Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 582 Flying towards the moon

"That's enough, Helt."

Yuna said in a clear voice.

"Is it really okay?"

Yuna hummed.

The central control tower has been captured, and all the Star Forces have been locked into an underground storage warehouse. It was just after 1 noon.

Many people in the entire Space Station 69 listened in astonishment to what Ristkov said on the radio. Many people still can't believe that there are more than ten people left on the clone front holding weapons, because it seems that there are many people now. They were all angry, and many people were already shouting.

"Come back quickly."

Yuna said happily, hearing that Helt was very tired. The outer satellites were still surrounding the outside of the space station. Now they must formulate a plan to quietly circle to the back of the moon.

This plan is only known to a few people in the Clone Front. Because it is not easy to overthrow the founder, they have discussed it long ago and drawn up many backup plans. For some reasons, this plan has not yet been disclosed to the third party. Army General Herth.

It's not that the people on the Clone Front didn't believe him, but because spies from the founders had appeared in some space stations and began to investigate them, so this filing plan was not informed to General Hert in time, which also made them Hence salvation.

Yuna was completely relieved now. As long as Jinna reported wrong information to the headquarters of the Third Army, they would have a chance to land on the moon. On the moon, their clone front had already been established in a mountain. A secret outpost was set up. Although the number of people was small, some equipment had been secretly sent there through some resource collection ships.

All this was completed in just one or two months. No one expected that this backup plan would save them, and the timing was such a coincidence.

After a resource collection ship was destroyed, this backup plan was immediately launched, especially after Hult had betrayed the Clone Front, and those who captured the Clone Front had already received this backup plan. The original plan Some bases in the floating object cluster have been evacuated, and some clones who are about to die have stayed to use all possible means to delay the empire's attack, while others on the clone front who still have a certain life span will leave in batches. .

It seems that the plan is successful so far. As long as they control the space station to go to the back of the moon, at least now they have a firm foothold on the moon. Even if the Star Force wants to dispatch, it will take some time, during which they can do everything well. preparation, and it is impossible for the Star Force to use weapons of mass destruction on the moon.

This is their only hope, to tie the moon to them so that the Star Force cannot act rashly.

Soon these satellites began to enter the satellite reception station at the bottom of the space station one after another. Yuna got up and went directly to the street with weapons and several people from the clone front. Now the whole street was in chaos, Stukov was still saying Many people were crying when they heard that they were clones, and some people even collapsed.

Because this fact is difficult for many people to accept for a while, everything is relatively chaotic now. Some people even surrounded the central control tower. As soon as Yuna went out with weapons, she saw a lot of people Rushing over, they stared at Yuna with anger.

"Step aside."

Yuna said, when a former control tower administrator immediately started shouting.

"Don't believe them. Everything they say is false. They are just a bunch of delusional people."


With the sound of a gunshot, the administrator in front of him immediately shut up, and everyone around him looked at Yuna blankly.

"No matter how much you struggle or say, this is the fact. If you don't believe it, think about it carefully. Is everything you have experienced in the past real? Did everything that happened to you in the past, from childhood to adulthood, really happen? ? Think about it carefully, and if you don’t believe it, you can take some food from the meat shop for testing, and you will know what is going on. "

Yuna said that the people around her got out of the way, and many people moved towards the food shop. At this time, the staff at the food point were very uncomfortable, some even started to vomit, and many people were shouting. Some meat was taken out for testing.

Yuna started running quickly, and soon she came to the entrance to the satellite reception station. She was waiting quietly. Before, Yuna felt that this clone of Helt had the same personality as Helter. The characteristics of General Hert, he is perseverance and bravery. Yuna used to like General Hert very much and liked everything about him very much.

At this time, the door in front of her opened. Yuna walked down quickly and looked at Helt who looked tired. The two people from the clone front hurriedly supported Helt.

"You really did it Hult."

Helt grinned slightly. He was about to nod but was suddenly hugged by Yuna. Helt's eyes widened in shock. Yuna's body was trembling slightly, and a whimpering sound reached his ears.

"Thank you Hert, without you we would be dead."

Yuna's voice was filled with tears, and Hert gently put his hand on Yuna's back.

"Yeah. Where is she?"

Yuna said with a smile.

"Kajerina is injured. She is resting in the ward. I will take you there."

Helt smiled awkwardly, and then many people on the street looked angry, which made Helt a little overwhelmed, because he didn't know what he had done to them.

At this time, Stukov had announced the values ​​of the food detected in the food shop on the big screens in all the streets. Many people exclaimed, including some doctors in the hospital who also began to announce the results from some Based on the DNA information collected from people, most of the people here are indeed clones.

Even several well-known doctors in the hospital are clones. This shocking fact is impacting every clone. Many people's expressions have become calmer because they are more or less aware of the memories in their brains. The growth process from childhood to adulthood is all false.

And many people finally understood why they often felt dizzy and even suffered from various illnesses. The streets of the space station once again became riotous.

At this time Stukov shouted, hoping to gather all the original managers of the space station, so that the space station could operate normally.

Some people were still stunned, but several managers had already moved towards the central control tower. With the support of Yuna and the others, Hert arrived at the hospital. People were standing outside the hospital, and many patients in the hospital were waiting. Looking at them indifferently, a patient fell directly from the upstairs with a loud bang.

