November 3, 2276

7:13 am

In Mine No. 19 of Shimmer City, a large number of crow personnel are investigating this town with less than 2,000 people left, and everyone needs to be investigated.

A cordon has been set up outside a mechanical gear house, and Crow's people are going in and out of the house to investigate. Sitting at the door is a woman whose makeup has been worn away, who is exhausted, with one hand on her head. , she is Long Yu’s wife, Isa, and many people around her have come to comfort her. The local crow captain has asked two female crows to accompany her 24 hours a day.

Isa was very uncomfortable at this time. Her two children were kidnapped. Although her husband chased them, what happened now? She was very worried and couldn't sleep because of the worry. Crow's people had already tracked them, but they came back later. , found the steam wagon they left, but the husband and children were not found for the time being.

Many people have tried to persuade Isha, but at this time Isha remained silent. She pressed her cheek and looked very uncomfortable. She always thought about bad things in her mind.

Now Crow is investigating, because there must be cooperators of the three kidnappers in the town, otherwise there would be no steam trolley. The owner of the metal warehouse has left long ago, but he doesn’t know who put the steam trolley there. Inside, many people were being questioned by Crow.

Moreover, the three people completed the kidnapping so easily, and they also knew the movements of the crow. This was unacceptable to Isa. She stared angrily at the crowd around her. Her child had just become the Chosen One. Within hours, a kidnapping incident occurred. It is certain that someone familiar with Mine No. 19 acted as an internal agent.

This is a very big event in Shimmer City. More than 500 Crow people have come to the entire town. Everyone's homes need to be searched and everyone needs to be questioned.

High Priest Laika takes this matter very seriously, and now he must find an insider in the town. As for the identities of the kidnappers, no one in Crow knows, and many people are confused.

Her husband had been away for almost a year, and it was difficult for Isha to accept that such a serious problem occurred during this moment when the whole family was reunited.

Woo woo woo

With the sound of a whistle, a new Crow train had arrived. Isa stood up and walked to the side of her house to look over. Many Crow people came down.

According to the reports of the Crow members who pursued the past, Isha's husband Long Yu and their children were probably taken by the kidnappers to those privately dug tunnels left over from the past. However, those tunnels were complicated and it was unknown where they led, and they could not be walked in rashly. , because once you go in, you may not be able to get out.

Especially after hearing that there was blood at the scene, Isa's heart was completely in her throat, and she returned to the door and sat down.

"Miss Isa, it's better for you to take a rest."

A female crow said, and Isha pursed her lips and shook her head. She wanted to cry, but she couldn't. After walking with Long Yu all these years, Isha was extremely happy. He was a responsible person. A good man and a good father.

During the countless difficult days and nights after their marriage, Isha often felt like she was in trouble, but Long Yu still managed to get through it with their family.


At this time, a deep voice sounded. As soon as Isa raised her head, her eyes widened in shock. The man in front of her looked at her apologetically.

"What are you doing back?"

Isa said coldly.

"It's so beautiful, my eyes are almost falling out."

Dragon Curse glanced back sideways, and Shayena walked over with a dissatisfied look on her face. When she saw this beautiful woman, Shayena probably understood, because it was hard to conceal at first glance. Dragon Curse was still there. Thinking of this woman, her brother's wife, she held Dragon Curse in her arms and looked at Isa with a smile.

"Stop it."

Dragon Curse said dullly. Isha had already checked her head, and her face was a little angry. Then she stood up and walked into the house. Dragon Curse just wanted to follow, but Isha refused.

"You're not welcome here."

Long Curse stood calmly at the door. Everything outside the house where he and his brother had lived together since childhood remained unchanged. Even the furnishings inside were the same. They had not been changed for so many years. Many things were very old. It can be seen that life is not easy for the younger brother and his family, so the younger brother goes to work elsewhere in exchange for something.

Dragon Curse already knew the situation here before he came back, so he hurried over here early this morning. The captain also agreed to his request for leave, because Dragon Curse's younger brother and nieces and nephews were all kidnapped.

"People don't welcome you, so why are you licking them?"

Dragon Curse glanced at Shayena dissatisfied.

"I will find a way to find my brother."

As Dragon Curse said, he walked up to several local crows and learned about the situation.

It is simply impossible to find the insider in this town, unless the exact witnesses can be found.

