"Be careful Hurt."

Katerina was not at ease. Katerina said as soon as the two got up early in the morning. Helt smiled and hugged Katerina and kissed her gently before saying.

"Don't worry, I have already customized a battle plan. You just need to be able to follow the battle plan and you will be successful. Trust me."

After Helt finished speaking, Katerina nodded and said.

"The situation on Yuna's side seems not to be good."

Katerina was a little worried. Several technicians affiliated with Space Station 69 came back a while ago. Katerina asked about the situation there. Yuna had huge differences with Maxi on some issues.

The people in the mine obviously supported Hert, but Maxi didn't care so much and still went his own way. Although this was a split plan decided from the beginning, it seemed to Katerina that it was too cruel. .

"It's okay, we will all cross this chasm."

After Helt finished speaking, he stood up. Katerina hugged him from behind. After the two leaned close for a while, Helt got up. Today Helt will lead 1,000 clone front soldiers to attack. , went to join the people in front, and then began to attack a Soro family mine 100 kilometers away to the north.

The mine of the Solo family mainly produces some semiconductor raw materials, which is extremely important for the future, and is especially important for many communication projects.

After Helt and Katerina kissed goodbye, they left the space station.

Outside the space station, a large number of lunar armored vehicles and trucks carrying supplies and weapons began to drive slowly.

Hert sat on a heavy-duty truck. The front of the truck had a large space and a separate room. Hert was preparing to discuss the attack with several commanders. Although the tactics had been customized, the commanders Neither of them got the specific implementation details of the tactics, which Hult deliberately did not say.

Many commanders have been a little anxious these days because they cannot imagine what kind of combat plan Hert is going to come up with, and it is still such a temporary combat plan. At this rate, they will arrive in three days.

Because it needs to cross a lot of messy terrain and has a large number of vehicles, the most critical thing is that the fleet needs to stop in a place with strong sunlight to recharge when the sun comes out every day.

Therefore, the entire unit moved very slowly. All the commanders looked at Hert and felt a little strange, because Hert had not yet said the battle plan.

"I hope everyone understands one thing. Never act without my order."

Hult has seen the situation of this clone's display of troops. They are the 17th troop, with a number between 1,000 and 1,200. The previous commands of many cadres, including the operations they themselves commanded, basically did not achieve any good results. Results.

Hert has also seen the situation of the troops. It is neither too bad nor too good. He has analyzed it through several of their battles.

The situation of this unit is actually not very good, because many times in coordinated operations, the unit commanders did not implement the combat plans well. Some combat plans that could have been successful ended up being disastrous because some commanders acted without authorization. Huge problem.

"Mr. Hult, what should we do?"

A commander said that the commanders here quite appreciated the last surprise attack led by Hult. This was also the most brilliant result achieved by their clone front since its establishment.

Therefore, most commanders were very optimistic about Hert commanding this battle. Hert looked at the room of commanders, and the 10 commanders all had serious faces.

"Everyone, please relax, there is no need to be so serious."

Helt said with a smile on his face, everyone was a little confused, Helt said.

"My battle plan is actually very simple. It doesn't require complicated tactics or powerful weapons. What we have to do this time is to make the enemy disorganize themselves and leave the mine. Then we just need to move in. "

One of the commanders said, laughing.

"Mr. Hult, is it possible? They can't retreat voluntarily. There are already nearly 500 people from the Solo family stationed in the mine."

Many commanders found it a bit unbelievable, because this was not what a cadre who came to the front line to command should say, Helt said.

"Everyone, be quiet and listen to me first."

The commanders shut up, and Hert put away his smile, looked at the commanders seriously, and then opened the map on a crystal screen in the room.

Hurt pointed to the dots on the map and then said.

"This mine of the Solo family is built on a mountain. If we want to attack it with such a small force, we will pay a very heavy price."

After Hert finished speaking, all the commanders also understood that this battle was actually unsafe for them.

Indeed, as Hult said, this mine has natural advantages, but if the latest fighter jets obtained previously can be put into use, they will definitely make a difference.

Moreover, attacking the Solo family's third-largest mine was a matter that Helt personally took over, and many people were not very optimistic about it.

"The reason why I chose this mine is that they are relatively close to our base in the mountains, only 100 kilometers away, while this mine is more than 150 kilometers away from the take-off and landing point."

After Hurt finished speaking, he drew a line on the map and then continued to explain.

"Our current situation is like this. Our base can support the mines in a short period of time, but Solo Company cannot do it because their landing points need to meet the supply of other mines, so they choose to use most of them. An area full of mines. But this third largest mine is outside this area."

After Helt drew a circle, and then looked at the confused commanders, Helt said.

"The situation is that if we take over this mine, they will have nothing to do to us, but we can quickly establish a connecting supply line, and even be self-sufficient in the minerals and develop some industries."

After Hult finished speaking, the commanders nodded in agreement, one commander said.

"This operation is a bit risky. If we fail, the situation will become very troublesome and our troops may be ruined there."

Hult understood the commanders' concerns and continued.

"Our current situation is that it is simply impossible to capture this mine."

The commanders looked very bad, and Hert said with a smile.

