"Fry, wake up quickly!"


If Nabe calls me again, I have to get up quickly.

"Fry, how about hanging out with me?"


"Fry, I'm sorry!"

In front of him, Jean was sitting quietly on a dead tree stump. He was still exactly the same as before, without any change. His face always showed indifference, and only the apology in his eyes made people feel that Jean was there. In front of you, otherwise he would be like a stone statue.

Frye stared blankly at his former mentor. His heart at this time was a little complicated, and at the same time it was unexpected, because he was obviously dead. This was the most difficult thing for Frye to understand. He was obviously already dead. That's right, but in the current situation Frye knows that he is still alive.

In the last moment before his death, Frye saw Jean who was as cold as a machine, and then he was directly destroyed by Jean's powerful power. At that moment, Frye could see clearly that Jean was released from his body. The blue particles split everything, and his body after assimilating with the plant-like body was split into countless atomic-level substances by Jean's power in an instant.

Even plants cannot be restored. This is the first time Frye has seen this powerful power. Under this terrifying and absolute power, Frye's desire to take everything back from the gods was shattered in an instant. .

Frye's consciousness was clear, very clear. He knew very well that what he saw in front of him was the hallucination he saw after he was unconscious, and it was also the deepest thing in his heart. Frye slowly walked to Jean, who was like a sculpture. before.


Fry shouted.

"Fry, did you find it? Your answer?"

Frye smiled slightly, then nodded and said.

"We have found the direction, principal!"

After bowing slightly, Frye felt a tearing sensation in his body. In an instant, Frye's eyes widened and he saw strips of black and red plant-like plants squirming on the surface of his body. He could feel these kinds of plants. The plant was crawling inside his body, and a thrilling tingling sensation made Frye raise his head. In the darkness, Frye saw a woman with a faint blue light in the distance, with only her upper body and hands exposed. , the other parts are wrapped in black and red plant-like packages.

"Don't touch young man, I am repairing your body. Your body has been eroded by the power of God and is on the verge of collapse. The tissues of your body should have suffered severe damage. It is the power of God that repairs your body." It will destroy your body, but it will also devour everything about you, but fortunately, your willpower is strong, so it does not disappear completely."


Frye said something and smiled slightly. The woman in front of him was called Laika. Frye knew what Laika wanted to ask.

"Are you Jean's student?"

Frye nodded.

"They did it!"

Laika smiled with a relieved expression, looking beautiful and radiant. After a while, black and red plant-like substances flowed out of Frye's body. Frye felt much more comfortable all over his body. This was something he had never felt before. Yes, after all, these kinds of plants are highly poisonous. Once they penetrate into the human body, if the person cannot be in harmony with this kind of plants, they will be quickly devoured.

"Brilliant City! The name of the city that Jean and the others built."

Frye nodded.

"Do you know them?"

Frye asked and Laika said with a smile.

"Jean should be the most reliable and talkative person. I can't believe that woman Tang Rao. She has betrayed me twice. Li Chu is very insidious, but Werther is very honest. Although Gu Yi is silent on weekdays, But she is very thoughtful and will only do things that are beneficial to herself. To be honest, I don’t quite understand Rose’s words, because maybe only Jean knows what she thinks about every day. As for Deguna’s words, I don’t understand her very well. She didn’t have a good impression from the beginning, she must be a bitch after all! As for Ellie”

When he mentioned Ellie, Laika's eyes dimmed and her expression became much duller.

"I owe Ellie a lot. How is Ellie? Is she okay?"

Frye shook his head.

"I don't know the existence of this person, but I once saw a photo of a beautiful young woman in the principal's home. She looked like a very gentle woman."

"Really! Principal, I probably should have left with Jean and the others, and I should have listened to Ellie's words. But in the end, I harmed Ellie and them, and ultimately caused irreparable consequences."

Frye did not intend to continue this topic. He wanted to know where this place was and what was going on with the woman in front of him who was of the same era as Jean and the others. It seemed that she had fully adapted to plant-like abilities. , completely controlling the plant-like plant, which is what Fry wants to know most.

Ever since he was parasitized by plant-like plants when he was about to die, Frye has felt unprecedented changes. This is another gesture of God.

