Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 570 The beginning of failure

"Please complete the docking as soon as possible! The identification signal has been obtained and is confirmed to be the resource distribution ship C11 of the Third Army's Sixth Fleet!"

Located at the airport east of Space Station 69, in the control room of an observation and identification tower, some people from the Star Air Force are busy. In front of them is a Changxing carrier ship with a round head, pulling this month's supplies. In the airport Most people have already entered the house, and many people are holding their own Starry Sky Coins, planning to go directly to buy some supplies needed for this month.

The sunshade on the outside of the space station has been opened. It was just 9 o'clock in the morning. The carrier will be parked directly in the airport later. The translucent protective film will be temporarily opened, and the cold air will erode in for a moment, waiting for the carrier. After landing completely, it will close immediately.

Many people were looking forward to it. Watching the huge carrier landing little by little, many people started waiting. The translucent cover opened slightly. After the carrier slowly landed, it slowly closed again. A large number of people in nearby houses ran over quickly.

Stukov, who was in the control room at this time, stared at the front of the carrier seriously. He swallowed. There was an extremely important matter today. The only person who knew about it was the local governor Weston. Weston looked at Having already walked towards the carrier ship, Stukov became nervous at this time, and it was a bit complicated.

There was a hint of sadness on Stukov's cheeks with dark age spots. Although he knew that as a clone, he should not have such emotions, but clones were also modeled on humans after all. , artificial creatures with thoughts and feelings.

Weston walked to the left side of the battleship with a smile on his face. The materials trading hall had been opened. The battleship was nearly 20 meters high and more than 100 meters long. Inside was a trading hall with various materials, some of which were given by the state. The rationing materials of Space Station 69 and the military pay for the Star Force.

Weston greeted some familiar people, and was directly led by a female Star Force officer of his own level to the left side of the trading hall. The female officer opened a special direct route to the captain's room. Behind the small door, Weston smiled and nodded and walked straight in.

"Is there anything I need to pay attention to? Today."

Weston asked, and the female official behind him looked solemn.

"Weston, the general is up there. You'll know if you go up there yourself."

"Thank you, Jinna! I feel relieved to see you are still the same."

The bright-eyed, white-toothed beauty behind her sighed helplessly.

"Weston, I just want to say one thing, if the situation changes, I will take over everything here. You may feel a little uncomfortable!"

"Jin Na, we will only obey one person, no matter what problems arise, it will be the same."

Jin Na sighed and watched the door slowly close. Weston straightened his clothes. After snapping his fingers, the moving ladder under his feet began to slowly move upward.

After moving more than 20 meters, Weston arrived at the door. With flashing light spots all around, after the identification, the door to the captain's room opened.

"Third Army, No. 0087 Weston is here to report! General, Lady Feia!"

Weston immediately shouted in a loud voice after entering, then took off his hat, performed a military salute and then bowed solemnly at ninety degrees. Hert sat in the captain's seat, and Feiya stood aside. nobody else.

"Relax Weston, I'm coming here in person today because I have a problem that I have to talk to you in person."

Although Weston had anticipated something and felt a little uncomfortable, he still walked over and sat on a chair nearby at Feiya's signal.

"Just yesterday, I swore allegiance to the Queen!"

Weston looked at Helt in shock, and Feia noticed Weston's expression and spoke.

"Commander Weston, please stay calm!"

Weston began to feel more and more uncomfortable in his heart at this time. He didn't know what the general planned to do. Their Third Army had been preparing for so many years. They just wanted to see the king in his mind successfully reach the top. He had already done what he wanted. Okay, be prepared for anything.

"I know it may be hard for you to accept, but this is the reality."

Feiya continued, and Weston lowered his head. At this time, his expression was complicated, and at the same time, there was sadness in his eyes.

"What about the clone front?"

"Our Third Army will be responsible for destroying them!"

After a moment, Weston stood up.


Helter nodded with a smile, this smile looked a little bitter.

"Commander Weston, you should not have any feelings for the clones. The general decided to replace all of you because of this consideration."

"How much longer?"

Weston said in a low voice.

"Within this month! Any time, it depends on what you want."

