A week later, Hert returned to the space station with Katerina and Yuna.

"You are finally back."

One committee member looked very aggrieved and distressed. As soon as Hert stepped into the space station, many people gathered around him. It could be seen that the situation at Space Station 69 was terrible.

Yuna frowned slightly. Yussel came with people several times, asking Space Station 69 to hand over some weapons and ammunition, and then manage and distribute them uniformly. This matter has already touched the hearts of the soldiers Yuna trained before. Bottom line.

The two sides have been in a stalemate for many days now. People from the Space Station 69 Committee have talked with Yussel many times, but Yussel said that they must obey management.

Because of the recent frictions, both sides began to distrust. Most people on the space station had the same idea. Indeed, what the people above did was a bit excessive.

Listening to many people talking, Hert didn't say anything, but just waited for everyone to slowly calm down.

"What shall we do Mr. Hult?"

Helter's face was solemn, and then he said.

"Don't talk about this matter yet. I will talk to Yussel personally next time he comes over. Without weapons, we can't train well."

Yuna said immediately.

"Yes, are we allowed to fantasize about fighting with weapons? This is simply getting too much."

Katerina knew that Yuna was adding fuel to the fire, but she didn't want to say anything. Now Katerina has retreated to the front line, and she no longer has the ambition of the past.

In the past, Katerina has always appeared to be very brave and strong in many things, but since the failure of the plan to seize the space station, Katerina has lost all motivation. It was not until Hert appeared that she gradually recovered. Some motivation.

Now Katerina is becoming more and more aware that the clones of her generation will never see the day when the cloning system is abolished.

Katerina once dreamed of that day coming, but now this fantasy has been shattered.

Arguments arose, and many people were waiting for Hult to speak. After all, many people could no longer bear it. Some of the food they had worked so hard to produce was now being expropriated, and the food reserves were becoming increasingly scarce.

In this way, many people feel the crisis. If something goes wrong, they will starve.

Uneasiness has begun to spread in Space Station 69, and the senior management's dissatisfaction with Helt is already well known. In such an atmosphere, many people hope that Helt can lead them out of this predicament.

"Everyone calm down first. The current problem is indeed a bit difficult for us. I will find a way to solve it."

After Helt finished speaking, the crowd calmed down. Now they have a high degree of trust in Helt, because Helt does not dominate like other managers, and everything on Space Station 69 is equal. of.

Because of this equality, Hert became the leader here. He continued to say that many people were still uneasy.

"It is true that our ideas may conflict with theirs to a certain extent. Of course, I also hope that everyone can understand that in the past, the clone fronts have survived in the cracks of the empire's encirclement and suppression, so they must grasp everything in their hands, so that they can able to continue to survive.”

After Hurt finished speaking, he took the committee members to the central control tower. He had to ask the committee members specifically about some recent events.

After a while, everyone was sitting in the office, and a committee member began to report on the current situation of various materials in the space station.

Helt looked at the production of some things on the screen. There was already some shortage of food and water, and the reserves were seriously insufficient because a lot of them were collected by people sent by the upper levels.

There are also some mechanical parts. These two areas are the most serious. There are almost no mechanical parts in stock.

Of course Helt knew in his heart that by doing this, Yussel and the others accelerated the split plan earlier than Helt expected, but the people on the family side couldn't wait. They should want to establish a branch very quickly. The clone army is coming.

Helt also planned to take advantage of the situation to implement the plan. At this time, Helt stood up and said.

"We can't stay here anymore. They probably can't listen to my words anymore. They just need to let me command from the front."

After Hert finished speaking, all the committee members showed scared expressions, Hert said.

"I can't keep winning. If I lose once, everything will fall apart."

After Hult finished speaking, the committee members understood what Hult meant, and one committee member laughed.

"Mr. Hult, I think that's the case too. We don't need to stay here. We can obviously develop very well on our own."

Another committee member asked as Hurt nodded.

"Mr. Hult, have you ever thought about where we went?"

Hurt gave a concrete answer, then he said.

"Where to go and wait for the action, I will tell you. I hope you will take note of what I am going to say next. Just use your brain to write it down. In the next few days, I hope that everyone will be able to understand everything I said. it is done."

After Hert finished speaking, everyone on the committee felt relaxed. They had been complacent before, thinking that they could survive here well and make some contributions to the clone front. After all, they all understood the truth after knowing the truth. What should I do.

But a series of problems later caused these committee members to begin to doubt the Clone Front, because now they felt somewhat similar to what they had been under the rule of the Empire in the past.

After a short period of excitement, there was bitterness. Everything now was completely different from their past fantasies, because the Clone Front was different from the organization that worked for the liberation of clones in their minds. Instead, they were very similar to some of the upper echelons of human society. .

Especially after Helt made great achievements, the upper management secretly wanted to hollow out the No. 69 space station where Helt was located.

Hult began to assign tasks in detail based on the current situation. He would assign the implementation of each step to individuals, and then these committee members would lead each department to implement it layer by layer.

This seems to be a good system in Hert. The decision-making power rests with Hert alone. The committee members will listen to Hert and then implement it resolutely.

Soon after the several-hour meeting ended, the committee members' eyes became firm, and one committee member said.

"Don't worry, Mr. Hult, we will arrange everything well. Just give an order and we will leave here directly."

Hurt nodded.

"Everyone, this plan must not be leaked."