"Are you the god here?"

Frye asked, Laika looked at Frye blankly, and finally nodded.

"They are the same as Teacher Jean. The seven of them are also the gods of Brilliant City."

"When Jean and the others left, they were already able to use some strange powers beyond ordinary people. I have also thought about what the power they possess represents over the years. It seems that my guess is correct. Their bodies have already Gradually separated from human beings."

Frye hummed, and he was observing Laika. Laika had the ability to completely control this kind of plant. Frye wanted to know how it was done.

"Young man, if you want to get this power, I advise you to forget it."

Frye smiled and nodded, it seemed that Laika could read his conscious intentions.

"I can indeed read your intentions. You are just an ordinary person now. Young man, if you still want to regain this power, I will never allow it. You should familiarize yourself with this place first. everything."

Laika said as the black and red plant-like plants on the surface of her body wrapped around her. Soon Laika disappeared into the darkness. Then the lights in the room turned on. Frye swallowed and felt that there was no longer a plant-like plant in her body. existence, but the gene of God still exists.

Frye raised his finger, and a faint blue particle floated out of his fingertips. It looked like an attic. He was at a very high place. When Frye looked down, he felt shocked. There was a scene in front of him. A large green and peaceful forest, surrounded by busy streets, bustling with pedestrians and brightly lit. After raising his head, Frye saw the top of a huge rock, with many dark places on it, and could vaguely see the movement of people. black-red plant.

"Is this a country?"

Frye asked, and Laika's voice came from the darkness.

"This place is called Shimmer City young man. You can live here from now on. I have many things I want to ask you. Rather than reading your memory, it's better for you to tell me directly. After all, I don't want to hurt you."


Frye said again that he had too many things he wanted to ask. Stripes of white gas kept spraying out from the sky above the city, like white dragons. Frye took a closer look and knew that it was water vapor. The moment he opened the window, the sound of clicking, ticking, and creaking machinery hit his face, and noisy human voices were mixed in.

There are huge houses composed of mechanical gears and a large number of pipes, and many people on the street look like they are wearing hard and strange clothes that spit out steam, and everything on the street looks very peaceful. It feels like a retro old movie to Frye.

Fry pressed his hands on the window sill, looking at the flickering light spots and white steam-emitting machinery flying in the air on the street in the distance, followed by a bunch of children chasing after them excitedly.

"Does this place run on steam?"

"To be precise, it uses the power of God as the core of transmission, and uses geothermal heat and a part of mixed fuel to drive steam equipment. This is the kingdom of steam."

Woo woo woo

As soon as Frye looked over, he saw a high-speed steam train rushing over in the middle of the city. It quickly stopped and a large number of people immediately surrounded it.

"This is the mode of transportation here."

Laika hummed and added.

"There are 12 steam trains in total, which will lead to 103 pit towns throughout the day, and the huge pit towns make up the Shimmer City."

"What's the population?"

Laika said with a smile.

"Only more than 600,000."

Frye nodded understandingly. For a moment, he was thinking of Brilliant City. This place seemed to be the main area of ​​Shimmer City. A cursory look at the people on the street showed that there were at least 20,000 people. It was conceivable that some were remote. There may only be a few hundred people in the local mines.

"This place is basically self-sufficient, with a barter-for-barter exchange model. It is managed by our priests who can communicate with God, and the crows, the priests' direct organization."

"I see. If things are exchanged for things, it means that it is difficult to exploit money. The value of two items can be determined by both parties of the exchange. It is indeed a very good system, so it has been very stable in these years. Bar."

Laika felt that Frye's tone was a little serious.

"Has there ever been a war in Brilliant City?"

Frye hummed.

"At the beginning of the city's establishment, as well as the chaos after the city's establishment, rebellions and wars also occurred after Baoquang City stabilized. It was a city where oppression and technology coexisted. There were three levels, upper, middle and lower, and the classes had been completely solidified. , it’s almost impossible for people at the bottom to climb up.”

"Is it that severe?"

Frye hummed and laughed dullly.

"It's very serious. Bright City has a population of more than 30 million."

