There was a rumbling mechanical sound, and Nigel quietly stared at the two space stations in front of him and the illuminated mountain wall. Under the dark night sky, this place was as bright as stars.

Nigel came here mainly to take a look at the current configuration of all aspects of the Clone Front, and then prepare to talk specifically with the cadres of the Clone Front about some future operations, including helping the development of the Clone Front.

The queen originally wanted Helt to come over for this matter, but it is obvious that it is impossible for the clone front to talk to their former supporter Helt. It is because of Helt's betrayal that they are now so passive and difficult.

So now only Nigel could come over. The small carrier slowly flew towards the open mountain wall, and then entered the cave and waited for the hatch to close. After a while, Nigel took his adjutants and got off the small carrier. .

"You must be Mr. Yussel!"

Nigel walked over with a smile and saw a tall man. He walked over and shook hands with the man cordially.

Yussel nodded and looked at the general of the Empire's Second Army. He had met him several times. Their Second Army was a harmonious faction within the empire, whether it was with the Queen, the founder, or members of the family. The Second Army maintains good relations with them.

The Second Army is like the empire's mediator. Whenever a dispute occurs, the Second Army will usually go over to mediate the conflicts between the two parties.

"Where's Hurt?"

Yussel asked, and Nigel noticed that the faces of the clone front cadres in front of him didn't look good. They were indeed brooding over Helt's betrayal.

Nigel said with a relaxed smile.

"General Hult has a very important mission and cannot leave for the time being. He is quite busy with work now."

Maxi laughed and then said.

"Doesn't he dare to come?"

Nigel shook his head.

"These tasks are extremely important, please understand!"

Some cadres wanted to speak. At this time, Youssel raised his hands, and everyone stopped saying anything. Youssel said.

"We don't want to see such a betrayer. If he doesn't dare to come, it doesn't matter."

Nigel looked solemn, then smiled.

"Betrayal is indeed unbearable, but sometimes, you can think about it from another angle. It is because of General Hert's strategic plan that you have the clone front. Perhaps this is also the reason for Hert's strategic plan. Have you thought about this part of the general’s strategic plan?”

Nigel's words made many cadres look puzzled, and then Nigel smiled.

"Okay, let's not talk about those unpleasant things. There are a lot of supplies here. Please send someone to move them and take me to take a closer look at your current situation."

Yussel walked over and shook hands with Nigel, and then said.

"Welcome General Nigel."

A group of people began to walk into the base. Nigel was surprised as soon as he entered. This was the first time he saw the main base of the Clone Front. They were now standing on a huge platform at the top of the cave. It looked like a factory city below. .

The temperature in the cave was a bit warm, and there were busy people down there. Nigel saw a lot of large machinery, which were neatly distributed in some places in the cave. There were busy people everywhere, not far away. The place is a large farmland with trees.

The whole cave looked very good, and Nigel never thought that they could build such a cave. I heard that this cave was built many years ago.

Nigel then asked.

"What is your current production capacity?"

A cadre held a crystal screen. When opened, it showed a list of the current output of various aspects of the clone front.

Nigel and the others stood on the elevator nearby, and then Nigel looked at it seriously. He didn't expect that the production capacity was so high. The crop production capacity here can feed 200,000 people, and there is still a lot of inventory.

But things are different now. The number of clones has increased. When the clone front was at its peak, there were only 100,000 people, but now because of the addition of three space stations, there are now more than 500,000 clones.

So the current production capacity cannot keep up. In the past, many of their excavating machinery have been dismantled and used as parts for production machinery. Now they need a lot of excavating machinery and they need to build more such bases. .

Nigel smiled and nodded.

"Indeed, there are so many people now, so we must increase production capacity."

When Nigel came, Hert said that the Clone Front definitely wants to establish a small base on a large area on the moon. Such a request is understandable, but if they are allowed to establish it, in the future It becomes extremely difficult to unplug them.

But there is no other way now. They have received news that some families' carrier ships will stay around for a period of time when sailing in the universe, and many families' supplies will always be less during review. This kind of The problem of shortfalls is nothing. After all, many people will do something with some externally mined resources in order to make money.

But now the whole family has the problem of shortage of supplies. It would be okay if these missing supplies were taken away by the escorts, but I am afraid that all these supplies have arrived at Space Station 69. Only then This is what worries the Queen the most.

So yesterday the queen had given an order to fully support the clone front. The clone front must be able to start threatening the family's mines in a short time, so Nigel came here in person.

Several previous negotiations had failed because they still wanted to constrain the clone front so that they could pose a threat to the family, but they could not make them too strong.

But things are different now. If they don't support the clone front properly, it will be the empire's lunar facilities that will encounter difficulties in the future.

After arriving below, Nigel felt that the temperature had risen again. He looked at the huge factory group in front of him and said.

"We will continue to add some production equipment."

After Nigel finished speaking, Maxi said.

"We hope to be able to send some small equipment, and we don't need large equipment."

Nigel was a little confused and said.

"Small equipment can indeed reduce the floor space, but the production capacity will be reduced. It is better to use large equipment directly."

Yussel said with a smile.

"That's right, what we need is production equipment that can be split."

