In a state of confusion, Hert woke up with a start. He had just had a dream, but now his consciousness was a little dazed. Helt didn't know what kind of dream he had. He couldn't remember it.

Outside the small window was a pitch-black universe. Hurt wiped his sweat and thought of a way. Since there was no way to crack the control authority here, his only way was to go directly to those floating resource collection satellites. Then it will be much less difficult to crack it from the satellite itself.

Her mind is filled with all kinds of related mechanical knowledge. Hert doesn't know when exactly this knowledge was stuffed into his brain, but he is sure that this knowledge is very useful now. He only remembers this knowledge in his mind, but there is no The experience of learning this knowledge.

Taking a look at the time, it was just 3 o'clock in the morning. Helt didn't hear any noise. It was certain that no bigger conflict had broken out yet at Space Station 69. After eating something quickly, Helt quickly put on protective clothing. , and then went to a maintenance bay, which contained an old oval-shaped single-person space shuttle.

After putting on the spacesuit, Helt entered the shuttle. After the door of the maintenance room slowly opened, Helt drove the shuttle and flew out. He immediately received the inquiry signal from the AI ​​terminal. He replied that there was a problem with the external metal plate and he wanted to have it inspected.

After easily passing the inspection of the terminal, Hert began to fly around the space station leisurely. After noticing that the terminal signal had been disconnected, Hert accelerated directly and floated towards the distance in the universe. The resource recovery mechanical satellite flew over.

Soon Hert approached a mechanical satellite. He slowly drove the shuttle closer, and then accurately used the mechanical hooks on both sides to grab the ring-shaped energy-conducting metal tube on the edge of the satellite. Hert brought the tool The box climbed out of the shuttle and was then attached to the energy tube with a cable.

The upper part of the satellite is the working information processing area, and the lower part is the small kinetic energy machine, with hollow spaces in the middle for storing recycled resources.

Hert climbed to the top of the satellite, used a tool to open the cover of the satellite's working information processing area, jumped down, and closed the cover again. After the temperature in the room recovered a little, Hert began to look at the scene in front of him. Each control center looks like a small pillar.

Hult quickly followed his memory and found the module room that controlled the satellite. He carefully opened it, but still waited for a while, because just opening the top caused the temperature to drop drastically, and the control module would freeze if he was not careful.

After a while, Hert saw a circuit panel flashing with red and blue light. There were connectors of different sizes and shapes on it. He took out the small computer in the tool box and connected the computer after finding an interface. Go up.

Soon after passing the inspection authority, Hert saw the condition of the satellite. Some parts needed repair, but most of them were external facilities. Hert began to try to change the control authority of the satellite.

Obviously there is no way to change it directly. Helt looked at each connector and carefully looked at the numbers on it. Soon Helt confirmed the information transceiver of the central control system. He carefully used a Use mechanical scissors to remove the information transceiver.

Soon some warning messages appeared on the computer screen, and Hult quickly successfully entered the central system of the satellite. The system was easily cracked without the constant signal changes from the terminal.

Hult breathed a sigh of relief and smiled happily. He quickly rewritten the control authority of the satellite system, installed the information transceiver directly in the original place, and then connected the satellite control to his shuttle.

After completing everything, half an hour had passed. Hult hurriedly left the satellite, returned to the shuttle, lay in the narrow cabin, and then disassembled the shuttle's panel, and also removed the panels of Space Station 69. The information transceiver allows the shuttle to escape the control of the terminal.

Helt can only use this method to continuously transform each satellite and then bring it under his control. This is also the only way Helt can think of.

How much WeChat can be controlled depends on Huerter's speed. This time after he opened the cover on the top of the satellite, he entered the center of the satellite and took out a small heater. In just 2 minutes, the temperature in the room recovered. It was very easy to do and it took less than 15 minutes to finish everything.

Hult immediately changed to the next satellite nearby. The two satellites behind him had stopped collecting resources and followed Hult's shuttle.

Helt saw that it was already 4 o'clock in the morning. He had to control as many satellites as possible. He glanced at the space station and saw that there were no problems for the time being. Once the two sides started to exchange fire, Helt would go directly there.

In my heart, I have been thinking very clearly in these few hours. Although I may feel sorry for the clones of Space Station 69, they are all in the house now. Helt wants to directly break through the protective wall of Space Station 69, so that Only then might there be a chance to rescue Katerina and the others.

If you don't do it with the determination to die, it will be impossible to succeed. Hert drove the shuttle and approached a satellite again.

4:20 am

"The wound has started to heal, it's no problem."

Yuna said, picking up a metal crossbow, which Stukov and the others had hidden on the spacecraft a long time ago, because this primitive weapon is very useful if the weapon fails.

Jin Na, who was tied up on the side, laughed.

"It would be better for you to surrender as soon as possible."

Yuna looked at Jinna with firm eyes and said.

"We will never give up our resistance to you filthy traitors."

Yuna looked at the remaining 20 people, only 6 crossbows, and some blades. The Star Air Force had now surrounded the entire command room. The reason why they did not come in was because of the noble Jin Na.

After the small missile exploded, Yuna took advantage of the chaos and hijacked Jinna. They were able to survive now. There was no food or drink in the captain's room. Many of them were already hungry. If the stalemate continued, up to four In five days they will be finished.

Stukov's condition is a bit bad, and it will be dangerous if it continues like this, but Jinna knows very well that Katerina will never abandon them. She will definitely create chaos outside. Once there starts to be riots outside, Yuna He planned to lead people to break through.

Everyone's patience has reached its limit. There is a passage less than two meters away from the captain's room. The Star Air Force is guarding outside. They have no intention of destroying the carrier ship.

"If we die here, I will drag you with us to be buried together."

Yuna lived resolutely, and Jinna laughed.