There was a rustle in the darkness, and Laika leaned out in shock.

"30 million? That should be a very difficult city to manage."

Frye hummed.

"Teacher Jean and the others have worked hard, but as a result, problems always arise, and there are always problems that cannot be solved."

Laika hummed.

"By the way, Miss Laika, can I go outside for a walk?"

"Okay, do you want me to have someone be your guide?"

Frye shook his head with a smile, and then jumped directly to the window sill. Just when Laika was surprised, Frye suddenly ejected forward and fell into the forest very fast in an instant. There were streaks of red on the edge of the window sill. Particles were floating, the lights were extinguished, and the black-red tentacles slowly stretched out, swallowing up the particles the moment they touched them.

"Is it a cell?"

Laika muttered, this power is somewhat similar to the power used by Jean and the others in the past. They are cells that are split from the body and have power that can be manipulated.

At this moment, the door to the room opened, and a man with a pattern of five crows on his shoulders walked in.

"Let me watch him, Lord Laika."

"Mithra, please lead him the way."

The man named Mishra jumped directly from the window. With a violent jet of air appearing on the armor, the man began to float in the air. A pair of wings opened directly. Mishra accurately and quickly glided to Frye Station. Next to a tree, after falling, the wings folded and were automatically stored in the bucket on the back.

"It's quite trendy."

Frye said something. The man in front of him was wearing a dark red metal armor and a crow's mask. There were thumb-sized cylinders in many places on his body.

"My name is Mishra, and I am the Commander of the Dark Crows."

"Fry Stan."

Frye stretched out his hand. The man opposite him was half a head taller than him, and he couldn't see the eyes under the eyepiece. Frye looked around at this time.

"Is there any cigarette?"

"follow me."

Mishra took Frye and walked away. Frye looked at the forest. There was almost no one in it. After Mist's words, Frye knew that this was the residence of High Priest Laika, and outsiders were absolutely not allowed to do so. The place where you are allowed to set foot is also an extremely sacred existence for the people of Shimmer City.

After a while, the two walked out of the forest and faced a lively square. The streets were full of vendors selling things. Fry looked at it happily. He liked it very much. Most people were bargaining. At this time The crowd began to stir, and many people immediately came over to say hello to Mishra. Some children even ran over in admiration, asking Mishra various questions.

But at this time, many people discovered Frye. He looked completely different from what he was wearing here. He was wearing a white coat, slippers, a white vest, and a pair of jeans. This kind of dress is rare in Shimmer City. Not coming out.

"This is Lord Laika's guest."

Mist explained some things and dispelled some people's doubts. However, many people were curious about where Fry came from. Soon Mist took Fry to a street tobacco seller. The hawker's side.

Fry smiled and nodded, looking a little embarrassed. As soon as the vendor saw it was Mist, he immediately smiled and said.

"Mister Mist, I remember you don't smoke. Why do you have time to come here today?"

"How much can these be exchanged for?"

Mist took out a small machine from the small bag hanging on his waist. The vendor was dumbfounded for a moment.

"All of them can be replaced, Master Mist. Isn't this a thermal drive element? Is this okay?"

"Please help me make it boring."

Frye looked at the sheets of paper beside the tobacco, and the machine next to it that looked like it was made. After the vendor took it, he immediately started working gratefully. After a while, there was a mountain of tobacco piled there. Cigarettes are made one by one in a machine.

"Is it enough?"

"I'm really sorry for costing you money."

Frye seemed a little embarrassed. Soon, a large bag of cigarettes was carried on Mist's shoulders. It seemed to be quite heavy-bearing, at least more than 100 kilograms. Frye immediately raised a hand, accompanied by a trail of red particles. , Mistton exclaimed in surprise.

"It's really incredible Fry, can everyone in Bright City know this power of yours?"

Frye shook his head.

"A power that only mutants can use. If you want to know anything, just ask. Let's find a place to talk."

Mist laughed very happily. Seeing Fry carrying more than 100 kilograms of cigarettes with ease, many people on the street looked on in shock. Then Mist took Fry to a popular restaurant. I went to a tavern and asked for a private room on the second floor.

