The elevator stopped at the 28th floor


Bursts of red light swept through the elevator, and the door opened. In front of him was a large white world. Soon, two people from the medical department came over. Jean stretched out his hands, and one of them took out a brooch-sized piece. The triangular substance soon began to expand, and a white isolation suit appeared. After the two helped Jean put it on, he walked over slowly.

The light was unusually bright. After putting on the goggles, I felt a little more comfortable. The space in front of me was as big as two football fields. On top of the small square tables, there were plants in transparent covers. .

There are many such local medical departments. All medicines in the city are manufactured here, and these plants are used as raw materials for medicines.

All the plants in the cover have the most suitable temperature in the cover, and are illuminated by square solar ray lamps of the same size above their heads. The medical staff here will be responsible for extracting the cells from the plants themselves and taking them to the culture room downstairs. , placed in a special substance culture medium, allowing the cells to start self-replication and proliferation, and then after reaching a certain level, pharmaceuticals can be made. Everything is managed with extremely precision.

With the application of biological proliferation technology, the cell proliferation of drugs can only stop after a certain number of times, otherwise it will be harmful to the human body. Each type of plant used as raw material here has a medical staff to take careful care of it.

Gene shuttled between such platforms and walked towards the bottom. At the bottom, there was a giant long platform with connected light and shadow screens on the top, and the ones below were connected by thin tubes. The test-tube-shaped machine that stood up contained a lot of fluids of different colors, flowing slowly, and the data on the light and shadow screen kept beating.

Hua Shen was wearing microscope glasses and was observing the ingredients in a medicine vessel. After Gene passed by, he sat down at the table and chair for rest without saying a word.

In this place, no bacteria or microorganisms are allowed to exist. Anyone who is thirsty or hungry can go to the light and shadow lockers on the four walls to get special food and water. They are all in the shape of a bottle and can be docked. Food and water can be sucked into the small hole at the mouth of the mask.

"Tell me why you came to me Gene!"

Huashen smiled and continued to hold the tweezers in his hand and carefully put something, a dark object, into the container next to him.

After being put into the vessel, the originally white liquid in the vessel began to turn black and then dissolved.

"It still doesn't work. This drug is still not very effective against hemangiomas."

In the past, most people who ate poisonous food for a long time would suffer from hemangiomas. Antidotes could only be used before the disease occurred, and it would be more troublesome after the disease occurred. The number of patients currently in hospital is about 30,000.

"You haven't rested for many days, it's better to take a rest."

Huashen smiled, and the breath he exhaled produced mist on the mask, but when a burst of yellow light swept over, the mist disappeared.

"As long as there are new symptoms, my mind can't stop. I plan to go to the barrier area for a trip recently. It may take about a month to come back."

Gene looked at Huashen in surprise, and he smiled.

"Every time something like this blows my mind, I'm not a god, I'm just a doctor. In order to be worthy of the title of god, I have to work harder. Do you want to go for a run with me?"

Gene shook his head.

"Biological consciousness network connection, I hope you can help me perform this operation, and then connect my consciousness to the network, I want to open it"

"Mo Xiaolan has told me before, no, I've asked the guys in Section 10 for you, and they also don't allow it, and they are very tough."

Huashen threw the blackened liquid in the container together with the container into a dark pipe that had appeared at his feet. He released his feet. A flash of white light flashed on the convex mirror, and the mouth of the pipe closed.

"Especially after knowing that you are going to use it, there must be something shameful about that incident. Jean, I am not telling you, come to my office first."

After a while, the two returned to Huashen's office on the 39th floor. Gene took out a cigarette and was about to light it when Huashen took the cigarette butt from Gene's mouth.

"Smoking is prohibited here, and I don't want to inhale second-hand smoke."

After Huashen sat on the large revolving chair, beams of light immediately shone on his forehead, shoulders, arms, and everywhere. After the light and shadow began to materialize, they turned into soft mud-like things that looked like tentacles. He started massaging Huashen's whole body. He looked like he was enjoying it, but he still lit the cigarette.

"Your attitude is also very tough, Gene. Do you know the importance of the circle now? If you had listened to me a long time ago, contacted more people, built more connections with people, and even given them a little convenience, then you would naturally have connections. Well, I’m afraid that Mo Xiaolan and Niya are also very helpless, Gene, you are just sulking alone, looking back at the surroundings, there is nothing."

"I have also thought about finding a secretary recently."

Huashen stood up from his chair in shock, as if he had heard something scary.

"You are still the loner Jean, right? Don't scare me. It's so scary to hear such words coming from your mouth. Some unlucky girl or boy fell in love with you."

Jean smiled and lay down on the sofa.

"I have already thought of a way for you. Just go to your appointment tomorrow night. If a guy wants to see you, he can provide you with a supercomputer."

Gene's eyes widened, and he was about to say thank you to Zihua God when he interrupted him.

"That little girl, bring her over when you have time and let me extract her cells. This is the condition. Self-renovation of cells is incredible for people. As long as this technology is successful, the era of panacea will be over. It will come.”

But Gene still looked at Huashen with a suspicious look on his face. He sat next to Gene and returned the cigarette he had just given to Gene.

"You still can't believe me? To put it another way, how much have I helped you over the years, and how much do you owe us? Can't we collect some interest from you, Lord Jean?"

Gene nodded.

"Of course if she wants to, if not"

"I'm not that kind of evil and crazy doctor. I won't mess around. Go back and have a good sleep. You are the one who hasn't rested for 11 days. Even you can't bear it."

Just when Gene was about to leave, Huashen stopped him.

"The section chiefs' temporary meeting will be held in three days. Remember to attend. There are also secretary matters. You'd better make a decision quickly."

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