At this time, Weston felt very painful in his heart. Although the time he spent with these clones was neither long nor short, Weston's views on the clones had changed a lot.

"Then how should I explain to them?"

"Call Stukov over and I'll talk to him."

Hurt said, and Weston nodded slightly. He still seemed unable to accept it. There are currently 4,827 clones in the clone front, distributed in more than 50 space stations. They are all looking forward to the execution of this huge plan. But now everything has changed.

Weston found it difficult to accept it for a while.

"Can I stay a few more days, General?"

"Commander Weston, you have to leave today and Commander Jinna will take over."

Helt raised his hands, stood up and walked to Weston.

"A week."

"Thank you very much, General!"

Weston stood up, bowed, turned around and walked straight away.

"Without asking any reason?"

Hurt asked, and Weston smiled and shook his head.

"No need, General, even if you know the reason, you can't change anything, can you?"

Watching Weston leave, Helter blamed himself a little, and Feiya on the side immediately spoke.

"General, you don't have to blame yourself, those clones"

"Feya, I want to stay here for a day and go see that guy."

Feiya stood up straight, immediately took out a crystal panel, and started operating on it.

"The military personnel have been notified and people will be sent to protect us."

Weston, who returned to the trading floor, looked at the endless stream of clones who were buying things with a sad expression, and Jinna leaned over.

"It's okay. I will be as kind as possible and make their death easier."

Weston said thank you. He didn't know how to face Katerina and Stukov. He had been getting along with them day and night for more than two years. He was planning to implement it now, but something like this happened. Question, Weston didn't know what the general was thinking, but the only thing he knew clearly was that there must be some reason why the general gave up the plan that had been prepared for so long.

"The General abandoned his plan for our sake, Weston, that's all you need to know."

Jinna said and Weston nodded.

"I can't do anything, Jinna. What are we should abide by? You and I know very well. Without the general, we would have died in the factional struggle. I have followed the general since I was more than ten years old. He is like He's like my elder brother."

Jin Na hummed and gave Weston a hug.

After returning to the control room, Weston immediately told Stukov to come over. At this time, Stukov noticed something strange in Weston's eyes.

"What's wrong Weston?"

"I'm about to be transferred out of here."

Stukov looked at Weston in confusion. He smiled and patted the nervous Stukov on the shoulder.

"It's okay. People from other army groups may have noticed some of our movements. The general will arrange for some people to come over. Everything will continue as usual. Don't worry."

Stukov nodded and walked quickly. Weston took him to the right side of the battleship. Jinna was already waiting, and Jinna stretched out her hand.

"My name is Jinna, Stukov. I will take over everything on Space Station 69 in the future."

Stukov stretched out his hand and shook Jinna's hand, and then led by Jinna, Stukov came to the door of the captain's room.


As soon as he entered, Stukov shouted a little excitedly. After all, in his memory and in his body's memory, he was Helt's father. Stukov couldn't tell what it felt like. He was nothing more than a carbon copy of Hult's father.

Hurt came over with a smile and hugged Stukov.

"Why did you come to Helt in person? Has our plan been exposed?"

Hart nodded.

"It is true that part of our plan has been exposed, but don't worry, the plan is still the same, it just needs to be postponed for some time, and we will take action at the end of the month. The reason why I changed the person is because this is an order from above. I'm looking for you I have no other reason to come, I just want to catch up on old times and ask about your current situation, as well as that Hert, he is here, I want to go and see him."

Stukov looked embarrassed, and finally told Hert that he had informed the clone Hert of the plan, but the clone Hert refused to participate in such a rebellion and had moved to the outer layer of the space station alone. Living in the maintenance room.

Hurt smiled helplessly.

"I used to be like this when I was young. I would always get my father into trouble."

Hurt said, looking at Stukov, who smiled and nodded.

"Which dressing room is he in? I want to confirm something."

Stukov shook his head helplessly.

"I'm not sure. He wanted to avoid this rebellion and didn't want to get involved."

Helt hummed. Stukov didn't tell Helt. Although he didn't know why, he always felt something strange. In other words, he felt a little guilty now because he shouldn't have involved the clone Helt. .