After a while, Frye took a sip of the wine. The aroma in his mouth made Frye feel as if he had come alive for a moment. He had never drank such pure beer.

"It should be brewed using traditional techniques."

Mist looked at Fry in confusion, then scratched the back of his head.

“Are there any other ways to make beer?”

Frye smiled and realized that it seemed that the only method here was to use pure grain fermentation and brewing.

"There is also a kind of industrial fermentation that will mix in some industrial raw materials, but the taste is as good as the earth compared to this pure beer."

Mist laughed.

"This wine isn't cheap."

Frye naturally knew it, Mist said.

"But just drink as much as you can today. Even if you drink up all this place, it won't be worth the value of the mechanical component I gave to the boss."

Flay laughed heartily, and the two drank happily. Mist just pulled away the mask, exposing his mouth, and never took off the mask.

"It's very inconvenient to wear like this."

"I'm sorry, we in Darkcrow can never show our true colors to others."

Frye immediately said sorry.

The whole day passed very happily. Frye hadn't talked to anyone like this for a long time. By dusk, the two of them had eaten and drank a lot of beer and eaten a lot of special snacks.

There are some things that Fry has never eaten, or it is impossible to have them in Cuican City. There are mostly pickled products. There may be more pickled vegetables in the city, but there are very few pickled meat products. There will be people who use fresh meat to make pickled products. After all, such a large piece of meat can make many portions of liquid food.

"What exactly is the liquid food you mentioned that people there eat most?"

Fry said with a smile.

"How should I put it? It's made by mixing some things that are nutritious and absorbable to the human body and adding some liquid and taste agents. It's very unpalatable."

Mist laughed heartily.

"It's very luxurious. It sounds like we've had some serious famines here in the past, so it's good to have something to eat."

Frye hummed, both of them were a little drunk, but Frye still planned to continue chatting with Mist. He knew a lot of things here, and this place didn't look as peaceful as it looked on the surface.

Every city is the same and has similar problems. Even if it is bartering, there are still many smart businessmen who hoard some necessities and then exchange them with others for more value-preserved goods. Mist also said , this kind of thing happens repeatedly, most merchants have their own chambers of commerce, and control most of the supplies in Shimmer City.

Especially those items that can store value, merchants have piles of them in their homes, and this place is also divided into classes. Frye also thought that if he were a businessman, he would definitely do this, because the more value-preserving items he hoards, the richer he will be. .

"The only thing is that merchants will help some poor people in the mines from time to time. No matter where there is a famine problem, the merchants will buy some food and send it there to help them survive the famine."

"Is it mandatory?"

Mist shook her head.

"All of this is voluntary, or forced to do so. If some businessmen have been making money for a long time but are unwilling to contribute, once the people know about it, most people will boycott them and stop doing business with them. "

"I see."

Mist glanced at the time and saw that it was already 8pm. He stood up and walked staggeringly.

"That's almost it, Fry, let's go back."

Frye hummed, and the two of them supported each other and walked on the street talking and laughing. Frye felt particularly happy today. He felt that he could become a good friend with this straightforward and forthright man.

The streets were full of people, the night seemed more lively, and the light became brighter. However, at this moment, with the sound of whooshing sounds, Frye woke up in an instant, and in an instant, shots were shot out from all directions. One by one, Frye raised one hand, and densely packed steel needles like raindrops were already shooting towards them.

The two of them were at the edge of an empty fountain. However, the moment the steel needles were about to hit the two of them, they all stopped in the air and were completely blocked by the red particles.


Mist looked at the scene in front of him in shock. Frye's eyes were filled with red light, and red particles were surrounded by clouds.

"Thank you!"


Accompanied by bursts of roars and the sound of mechanical friction, dozens of people jumped out from all directions in an instant. They were all wearing steam armor and holding weapons in their hands. It seemed that they were coming for Mist. There was a wave of shock around them. There was a cry.

"Although it may make you lose face, leave it to me Mist!"

Frye looked at the people wearing animal masks attacking around him. He closed his eyes and showed a helpless smile. After noticing Mist's worry, Frye added.

"Don't worry Mist, no matter how many people come, they are no match for me."

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