Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 561 Old Friend (Part 2)

The aroma was overflowing, and the golden barbecue on the grill was exuding an alluring aroma. Niya kept swallowing, casually throwing her uniform jacket aside, rolling up her shirt sleeves, and applying sauce. material.

A buzzing sound passed through her head, and Niya grinned.

"You idiot, don't drop the barbecue."

Along with a strong wind, Niya hurriedly used telekinesis, and all the things blown up by the wind were held down. Tianhen fell to the ground, took off his uniform directly, threw it to the lounge chair aside, and directly hit the ground. Walking over quickly, Niya punched him with a fierce punch. Tianhen held a fist with only one hand, but the fist still poked his ribs, and he grinned.

"Asshole, I'm starving."

Nia pointed to the room.

"Wash your hands."

Tianhen walked in dissatisfied, directly into Niya's bedroom, and then into the bathroom. After washing his hands, he squinted at the cabinet. There were still the clothes from several years ago, which had not been touched.

"I said you should buy some decent clothes. After all, you are a woman, so you can just show off."

Niya was unbuttoning her shirt. Tian Hen sighed and walked over. A shirt was thrown directly over, exuding a smell of sweat. Tian Hen caught it after avoiding it and put it on the sofa.

Niya was wearing a black waistcoat, her hair was tied up, she was chewing a cigarette and laughing.

"Why do you need those things? I have time to go shopping and go on a date? Those grandsons have caused a sudden increase in the workload of our department."

"the same."

Tianhen said, first grabbing a bottle of wine on the table, unscrewing it and drinking a lot, then sat down comfortably.

"If I catch those grandsons, I must cut them into pieces."

Niya nodded.

"If I get caught, I will beat those guys so much that they will have nightmares in the future."

The two began to eat. Tianhen looked at the bottle on the table that had been stored for 20 years and swallowed a mouthful.

"Don't think about drinking it all in one go. I think it's better to drink a little bit tonight and store it. I'll take it to you when you idiot gets married."

"What nonsense are you talking about? How can I get married?"

The two clinked their wine bottles and started drinking.

"If you can't pass my sister's test, how about getting married? She hates me now. She is obviously pretty good at showing off."

Niya laughed and turned her elbow. Tianhen didn't block it, so Niya moved her elbow.

"I said, it's better to have a baby than you are ready for. Your sister will have to surrender obediently."

"Forget it, you haven't seen her get angry before."

Niya laughed out loud. It was true. Tianhen had angered Tianai because of something. As a result, Tianai didn't say a word to Tianhen for a month. In the end, it was Jean who mediated between the brother and sister. Good as ever.

"Why don't we take a day off tomorrow? That bastard Gene has already taken a day off. I haven't had a day off for many years."

"I'm done with my vacation."

Niya held Tianhen in her arms.

"When? You secretly took a vacation behind my back?"

"I have a girlfriend. Miss, please be polite."

Niya pressed Tianhen's head, and Tianhen began to put new barbecue and vegetables. Niya leaned back comfortably, raising her head and pressing the wine bottle to her mouth.

"Today is such a happy day."

"Ah, of course. That silly girl has opened up a breakthrough. She will have to suffer a lot from now on. I guess she will be labeled as the scapegoat queen in the business department in a few years, and she will go on a rampage the way she did."

Niya laughed heartily.

"The first time I met that girl was at the Public Security Bureau. When that girl identified others, she didn't consider anything at all, because she was not afraid. Maybe in her eyes, right is right and wrong is wrong. , Beautiful things will never be ugly, and ugly things will never be beautiful, she is a very courageous girl, this is probably why Jean fell in love with her!"

Tianhen shook his head.

"I think so. She has the same scapegoating physique as Jean, and she seems to have very developed nerves and is invulnerable."

The two looked at each other after laughing and sighed for a moment, both thinking of the end of the season at the same time.

"That idiot, obviously it would be fun to be drunk if he were here."

"Well, I really don't understand. I have such a wonderful wife and daughter, and I have climbed to the throne. Why..."

Niya exhaled a puff of smoke and said with a bitter smile.

"Because there is no hope. Remember, that guy would cry every time he got drunk because the bills failed again and again and no one supported them. Obviously those bills were quite good."

"After all, no one wants to endure hardship, and there is nothing we can do about it. But now that a breakthrough has been opened, maybe the bill left by that guy will have a chance to be realized!"

Niya nodded, and after they drank all the wine in the bottle, they both looked at the 20-year-old wine in the cellar. Niya opened it carefully and took two small cups.

The wine was poured out, and a strong aroma floated in the air.

"It's really good. I didn't lie to you. I've been thinking about this bottle of beauty since I went to Li Ang's house a few years ago. He refused to give it to me, but today I helped him and he took the initiative to send it to me."

Tianhen looked at it suspiciously and stretched out his nose to smell.

"Why do I think it tastes a bit similar to a strong premium wine?"

Niya took a small taste.

"How do you, an idiot, know the taste of fine wine?"

Tianhen took a sip and still felt something was wrong, but he didn't care and continued to drink with Niya.

"I said, it's only 8:40. If you keep drinking like this, you'll be drunk by 12 o'clock. I've asked Qian Jia to pick me up later."

"12 o'clock? What do you mean?"

Tianhen looked at Niya in confusion, and a big slap fell on his back.

"You have to drink at least until 3 o'clock before you feel good."

"Drink, I'll drink with you."

Ran Zai stood quietly across the street from the clock shop, holding a flower pot in one hand and a wooden box in the other. He had been standing there for 40 minutes. People on the street looked at him strangely, and he smiled awkwardly.

"If you don't come soon, the old man will probably kill himself tonight."

Ran Zai looked at Harrison, who was still curled up by the workbench, lonely and helpless, and shook his head in confusion from time to time.

Ran Zai's expression darkened for a moment. He stared at Harrison coldly. He was very miserable. He was just like his grandfather, a miserable old man. At this time, he just had to go over and tell him that if he was too tired, just lie down. For example, lie down. Into the dark underground.

Ran Zai walked over step by step. He smiled excitedly. People are most vulnerable at this time, especially on their birthdays, when their consciousness will be clearer. And on such a lonely birthday, there are only others around. The clock stopped running, and he was probably at the bottom of his heart, but there was no external force to give him the strength to get up, so Ran Zai decided to go over and use this external force to push the old man whose fingers were still clinging to the edge of the cliff.

"The miserable old man has no place to stay. It's better for me to free you."

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