There were screams of exclamation, Yuna turned her head, and Helt stared blankly at the patient who jumped from the building. Several doctors and nurses ran out, and Helt pulled a doctor.

"This patient has severe muscle weakness, and is always accompanied by dizziness and tinnitus. We have given many treatment plans, but in the end we are at a loss. He was originally going to be transferred to the hospital today, and he will go directly to a better place on the lunar base. Go to the hospital for treatment.”

Yuna understood it as soon as she heard it, and then asked.

"How many days has he been hospitalized?"

"Just three days."

The conversation between the two was heard by some people nearby. Yuna looked at a pair of puzzled eyes and then explained.

"If symptoms of muscle weakness and dizziness appear, it is a sign that the life of the cloned person has come to an end. We have had many comrades die in this way. From the onset of such symptoms to death, it usually takes no more than a month at most. Once people here develop such symptoms, they will be taken away by the Star Air Force on the pretext of being sent to a better hospital for treatment. In fact, they are taken to a clone processing plant. The chip in their brain is removed, and then the body is taken away. After disposing of it, the usable parts will be used as raw materials for cultivating clones, and the unusable parts will be directly used as food and sent to the space station where the clones live."

Yuna's words made many people roar hysterically. Yuna then took Helt into the hospital, and soon they arrived outside Katerina's ward.

Yuna looked at Helt who looked a little embarrassed.

"Let's wait until she gets better before we come back. She wants it now."

"Don't you like her very much? Come in."

Yuna pushed Helt, then smiled and stepped back with hands on her feet. She looked at Helt in front of her, feeling a little sad in her heart. After saying thank you, Helt knocked on the door of the room. .

"Thank you."

As soon as Helter entered, he received a thank you from Katerina. He hummed and looked at Katerina lying on the hospital bed. She had already cut her hair short.

"What's wrong, do you care about my hair?"

Katerina asked, and Helt said hurriedly.

"No, Miss Katerina, I just think it's a pity."

Katerina smiled slightly.

"It will grow back, but I'm not sure whether I will be alive until my hair grows back."

Hurt shook his head.

"Most definitely."

The two people's conversation stopped abruptly, and they just looked at each other quietly. Hert was panicking inside at this time. This was only a short period of time. He really liked Katerina, but the current situation made it difficult for her to speak. Hurt didn't know what to say.

"Can you move? Katerina, Stukov asked us to go over there."

Katerina nodded and stood up. Helter hurried over, but found that she was not wearing any clothes. He turned around hastily, and Yuna smiled playfully.

After a while, Katerina came out wearing the armor of the Star Force, supported by Yuna, while Helt stood aside.

"I am also a wounded person. Come and help me."

Hert hurried over, his fatigue now gone. He spent almost sleepless days constantly transforming those satellites. Fortunately, everything was successful. In the face of life and death, those humans could only choose to survive.

The three of them came to the central control tower. In a conference room, most of the past managers of Space Station 69 from all walks of life were present. As soon as they entered, Hult looked at Stukov, and the two of them nodded. After looking back, the three of them found a place to sit down.

"Gentlemen and ladies, the only way we can survive now is to go to the lunar base, so I need everyone's cooperation. Everything is prepared to maintain the operation of the entire space station. All commercial activities are cancelled. Food and water are unified. Supplies, and we need some help to keep order.”

Many people nodded in agreement, because this was the only way. It was impossible for the empire to allow clones who knew the truth to live. However, many clones were lucky at this time, at least they knew all the truth before they died inexplicably.

"What about those guys?"

one administrator asked, Stukov said.

"Just let them go before we get close to the moon."

The shouting started immediately, but soon after Stukov shouted, the sound in the conference room stopped again.

"If we kill them, the empire will probably start a war immediately, so we release them. There is no need to let the people of the empire use the fact that we killed some humans as an excuse to let them get closer together before the official war begins."

Stukov then told many questions, including the identity of the person who led them before. Many people found it incredible. Gradually everyone agreed and let them go when they were in the right place.

Then there is the issue of going to the moon. There are too many things that need to be changed in the current space station. Because the central control has been cut off, the space station must rebuild a central area under their control.

"I hope everyone will come up with their own plans as soon as possible. We must rely on the existing knowledge in our minds to act as soon as possible."

Stukov said that several managers volunteered to stand up, and everyone was discussing how to plan. Looking at the scene in front of him, Hert could not imagine it, because many people were not very familiar with it in the past, and even Hostile, but now everyone is closely connected.

The planning lasted until about 5 p.m., and the two departments, the Life Department and the Engineering Department, managed the people of the entire space station.

After everything was clearly planned, everyone began to take action. Stukov began to announce everything planned at the meeting to all the people.

But at this time, there was already some chaos outside the space station. Some of the guys who vented their anger had been imprisoned. Only a dozen people from the clone front were maintaining order. Many people still agreed with what Stukov said and all started talking. Everyone started to get busy.

Even more tragic things happened. Some people committed suicide immediately after learning the truth.

Helt slept throughout the meeting. He was too tired. Then Helt planned to go home and have a good night's rest, while Yuna and Katerina returned to the hospital.

Looking at the busy people on the street, Hert glanced at the dark sky and the bright sun in the distance, and he smiled happily.

"My life has just begun! Although it will be short."

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