"Did you find it?"

The queen looked at the guard captain angrily. Three hours had passed. A bunch of founders were watching. All of them stared at the queen in fear because they had not seen such an angry queen for a long time.

"Your Majesty, we have not found it yet."

With a bang, the Queen smashed the wine glass to the ground. She glared at the group of founders and family members. Someone must have secretly colluded with Hert, and then took advantage of the fight between the founders to take advantage of the medical staff. People came in and ran away.

All the medical staff who had just entered the palace were arrested, and they would face interrogation. The queen's teeth started to itch when she thought of Hert's proposal to attend the banquet the day before yesterday. She had never been so angry in her life.

Now there are no cards in hand, and the cards that can be used to threaten Helt are gone. Helt himself has also escaped. They will definitely continue to let the clone front outside the moon city attack in the future.

The Queen must now use all means to catch Helt. Although she wanted to kill the clone in her mind, she gave up in the end. Indeed, no clone has his talent.

Even in human society, no one can match the talent of the clone Helt.

At this moment, in addition to anger, the Queen was filled with doubts. She didn’t know who helped Hert escape. The most likely person was someone from the family, and the people from the family had already surrendered before. They had no idea at all. It was necessary to let Hert stir up trouble again.

After all, now the family is also being attacked by clone soldiers from outside, and it is very possible that the founders have seen Helt's military talent.

Especially the Fourth and Fifth Army, if they let Hert go over to help them train and transform the army, they will become a big threat in the future.

So this time the queen was suspicious of the founders, not the family members. A large number of soldiers were investigating the scene, but no trace of Hult and the others was found.

Victor stood in the family, and many people were deliberately talking about how Hult and the others escaped. This was a countermeasure that Victor had discussed with the patriarchs of these families early in the morning.

Victor glanced at the big tree. It had been an hour now. The tunnel under the bakery opposite had long been filled in. When they found some traces and followed the traces, they found nothing.

When they find the cracks in the wall, the big tree will grow new roots, and even if they dig up the ground, they will find nothing.

The plan this time was perfect. The Queen was too confident. Victor looked at the angry Queen and showed a proud smile. He knew very well that the future was still under their control and the empire's army could not destroy it. Drop clones.

Now Victor just wants to leave the palace quickly and go to Helt to talk about the future. He can't wait any longer.

The Queen looked at the founders angrily.

"I know that some of you have colluded with that clone Helt. That's good. If you still want to continue to fight against me, once I find out who it is in the future, you will be exiled forever."

The founders looked at each other in confusion. They didn't know who they were, but they were sure that the Queen now had grounds to monitor and interrogate them.

Many of the founders couldn't figure out how the clone Helt escaped. This place was so tightly guarded that it was impossible to escape under the eyes of everyone.

"Your Majesty, I don't think they went out when the medical team arrived. I wonder if Your Majesty can let us see the surveillance camera before clone Helt and his two women disappeared."

After one of the founders finished speaking, Victor said immediately.

"I don't think this is necessary. He is very smart. He should have figured out how to avoid a lot of surveillance and then disappear quietly."

As soon as Victor finished speaking, the Queen nodded.

"I think so too, Victor. Tell me what you think. After all, you are very smart."

Victor thought for a moment and said.

"I think it's someone who is collaborating with Hurtley. What do you think is the most inconspicuous thing in this venue?"

Everyone looked around, and the guard captain scratched his head.

"Mr. Victor, the most conspicuous person should be the waiter."

Victor shook his head.

"It's from your Queen's Guard."

The guard captain looked at his uniform in shock. At a glance, he was surrounded by people wearing guard uniforms.

At this time, Victor was panicking in his heart, because he knew very well that he had to lead the doubts to other places, and he must not look at the surveillance camera, because if he just looked at the surveillance camera carefully, he could find that Hult and the others were entering. Disappeared behind the woods.

Once they start investigating the woods, they will definitely find something strange in a short time.

After all, nearly half of this big tree has withered, and many people just want to leave as soon as possible, so Victor takes advantage of this.

The founder who just wanted to see the surveillance said.

"Yes, the guardsmen are indeed dressed in uniform, and the light here is relatively dim. If they put on the uniforms of the guardsmen, they would most likely sneak out."

The captain of the guard immediately mobilized the surveillance of the gate. After the founders were injured in the fight, the soldiers of the guard opened the palace gate and went back and forth countless times.

Soon, with the help of AI, more than 400 guard soldiers left the palace. They all went out to seal the road and let nearby residents who heard the noise go home.

The captain of the guard quickly called up the duty list, but it was obvious that he did not have specific numbers for this. He only mobilized 600 people to maintain order at the scene. He did not specifically identify the soldiers, only their squads.

"You idiot."

The queen couldn't bear it anymore and slapped the captain of the guard. Everyone present snickered.

"I don't care what method you use, you must catch Hult for me."

"You are wanted, Your Majesty. As long as anyone provides clues, I will directly reward you with 100 gold stars."

For a moment, everyone present looked at the guard captain in shock, and the queen nodded.

"Immediately issue a wanted order throughout the empire. I must catch Helt. Except for Helt, it doesn't matter to anyone else."

The Queen is determined to capture Helt by any means possible.

Victor breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the fallen leaves, knowing full well that it was over and they would never find the clone Helt.

Afterwards, everyone was finally able to leave, and Victor asked the flying car to take him directly to Area 10, where there was his vacation manor, and Helt would be temporarily placed in the vacation manor.

