At 9 o'clock in the morning, the queen had just had breakfast when the door to the room was pushed open by the captain of the guard.

"Your Majesty, it's Helt who wants to see you."

The Queen is in high spirits, there are only 2 days left, she smiled.

"Looks like he's thought it through."

After a while, Hert came over. After entering, he did not salute, but sat down directly. The Queen did not blame Hert, but smiled.

"Have you finally figured it out? Hult."

Hurt's eyes were serious. It looked like he hadn't slept well and had dark circles under his eyes. The queen smiled.

"As long as you help me seriously and build a clone army, you can get everything."

Hurt asked.

"How many more years do I have to live?"

The queen smiled.

"Twenty years should be no problem, and we have now developed some drugs that can complement the genes of cloned humans, so you should not have a problem living for another 30 years. My clone is extremely good. It can even live longer than you. For a long time. As for Yuna, she is a human being. She will only live longer. "

Hurt nodded.

"Then can I go see your clone troopers?"

The queen shook her head.

"I still can't trust you. After all, if you plan and mobilize slowly, you will be able to push me down in the future."

Hurt laughed.

"Since you don't trust me, what should you do?"

said the queen.

"You just need to stay here and command the army remotely. For the more than ten captured commanders and the clone troops on your periphery, just let them be directly under my command and let them help cultivate talents."

Hurt nodded.

"I only have one condition. I can live with my two wives. At least we can move freely in this palace."

The queen laughed and nodded.

"Of course, I will give you enough permissions to live in the palace. What if your soldiers refuse to surrender?"

Hurt looked solemn.

"They will listen to me."

said the queen.

"I want to see the results."

Hurt shook his head.

"At least let me rest for a few days. I'm very tired these days. I'll let you see the results in a week."

The Queen hesitated for a moment and nodded.

"Okay, I can give you permission to move freely, but remember Hurt, if you dare to have any small thoughts, your two wives will definitely die."

Hurt stood up and said.

"I understand, can you let them come to my room now?"

The Queen nodded, looking at Queen Helt leaving with a look of excitement in her eyes. She was very aware of Helt's talent. She only needs to complete the technology of 100% introduction of memory thinking in the future to make this Helt Always work for yourself.

The queen was very excited. She was relieved now that the family members would not stir up any disputes for the time being, because they had all seen how powerful Helt was.

And I think the queen has broken up with the family in Helt, which makes the queen quite happy.

Based on the Queen's observation and understanding of Hert during this period, she found that this man was very similar to Stukov in one thing, that is, he was loyal to something. As long as he set a goal, he would do his best to complete it.

This clone Hert is different from the original Hert. The original Hert has been subject to certain restrictions due to his status as the general of the Third Army over the years. Although the clone front has been established, he has always been too naive.

Because of the naivety of General Hert, the Queen was able to take control of everything, and the situation has now completely stabilized.

The biggest weakness of General Hert was the death of Stokov, which should have caused serious psychological trauma to him, so he would choose to escape when faced with some decisive issues.

The Queen had been monitoring General Hert's series of actions. She had already sensed the crisis, but she did not expect that the crisis was easily resolved.

Helt, who returned to the room at this time, was waiting. After a while, Yuna and Katerina came over, with smiles on their faces.

"Helt, did you promise the queen?"

Katerina asked worriedly, Helt smiled and put an arm around her, and then hugged Yuna into his arms.

"Yes, you don't have to worry now. I have promised the queen to build a powerful clone army for her."

After Helt finished speaking, a haze appeared on Yuna's face, and Katerina shed tears. Both of them knew clearly why they persisted until now.

Hurt said.

"Let's go to the garden and take a walk."

Hert could see that the two of them were feeling uncomfortable because some of the things they believed in in the past had collapsed. Hert knew this better than anyone else.

When something that a person firmly believes in collapses, that person will definitely feel very uncomfortable.

The three of them left the palace and came to the garden. Hert's eyes were on the huge tree. At this time, Hert noticed something strange. On the side of the tree facing the wall, some leaves turned yellow.

Hult knew that there was only one possibility. The roots of this big tree that had spread out underground had been partially dug out. The branches could not effectively receive water replenishment, and naturally could not carry out photosynthesis smoothly.

Some of the leaves had started to turn yellow, but no one noticed because the tree was so old.

"What's wrong, is there anything strange about that tree?"

Yuna asked and Helt shook his head.

"It's okay, let's go sit over there."

Hert led the two of them into the woods, and then sat down near the big tree. Hert looked at the ground near the big tree.

Hert didn't plan to say anything to his two wives. They were convinced of the matter now. Helt chatted with the two for a while until lunch time, when the three of them ate quietly in the garden.

"Maybe it would be nice to live here for the rest of my life."

After Katerina finished speaking, Yuna said with sadness still in her eyes.

"I can't stay any longer. When can we take to the streets?"

Hurt said helplessly.

"It may take a while. By the way, you can come to my room tonight."

Yuna sighed. After the three of them had eaten, they went back to their respective rooms, packed their things, and planned to move in together.

There was a dinner party the night after tomorrow, and Hurt didn't know if the Queen would let them move freely.

Hult carefully observed the bakery across the street. He had seen a lot of pebbles in the past few days, but they would all be cleaned up.

Everything was normal at the moment. At this time, Hert saw a person running towards the wall, and he was a little worried.