"I am also a soldier. I realized something a long time ago when I entered the army. Maybe you are the same as me."

A clone walked up to Jinna angrily, picked up a stick nearby and was about to hit it, but was stopped by Stukov. He got up and caught the stick with quick eyes and hands. Everyone watched. To him.

"Don't do this. I've said it a long time ago. Even if we really fail, we can't do such a thing. If we really do this, is there any difference between us and these cruel guys? Don't forget it. , how we got here all the way."

For a moment, everyone in the captain's room looked at Stukov in astonishment. The angry man let go of his hand. Stukov put the stick on the table. The captain's room fell into silence again. Many people just looked at it slightly. After resting for a while, because I couldn't close my eyes, the Star Force outside would shout from time to time, asking them to let Jin Na go.

"Listen, if you are willing to release Commander Jinna, we can guarantee that you will not die and will arrange for you to live in other space stations. All we need is that you give up resistance."

Still saying the same thing, Yuna laughed, and she stood at the entrance of the passage and shouted.

"None of us will surrender."

At this time, several captains of the Star Air Force who were guarding outside had already determined the battle plan. The people on the clone front were unable to use weapons. They decided to cut open the top of the captain's room and throw tear gas canisters inside. First, people from the outside rushed in through the passage, and then immediately rushed in to rescue Jin Na when the ceiling of the captain's room opened.

Many people from the Star Air Force have climbed onto the carrier ship. They must break open the captain's room in an instant and then cooperate with the attackers. The situation is still unclear because there are still some rebels hidden in Space Station 69. The streets are all under martial law.

Soon, under the plans of several team captains, many people began to approach the passage of the captain's room. They were all waiting for the opportunity. One captain held a tear gas launcher in his hand and shouted again.

"If you don't surrender, nothing will be solved. We can have a good talk."

There was no response from the captain's room. The door to the captain's room was damaged. Suddenly, the squad leader raised the tear gas launcher in his hand and pulled the trigger.


There was a banging sound, and tear gas bombs were shot into the captain's room in an instant. In an instant, several people from the Star Air Force rushed out with weapons raised. However, there was a whooshing sound, and in an instant, the two people at the front were He screamed and then fell to the ground. Only then did the team leader see clearly that it was a primitive crossbow.

There was a loud bang, and a big hole was cut directly in the ceiling. At this time, the Yuna people were already standing on a cabinet in the captain's room. Other people on the ground threw tear gas canisters out, and the entire captain's room was filled with thick smoke. It was so dense that everyone was choked with tears and couldn't open their eyes at all.


Yuna accurately shot several Star Forces who came down. The scene was completely chaotic. Because they couldn't figure out where Jinna was, the Star Forces did not use weapons. Instead, they directly took the blades and started fighting with the people on the clone front. A close-quarters fight.

Yuna watched more and more people coming down, and she could hardly keep her eyes open. Behind the cabinet was Jinna's place. Yuna had already thought that they would do this, so she arranged it from the beginning.

The scene was very chaotic. Yuna jumped down, holding back the severe pain of the wound, holding the blade in her hand, and rushed into the middle of the Star Force. The smoke dissipated, and some Star Force people had already exited from the passage.

"If you dare to do this again, I will cut off her head directly."

Yuna carried Jin Na out, faced several Star Forces holding weapons at the entrance of the passage, and pressed the blade directly on Jin Na's neck. As bright red blood overflowed, the Star Forces withdrew from the passage.

Yuna looked at the corpses of the six colleagues behind her. The blade she held in her hand was trembling. Jinna closed her eyes. She knew very well that the combat effectiveness of these clones was much stronger than that of the army.

And many people in the army couldn't compare with them. She saw clearly just now that after being suppressed on the scene, the soldiers retreated to the passage.

Stukov pressed his chest and motioned for Yuna to pay attention to it. There were many Star Forces waiting for an opportunity around the broken ceiling of the captain's room.

The situation was already very critical. Many of them were injured and could not withstand the second round of attacks. Yuna was still thinking. She looked at Jin Na who was being held hostage by her. While she was thinking, she pressed Jin Na into the room. In the passage.

"Everyone, stand back and prepare a shuttle for us."

Obviously this is impossible. There are countless long-range sniper rifles pointed at Yuna and the others. The reason why Yuna entered the passage is to prevent long-range snipers. Yuna moved forward step by step, while the Star Air Force began to retreat. .

"Everyone evacuates urgently."

At this time, a voice sounded, accompanied by a violent roar. Yuna was surprised and immediately rushed forward. There was a loud boom and violent vibrations that shook the entire carrier. Yuna quickly approached the entrance of the passage. The two star force members, taking advantage of their unresponsiveness, directly cut their necks with the blade.

A violent roar sounded outside, and Yuna knew that it was Katerina who had taken action. This was their only chance.

"Everyone, move quickly, we want to seize the control tower."

Yuna shouted. She took advantage of the commotion and used some of the facilities in the carrier as a cover to fight her way out amidst the violent gunfire. The Star Force personnel had already retreated.

As soon as Yuna arrived at the cabin door, she saw a downed shuttle fighter not far away. With a loud bang, it hit the side wall of the airport control tower, and flames burst out. At this time, the Star Forces outside Already reacting, they stayed far away from the carrier ship, and began to gradually clear up these unmanned shuttle fighters that suddenly appeared.

Another shuttle fighter was hit and crashed. There was smoke and dust everywhere. Everyone behind them came out. Yuna glanced at the control tower. It was 200 meters away from here. It was obvious to rush over like this. It's impossible, and the Star Forces are also moving towards that direction consciously.

"Go underground."

A voice sounded from behind Yuna, it was Katerina, and everyone immediately followed Katerina in a Star Force uniform.

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