And an important wedding ceremony for the family happened to be held in that manor, so Victor and Royce had a reason to go.

In order to allow Hert to go to the manor calmly, the wedding originally scheduled for next month was moved forward.

Victor used all the means he could, and he laughed happily. It only takes half an hour to get to Area 10.

Seeing the flying cars in the sky with blue tail flames flashing, Victor closed his eyes with peace of mind.

As time passed, Victor came to the manor. Looking at the workers who were decorating the manor, he asked casually and went directly to the basement.

The basement is a luxurious movie screening room with many entertainment facilities. Victor likes it very much because it is quiet enough.

"I've kept you waiting, Helt, ladies."

Helt was already a little drunk, Katerina looked tired but happy, and Yuna went directly over and grabbed Victor's collar angrily.

"Miss Yuna, don't do this."

Royce came over in a hurry, Victor raised his hands, then lowered his head and bowed.

"I'm really sorry for wasting the situation you worked so hard to create."

Hurt asked as he stood up.

"How's the situation over there?"

Victor said with a solemn expression.

"Helt, you have to live here for a long time, at least a year or two, and you may even need a certain degree of plastic surgery."

Hurt thought for a while and smiled.

"Are we wanted?"

Victor nodded.

"100 gold stars, and that's just for providing clues. If you were to arrest him directly, it would be 1,000."

Yuna said in disbelief.

"A wanted person with such a large amount is really powerful."

Everyone knows that you can buy a better house with 2 gold coins, Victor then said.

"As for what the two ladies say, the Queen said it doesn't matter."

Hurt looked solemn, indeed if they were discovered, both of them would die.

Victor sat over and said.

"Let's talk about the future Helt."

After Victor finished speaking, Hert nodded. Royce went to the wine cabinet, took out the wine, and then said.

"I'll go up and get everyone some food."

"The current situation is still good for us, so Hert, I think you should look for opportunities to return to the outside."

Hurt shook his head, and Victor looked confused.

"Then do you plan to stay here for a long time? Or go to the 4th and 5th Army? Or some space station?"

Hult still shook his head and said.

"I'm going to a faraway place."

Victor felt a little weird and asked.


"Brilliant City."

Victor stood up in shock.

"How could you possibly go?"

Hurt laughed.

"Next, I hope you can assist us and allow us to board the spaceship to Brilliant City when it takes off."

Victor couldn't understand why Helt wanted to go to that distant country.

"I have to go to Brilliant City, because only by arriving in Brilliant City can I realize our ideal of cloning."

Victor was completely puzzled, Hurt said.

"The Queen is so anxious now and wants to rapidly and massively expand armaments. Do you think she is doing it to deal with you?"

Victor seemed to have thought of something and nodded.

"It really doesn't take so much trouble."

Hurt took a sip of the wine and said.

"I guess the Queen wants to deal with the Brilliant City, because there are things in the Brilliant City that the Queen must get, and if she cannot get it through diplomacy, the Queen has only one way left, which is to achieve her goal through war."

Victor swallowed. He didn't expect Helt to think of this.

"Then what is your purpose of going to Brilliant City?"

Hurt said.

"To provoke a war between the two sides more quickly, this is my only purpose of going to Brilliant City."

Victor said, even more confused.

"What good will it do you to start a war?"

Victor was shocked in his heart at this time. War will only benefit people like them who have huge capital.

Because war requires huge capital to support, the queen must bow to them in the end, and the family can directly rise through the war, surpassing the imperial power, and they can even change the direction of the war.

"If you want to dismantle everything about the Queen and bring the cloning system to a complete end, you must use war to solve it, and it can be solved quickly."

Victor understood what Hult said, but he was still hesitant.

"Are you sure you could actually start a war in the past?"

Hurt nodded.

"I don't know what the level of technology and troops in that Brilliant City is, but I am certain that they are also making preparations. After all, we have been closed for more than 200 years, and no one really wants to cooperate. , everything is just interest, and when the time comes, as long as you make a little effort in this regard, war will happen."

Victor laughed.

"Indeed, once war breaks out, the Queen will never have any chance to put pressure on us."

As soon as Victor finished speaking, Katerina asked.

"That war may lead to catastrophe for mankind."

Hurt laughed.

"There is nothing we can do about it. After all, we are not human beings, and you should know better than me what our ultimate goal is."

Katerina senses something is wrong. Helt has been a bit evil recently, which often makes Katerina feel uncomfortable.

"So, Victor, you have to help us make arrangements."

Royce had been standing by the door without going up. He walked in and said.

"They will leave for the Brilliant City in half a month. Is it too late?"

"That should be enough."

After Helt finished speaking, Royce nodded.

"I will actually be able to get the information back."

Hurt reminded.

"We have to be quick so that I can formulate a corresponding plan. As long as we enter the spacecraft, especially the internal structure of the spacecraft, we have to understand it clearly, otherwise we may not be able to hide it well."

Victor nodded, looked at Royce and said.

"You must get this done as soon as possible no matter what, and use all the power of our family."

Victor has made his choice. War is a good thing. As long as it is used well, this land will always belong to the family, and it will not matter without imperial power.

"Such a plan is indeed much better than petty harassment. As for the peripheral troops, have you made arrangements?"

Hurt stood up and said.

"It's already been arranged. You just need to cooperate. I'll tell you my plan first."

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