Nigel was a little surprised, and then a cadre with an engineer background took a crystal screen and explained it to Nigel in detail.

Nigel immediately thought of why they needed these production equipment that could be assembled and disassembled. In order to facilitate transportation, Nigel smiled and nodded.

"But if something goes wrong when producing such equipment, it will be troublesome."

The engineer explained immediately.

"So we need small machinery that can produce parts, preferably one that can be operated by one person."

Nigel is now sure that they should want to split everything in the main base. If they are dispersed in this way, it will be almost impossible to destroy them in the future.

"Well, later you can give me a list of the machinery you need. When I go back, I will let the engineers and technicians think of ways to meet your requirements."

Yussel has been observing Nigel. He now doesn’t believe what this man said at all, because everything is too easy. The empire’s attitude is the same as what Hert said, and it will definitely lower its stance slowly, but Absolutely cannot believe it.

Nigel agreed to everything, and many cadres are now suspicious. Hult had made it clear before leaving that the empire would not strongly support it, because they would delay and only support the clone front locally. Therefore, Hult said that he would form an army as soon as possible and launch continuous attacks on the empire's lunar facilities.

Only then will the Empire give its full support to the Clone Front.

So at the beginning, we should list all the parts that can be mentioned, so that they will not have too many reasons and excuses to evade in the future.

Nigel came to the edge of the farmland at this time. He saw that the crops grown in the farmland were in very good condition, and then briefly asked about the current food situation.

"We hope that in the future we can receive a lot of assistance with some food, except meat."

Yussel said directly, and Nigel nodded.

"We will start providing assistance in a few days. By the way, take me to your weapons factory to have a look."

Yussel nodded, and he took Hert to a weapons manufacturing factory inside the base. Soon Nigel saw the weapons manufactured by the Clone Front, many of which were relatively primitive and used gunpowder as propellant. This kind of weapon is almost difficult to hit the enemy in the cosmic environment. It can only be used in a gravity environment, and the current armor is 100% resistant to this primitive weapon.

Unless powerful sniper rifles or artillery shells can be manufactured, such production costs are very high, and the efficiency of their output on the battlefield is very low, and it also consumes a lot of resources.

Only laser weapons are the most important means in current wars, because the energy of the sun is almost unlimited for today's humans.

Laser weapons are the best in space combat in terms of lethality and stability.

"We need a lot of weapons, that should be no problem."

After Yussel finished speaking, Nigel nodded.

"Soon we will transport a full set of space environment combat equipment for 1,000 people, including light and heavy weapons."

Yussel nodded.

"One more thing, we hope to get some battleships."

Nigel hummed and said.

"For the time being, I can only give you some shuttle fighters. After all, if the movement is too big, the founders of the empire and some family members may notice it, and it will be very troublesome then."

Yussel nodded and said.

"We want to organize an attack soon. We hope to at least give us one of the latest small battleships, so that we can attack the family's stronghold more quickly."

Nigel said.

"I will find a solution as soon as possible after I go back."

After a while, Nigel planned to leave. The carrier ship had been emptied. Nigel said goodbye to the cadres and boarded the carrier ship.

After the carrier took off, it accelerated. Nigel and his fleet were more than 60 kilometers away from the base, in a relatively hidden place.

The carrier returned to the mothership in just 20 minutes, Nigel entered the conference room, and Hert was communicating with the queen.

"How's it going, General Nigel?"

The Queen asked. Nigel bowed and began to explain some things about this negotiation. Soon the Queen's expression became angry. After seeing the list of clone fronts, it was impossible to give them so many things. , and they also want to build more hidden bases.

Everything is the same as what Hult said. Now the clones just want to develop and grow, but once they really grow and develop, they will become a very huge threat to the empire.

But the family's talents don't care about this. What they need is to be able to rise above the power and consolidate the family's status and wealth forever.

"If these conditions are met, they will be able to develop independently in the future without our support."

After the queen finished speaking, Nigel smiled.

"We're totally fine with anything."

Hurt nodded, and the Queen asked in confusion.

"What do you think Nigel?"

"Your Majesty, we can delay and agree to all their conditions, but it will take several years to do so. They cannot wait that long. We only need them to pose a threat to the family."

After Nigel finished speaking, the Queen nodded, and Hult asked.

"But there is a problem. If Space Station 69 poses a huge threat to us in advance, we may be forced to support them by then."

Nigel nodded and said.

"Indeed, if Space Station 69 has the ability to pose a threat to our lunar facilities in the short term, we will have to provide a large amount of support to the clone front in advance. So I think it is necessary to strengthen the armaments of some lunar facilities."

The queen said with a sigh.

"I can only let Nicholas go, but if he goes, I'm afraid it will be difficult to have any effect."

Nigel said.

"Right now, this is just our idea. We'll wait two to three months to see the trends of Space Station 69 before making a decision."

The queen nodded and said.

"Two generals, I will leave matters around the Moon City to you for the time being."

The two stood up, nodded and bowed, and the communication ended.

Hurt said with a sigh.

"We have been dragged into the quagmire and it is too difficult to solve this problem at the moment."

Nigel nodded.

"Indeed, it is too difficult, but in the next step I think we should focus on finding the location of Space Station 69. Only by annihilating them can we be at peace."

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