The engineer on the edge of the wall looked at the fine cracks that appeared in the corner of the wall in panic. He leaned against the wall disapprovingly. The patrolling guards came over, glanced at him and left without noticing anything.

The engineer was panicking at this moment. Sure enough, there was a problem with the load-bearing. Now the cracks in the corners of the wall were too obvious. He had to find a way before the guards discovered the cracks in the corners.

Time passed by, and this time the guards noticed this man.

"Sir, what are you doing at the wall?"

One of the soldiers asked, and the engineer stood up with a smile.

"I just want to feel it under the big tree. I'm sorry, I'll leave right away."

The engineer said as he was about to get up. At this time, many dead leaves fell. The engineer said with a smile.

"Can I pick up some leaves? I want to do some leaf crafts."

The soldiers nodded in agreement, and the engineer hurriedly lay on the ground and picked up the leaves. The cracks were still obvious, and fallen leaves would fall here. The people cleaning up should have noticed the cracks.

The engineer first placed the leaf in the corner to block it temporarily. He quickly went to the bakery opposite and whispered to the clerk for a while.

After a while, Royce appeared on the street. He looked at the leaves solemnly. The load-bearing capacity below was almost done, but there was still a deviation. There were cracks in the wall.

The only way now is to cover these cracks with white paint, but if you get close, you will definitely see them.

When hesitating, Royce left immediately and quickly found Victor.

"what to do?"

Victor was also afraid, because it was only a matter of time before those cracks were exposed. At this time, Royce frowned, and he really couldn't think of any solution.

Suddenly Victor laughed.

"I'm going to see the Queen right now. You must not let anyone discover those cracks no matter what."

Royce nodded. It was only a matter of time before those cracks were discovered, because the cracks would get bigger and bigger.

After a while, Victor and some family members came to the queen's room.

"Your Majesty, we have a plan that we hope your Majesty can adopt."

Victor said as the Queen became confused.

"I hope to make some paintings on the long wall outside the palace to comfort the soldiers who died."

The Queen was confused, but then understood, she snorted coldly.

"You are afraid that people will not know that your family has donated a lot of pension funds."

Victor said with an embarrassed look on his face.

"After all, some people will definitely find the banquet the day after tomorrow strange, because parties in the palace are not reported to the outside world. So I think it is good to paint on the long wall. We will be responsible for cleaning up afterward."

The queen nodded.

"But how can you do it with only more than a day?"

Victor said.

"Your Majesty, I will immediately hire a large number of painters at a high price, and they will definitely be completed before the banquet."

Although the queen was a little confused, she knew the nature of the family. They spent money without any publicity effect, so they must be dissatisfied.

The Queen doesn't think there's any problem if it's just the exterior walls. After all, it's actually pretty good.

"Okay, just hurry up."

Victor wiped his sweat and then left. As soon as they left, the Queen saw some painters already coming to the street outside.

"You're really scheming."

The captain of the guard came over to report the situation, the queen said.

"I just promised them, just let them paint."

Royce, who was on the street at this time, urgently and a few people disguised as painters began to paint on the cracked wall. The situation was too critical, and the cracks had now extended to almost 2 meters.

Victor finally felt at ease. There seemed to be no problem with the wall now, and other painters also came over. Many of them were waiting for the drawing plans.

After a while, the painters all started to work on their own. Royce was supervising from the side. There was still more than a day, so they had to keep an eye on it. The night after tomorrow, Hult and the others would officially escape, and once they escaped , the tunnel below must be filled.

Even if the future queen notices something, there is no evidence, and most importantly, no one may discover this secret.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, in Helt's room, the three of them were eating happily and watching the latest movie. Although it was a bit boring, the three of them were enjoying themselves.

The three of them went to bed together very early. The two women slept peacefully, and so did Helt.

Early in the morning, Hert planned to take them away, but at this time he was stopped by the guard captain.

"The dinner party is going to be held here today, so you should stay in your room for the time being and don't go out."

Hert's face was solemn. Because many people from outside would come in during the dinner party, it would become messy. Helt did not expect the queen to be so careful.

"Can we attend the dinner party tomorrow?"

The guard captain shook his head.

"Please stay in the house these two days. If you need anything, just call me."

The door to the room was closed, and Helt looked out the window anxiously. Both Katerina and Yuna noticed the anxiety on Helt's face, and sweat was dripping from his forehead.


"It's okay. Maybe I was too tired last night. After all, you two and I'm the only one."

Katerina blushed, and Yuna pinched Helt's arm hard.

Helt was now considering countless options, but none of them would work, because the Queen would definitely not let them attend the banquet.

The banquet tomorrow night is an extremely important moment. It is their only hope to escape. If they cannot stand in the garden tomorrow night, they will not have any chance to escape in the future.

"Maybe I'm too tired, I'll take a nap."

Hurt went back to the bedroom and lay down. He knew very well that the queen was still observing him, so he couldn't slack off in any way.

The only way now is to ask the family for help. If the family can't do anything, Helt will have no choice but to agree to the queen's conditions, but if the clone soldiers are to surrender, they will definitely not be willing.

Helt was a little troubled. He couldn't sleep, but soon Helt thought of something. He got up and went to the window, looking at the people outside who were painting on the long wall.

"What can I do?"

Hert probably understood that there might be a problem on the wall, and Royce and the others hired painters to cover it up. However, Hert's focus was not on the painters, but on the window. He pressed the window .

If they could break the window and fall into a tree, there would be a chance.

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