"When will it be?"

A commander's face was solemn. There were only seven commanders left in the combat command room. The current situation was very bad for them, and they had already lost more than 300 people.

This harassment operation has been going on for almost a month now. From the excitement at the beginning to the suffering now, everyone can no longer bear it.

Hert did not speak, but looked at the recent raids with heavy losses. Many of the operations were not carried out strictly according to Hert's plan because someone got comfortable.

Hert warned early on that they must not relax, but the recent results made many people feel that they were too relaxed. He did not speak and was still looking at the previous several serious failures in the harassment operations.

The results they have achieved in the past month are very brilliant. They have successfully intercepted the opponent several times and grabbed some supply trucks.

It was such a victory that many people began to relax, thinking that it was very simple. Hert had already reminded them, but many commanders ostensibly said they would follow the previous strict combat methods, but then relaxed.

In the large-scale harassment operations a few days ago, the enemy poured out firepower like crazy. Many clones died. The commanders looked at Helt with solemn faces.

They didn't complain, they just wanted to know how long they would have to endure, because there were already very serious problems in the mine, and some people even fled.

But Hert still did not give the order to attack. In the eyes of many people, the mine was already like a candle in the wind. Not only were they unable to transport materials smoothly, but it was also difficult to transport supplies.

It was because the previous one was too smooth that there was a disastrous defeat a few days ago. The enemy had successfully delivered supplies to the mines, and they had also begun to conduct investigations in the nearby mountains. It would be difficult to continue the next battle. , once discovered, the troops in the mine will definitely be dispatched on a large scale to destroy them.

"Okay everyone, let's not mention what happened in the past few days. The next raid will start tomorrow. I will lay out the tactics first."

After Hert finished speaking, the commanders gathered together and they looked at the map seriously, Hert said.

"Everyone, please have some confidence. Our operation this time is very large. I hope you will go back later and explain the specific matters of the operation in detail to the soldiers."

One commander said, unable to sit still.

"We just suffered a large-scale failure a few days ago. If we continue at this time, we may suffer even more serious losses."

Hurt shook his head.

"It is precisely because the enemy has won that we need a larger-scale battle. The next battle will determine whether we can seize the mine. As long as we win, the mine will be ours."

Hert's words made the commanders show relaxed expressions, Hert said.

"Don't let the scale of the last battle happen again. As long as we strictly follow the battle plan, we will be able to win."

Two hours later, Hult made detailed arrangements, and the commanders all left. He was alone in the command car and started to prepare to eat.

Helt probably knew that the disastrous defeat of the past few days had caused fear in the hearts of many people, but this time was the time to face it head-on, because the other party was the same, and the other party was also extremely disturbed by this kind of harassment. of suffering.

The enemy is suffering even more than Hert and the others now, because many of the human soldiers can no longer stand it. This kind of battle with huge risks is unimaginable for many humans.

Hult knew that this large-scale harassment operation would definitely yield results.

Hult glanced at the time. It was just 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and the battle would start at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. That was the time for the raw materials and the returning convoy to move.

They will choose to take action when the light is the brightest, so that they can react quickly if they are suddenly attacked.

But Hert planned to take advantage of their laxity before departure and start the attack directly. After the attack, they would not be able to return to the mine and would only continue to move forward, because if they went back, the extra seven or eight hundred people would Quickly consume the materials in the mine.

The enemy's commander is not a fool, especially after the results achieved last time. He has deployed a lot of troops to gradually reduce the scope of activities of Hert and the others.

Hert also retreated appropriately. This was Hert's intention. He could have continued to expand the results while they were conducting a large-scale search, but Hert had no such choice.

Because the mine attack strategy this time was designed to attack the enemy's psychology from the beginning. If a sneak attack is launched, certain results may be achieved, but the enemy's alertness will be stronger and they will be exposed.

If the enemy cannot be found in this way, the unknown will destroy their hearts bit by bit. The reason why Hert wants to launch a larger-scale harassment is to destroy the psychological state of these enemies who have achieved results. Advantage.

This is the enemy's last advantage. Once defeated, they will have no choice but to abandon the mine.

Helt had already planned to take out all his assets. This time he had prepared enough firepower. Compared with the enemy, the firepower in the past was only sporadic, but this time the firepower was different.

Three new shuttle fighters will launch a surprise attack in an instant, and then the clones will begin to carry out attacks from both distance and distance in layers. This kind of combat can no longer be a harassment, but a frontal combat.

Although there will be sacrifices, Helt knows very well that such sacrifices are necessary. In the past, Helt might have thought it was cruel, but now Helt has changed his mind. After all, they are just clones with a life cycle of only 5 years.

Hert didn’t know why such a strong belief emerged in his heart. Perhaps it was because General Hert was also a person with strong beliefs, but Hert knew very well that since he established a relationship with two women, After the relationship, Hurt became somewhat fearless.

Since understanding everything, Hert is even more convinced that he must do something until the empire completely abolishes the cloning system. Even now, Hert doesn't have much time to wait for that day, but he wants to do something for that day. Lay the foundation for the day to come.

After thinking clearly, Helt took out the potatoes from the heater and began to eat them. He looked at the quiet world outside the window.

"I can go back after tomorrow is over. You guys wait for me."

After Helt finished speaking, he closed the window and went to sleep.

It was 7:20 in the morning the next day.

