Located on the First Avenue in the special family area, Zou Yun stood quietly at the door. He arrived at the gate of the Angus family territory diagonally opposite his manor. He had already rang the doorbell and waited for 10 minutes. .

Most of the family members have gone to Golden Street. Although it is impossible to know what the consequences of this bad check that the Business Department has rashly issued to the Barrier District will be, it can be expected that the city's economy will be greatly impacted.

Zou Yun held up the screen and looked at the activities of the business department that were still being broadcast live on the screen. The secretaries were still among the crowd in the barrier area. Zou Yun also knew that most of the businessmen in the city knew that this was just a delaying measure for the business department, but seeing that In addition to the previous speeches and the status of the executive branch, the MPs were unable to be contacted.

It is these points that have caused panic among the businessmen in the city. Businessmen are naturally profit-seeking guys, and profit first is the foundation of businessmen. Zou Yun also knows that the plan to establish this agricultural base has not yet been implemented by Congress. The bill was hurriedly thrown out by the executive branch. I am afraid that a large-scale conflict broke out in the barrier area last night, and it may even turn into a war. However, it ended in such a way that seemed to be playing house. The reason is that The plan to establish an agricultural base has been implemented, otherwise the live broadcast would not be broadcast to the people in the city and the barrier area.

This is the reason why most businessmen are panicking. Now everyone is asking for an explanation from the Xingke. Many shareholders of their company groups have gone to Golden Street. Now the only way for businessmen to fight against the Xingke is a collective large-scale strike. They must be allowed to The executive department must provide something concrete and effective, or a written commitment.

The original market economy will be completely disrupted, because countless individuals and companies will be involved in this plan, and the risks can no longer be calculated. Zou Yun was still waiting. At this time, two people walked up to the lawn. The man was wearing a Casual light blue vest, woman wearing a gorgeous purple skirt.

"Long time no see, Mr. Avano, Ms. Violet!"

Zou Yun put his hand on his chest and bowed.

“Let’s take a walk outside!”

Avano smiled kindly, and Zou Yun's eyes flickered for a moment before he nodded. He began to panic. Not inviting him to his home meant that he would not accept him easily.

The three of them strolled along the deserted First Avenue.

"It used to be a grand event here, and the streets were full of cars and people."

Avano sighed, and his wife Violet next to him laughed.

"Of course, when there was no administrative department in the past, this was the seat of the city's management agency and the highest place in the city. Everyone was trying their best to get up there!"

Zou Yun smiled helplessly. Knowing that there was something in Violet's words, he continued.

"I am one of those people who tried every means to get to the top. Finally, I was lucky enough to get there. Time flies, and we are all getting older!"

Zou Yun said, and Violet laughed heartily.

"Mr. Zou, your ambitions are still there. It's only your body that's getting old. As long as your heart is not old, you're still young!"

Zou Yun raised his head and twisted his body contentedly. The couple next to him were probably the most wealthy people in the city. The transportation line that ran through the city was carried by their family independently. In addition to their two daughters and their husband and wife, the family now has All died. For the Angus family, the plan to lay subways and underground logistics pipelines was the beginning of all tragedies. Zou Yun only hated that he had helped even a little bit back then, but now he was in trouble. When he was in urgent need of help, there was no one around him, and his best friend at the time, Chen Qiao, would not care about his life or death.

At that time, everyone knew that the Angus family had sold off all their valuables. Zou Yun saw people moving things out of the Angus family several times. He just smiled at that time. Such an unrealistic plan, they I really dared to do it, and it succeeded. The abolition of cars made the Angus family stand up, because a large number of cars would not only hinder the smoothness of the road, but also destroy the city's climate due to the heat energy emitted by the cars, and the resources consumed by the cars. , much more than the subway.

And over the past sixty or seventy years, people's health conditions have indeed become much better than in the past, because people need to walk every day.

Looking at Violet, Zou Yun really couldn't imagine that such a woman could actually resist the entire Angus family when it was completely falling. If it weren't for this woman, I'm afraid Section 7 wouldn't have given them a loan. Family, of course. According to Zou Yun’s understanding, there is also an important puller among them, Jean.

