Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 544 The track that never fades (Part 1)


In a spacious room, violent resounding sounds were heard continuously. Members of Section 3 continued to carry out boxes of light and shadow lockers from the holes in the ground, which contained 300 cans each. A 200-gram can of liquid food and a box weighing more than 600 kilograms require four ordinary clerks to carry it directly from the four corners with special hooks, and then move it to a waiting truck outside.

For three days and 72 hours of food distribution, liquid food will flow through huge underground transportation pipes day and night. These liquid foods are transported from factories in several large regions in the west.

Soldiers at the eastern guard station will rotate day and night without stopping for three days to deliver food to the people in the barrier area.

"Now you are relaxed."

Watching a truck full of liquid food drive away, a senior member of Section 3 muttered something and took many new members who had just joined the job less than two years aside to rest.

"Captain, what's the point of relaxing? These three days every month are so deadly. Those mutants are fine, but we ordinary people are miserable."

A new clerk said, looking at the mutant clerk next to him who was carrying two boxes on his shoulders and easily putting them on the truck, and sighed helplessly.

"What I mean is that you may not need to face conflicts with the barrier zone in the future."

"Captain, is he as scary as you said? Even though we didn't know what happened last night, we didn't come over yet."

The captain smiled, lit a cigarette, and looked at the group of young people who were resting.

"When the acting training in the barrier zone starts in the middle of this month, you will know what kind of place the barrier zone is. Let's wait until you get through it first. Then you just don't hold back our team. I still have a few years to go. It’s time to retire, you have really caught up with the best of times.”

The captain said and smiled. He is already 81 years old this year. He can retire when he is 85 and work comfortably as an examiner in the business department until he is 120. The birth permit applied for by his son and daughter-in-law has been approved, and he can still see him. When you have a grandson or granddaughter, you can enjoy family happiness for several years.

At this moment, these new staff were talking about where they would go during their three-day vacation this month. Many people complained that the holidays in the administrative department were only 36 days a year, which was too luxurious. For them, the holidays were In the guard station, in addition to daily training, the most they do is watch movies and TV shows, play basketball and play cards. When their daily tasks are not heavy, they go to the bar in the guard station to have a drink. It is really boring.

"You guys, if you let the superiors hear this, you will be criticized. You must know that the higher you go, there are almost no holidays. As far as I know, there are already many section chiefs and secretaries in some departments. I haven’t had a day off in this year.”

"Real and false captain, aren't the people at the top very comfortable?"

The young boy in front of him said this. At this time, Qin Dong and Larry walked in outside the warehouse. Immediately, a group of people stood up straight and saluted.

The reporters following Qin Dong also walked in. Qin Dong and Larry led them to talk about the process of food distribution.

"How do you feel about the past three days? Are you tired?"

Suddenly the camera focused on the resting section staff. A young section staff member looked at the camera somewhat bewilderedly. He looked a little numb and did not dare to say a word. After all, he was working under the supervision of two top officers. forward.

"We all feel that all this is worth it, because there are still more than 7 million people waiting for food. Some of them have been hungry for many days and walked here. No matter how hard and tired we are, we will stick to our posts and eat on time and in the right amount. Distribute supplies to them.”

The interview was over, and as the group of people walked away, several new members of the department looked at the captain with disdain.

"That's too much to say, Captain."

"Listen up, you guys. Hey, you will understand later. You must have a sense of pride, a sense of honor and a sense of mission, and a sense of coexistence of honor and disgrace as a member of the executive department."

For a while, several young staff members did not agree with it.

"You will know from now on that they are really a bunch of bastards who don't know how lucky they are despite being blessed. You must know that this city would have been doomed long ago without our business department."

Looking at these new members laughing and joking, the captain smiled helplessly. He knew very well that when the large-scale military exercise in the barrier zone was over, these young people would put away their energy. Most of them couldn't stand it and just gave up. You can quit, but once you quit, you will be disqualified and will be directly persuaded to quit. This is the principle of the 3rd Section. After the old section chief retired more than 20 years ago, the new section chief Tian Hen took office and paid close attention to the direction of the army and corrected it. Many department members have bad attitudes and styles. In the captain's opinion, the current 3rd department has a much more correct attitude than when he first became captain more than 20 years ago.

A long time ago, Section 3 was actually very divided. Many of the top executives of Section 3 had affairs with outside businessmen and had their own small groups. However, after Tianhen took office, he directly disintegrated all of this. Anyone who was not like a soldier The members of Section 3 will definitely be driven away, and with Tianhen's many efforts, Section 3, although there are many people, has become the one with the best welfare among the 13 subjects.

As well as the action combat instructions introduced by Tianhen, it is also a huge change. From the S to E-level orders that are progressively leveled, just by saying the action code, the officers at each level will know the purpose of the action, because these actions It is what they need to learn and practice every day, what is ingrained in their bones, and among these action codes, there are many false enemy luring codes mastered by special section members. A set of three-subject overall action code is imprinted on everyone. In the case of a clerk, in recent years, their three departments have been able to solve many problems that have occurred in the city by cooperating with the fifth department. It is not as loose as it was more than 20 years ago, but like an efficient machine.

This captain had heard before that when Section Chief Tianhen was still the captain of the special task execution team in the barrier area, he had participated in a large-scale cleaning operation in the barrier area more than 20 years ago. As a result, the team he led was because Section 3 was relatively weak at that time. The action order codes each of the chaotic small groups came up with led to very serious problems. The death toll in the 3rd Operations Section at that time exceeded 10,000, and Section Chief Tianhen's team was completely wiped out, leaving only him and his current secretary. Hima alone.

So after coming to power, Tian Hen quickly reorganized all the small groups and directly transferred those who did not listen to the advice without any mercy. After that, he began to lead the directors to complete a set of combat codes.

Tianhen's rise to power is also legendary. Although the section chief at the time decided on the successor, he was opposed by 90% of the people in Section 3. The captain still remembers that even if 13 section chiefs jointly signed the order and added the seal of the Six Gods, The wave of opposition continues unabated.

On the first day he took office, Tian Hen stood in the eastern guard station and asked all those who were dissatisfied to come up together or one by one. If he fell down before 12 o'clock, he would automatically resign.

The captain at that time was shocked. Throughout the whole day, the people who went up to besiege Tianhen fell one by one. He fought from 8 o'clock in the morning to 12 o'clock, beating thousands of people to the ground, although he fell asleep for three days afterwards. , but it is this kind of behavior that makes many people daunted by Tianhen, which is why the three departments are so iron-blooded now.

Although many department members now question the authenticity of this rumor, it is no longer relevant, because Tianhen has always been seeking benefits for the people in Section 3. Those who witnessed everything and were even knocked down by Tianhen are now Now it has firmly gathered around Tianhen.

Time flies so fast. Although these boys will be tired in the future, everything will get better!

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