowed.

"Stop talking nonsense, at the city meeting at the end of this year, you must unanimously approve the Agriculture Department's barrier zone experimental base plan."

Chen Qiao nodded and sat in front of Gene.

"Mr. Jean, that day when you came to our company's meeting place, I didn't think you were a man who would act like a child venting his anger. As the matter is now, I don't intend to go into details. The most we can provide is 100 to 150. I wish you, Mr. Jean, not to embarrass my grandson, he is still young."

Gene stood up, walked to the door with a cold smile, tilted his head and looked back at Chen Qiao.

"Remember what you said tonight."

"I will keep it in mind, Mr. Jean."

"No, I can just go by myself, Gene."

Le Xiao blushed and looked at Jean squatting in front of her with heartbeat. Finally, she lay on Jean's back and carried Jean on his bare feet.

Le Xiao didn't know what Gene and Zou Yun were talking about, but at this time, Gene's expression was pleasant and his smile became much softer.

"There are nearly 30% of the votes."

Lexiao blinked, but Gene said nothing.

"You haven't had enough of the meal just now. I'll take you to eat some noodles."


Before Le Xiao nodded, Gene suddenly jumped up, his field of vision widened and his eyes moved rapidly. Le Xiao opened her mouth wide and broke out in cold sweat, being frightened by such a sudden move.

Jean stood on the roof, quietly looking at the lively Qinglong District in the distance.

"Wait a minute Gene, I'm not ready yet."

The wind whistled in her ears, and Le Xiao kept screaming, but gradually she felt a sense of refreshment, which was more exciting than a roller coaster. Jean carried her back and forth between the upstairs rooms. All the unhappiness and depression tonight, Everything has disappeared, and only the brightly lit city is passing quickly in his eyes, and a feeling of incomparable joy overflows throughout his body.

"Old Zou, what conditions did Jean promise you?"

Chen Qiao looked at Zou Yun with a puzzled look on his face.

"Old Chen, this is a business secret. The vacant houses in the West and North Districts are about to be auctioned by the public. Now that you are here, let's talk about how to take over them all."

Chen Qiao nodded.

"I'm not very interested in real estate, but it's profitable, so that's good, Lao Zou, I'll give you six."

Chen Qiao knew very well the purpose of Zou Yun's charity dinner. The fund was nominally a support fund, but he had already taken advantage of it. The supporting facilities for the children of the lower class after birth were houses, and the dinner was like a public announcement. , the house on the ground floor is mine, no one can touch it.

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