"Little curse."

An old voice sounded from the crowd outside, and Dragon Curse looked over.

"Grandma Putzel."

Dragon Curse walked to the blockade. The old man stretched out his skinny hand and pulled Dragon Curse away.

"I saw."

Dragon Curse was about to ask for a moment, but was pulled away by the old woman in front of him.

Puzer didn't release the dragon curse until he came to an alley.

"Keep that girl away."

Dragon Curse immediately told Shayena to go far away, and she pouted dissatisfied and left.

"It's Ibrasi."


Dragon Curse looked at Puzer in shock.

"Grandma Puzer, I remember you have presbyopia, did you really see it?"

"Not once or twice. I have seen that man wearing a lion mask enter the old man Ibrahim's house many times late at night."

Dragon Curse immediately looked around.

"Are you sure, Grandma Putzel?"

Puzer grinned and nodded.

"But I didn't tell Crow's people. I only told you. Do you have anything to eat? I can exchange potatoes for you."

Dragon Curse immediately took out a 1KG can of air-dried meat from his pocket, and Puzer put it away happily. This old woman had a problem. She always exchanged things with some people late at night. She always succeeds, she is almost 80, and many people in the town see her as pitiful and alone, so they help her.

Dragon Curse's mood was a bit complicated at this time, because Ibrasi had helped their family many times during their most difficult times. If it weren't for the old man, he and his brother Long Yu might have starved to death.

Ibrasi has been a great benefactor to the Long family. This was specially explained to him when his parents passed away. He must repay Ibrasi in the future.

Ibrasi is now 70 years old. Since the town began to decline a few years ago due to his foolhardy work, he rarely leaves his mechanical house.

"Don't tell anyone about Grandma Putzer just yet."

The old woman smiled and left, and Dragon Curse planned to go directly to Ibrasi to ask for details.

"What's wrong? What happened? You look so bad."

Dragon Curse glanced at Shayena, he didn't plan to say anything to Shayena.

"You hang around here for a while, I have to do something."

Shayena immediately stood in front of Dragon Curse, hooked her hands around Dragon Curse's neck, and said with a smile.

"What's wrong? Can't you trust me? Is there anything else we can't talk about? You're not like this when we're in bed!"

Dragon Curse looked around, and many people were laughing in the distance, because most people knew Dragon Curse. In the end, Dragon Curse could only nod and agreed, but asked Shayena not to tell anyone, even her own. Boss, and the rest of Crow.

Dragon Curse led Shayena through some streets. In the northernmost part of the town, near some fields, there was a mechanical house with a large door and a large area. This is Ibrasi's residence and his In the place where some research was done, there were piles of metal waste and some abandoned machinery everywhere in the yard. The whole yard was very chaotic. Some gears on the house were driven by steam and were slowly turning. Dragon Curse came to There was a knock on the open door.

"Ibrasi, are you there?"

Shayena looked inside and saw that the room was the same. There were a lot of broken machinery and disorganized mechanical blueprints piled all over the floor. There were also many machines that looked like they were used for processing, but they all looked older. The old model.

"I'm in."

Dragon Curse said and walked in. After a while, Dragon Curse was at the entrance of a basement. He heard a knocking sound. He turned on the steam lamp he was carrying and planned to take Shayena down. Shayena stood at the entrance of the basement with a playful smile.

"You have something very important to discuss with him. I won't go down and watch over it for you."


Dragon Curse said, Shayena giggled and kissed Dragon Curse.

Long Curse followed the sound and walked down. He remembered that there were two floors in the basement here. In the first basement, Long Curse saw some large machines placed. In order to reduce the noise hazard, they could only work underground. There is a ramp, and the door can be opened by a mechanical device to transport these large machines to the ground.

"Are you there Ibrasi?"

Dragon Curse walked down, and sure enough, after entering the second underground floor, Dragon Curse saw Ibrasi leaning on the workbench welding. There were many small machines in this basement. At this time, Ibrasi Come to your senses.

"Sorry, it was too noisy and I didn't hear you."

Ibrasi is still the same as before. The middle part of his hair is bald, leaving only two small patches of white hair on both sides of his head. He is covered in stains and looks a little tired.

"By the way, Ibrasi, have Crow's men questioned you?"

