"Everyone on alert!"

Yuna issued the order, and the surrounding soldiers began to look for bunkers and took out their weapons. Several lunar vehicles began to move to some sheltered locations.

Yuna looked at some detection aircraft flying across the sky. They were more than 500 meters away from them. They should not be discovered at this distance.

Yuna has been out for three days with a team of 200 people. According to the route map provided by the family, they are moving forward, recording these locations with a data device, and investigating the 10-kilometer area near the entire route.

We can see some observation stations in the empire, but there are no large-scale construction facilities. This line was opened by the family in the past, and the family does have some mines on this line.

Now Yuna and the others need to turn as many of these terrains into data as possible on this route, so that the large army can take fewer detours when moving over.

Soon the flying probe disappeared, and Yuna ordered everyone to continue moving along the line and continue collecting data.

The data has been sent to some strongholds of nearby families every day, and they will quickly transmit the collected initial data to Hert and the others, and Hert has begun to customize tactics based on this data.

The families have told Hert the details of the farmland. Hert said that once this battle is successful, the entire empire's army will probably be in a dilemma, and the moon city will also be in a dilemma. Hence the crisis.

Hert has made it clear that this strategy is an extremely important part of the future strategy. There must be no mercy. Humans are already the enemies of their clones.

Helt asked Yuna that if she felt uncomfortable, she did not need to participate at all. She could just go back to Space Station 69 to train soldiers.

Because the test a few days ago worked, Yuna was indeed a human. This is still a bit difficult for Yuna to accept, but Yuna still decisively chose to go to the front line.

Although Yuna is a human, she has indelible memories of clones, her friendship with her comrades on the clone front, and her current relationship with Helt. These things are all real, so Yuna There wasn't much turmoil in my heart.

For humans, Yuna only has hatred and hatred in her heart, so even in the past, Yuna may have been a human, but for some reason her memory was erased and she came to the clones, but now Yuna is Helt wife.

Yuna no longer wants to think about too many things. She just hopes that this strategy can succeed. As long as it succeeds, they will be easier in the future.

Soon, constant information about the line came over. Yuna sat in the lunar car and carefully sorted it out. A smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, because this line is currently extremely safe. It seems that the empire's army group did not pay attention at all. Come over here.

In less than 20 kilometers, they can see farmland. This farmland outside Moon City is the food supply base of District 9.

After a while, Yuna found the communication line of a nearby family, and then directly passed the line information over.

Yuna lay down on the chair tiredly. She planned to rest for a while, and then get up and continue working. The soldiers were very efficient, and Yuna selected relatively elite soldiers.

And now because of the two victories, the enthusiasm of the soldiers was also high. Yuna closed her eyes and fell asleep soon.

"What on earth are you doing? We have to carry out the mission."

Yuna heard a voice in a trance. She looked at it with some fear. There was thick smoke and flames all around. Yuna looked at a man in a damaged space suit in front of her. His face was covered with blood.


The man stretched out his hands and his limbs began to stiffen. Yuna heard some noises and turned around and ran away.

Yuna woke up suddenly, panting violently. At this time, Curry, who was sorting out route information with several commanders, stood up and walked over.

"Did you have a nightmare?"

Curry said and handed Yuna a glass of water. Yuna felt a little better after drinking it, and she nodded.


Soon several commanders gathered for a meal, which was potatoes and some bread. This was the best for them, and the food provided by the family was of good quality.

This is Hert's request to the family, asking the family to provide better quality food, because the clone's body will deteriorate so quickly, and it has a lot to do with food.

"What happened to you just now? You screamed so loudly?"

Curry asked and Yuna said.

"It's nothing. Let's confirm it one last time and then send the line information."

Everyone looked carefully at the nearby topography. Hert had already emphasized that these things were very important.

"Let's set off. The area around here has been basically determined, and we have to go to the next location."

After Yuna finished speaking, everyone nodded. After sending the message, the nearby soldiers soon received the order and gathered together, and the convoy continued to move forward.

Yuna looked outside with solemn eyes. She didn't remember who the man in the dream was, but she was definitely familiar with him. How did she lose her memory of being a human and enter the clone group? Yuna couldn't understand.

"There's a situation ahead."

After Curry finished speaking, Yuna and other commanders immediately gave the order, and the convoy began to disperse according to the rehearsal at the beginning. Soon Yuna and the others saw a carrier ship slowly approaching, which was the carrier ship of the empire. .

The convoy began to hide in some places near rocks. All the cars had been painted with anti-reconnaissance paint. If you don't come down to check and just rely on equipment to check, you can't find it.

Yuna looked at this large-scale carrier ship, and it was the latest model. This kind of carrier ship usually transported weapons and equipment, which made Yuna feel confused as to why they would take a detour through this route.

After watching the carrier ship pass overhead, Yuna immediately sent a message to the contact channel of the nearby family, asking them to notify Helt as soon as possible.

This large carrier ship can transport tens of thousands of troops if it transports troops, so Yuna is very worried. Since they can find this secret route, the empire can also find it.

So Yuna was very anxious, because if this was an ambush sent by the Imperial Army, it would be difficult for them to predict it.

And driving at such a speed is to avoid some detection instruments, Curry said.