A large number of soldiers armed with weapons came out of the mine. They quickly spread around and began to spread around the transportation line under the guidance of small detection floating robots.

They are all in a team of 20 people, carrying heavy firepower weapons. Many of them are extremely angry now. As long as they find clones, they will kill them without mercy.

Many protests have broken out in the mines, and they brutally suppressed the clone workers. They could only eat one meal a day and still had to work.

Every human being knows that the clone front is responsible for all this. The victory in the past few days has made many human beings feel unprecedentedly happy.

Many human soldiers are very excited now. They really hope to encounter the clone front and then annihilate them.

The Solo family has offered a very high price. The soldiers who come here now will choose to retire directly when they return, because the money is enough for them to live a good life.

Trucks loaded with raw materials came down from the mine, and some shuttle fighters had already taken off. On such a bright morning, all you had to do was pay attention to the enemy's movements.

At present, no trace of the enemy has been found around the mine. With some shuttle fighter planes passing by, the soldiers below feel at ease.

At this moment, along with a communication, the soldiers panicked because a large number of convoys were discovered from the left and right sides of the mine and were already heading this way.

Accompanied by violent roars, the convoy that was still jammed on the mountain road became panicked. It was the enemy's shuttle fighter plane.

With a whooshing sound and violent roar, the truck on the mountain road was reduced to nothing in the flames. When the flames faded, the truck had overturned.

Hundreds of laser cannons on the mine shot down the incoming shuttle fighter in an instant. The entire attack lasted less than a minute, but the convoy on the mountain road had been divided, and a falling shuttle fighter directly hit it. Arriving in front of the mine, with flying debris, some nearby soldiers' doors were cut into two sections in an instant.

The soldiers who had gone out to investigate were frightened and wanted to return to defense, but enemy armored vehicles had appeared in the distance, and long-range missiles were flying towards them.

Along with the roar, the soldiers discovered that their fighter planes had returned. However, the current situation could no longer be solved by fighter planes. A large number of moving heads had already appeared on some nearby mountains.

Some heat-seeking missiles flew directly out of the mountains. Shuttle fighters that wanted to straf at low altitude fell instantly after being hit by the missiles.


Following the order to retreat, many soldiers opened their acceleration backpacks and shuttled quickly. They just wanted to return to the mine.

The armored vehicles on both sides of the mine were approaching, and they kept firing towards the front of the mine. Although the human soldiers were also fighting back, such a sudden battle disrupted their position.

Several commanders did not expect that there were so many clones nearby, and the clones' firepower was very strong today.

Some news continued to come from the communicator. Many teams that went out to investigate had begun to exchange fire with the clones in the mountains. Some teams stated that they needed fire support.

There was a rumble, and enemy armored vehicles were overturned and twisted by the exploding impact bombs.

However, no enemy came out of the overturned armored vehicle. A human commander drove the armored vehicle and rushed over with his people. After seeing the actual situation of the enemy's armored vehicle, the commander panicked, because in the armored vehicle, There is no one, it is an AI self-driving attack, and someone is controlling it remotely.

"They want to annihilate us and retreat. We have to retreat."

However, the way up the mountain had been blocked by the sudden attack. A commander realized that it was not possible and had to fight the enemy head-on. If they retreated, they would probably be wiped out. As long as they could withstand it, they would win. .

However, the scattered soldiers were already frightened. They were running wildly, hoping to return to the mine.

The whole scene was extremely chaotic, and enemies could be seen everywhere. They kept advancing under the cover of fire, while the human soldiers could only run and retreat.

Some soldiers have begun to climb up the mountain wall using jet packs, but it is obvious that this is very difficult. The violent jets will consume energy and may also cause equipment failure.

Sure enough, some soldiers suddenly lost power after climbing halfway and fell from the top. Even if the gravity was very small, such a fall would still cause serious harm to the soldiers.

The situation has become extremely chaotic. Several commanders can only integrate their troops and let them gather next to the escort convoy in front of the mine. Before the enemy has completely attacked, the enemy's armored vehicles that are attacking unmanned and automatic attacks on both sides have been destroyed. Destroyed.

Now the enemies are mainly moving from the mountains, and their positions are very scattered. If they use firepower to cover them, their current firepower is difficult to maintain, and they must wait until the enemies gather more before they can open fire.

However, at this moment, the enemies stopped moving. After reaching a certain range, they began to move around them in the distance, and they were still very scattered. There were enemies constantly attacking with long-range weapons.

The commanders could only place the armored vehicles on the outside. The soldiers came back one after another, but now it is extremely difficult to return to the mine.

"We will be annihilated if we don't leave."

A commander shouted, and soon several commanders reached a consensus and directly ordered the soldiers to use armored vehicles to clear the way. Some vehicles had already retreated into the mine. As long as they went up, they would be safe. Defense weapons are not vegetarian, that kind The original new fighter plane was useless even with a plasma shield.

The shuttle fighter's shield will be penetrated after the Doron salvo. Once penetrated, the shuttle fighter will crash.

Hurt quietly looked at the retreating humans. He knew very well that they would win. He looked at the mine, and then announced that everyone should prepare to retreat and have a good rest after returning. This time the raid was almost exhausted. They have lost all their ammunition, and now they can only wait a few days to replenish it, but within a few days, they will definitely withdraw from the mine.

Looking at the huge mine in front of him, Helter now thinks more of helplessness, because more violent conflicts will definitely break out in the mine.

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