Ibrasi hummed.

"I've already cross-examined it, but I'm really sorry about your brother's matter. I should be able to do it."

"Do you know the kidnapper?"

Dragon Curse said directly with a serious expression.

"Don't know me? Why would you ask such a question?"

Ibrasi looked puzzled, and there was a suspicion on his wrinkled cheeks.

"Tell me Ibrasi, are you really not related to those kidnappers?"

Dragon Curse walked over and looked into Ibrasi's eyes seriously, confirming something.


Ibrasi replied.

"Grandma Putzer said he had seen one of the kidnappers, a man wearing a lion mask, enter your home several times late at night."

Ibrasi scratched his head.

"I don't know about this. There were indeed people wearing masks here before, but most of them were guests. We just exchanged some things. Why do you think so!"

Dragon Curse couldn't tell for a while. There were only a few people in the town who had communication technology. The others couldn't compare with Ibrasi. Ibrasi was very good at communication. They were all I studied communication technology with Ibrasi.

What is certain is that the three kidnappers already knew everything here before they came here. They must have communicated through a frequency they did not know at all, and only Ibrasi in the town could independently establish communications. .

At this moment, there was a quarrel above. Although he couldn't hear it clearly, Long Curse quickly turned around and went back. As soon as he reached the first floor, Long Curse looked at Isa in shock, holding a handful in his hand. Long tube steam gun.

"Step aside."

Shayena still said jokingly.

"Hey, miss, do you have the guts to shoot? If so"

"I apologize for the rudeness of asking her, Isa."

Dragon Curse hurriedly pulled Shayena away. Although the Isha in front of him had a good temper and had many problems since childhood, Dragon Curse who grew up with her knew clearly that this girl also had a hot temper.

Now Isa was very angry. She ignored the two of them and walked into the basement of Ibrasi's house. Dragon Curse hurriedly followed.

"What are you going to do Isa."

As soon as they arrived at the second underground floor, before Ibrasi could react, there was a bang and Isha had already pulled the trigger.

"I have heard from Grandma Puzel, Ibrasi, tell me, where are my husband and children? I will not miss the shot next time."

Shayena looked at this angry woman in surprise, and Dragon Curse wanted to stop her.

"Do not touch me."

Isa's angry voice sounded, and the hand that Dragon Curse wanted to reach out retracted.

"Don't listen to her nonsense. How could I possibly know the kidnapper? And you must have given her food. She is like that. She always likes to talk about things that are not there. I have just explained it to Xiao Ju. , most of the people who come to my place are guests, I just exchange things with them, I don’t know the kidnapper at all.”

"Do you still want to quibble?"


A steel cone was already loaded, and Isa's hand was on the trigger, directly pressing the steam gun against Ibrasi's head.

"If you don't say anything, next time I will make a hole in the head of your self-proclaimed genius."

Ibrasi raised his hands and was still saying that he didn't know the kidnapper. Dragon Curse stood aside and didn't know what to say.

"Isa, why on earth do you think Ibrasi knew his kidnapper?"

"A woman's innate sixth sense!"

Dragon Curse swallowed a mouthful, and Ibrasi immediately stepped back, but Isha followed reluctantly and pressed her hand down a little. Ibrasi looked at Isha with a solemn expression.

"Your temper is still the same as before. You have to rely on evidence for everything, little girl. You can't slander me, but I am..."

"That metal warehouse belongs to you, right?"

Ibrasi was a little surprised and nodded.

"It's mine, but I haven't used it for many years. It used to just accumulate some materials, but then I took out all the materials and stopped using them."

"You're lying, old bastard."

Isa roared, almost losing control. Suddenly, Dragon Curse suddenly grabbed Isa's hand from the side. Ibrasi also jumped to the ground smartly. With a bang, the gun rang out, and the steel cone directly It pierced the ceiling and was halfway in. Ibrasi looked at Isha with a horrified expression.

"You're lying, you're lying, you bastard."

Isha roared like crazy. Dragon Curse and Shayena could only pull Isha from left to right, and finally Isha started to cry weakly after a while.

"Calm down Isa, let's sit down and talk slowly."

Ibrasi's expression also showed a slight change at this time.

"Old man, you'd better tell me quickly, otherwise, I will hand you over to the crow."

