Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 672 Chapter Zero Teardrops (Part 2)

Chapter 672 Chapter Zero. Teardrops (Part 2)


The black water lapped at a broken platform by the port. The black water continuously splashed on the cracked ground. The water slowly flowed back to the sea along the cracks.

A faint white light shone from the bottom of the water. Garcia crawled back to the shore tiredly from the black water. After the open cheeks on his neck closed, he looked back at the deep sea behind him with some despair. Nantz has disappeared. He can't catch up with the crazy shark. The further down he needs to endure, the greater the water pressure he needs to withstand, and the slower Garcia's speed becomes.


Garcia punched the ground, which had been eroded by the sea water. The cracked ground was dented into a small area, and gravel flew. Garcia stood up in annoyance. He lost a friend.

Although there is still a possibility in Garcia's mind that Nantz may survive, it is unlikely. Garcia is very clear about the capabilities of their low-level Steka.

They only have the lowest level ability of diving. They cannot even fly, which requires a huge amount of energy. Rushing to fly will lead to body failure and death, and the depth that they can dive into the ocean is also limited.

"You shouldn't be here to catch such a big prey Natsu!"

Garcia said in a low voice.

There are no tears in Stika. Tears are a luxury for them. This kind of behavior that will violently consume physical energy is not allowed in Stika. From a very young age, the elders in the village have been teaching them Children, don't feel sad because of the death of your companions. Death is just the beginning. The dead companions have returned to chaos and will return to chaos on tomorrow's Day of the Dead. Instead, you should be happy and celebrate the new life of your companions.

But at this moment, Garcia still can't feel sadness. The emotion of sadness will violently consume Steka's body energy. Fine liquid has begun to gather around the eye sockets. Eventually, like pearls, they overflow from the eye sockets and solidify. Tears kept rolling out of Garcia's eyes and pattering on the ground.

The teardrops falling to the ground exuded a crystal shimmer and rolled rapidly down the slope into the black sea water.


The sea water kept lapping at him, and Garcia chose to sit down. He didn't believe that Nantz died like this, although he should be happy at this time, because tomorrow is the Day of the Dead, and Nantz does not need to wander around the world for a whole year before going to Chaos. , but Garcia has never seen the undead, because he has never seen it, and since a long time ago, Panillo has always said that these customs have affected the various inequalities in the entire Steka society and some things she has thought about.

Garcia himself has also lost relatives. His parents were killed while hunting. At that time, Garcia felt very sad. He was obviously very sad, but he was taught not to be sad. The departure of relatives, close friends and all You can't be sad when the one you love passes away. Garcia always feels that this is unreasonable.

9:03 am

"Doctor, I don't think we can go any further. There should be nothing over there."

A square mechanical ship floating on the sea. There are two thick oval tubes on both sides of the bed, and in the middle is a two-layer hull. The two tubes support the rectangular hull, floating on the dark water. On the sea.

On the old spliced ​​metal deck on the second floor, there stood an old man, holding a pipe, wearing goggles, gray hair and beard, a worn black captain's hat, a large gray jacket, a pair of trousers, and Martin boots. Smoking on the deck.

Next to him is a little girl who looks to be only eleven or twelve years old. She is wearing a white waistcoat, black shorts, bare feet, and has white skin. She looks very beautiful, but her eyes are colorful and she always has a smile on her mouth. .

"On Monday, we will sail another 30 nautical miles. If we still can't find anything, we will go back, right?"

The old man said, and the little girl next to him shook her head and curled her lips.

"Doctor, we'd better go back quickly. If the WFBI finds out that we violated the no-access law, we will be arrested, at least for a sixth-degree crime!"

"What do you think of Kevin!"

A man in a daze, sitting in front of a luminous screen in the cabin, looking carefree, with curly hair, freckles on his face, and shiny skin, yawned, exhaled a puff of smoke, and stood helplessly. Wave your hands.

"Don't worry, doctor. I have already taken safety measures, implanted the virus, and adjusted our check-in date. As long as FCIA doesn't investigate, it's totally fine. The National Guard has also accepted our benefits, so we won't do it for the time being. It will squeak."

On the surface of the ship's hull, there is a string of words slowly breathing light.


The abbreviation of the United States of the World. The three people sneaked out of the harbor bunker area in CA. The man called Doctor is a scientist. He is very interested in the outside world, but as a scientist he is somewhat A conscientious scientist, he is marginalized by the scientific community.