"We haven't talked for a long time. Let's chat for a while and then have a meal together."

Stukov hummed. He has known Hert for almost ten years. He knows everything about Hert, and he also very much agrees and supports Hert's plan. Now this plan to subvert the entire Skyland Space Nation is about to begin. , Stukov was very happy to see Hert again.

"General, I won't interrupt your chat."

Feia said, bowed, turned around and walked out. As soon as she went out, she saw Weston and Jinna, Feia said with cold words.

"We can't wait any longer. Her Majesty the Queen must give her an explanation."

Weston looked solemn, and Jinna immediately smoothed things over.

"Don't worry, Chief of Staff. After all, we have the list. It's very simple to deal with it. It won't take long."

Feiya said seriously.

"This is not a matter of how long, but if we cannot handle the matter within the time specified by the Queen, the matter will be handed over to the Second Army."

Weston immediately asked urgently.

"Why on earth, the general would..."

"You don't need to know the specifics. The result is the same for us. It's enough to know this."

Weston lowered his head in disbelief, then Jinna immediately said.

"Chief of Staff, just give Commander Weston a week. It only takes one week. I will handle it as soon as I take over."

"Three days!"

Feiya said, and Weston finally nodded with difficulty.

10:03 am

Accompanied by the music, Hert floated in the air. He flipped in the air from time to time and made some dancing postures. With a smile on his face, he looked at the gorgeous vortex in the distance through the window in front of him, his head He fantasizes about himself and Katerina.

Although he was a little bored in this dressing room, Helt planned to add some knowledge and read some books. This was the only thing he could do to entertain himself at the moment.

After Helt played excitedly for a while, the gravity system was restored, and he fell back to the ground. The smile on his face disappeared, and there was helplessness in his eyes.

My mind was filled with Katerina's graceful figure dancing in the dance bar, as well as her smile. No matter what, I couldn't forget it all.

In my memory, this maintenance room was built together with Stukov. It was like a secret base for the two of them. This was Hert's idea. After all, if you want to get more money, you can only deduct some privately. In my memory, during this period of time, Stukov and I embezzled a lot of materials, and then secretly sold them.

This is what every maintenance citizen would do, but it is different now. Helt felt a little disappointed after knowing that he was just a clone.

Helt really wanted to talk to Katerina, but it was obviously impossible. Now that her life was about to end, she should not be able to listen to anything.

The empire's approach was cruel, but Hult could also understand that to survive in such a harsh environment like the universe, a large amount of labor was needed, but that was in the past, and it is no longer needed now, but humans still Relying on his own clones to support himself seemed ridiculous to Hult.

"My true self should be drinking tea leisurely in a bar now. It's so ironic. Why should I give everything to support him!"

Hult smiled helplessly. He didn't know when Stukov would come over, but he had a lot to say to Stukov.

At this moment, Hert saw a small space shuttle flying towards this side rapidly. It could be distinguished by the color of the fuel gas, and it was flying towards this side at a rapid speed.


Before Helt could see clearly, with a violent roar, the small shuttle had turned into a ball of fire, and further away, Helt saw many light blue ones. light spot.

"Are you from the Star Force?"

Helt was a little surprised. He didn't know if something went wrong. The small shuttle was directly destroyed. Maybe the Star Force was arresting fugitives or something. But the more Helt thought about it, the weirder he felt. Want to go out and take a look.

Didi didi

As a sound rang out, Hert immediately walked to the mechanical crystal screen nearby and saw a string of distress signals. This signal was unknown and was nearby. Thinking of what just happened, Hert immediately put on a distress signal. After getting into the space suit, he then turned on the weightlessness, directly carrying the heavy small single thruster on his back, and Helt directly opened the passage above the maintenance room.

There was a loud crunching sound, and along with the ejection machine connected to the space suit, Helt was ejected directly. He immediately turned on the thruster. After feeling a warmth on his back, Helt began to move towards 5 meters away from him. A starry sky coordinate more than kilometers flew past.