Looking at the committee members leaving, Yuna also stood up. She planned to go to the military camp to see the current situation of the soldiers, and then start the follow-up drills.

Katerina looked at Helt worriedly, and Helt said solemnly.

"Perhaps one of our committee members has already established contact with one of the subordinates of the higher-ups."

When these words came out, Katerina was a little shocked and asked.

"Probably not?"

Hurt stood up and said.

"Because everyone has desires, including these committee members. In the long run, should we enter the upper echelons or continue to stay in such a place?"

Katerina stopped talking, and Helt hugged her and said.

"That's the way it is now."

The two planned to go home and rest for a while, then go out for a walk after dinner.


Helt received the notice and asked him to go to the base for a meeting. Many committee members were very worried. Katerina paid attention to the expressions of the committee members. She noticed that several committee members looked abnormal.

Hert went directly to the base. After entering the conference room, Yussel was the only one there. He looked solemn and said in a dull mood.

"These seven people have betrayed you."

When Hult looked at the list, he found that there were many more names than he expected. He felt that one or two of the 26 committee members might have evil intentions.

"what to do?"

Youssel was sad, he just didn't expect those committee members to fall to them easily.

"I didn't intentionally guide them. It was my subordinates who contacted them on their own initiative."

Hurt said while pressing his forehead.

"The existence of betrayers will indeed affect the plan. We have to leave tonight and clean out the betrayers."

Yussel said in shock.

"Is it that fast? Is it too late? What if the space station fails?"

Hurt shook his head.

"I don't want to see bloodshed, we must act immediately."

Helt said, Yussel looked solemn, he said.

"My subordinates have already started setting up. I have to find a reason to transfer them. And remove some of the defenses near the base."

Helt looked at Yussel with some difficulty and said.

"Just say there is a problem at the mine and we need manpower."

Yussel hummed, stretched out his hand, and held it tightly with Hert, and then he said.

"Take care of those two girls."

Hurt said with a hum.

"Don't worry, you must also be careful. We must break the queen's chess game now to have the possibility of survival."

Yussel said with a hum.

"The Queen has begun to put pressure on us. They asked us to raid the mines of those families, but they did not give us too many supplies and weapons."

Hurt laughed.

"That's for sure, because the Queen doesn't want to fatten us up. She just wants us to slowly perish. In the days to come, it may be harder and a lot of people will bleed. I'm sorry."

After Helt finished speaking, Yussel hugged him and said.

"It would be great if we could become stronger. I hope to continue fighting with you, Helt."

Hurt turned around and said.

"Goodbye, don't look back, we have no reason or room to look back."

Yussel closed his eyes, clenched his fists and nodded.

"Goodbye, comrade!"

Hult quickly left the base. If they continued to delay, their escape plan would definitely have big problems.

After Hert returned, he immediately returned home. Katerina waited anxiously at home. Hert briefly explained the situation. Katerina was a little sad. She was a little desperate at this moment.

"Are you leaving so soon?"

Hurt nodded.

"Go help me notify them to come over. We have to leave here in a few hours."

After a while, Katerina took several committee members into the house in the name of inviting them to visit her home. There were 9 people in total. They were the nine people Hult trusted most, and they were also responsible for the maintenance and power system of the space station. Responsible.


One committee member said in shock, and others looked at Hult in disbelief. They did not expect that there would be a traitor among the committee members.

"The reason why I did not clearly state the time of my escape today is because I was worried that someone would go to the upper level that fell to the clone front in order to enter the upper level."

"Those bastards, I'm going now."

Hel pulled the committee member and then said.

"It was my wife's friend who told me. You should also know that our situation is very bad now. Although I went to the meeting and the senior officials did not say it clearly, they reminded me of something in their words."

After Hert finished speaking, the nine committee members nodded, and Hert said immediately.

"There is only one thing we need to ensure now, and that is whether the power system can operate stably and be able to fly us away from here in a few hours. The betrayed seven people do not need to be taken care of for the time being. They will wait until we start successfully. After sailing, just arrest them, and then put them down when they pass through the mine."

One of the committee members gritted his teeth.

"How can you make them so cheap, Mr. Hult?"

Hurt said, pressing his shoulder.

"We just have different ideas. I have already said that they also have the right to choose. This is just a conflict of ideas."

After Hurt simply arranged everything, the committee members left.

After Katerina sat down, she pressed her forehead in frustration. Hert hugged her gently. He knew that Katerina was very hurt, because the reason why their clone front became so disadvantaged was because of General Hert. betrayal.

"Don't worry, leave everything to me."

Half an hour later, Yuna came back. She was so angry that she almost couldn't hold back the traitors and killed them directly.

"It's so irritating. How could this happen? Everything was so good before, these bastards."

Hurt said.

"Calm down Yuna, now you have to go to the central control tower, Katerina, let the people go back home to rest, just tell them directly that I announced it, let everyone have a good day's rest."

The two women nodded, and Helt stood up and said.

"I now need to think about what to say after the space station takes off."

After waiting for them to leave, Hert stood by the window and looked at everything outside. He felt a little difficult. After all, he was just starting out now, and he would need to be able to deceive the family and the Queen in the future. Such a thing was too difficult. This paragraph Time Hurt thinks about every day.

This is a plan like walking a tightrope. Once there is a problem in any link, they will be wiped out.

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