Kevin, whose hands were always tapping on the thin crystal screen, looked behind him. A red-haired woman who was nearly 1.8 meters tall, with short hair and wearing an Ouroboros earring on her left ear walked up. The body looks a bit weird, the arms are made of metal, he wears a black vest, and the feet are also made of metal. There are many grooves on the gray metal, and from time to time, light will flow through the grooves.

The woman walked to the cabinet next to her, took a cup, poured a cup of fragrant coffee, and took a sip.

"It's overtime, doctor. Please pay. You will have to pay 50D for every second you are overtime."

The doctor on the bow choked on the smoke.

"Li Wei, you are so desperate for money."

The doctor looked helplessly at the woman behind him, and could only take out a black metal ballpoint pen-like piece from his pocket, and put it over. A beautiful and capable woman named Li Wei came over, raised her left arm, and made a crunching sound. A small hole was opened on the left arm, and after a metal rod was inserted into the neck, a bright white light appeared on it.

"Pay 50D."

Li Wei's originally tired face immediately looked more energetic.

"Thank you for your business. You have extended my employment by another 10 hours, doctor. I'm very pleased."

"According to my calculations, Li Wei, you will lose your job if you continue like this."

Li Wei looked at Monday with strange eyes.

"Little brat, if you keep talking, you might be remade one day."

Monday smiled and ran to the doctor's side.

"No, I'm going to die from sleepiness. You guys, watch carefully. Li Wei, come here."

Kevin shouted, Li Wei scratched his head, and then put his hand on the right side of his thigh. A box-like machine opened, and inside was a revolver. Li Wei picked it up and turned it around a few times with his fingertips. , sat down.

"Keep an eye on the parameters above. If there are any changes, activate the flight system immediately. After all, there are big things in the sea. Once activated, it's up to you!"

Li Wei put the shiny silver revolver to her mouth and kissed it.

"Even the behemoth of the deep sea, which I bought not for sale just last month, can open a big hole in the behemoth's head!"

Kevin scratched his head, turned around and walked down, directly through the entrance of the passage where Li Wei came up, but after a while Kevin shouted.

"Li Wei, you idiot, can't you put it down properly? You are still a woman after all!"

Li Wei snorted coldly and leaned back on the chair, holding the gun in one hand and looking at some seabed detection parameters on the crystal screen. As long as there was a big guy approaching on the seabed, the alarm would be activated. Li Wei only needed to switch to flight immediately. mode and then fight.

The doctor stared solemnly at the dark sea in front of him. They will soon leave the scope of CA and go to a human country that was submerged and extinct under the raging annihilation virus. In the past, this country was called a criminal paradise.

It’s just that the doctor has noticed from a long time ago that unknown luminous creatures can always be seen outside the high border wall of the United States of the World. Congress’s explanation for this is that there are some harmful residues.

This world has long since ended after the Cataclysm of Divine Punishment, but the past United States survived with the support of the world's most powerful technology, and was closely connected with a past country in North America to form the current United States of the World.

The Doctor has never stopped questioning Congress. He doesn’t know what Congress is hiding, but what is certain is that there are still living things out there. Those mutated animals. The Doctor has also seen, studied, and extracted from these mutated animals. The half-living bodies that came down are currently an important biomechanical raw material for the entire country.

The little girl next to her is a biological human equipped with AI. She is a product between human and machine. She is a biological human belonging to the biology department. The doctor bought her from the black market and has been with the doctor for more than ten years. , is a very reliable little assistant.

"I'm so bored. I feel like I need a drink. I feel like I need to find a man to vent my feelings."

Li Wei behind him complained, and the doctor took a look at this single-cell idiot who was desperate for money. If it weren't for the cheap price and good skills, the doctor wouldn't want to hire her at all.

Most of Li Wei's body is a biomechanical modification, but the important part is still human. She is a modified person. In addition to drinking and finding men to vent her feelings every day, she basically acts as a bodyguard for others and helps some businessmen in the slums. Guard.

"Why don't you come and help me, Doctor!"

Li Wei stood up with a smile, but immediately the doctor looked at Li Wei with a resentful look, and Li Wei laughed.

"Haha, doctor, I almost forgot, you are already so old, it would not be good if you were allowed to ascend to heaven."

The doctor pressed his forehead. He didn't want to pay attention to this reckless woman.

There were abnormal fluctuations 8 nautical miles ahead, Monday suddenly said with a serious expression. Li Wei, who was still smiling playfully, instantly turned around and immediately operated on the crystal panel. In an instant, the two metal oval tubes under the hull were released. A blue light appeared, accompanied by a roar, and the entire ship floated into the air in an instant. Li Wei ran directly to the bow of the ship. The doctor picked up Monday and ran to the cabin.