This small propeller, which can fly up to 20 kilometers, is used to facilitate the work of maintenance personnel. Especially when some carrier ships that have been hit by space debris have problems, maintenance personnel can use this propeller to directly In the past, when you arrived at the repair site, you used a rope to secure your body and then started repairs.

"Ejection pod?"

As soon as Helt looked over, an oval-shaped object in front of him was marked on the mask of the spacesuit. Helt immediately walked over and soon saw a small black metal cabin. It was indeed an ejection cabin. Heart breathed a sigh of relief and took out the steel cable from the tool bag on his leg. After fixing the ejection cabin, he turned around and with the jet of flames, Helter pulled the ejection cabin and flew towards the space station. passed.

After returning to the outer layer of the space station, Helt had no way to return directly to the maintenance room. He could only enter the compartment of the space station. Only then did Helt see clearly that there was a woman lying in the ejection cabin, and everything on the glass was There were blood beads floating around. He realized the seriousness of the matter and could only immediately return to the maintenance room with the woman in the ejection cabin.

After returning to the maintenance room, Hert closed the door and activated the gravity system. He immediately began to confirm the model of the ejection cabin. After all, if he wanted to open it, such a strong ejection cabin would need to destroy the equipment. He could only use the command The code comes to be cracked and opened.

"What are you doing?"

The woman in the ejection cabin suddenly woke up and looked angrily at what Hult was looking at.


As the ejection cabin opened, a beautiful woman with short hair wearing a jumpsuit inside suddenly pulled out a blade and put the blade against Hert's neck the moment the cabin door opened.

Helt raised his hands and looked at the injured and beautiful girl with angry eyes.

"I saved you, miss. How are you doing?"

The woman wiped the blood on her cheek, removed the blade, and immediately grabbed Helt and pulled off his pants. Before Helt could react, the woman had already squatted down.

"Are you a clone too?"

Helt swallowed in embarrassment and immediately put on his pants.

"What are you doing?"

"The only way to distinguish human beings from human beings is that during the cultivation process of cloned humans, some cloning codes will be stamped on the lower body."

Helt swallowed, and the woman in front of him pressed her head in pain.

"Miss, who are you?"

"I am also a clone. Seeing that you are not too surprised, you probably already know. Are you from the clone front?"

The woman tugged on Helt's clothes again and turned his arms over. After confirming for a while, Helt reacted and immediately stepped back and pulled up his clothes.

"I only found out recently."

"Should Stukov and Katerina be okay?"

the woman asked as soon as she opened her mouth.

"Miss, have you been attacked by the Star Force before? Before."

"Just call me Yuna. Boy, if you know where they are, take me there immediately. We were betrayed. More than 100 people on the clone front in Space Station 55 were wiped out. Only I escaped."

Helt looked at Yuna in confusion. She reached out and brushed away the tears that overflowed from her eyes. But at this time, Yuna fell towards Helt. Helt hurriedly caught the unconscious Yuna. Looks quite tired.

At this time, Hert was also quite shocked. He felt an electric current rushing from the soles of his feet to his forehead. When he thought of Stukov and Katerina, Hert immediately turned around and picked up the contact device. He planned to ask Stukov to come here directly.

However, when he opened the contact panel, Helt discovered that Stukov had deleted his contact code. Helt didn't know what was happening outside, but he immediately walked aside and took it from a tool box. I brought out some medical supplies and started treating Yuna's wounds.

Only then did Helt see the bright red on Yuna's back, and he swallowed.

"I'm sorry, miss, I didn't mean to do it."

After Helt laid Yuna flat, he cut off her clothes and began to carefully treat the injuries on her back.

The impatience in his heart disappeared, because Helt thought that if there was a problem here, he should know immediately that Stukov and Katerina were safe at present, and Helt planned to wait for Yuna to wake up. After arriving, ask carefully what is going on.

Time passed by, and Helt was shirtless and covered Yuna on the bed with his own shirt. When Helt came, he forgot to bring some bedding and planned to sleep in the space suit. .

Hert's mind was very confused. He was thinking about the connection of everything. He must not be reckless in this matter. If he is reckless, it will kill everyone in Space Station 69.

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