And the subsequent tragedy that occurred in the territory of the former Hillman family where he now lives. The eldest daughter Alpha, the proudest daughter of the Angus family, was imprisoned, but the youngest daughter Nia was a gangster. Seeing this extremely brilliant elder... When the family finally came to an end, their family rose again, and when Niya, who in Zou Yun's opinion was hopeless, ascended the throne, Zou Yun really couldn't imagine it, but the answer is now in front of him. This stern and... Violet, a tough woman, is the mother of Alpha and Nia.

"I don't think we need to beat around the bush, Mr. Zou Yun."

Suddenly Avano stopped and the three of them sat on a bench by the roadside.

"I think you two also knew before that our company cannot participate in the reconstruction plan of Districts 113 and 114. This is our last hope. The technology company established more than ten years ago has not yet begun to make profits. The company has not started to make profits in the past few years. Many investments have failed, and the economy has been running a deficit and cannot survive.”

"So you want us to inject money?"

Avano asked, Zou Yun nodded, pressed his hands together, feeling a little uneasy for a moment.

"How much is it?"

Violet asked, and Zou Yun found it difficult to speak, but finally said it.

"At least 1 billion."

"One billion is really nothing to our family, but why should we help a person who is about to starve to death on the street?"

Violet asked sharply, and Zou Yun smiled bitterly. He had no choice but to rely on the reconstruction of Areas 113 and 114 to have hens that could lay eggs, but now the plan is still alive. In my heart, I have made many efforts and efforts, and have spent hundreds of millions of funds, but now they are all in vain.

"Mr. Avano, Miss Violet, I hope you two will consider the future of my technology company."

Avano smiled and said.

"There will be profits in the future, indeed huge profits, but what about after getting huge amounts of money? Will it be passed on to the next generation? When our family was at its worst, we couldn't even afford 1 yuan, and everything we needed to live as a couple The money was all given by Alpha. She would take four-fifths of her salary every month and go to the cafeteria of the General Affairs Department to eat. The birthday gifts we gave her every year and everything we could sell were sold.”

Zou Yun lowered his head in shame for a moment. He didn't know what to say. The trust between people is like thin ice. Once it breaks, it will fall into the cold and dark water. After that, the Angus family miraculously survived again. With the rise of the Internet, a large number of people who want to cooperate with them crowd in front of the door every day, hoping to cooperate with them, but they are all turned away. Some people even use other means to suppress their homes and constantly dig holes in their homes. Until the moment Niya climbed onto the throne, no one dared to have any more delusions about the Angus family, because they all knew very well that the things that little bastard-like woman did were unreasonable at all.

"You two helped me before when I came up, even though it was just a little bit. I'm sorry, you two, I didn't."

"Money is no longer important to us, the only thing that matters to us is our family, and now our two daughters are probably having a headache, especially Niya, who hasn't had a vacation for many years. Every time I see the child, I always feel... She frowned, and when I went home a few days ago, I asked her if there was anything she wanted, but she said that if those bastards in the city didn't cause trouble, she would feel at ease!"

Violet said, Avano nodded and stood up, pointing to the barrier area in the distance.

"The only thing we and my wife want to do now is to stop the worries of those who have helped us, especially my two daughters and Mr. Jean. We may not be able to give out other things, but as for money, We still have some!”

Zou Yun's eyes widened and he looked at the couple in disbelief. Their expressions didn't look like they were joking.

"This big ship that is about to set sail may once again face storms and sway on the sea, but I have already had this experience once. Mr. Zou Yun, if you want to be rescued, you must continue to swim in the ocean and wait to drown. , I still want to embark on a ship to a bigger ocean. You can think about it after you go back. As for the capital injection into your company, I am really sorry. We can’t get a penny out. This is our two daughters. The money, at least with this money, invested in the establishment of agricultural bases in the barrier area, it will be enough to alleviate a little trouble for them!"

Zou Yun's eyes widened, looking at the determination in Violet's eyes. He stood up and looked up at the area near the ravine in the barrier area that was still in the light.

"Are you taking risks like a lunatic? The risks are immeasurable. I want to make a final confirmation with Le Xiao, the secretary of Section 13!"

At this time, Zou Yun's chest surged with a passion that had not appeared for a long time. Once the investment in this agricultural base was successful, the profits would be unlimited, but if it failed, everything would be ruined, and there would be no chance to turn around. Zou Yun looked at the couple beside him and decided in his heart that it might be safer to take the boat of Section 13, but he still wanted to talk to the young secretary.

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