Li Wei took out a cigarette, raised the ten fingers of her left hand, and opened a small lid at the purple fingernail. A cluster of flames spurted out. Li Wei lit the cigarette and took a long puff.

"It's coming, it's coming, this is the feeling, it's great!"

"Li Wei, if you continue to suck it, sooner or later you will ascend to heaven!"

Li Wei laughed, a crunching sound was heard, and a round chip suddenly popped up on the left side of Li Wei's head, immediately covering Li Wei's left eye. At this time, Li Wei instantly captured the violent attack from the front. The thing made splashes on the sea, and Li Wei easily retracted the revolver into the small mechanical cabin on the side of his thigh.

"Such a little guy doesn't need such a great weapon. After all, one bullet costs 300D. I'm waiting to blow the head of the deep sea monster."


Li Wei moved her arms, and then squatted on the hull of the ship on her toes. She clasped her hands behind her back and moved her mechanical fingers.

"Five seconds left."

As Li Wei spoke, her eyes darkened, and with a burst of violent water flow, Li Wei jumped forward in an instant.


With a loud knocking sound, Li Wei accurately kicked something in the water with her left foot. Her body gently turned backwards with the help of force, and a hint of blue appeared in Li Wei's eyes.

"Is there anyone?"

The chip on the left eye has scanned what is under the sea. It is a shark, and in the shark's mouth, there is a human figure.

Boom boom

Li Wei's exposed feet suddenly ignited with jets of blue flames. She instantly accelerated and fell into the sea with a pop. Her hands accurately clamped the shark's upper and lower jaws, but at this time the shark did not move. Li Wei looked at the creature in the shark's mouth in shock. He held a long blue stick in his hand. The stick penetrated directly into the shark's mouth and came out straight through the head. Li Wei hugged him He hit this unknown creature, and instantly blue flames shot out violently on his feet.

"Doctor, this trip was well worth it!"


Li Wei landed on the deck, and at this moment the doctor in the cockpit ran out, and the eyes of Monday Zhou next to him were exuding a fierce and colorful light.

"Unknown humanoid creature, the corresponding template cannot be found in the biological database at present."

"What exactly is this thing?"

The doctor looked at it in shock. In front of him was a blue thing, but wearing coarse cloth, with strips of slightly shiny tubular objects on its surface.

Li Wei quickly returned to the cab. Soon the tubular oval object under the hull returned to its normal color, and the ship fell back to the sea.

"Is this thing still alive?"

Li Wei asked, and the doctor nodded. He leaned down and could hear a faint thumping sound.

"Wow, what is this?"

Kevin, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by the commotion and climbed up.

"Return to the ship first, doctor. We can't go any further. I don't know how long it will take to come out next time."

The ship began to turn around. Li Wei pressed the body of the blue-skinned guy in front of her and found that his skin was very soft and not as stiff as it seemed on the surface. Then Li Wei directly took off the blue-skinned creature's pants.

"There is such a thing. It looks quite majestic. Do you want to try it and see if it works?"

For a moment, Kevin, the doctor, and Monday all looked at Li Wei with disdain.

"I'm just kidding."

"You're not kidding, you idiot."

Kevin pushed Li Wei away. The doctor didn't know what to do now. The creature seemed to have a heartbeat, but it wasn't breathing. This made the doctor a little surprised.

"Give him some simple treatment for his injuries first, and wait until he wakes up."

After a while, the doctor used medical bandages to bandage the man's damaged hands. He also used some anti-hemorrhage drugs and found that it was effective. Then the doctor moved the man to the lounge below.

"Look at him Li Wei, don't do anything weird."

Li Wei smiled and nodded.

Soon the doctor returned to the control room on the second floor. He looked at Kevin lying on the crystal screen with a solemn face.

"How about it, it shouldn't be discovered by WFBI!"

Kevin scratched his curly hair, then shook his head.

“I don’t know yet, I can only try my luck.”

The doctor hummed, and Kevin glanced at the doctor. In the bunker area where they were, everyone knew the doctor, but everyone could only call him doctor. No one knew what his real name was. The doctor was a person who wandered in the black market. A famous supplier, very rich, but a shady businessman, not listed in any demographic data.

Their bunker area is the outermost state of the United States of America and one of the top ten slums. They live just behind the slum. Kevin is an excellent programmer and works in a game company in the bunker area. For personal work, the doctor has hired Kevin many times, and he and the doctor are also old acquaintances.

"What happened today, if you go back, don't tell anyone."