"Because you have never thought about one thing, that is, you have never imagined what will happen after taking over this mine."

Anger appeared on the faces of some commanders. Hert saw all this and he pointed at the map and continued.

"So there is only one thing we need to do, a small-scale harassment operation."

After Hert finished speaking, a group of commanders seemed to understand, and then a commander said.

"With such a slow attack, we will have to fight for a long time, but if it continues like this, we seem to be unable to afford it, and our supply line is too long."

Hurt nodded.

"What we are harassing is not the mine, but the line that delivers supplies to the mine. Whether it is in the air or on the ground, the harassment is 24 hours a day. These supplies must be intercepted no matter what. So we must do what we do as soon as possible. The key is to conduct inspections on the 30-kilometer-long supply line close to the mine, and then start the layout."

After Hult finished speaking, the commanders understood that they had used this method of harassing the enemy's supply lines in battles before, but it was difficult to succeed because there were usually many troops coming over the supply lines, and their weapons and equipment were also good.

A commander raised the question, and Hurt stated clearly.

"The reason why it failed is because you didn't pay attention to one point. That is, you will attack every time, but what about the second time after the attack fails? What about the third time? What about the fourth time?"

Seeing the solemn expressions on the commanders' faces, Hert said.

"Because the other side knows that we can't afford it, but if we can keep attacking, and it's not a full-scale attack, the mission of each team is to harass, not to fight head-on. We only need to rely on this 30-kilometer supply line to attack everything along the way. They will raid the mine for supplies, and eventually they will give up the mine.”

The commanders looked better, and some even looked happy, Helt said.

"So there is no need for me to tell you the battle plan at the beginning, because this is a long-term battle, and we need to go to the field to observe and measure before we can work out how each team will attack, defend, and escape after being harassed. How many routes are needed can only be known after going on site.”

All the commanders nodded. They felt very novel about what Hert was thinking, and they also felt that this operation could be successful. If supplies did not come, the thousands of people in the mine would not be able to survive for a long time. Living, in the end they humans can only be forced to evacuate.

Hurt continued.

"Why did I choose a 30-kilometer supply line away from the mine? Because this is the maximum limit for our more than 1,000 people. We only need to reasonably arrange it in a 30-kilometer long place. It is not a series of attacks, but from 1 to 9 or A chaotic and indiscriminate attack from 9 to 4, so that the enemy cannot figure out our patterns."

A commander stood up and said clearly.

"In this case, the enemy will not be able to predict our actions or when we will attack. They need a large number of soldiers to escort each supply, and we only need to conduct an on-the-spot ambush based on the transportation situation. Bring them down in one fell swoop.”

Hurt nodded, and the commanders in the room all reached a consensus, Hurt said.

"I just hope that you can obey orders and never make decisions without authorization. The most important thing is not to be greedy for the results of the battle. This will cost everyone's lives. The only purpose of our battle plan this time is to delay them until they collapse, and they also We cannot be annihilated.”

After Hert finished speaking, everyone clapped their hands. Many people admired Hert's battle plan. They had indeed never thought about this harassment point, because in their opinion, such an approach was useless. And he will also bury his own soldiers.

"The only purpose of our battle is to bring down the opponent. As for the supply line, I have discussed it with several cadres. After we come out, a truck of supplies will be delivered every three days, so that our supplies will be able to keep up. Yes, it’s just that life will be harder.”

Everyone nodded. It is true that they can only live in these lunar vehicles, but if they can complete this operation, they will firmly occupy the mine. By then, the strength of the entire clone front will reach A qualitative leap.

Then Hert stood up and announced the end of the meeting. Everyone clapped their hands. Hert also planned to take a rest. He found a seat next to the window and lay down.

After driving for a day, the car started to stop. Because it was night, it had to wait until tomorrow morning to recharge before it could continue moving forward. Hert had already told the cadres about the completeness of this plan, and they all agreed.

The reason why Youssel was so tough in collecting food at Space Station 69 was for this battle plan.

Everything is very clear in Helt's eyes. He plans to connect the clone front bases together within four months, so that they can echo from beginning to end and develop.

As long as this is done, Helt can lead the people to split off, as well as the soldiers of Space Station 69 who will be trained later.

When it was time to eat, everyone gathered around the table again, discussing some details of the next trip, and Hert reminded him again.

"I hope you must remember that this is the only way we can survive and seize the mine. If you are impulsive, it may completely collapse the plan we have finally built."

The 10 commanders all nodded. Hert did not hide anything, but told them directly that he had seen some combat records of the 17th unit. There were many things that could have been avoided, all because of each hundred-man team. The commander had problems, made wrong judgments, and failed to execute orders in accordance with the name of the operation, which ultimately led to the failure of the plan.

"Mr. Hult, we will not mess around. I can guarantee that our soldiers will be able to execute these orders."

Hurt shook his head.

"I actually plan to reorganize. In the past, we all had one commander ordering the soldiers, but we will talk about this later. I need 100 teams within the scope of activity near the 30-kilometer supply line."

The commanders' eyes widened in shock, and Hult laughed.

"We cannot operate on a large scale, because in the face of heavy firepower weapons, large-scale activities are tantamount to exposing the position, and they can easily attack us."

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