Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 639 Premonition of victory

Three days later.

Helt woke up from his deep sleep. Katerina, who was beside him, gently held Helt's arm. The two stood up. Helt quickly put on his clothes, opened the door and a commander said with a smile.

"Mr. Hult, we have won two more battles and four partial blocking operations, all of which have been successful."

Hurt nodded. Unexpectedly, he won again. The commander was excited and then said.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Helt, for disturbing your rest. If you take a good rest, Yuna should be back in the afternoon."

After the door of the room was closed, Katerina stood up and looked tenderly at Helt as he walked over. Then she went over to meet Helt, hugged Helt, and the two kissed.

After a while, Helt sat on the edge of the bed and Katerina smiled.

"Are you okay? I haven't seen Yuna for several days."

Hurt laughed.

"No problem, absolutely fine."

The two laughed, and Sister Ka Linan leaned over. She didn't want to be separated from Helt and the others, but Space Station 69 still needs Katerina, so she will go back later.

It's been another long separation. Katerina doesn't know when she will come over next time, but Helt and the others should not be able to go back. The current battle situation is very good, and they have achieved a very big victory.

"We will prevail."

After Katerina finished speaking, Hert nodded.

"We will definitely win."

Now that the doubts in Hert's heart have been dispelled, because of the victory just now, the diaphragm in his heart has disappeared. Now they can fully attack. Hert plans to continue to mobilize the troops from the rear, with 10,000 troops. A combat force of eight thousand people.

The families have quickly begun to deliver supplies to Hert and the others. The war will not last forever. The three major armies have lost all favorable conditions. Now they only need to continue to wait and then launch a large-scale battle. Directly Eliminate a large number of effective forces of the three major armies, and they will definitely win in the future.

Now Space 69 has been supplemented by more than 20,000 clones. They all survived the attack and had no idea that they were clones.

Clones will be continuously replenished, and the family has promised to add more clones to them in the future.

After the two chatted for a while, they got up and came to the captain's room. Many commanders were immersed in the joy of winning. The current situation was unimaginable for them, and the next thing Hert arranged immediately Another round of combat is about to begin.

Continuously annihilate the troops of the Imperial Group Army until they can no longer be connected and launch a larger-scale battle. Victory is already in sight.

Hert continued to arrange the battle, and the commanders listened carefully. Such a dream was beyond their imagination.

After a while, the commanders exclaimed again. They were amazed by Hert's next battle, Katerina also said.

"Is there really no problem? There are more than 2,000 imperial soldiers in that stronghold. Now even if we attack, we will pay a high price, right?"

Katerina's question was also one that the on-site commanders wanted to ask, Hurt explained.

"Now the empire's army has begun to collapse. They are unable to come up with an effective combat plan. This time we have 12 attacking troops, and there are 6 external blocking and reinforcement troops. As long as we break the stronghold, we can eat it. These 2,000 people.”

After Hult finished speaking, the commanders took action.

It was already past 1 o'clock at noon, and Yuna was back now. The commanders were a little confused. Yuna went to the south. Although she didn't know what she was going to do, it was an order given by Hert himself.

"I'm back."

Yuna ran over happily as soon as she came in. Katerina hadn't seen Yuna for a long time, so she ran over excitedly and hugged Yuna.

The commanders also began to leave separately to prepare for the next battle.

"how's it going?"

Helt asked, Yuna curled her lips and said.

"I ran so far."

Helt smiled awkwardly and walked over to hug Yuna, and then Yuna said.

"I have already discussed it clearly with Youssel and the others. They have already obtained the battle plan you asked me to give them."

At present, the clone front has not made any moves and is still expanding the scope of the base. This is what Hert asked them to do. They must use this time as much as possible to split the main base and scatter it on the moon. Only in this way can we avoid being attacked by the empire's large-scale weapons, leading to total annihilation.

"Yusell and the others asked me to congratulate you on their behalf."

After Yuna finished speaking, Helt nodded. They were very happy after knowing the situation of the battle here.

Yuna talked about some of the things she discussed with them. Now they will wait for Hert's order and they will directly return water and cooperate with Hert and others to defeat the Imperial Army in one fell swoop.

The reason why the Clone Front was unable to participate was that their soldiers did not adopt such a training method as Hult.

Secondly, in such a large-scale battle, supplies will definitely not be able to keep up.

Once supplies fail to keep up, they will be in a very difficult situation. At this time, the empire will already use all its strength to attack and eliminate them as early as possible.

This is what Helt does not want to see. In the current situation, the empire cannot devote all its strength because the family is ready to attack the moon city at any time.

"Yuna, you must be tired, go and take a rest."

Yuna looked at Helt with a smile, Helt looked a little helpless, and Yuna smiled.

"I'm going to bed. I'll talk about it tonight and let you rest."

After Yuna finished speaking, she followed Katerina and left with dissatisfaction. Hert was the only one left in the command room. He thought of Stukov again. He really wanted to have a good chat with him again.

When he thought of those days in Space 69, Helt felt happy at this moment. In fact, it was quite good at that time. There were no worries. After work every day, he would go to the opera house to relax, or go to other places to watch movies. TV series and the like.

Those days no longer exist. Hurt can't imagine what the future will be like, but maybe they don't have a future anymore.

The biggest question that Hult is considering now is what to do after victory. It is definitely impossible for the family to cancel the cloning system.

Therefore, for Hult and the others, such a victory only lays the foundation for the clones to fight in the future, and the family members should directly establish their own status after the queen's fall.