"Mr. Hult should come up with a response plan soon."

The other commanders also nodded.


Hert had just laid down. He couldn't sleep. Basically, there wasn't much going on right now. Hert just needed to wait for the army to come over and issue combat orders.

Hurt actually didn't want Yuna to go. When the tester was brought over that day, Hurt was a little hesitant. Sure enough, Yuna's feeling was right, and the test result showed that Yuna was indeed a clone.

At that time, Hert wanted to let Yuna go back to the rear, but Yuna firmly disagreed. Hert sat up, and he was a little worried about Yuna and the others.

At this moment, there was a rapid knock on the door, Hult opened the door, and a commander said.

"Mr. Hult, there is a situation."

Hert left the room and quickly returned to the combat command room. A piece of information was passed on, which was confirmed by the family using long-distance observation equipment.

A large carrier ship from the empire came along the route they planned to attack. It is currently impossible to tell where this large carrier ship will go.

But the destination must be near their current location, because there are many military strongholds of various sizes in the empire nearby.

But why this carrier ship came from this remote route made Hert very suspicious. Hert made a prompt decision and decided to send soldiers to this route, making sure to lock the carrier ship. What stronghold of the empire.

After the order was issued, the commanders began to assign tasks. Now they could only send a small warship over. According to the speed of the large imperial carrier ship, they would appear in the nearby area in 3 hours.

Hult began to allocate the reconnaissance area in more detail, and soon the small battleship Hult was on took off, and the battleship passed quickly.

Now they are 30 kilometers away from the nearest army of the empire, so Hert is not worried. Even if the army of the empire discovers their movements, they will not come over.

The Imperial Group Army is now adopting a defensive posture. They will not attack rashly because they are worried about being ambushed. Hert knows very well what the two generals are thinking now.

They want to use such passive defense to find out the specific situation of their battle, understand their action trajectory, and wait for the right opportunity to defeat them in one fell swoop.

Therefore, Hult changed his strategy and absolutely cannot fight according to the previous strategy, because it is very likely that the opponent will set some traps after figuring out the scale and trajectory.

Soon Huerter and the others arrived at a location, and Huerter immediately began to deploy a reconnaissance force.

After a while, more than 30 reconnaissance troops set off. They all used simple single-wheeled motorcycles. Such vehicles are very convenient. There are 10 people in each group.

300 people can fully cover this area. Now Helt and the others are at the junction of several facilities in an empire. This place is a better place for attacking or escaping.

As time passed, Hert became a little tired, so he lay down and rested, because being too tired would affect his brain's judgment, which could easily lead to big problems.

"Mr. Hult."

At 1:30 in the morning, Helt was woken up. Soon Helt saw the message sent back by the reconnaissance team and found the destination of the large carrier ship.

Hult looked at the map. One of the largest factories in the nearby empire was here, and the carrier entered the factory. This factory mainly produces some mechanical parts and some building materials.

Because there are several small mines nearby, the factory is very large and can accommodate 50,000 people. There are 40,000 workers working in the factory every day. Hert has not thought about this place because it is impossible to capture it.

Now Helt doesn't quite understand why this carrier took this route, and there are no frigates or the like. They seem to be trying to deceive others.

"Maybe they are transporting a new batch of clones. They are afraid that they will be ambushed if they come through the normal route."

A commander said, and Hert snorted. Now he can only think like this. In three days, the troops will be in place, and they will approach the farmland from this route within one day, and they will start after two days of rest. attack.

"Keep an eye on this factory fortress and report any situation."

After Helt finished speaking, he looked at some lights in the dark night sky in the distance.


Nigel climbed out of bed, and Helt beside him was already awake.

"Looks like we've arrived."

The two left the room and returned to the combat command room. They soon discovered that they encountered a small group of enemies on the way, and some enemies appeared nearby.

The commanders did not order an attack because such a small-scale enemy probing force was not worth dispatching troops to exterminate, and would waste a lot of resources. This is what Hert repeatedly emphasized, just hold on, because the enemy's weapons and equipment Too backward.

"What do you think they are spying on? Why are they coming here?"

Nigel asked, and Hert shook his head. They came through this remote route this time because they transported nearly 20,000 clone soldiers. In the future, they will gradually transport these clone soldiers. Replace it to some nearby locations that may be attacked.

When the replacements are almost complete, Hert will order these soldiers to attack, and their strategy of releasing bait will begin.

These clones would never have imagined that the people fighting them were also clones. Currently, only Helt, Nigel and the Queen know about this plan.

The quality of these clone soldiers was very high, which was beyond their expectations, and their mass production speed was astonishing. This was what shocked the two of them.

"Everyone, our troop division tactics will be strictly implemented starting tomorrow."

Hult plans to place 30,000 clones in locations that are easily attacked. As long as those clones attack, they will definitely fall into their pockets after seeing their massive losses.

This factory is a pocket, because a lot of things are produced in the factory. It is a very good stronghold for the clones. If they can capture it, they can completely establish themselves.

Moreover, the empire would not be happy to destroy this factory, which took a lot of resources and time and took 20 years to build.

Nigel was a little worried because Hert's strategy seemed like a gamble. If it failed, they would have no retreat this time.

"Relax, it'll be okay, you will succeed."

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