Shayena threatened, and Ibrasi immediately explained again. Dragon Curse looked at Shayena in confusion.

"What are you"

"A woman's sixth sense is very accurate. If you think about it carefully, what the battle process was like. It was basically one-sided. More than ten of the Crow's thirty-odd people were injured. The other party should be aware of them. The armor has steam properties, and this old man obviously knows the equipment of the local crows."

Ibrasi looked at Shayena blankly.

"Based on this? Miss, you are too arbitrary. I do know the output power of the equipment of the crows here, as well as the actual combat capabilities, but this does not mean that I told the kidnapper in advance."

Isa was still crying silently, and Dragon Curse could only stand aside blankly. He didn't know how to comfort her.

"Although there is no evidence yet, it is only a matter of time. No matter how clever you hide it, you still can't change what you did."

Ibrasi stood up angrily at this time, his face flushed from holding back.


"Why didn't you come to my house when the broadcast informed me that my two children would become the Chosen Ones?"

Isa asked.

"Why should I come?"

"Because if the Chosen One appears in the mine, the mine will be favored by other cities, and a large amount of materials will be sent over. Old man, aren't you keen on your research? Don't you want those materials sent over? "

Ibrasi laughed immediately.

"I was just researching this kinetic energy machine at the time. After all, my research was already half successful. It is a semi-perpetual motion machine, a cross-era machine that can replace steam machinery."

"You're bragging."

Shayena immediately retorted, while Isa was still crying, her eyes never leaving Ibrasi.

"Then let me ask you one more thing, Ibrasi, how did you do your research all these years without any research materials?"

"I repurposed some scraps."

He Ye laughed heartily.

"As expected, you are very bad, old man. Do you really think we are three-year-old children? Are we so easy to fool?"

Ibrasi still refused to admit it, but at this moment Isha suddenly stood up and ran towards Ibrasi's workbench. Ibrasi was immediately startled, and many machines on the table were swept away. When they got to the ground, Isa was looking for something like crazy, and Shayena also joined in.

"Two little girls, what are you going to do? That's my hard work, you..."

Ibrasi stopped talking because there was a huge sound of gears, and with a creaking sound, a secret door appeared behind the workbench, as well as an underground room.

"That's my secret research laboratory, why do you know it?"

Isha looked at Ibrasi angrily.

"Feifei told me, do you remember? Last year, because Honghong was ill, Long Yu and I could only take her to a better place far away for treatment, and let Feifei stay at your home temporarily."

Ibrasi hummed, and the two women picked up the steam lamp and quickly walked into the secret door. There was a downward staircase. After going down, they could see a lot of drawings hanging on the wall and some things on the table. of some communicators.

"You still want to deny it."

As soon as Dragon Curse stepped down, Isa's expression became serious, as if she wanted to shout, and the sound of gears behind her sounded again, and the secret door was closed.

"Old man, what do you want to do?"

As soon as Dragon Curse shouted, the door was closed. He immediately ran to the door and started beating it, making the door very heavy.

"Why did you stop me just now?"

Isa ran over hysterically and slapped the iron door. Long Curse stood aside helplessly, wanting to dissuade her, but she didn't know what to do.

"Okay, okay, he has this kind of hesitant character. He is always afraid of wolves and tigers. This is why you don't like him."

Shayena immediately hugged the crying Isha, Long Curse's face was livid, he stood at the door, not knowing what to do now.

"What exactly do you want, Ibrasi?"

Dragon Curse shouted, but there was no response.

At this time, Ibrasi, who was standing at the door, scratched his head and began to pack up the things scattered on the floor. He now felt extremely troubled, but soon Ibrasi laughed, and he planned to take care of himself first. It would take a few days to close them, and after finishing, Ibrasi left the room, and he now planned to go to Puzel's house.

Within minutes Ibrasi knocked on Puzel's door.

"You woman, why do you always say something that you don't have?"

Puzel looked at Ibrasi warily, and then suddenly there was a whoosh, and a fine steel needle pierced Puzel's neck directly. She was trembling in pain, covering her neck with one hand, and Ibrasi Xi turned around and started walking directly.

"This is the only way to do it. After all, there is really no other way."

Ibrasi said, glanced at Puzer who fell on the ground behind him, and then yawned and laughed.

"Let's go back and continue our research."

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