The best way to make other people in the empire forget the tragedy of war is to let them enjoy life. In this way, the number of clones will be greater. In order to stabilize their rule, families will definitely use this method to win people's hearts.

"Maybe I'm thinking too much."

Helt stood up. He planned to go out and take a look. The commanders were still assigning tasks outside.

In a few hours, the army will begin to set off for the next attack point. Hert intends to see the status of each unit and perhaps discover something new.


In the joint base of the three armies located outside the lunar city, a large number of soldiers are undergoing combat training.

Many soldiers heard the good news from the front line. One of their fleets had destroyed a large number of clones. This was great news for many soldiers training here.

The news also spread back to Moon City, where 110,000 soldiers were stationed, and they were the main force of the three major armies.

"Things look good."

Nigel, who was watching the soldiers training, smiled and Hert smiled helplessly. Just a few hours ago, they suffered very heavy losses. Thousands of soldiers died, but those were all clone soldiers. .

Now the three major armies have no losses. All they have is the constant consumption of strategic materials. These things are nothing compared to the reduction of their effective strength.

In order to stabilize the people who have been panicking recently, they had no choice but to use AI to create a fake video for the soldiers to watch.

There may be a need for some fake videos like this in the future. They have blocked all information from the outside. Now the outer base facilities are full of clones, and the number has exceeded 50,000.

Helt went to the Moon City yesterday and suggested it to the Queen again, because if you want to keep everything going, you have to be willing to give up.

"Their next attack target should be here."

After Nigel finished speaking, he pointed to a stronghold on the crystal screen. There were more than 2,000 soldiers here with complete defense facilities. Hert sighed helplessly and said.

"There is no way, if we can't bear it, we will definitely fail."

Nigel nodded. Some of the adjutants around him looked very bad. They couldn't stand it anymore. They were directing the frontline operations, but they lost completely every time. They were completely defeated by the attack of Space Station 69. No power to fight back.

It's not that these clone soldiers have poor combat capabilities, but that the tactical thinking of Space Station 69 makes it difficult for them to understand how this kind of tactic that can always win by surprise was devised. Currently, they have no clue and are at a loss.

Now many commanders understand the horror of the clone Hert, whose tactical thinking is already higher than theirs, and they cannot win on the battlefield.

Hert had clearly explained to these commanders that if they faced off head-on now and relied on the old-fashioned tactics of the past, they would suffer heavy losses.

The clone trooper decoys they released also used group army tactics. They would also fight with the clone troopers on Space Station 69, but they couldn't find even the slightest chance.

Many clone troopers on the front lines have become frightened and even escaped, but the soldiers of Space Station 69 will kill them without hesitation.

Everything is the same as what General Hert said. The tactical strategy of Space Station 69 is customized to reduce their effective forces.

Now they cannot defeat Space Station 69 no matter what means they adopt, because the mobile combat they adopt is too out of the ordinary.

It was impossible to predict their actions. The commanders had already tried this. However, the troops of Space Station 69 showed amazing on-the-spot adaptability and instantly reversed the situation.

As for the clone soldiers on the empire's side, when their advantage quickly disappeared and turned into a decline, they were left with the fate of being slaughtered.

Now the main forces of the three major armies are practicing encirclement and annihilation warfare. Now according to the tactics set by General Hert, only by relying on a large number of legions and directly crushing them with weapons and equipment can they have a chance of winning.

In the face of absolute strength, strategies and tactics are meaningless.

"They must have fallen into the illusion now, thinking they can kill us easily."

Nigel laughed, and Hurt nodded.


As soon as Hert finished speaking, a liaison officer ran in.

"Number 127 is under attack."

After saying that, the commanders' faces were ashen, and then everyone turned and entered the command room and began to look at the situation at the scene. Soon they received the report.

Twelve different groups of enemies appeared near the stronghold. They have begun to approach the stronghold. Although they have begun to meet the enemies, a lot of damage has already occurred.

Several commanders began to make arrangements, asking nearby troops to go over for reinforcements.

As time passed, the battle became extremely fierce. All the reinforcements in the past were blocked on the periphery, and some troops had been completely wiped out.

At 1 hour, the communication was cut off, and a commander was still shouting, but no one on the other side responded.

This situation has happened countless times in the past few days. Some commanders were extremely angry. Neither Hert nor Nigel issued any orders because they knew that no matter what, they would definitely lose. The tactical thinking is much higher than theirs.

During this time, the two also noticed that the tactical thinking was not only the commander of the other side, but also every clone soldier had this kind of thinking, which seemed extremely scary to the two of them.

Such an idea is difficult to realize. They don't know how the clone did it, but Hert thought of it because his father did it before.

The reason why my father's soldiers have strong combat effectiveness is because my father gave every soldier tactical thinking and treated them equally.

The commanders looked gloomy. Half an hour later, the news came that the stronghold with more than 2,000 soldiers had been captured. The scene was very tragic.

"Everyone, keep your heads up."

Nigel shouted, all the commanders looked over, and Nigel continued.

"Knowing how terrifying the enemy is in advance is already the greatest luck for us who have not yet taken action. I hope that in the coming days, everyone will lead the soldiers to train seriously, so that one day we can defeat all these terrifying enemies. Annihilate.”

The commanders nodded one after another, and then began to leave. Hult looked at the intelligence that was constantly coming back, and showed a happy smile.

"We will win soon."

This time Helt was convinced, because the clone Helt had completely fallen into the trap, and they had no chance to escape.

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