The doctor said seriously, and Kevin hummed and made an OK gesture.

"I still have this credit as a doctor."

The doctor hummed, with a happy look on his face. From renting the ship produced on the black market to hiring Kevin Levi, the trip had already cost 10,000 D. D is a federal currency issued by the United States of the World. .

In the bunker area where Kevin is located, the per capita salary is only 2000D, so he can already live a good life. In addition, it is close to the slums, so consumption is cheap, but the security is a bit chaotic.

Although Congress has provided many aids to help CA state before, it is a pity that it still has no effect. Kevin wants to move to the most developed north, but he still needs to continue to work here and earn extra money. Only then can we have the money to move there. After all, the United States of America has a large population. There are more than 200 million humans. And including robots, biological humans, modified humans, biochemical humans and clones, there are nearly 400 million people.

CA has a population of more than 10 million, and Kevin can no longer stay. Although life here is relatively free and comfortable, Kevin still wants to leave.

"Doctor, can I ask a question?"

The doctor looked at Kevin and seemed to know what he wanted to ask.

"Doctor, if I were you, I should enjoy my old age well. After all, you are so rich."

The doctor shook his head.

"Kevin, do you think there are any other remaining human civilizations in the world?"

Kevin was a little surprised.

"I've seen the video data from the past. It shouldn't be possible."

The doctor laughed.

"I can tell you for sure Kevin, there are at least two civilizations in this world, one is in the sky, and the other is just across the Pacific Ocean, the highest part of the distant world."

Kevin looked at the doctor in disbelief.

"Doctor, have you seen it?"

The doctor shook his head.

"Although I haven't seen it, I saw a piece of top-secret information a few years ago. There is a huge human space station country outside this planet. As for the opposite side of the Pacific Ocean, light radiation has been detected many times, and we have Once when I was young, I picked up something on the sea."

The doctor said as he took out a small silver plate from the box he carried with him. It had some letters and numbers on it, and Kevin could see it immediately.

"It's Morse code. Is there such an old thing after all these years?"

The doctor smiled and nodded.

"The writing on this is Brilliant City!"

Kevin laughed.

"If this dazzling city really exists, it might be similar to the natives."

The doctor nodded, then he said.

"There is also a protective film that comes with this brand, but it was damaged during my research. I don't know what kind of technology and what kind of material it is made of, so I don't think the technological level of Bright City is Being so low, and that they could survive is already incredible, after all, Europe, which was instantly destroyed in 2008, is close to where the Brilliant City is."

Kevin thought for a while and then shook his head.

"Seeing is believing. I don't quite believe that there are other civilizations on this land. After all, the first thing most people thought of during the catastrophe of 2008 was this land. I believe in things in the sky, because I have read some secret information, and humans have established a space country in the sky 200 years ago."

Gradually, a fierce light came from the distance. Both the doctor and Kevin stood on the deck. In the distance was a large piece of light, which was close to the port of CA. In the sky not far away, there were some huge things. It is slowly floating in the air. It is an air purifying robot, a product of the Federation. It floats over every state in the United States of the world, cleaning up harmful substances in the air.

Getting closer and closer to the port, behemoths docked on the sea. They were mechanical carriers of the National Guard, designed to defend against behemoths coming from the sea.

On the dark sea, the boat became smaller as it got closer, with large swathes of lights and tall metal buildings. They were approaching Port CA, which used to be a slum area.

Aircrafts were constantly coming and going in the sky, flashing lights of different colors, and the neon lights on the buildings were particularly eye-catching.

The boat quickly moved towards the right side of the port. At this time, on the distant sea, flying motorcycles were flying towards this side with blue flames. Above them were people wearing black protective armor, with heads on their shoulders. The people with the white eagle coat of arms are members of the National Guard. Each vehicle can only be ridden by two people. The nearly 2-meter-long flying motorcycle hovers over the boat.

"Why did you come back, Doctor? It's timed out this time."

The leader with a mustache asked, and the doctor took out a small metal stick in his hand and threw it up.

"Captain, I'm sorry that I still haven't gained anything this time. Let's go to Yanchao for a drink tonight with the brothers. I heard that there are a lot of new products there recently."

After the captain took it, he laughed, and some of the team members around him also seemed very happy.

"Just be careful next time, doctor. I will take care of those idiots at WFBI."

The boat began to sail towards a densely populated port with a large number of boats docked.

The doctor stared at the city in the distance with solemn eyes and seemed to be in a heavy mood. Kevin patted the doctor on the shoulder.

"I think you're looking for Dr. Guilty!"

The doctor smiled.


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