Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 534 Huge Change: The Beginning (Part 2)

At 12:51 noon, outside a huge rectangular 9-story building located in the 21st District of the Middle West, a large number of people in suits had gathered. They all looked rich and chatty. The streets are already a bit crowded.

The building in front of us with a huge icon of the golden money symbol number 7 is the headquarters of the 7th Wallet Management Section. People from the 7th Section have blocked the door and formed a human wall, blocking the top of the stairs. The director looked at these businessmen quietly.

After the speech, they gathered uninvited at the door of Section 7, which is the core of the city's economy, Golden Street. The entire street is filled with stock exchanges and financial-related companies.

Most of the businessmen have united their voices. They came today to protest against the sudden move of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. They clearly promised to establish an agricultural base in the barrier zone during their speeches without going through the Congress.

The businessmen have also decided to adopt a unanimous attitude. If the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology does not give a reasonable explanation today, their final choice is to have their industries go on strike for more than a week.

Many businessmen were unable to contact the congressmen, so they gathered on the Golden Street. Everyone was not a fool. Once this plan was really implemented, it would definitely cause high inflation and the stock market would also be shaken. Many industries will be hit hard by this plan.

But the businessmen were just whispering at this time and did not make any noise. After all, they were different from ordinary people. Most of them were wealthy people. They would not use the method of taking to the streets to demonstrate against Xingke, because this It will only get them arrested, only a fool would do that.

"Hmph, the Xingke department went too far this time and took the opportunity to cause such a thing."

A mustachioed businessman in the crowd said angrily, and a fat man next to him nodded.

"Isn't it just burning money? We can afford it. There are more than 700 people in my company. How much does it cost per week for a paid strike? Haha."

Many businessmen also spoke up, and their attitudes were extremely firm, because no one was a fool, and most people knew what the business department did. If this plan really started to be implemented, some businessmen would definitely use coercion and inducement. Everyone is not stupid when they are being bled. Naturally, they know that if they don't unite at this time, they will be fat pigs waiting to be slaughtered.

"They can't come up with a reasonable proposal for a day, and we don't open for a day. I wonder what they are capable of. What does the life and death of those bed bugs have to do with us? To put it nicely."

"That's right, I really don't know how that idiot little girl became a secretary. I have already asked the manager to prepare. If the business department cannot give a clear answer, all employees will go home and rest immediately!"

"This time they have gone too far. Do they think we are fools? I will go on strike for a week and see how they can continue to be violent."

Many businessmen spoke fiercely and detailed the industries that would be affected if they really started the plan. The first one was manufacturing. Materials in the city would definitely be given priority to the agricultural base in the barrier zone, while many manufacturing businessmen would Unable to obtain raw materials, this will inevitably lead to some companies' control over the market to begin to decline. In the long run, some manufacturing companies will definitely lay off a large number of employees or even go bankrupt. If many people have no money, this will affect many consumer industries. The impact will be huge. Once this plan is implemented, the economic chain in the city will be broken.

Many businessmen who were waiting here early in the morning were already squatting on the street and eating relaxing fast food. They planned to continue waiting here. Everyone wanted to wait until 12 o'clock. Once it passed 12 o'clock, If the administrative department still adopts a soft policy, they will immediately organize a large-scale strike.

"That's right, your food in Section 1 is still so delicious. It's been a long time since I've had it."

Li Ang wiped his mouth with a handkerchief and put down the tableware. In the office of the section chief of Section 1, King Xue smiled and looked at the surveillance video from the door of Section 7. Many businessmen were sitting on the spot and eating. It looked like they were on the street. Like the workers carrying the mountain, they looked miserable.

"I think it's better for you to go back quickly!"

Heathcote said, Li Ang shook his head and clapped his hands.

"These grandsons, if they like to sit in meditation, just let them sit until 12 o'clock in the evening. I already thought of the countermeasures last night. Just leave everything to that little girl. I'm just unhappy with their current attitude. When they want a loan, they are like Like my grandson, I begged for mercy. At this time, I didn’t think about how good I was to them in the past. Instead, I gathered together to go on strike. Haha! When I go back to those guys with bad attitudes, I won’t even think about getting any of them in Section 7 in the future. Bill, haha, you like to be aggressive? I am more aggressive than you, why don’t they go to subject 9, wouldn’t it be better to go to subject 9!”

"This is how things have to be done. For those who don't cooperate, just classify them as garbage. Section Chief Li Ang, please remember to give us a list of Section 1 later."

King Xue took a sip from the wine glass and smiled, and Li Ang nodded.

"After all, they know very well that when it comes time to really dig out the chaff, their group of people who are more useful to the city are qualified to continue to live. As long as they know this, they can have nothing to fear, you idiot!"

Heathcote sat back and said.

"How about informing the crazy woman? It's best to let her lead the team there in person and give them a showdown first. After all, that is the crazy woman's favorite method."

"Yes, Chief Heathcote, I will contact Chief Niya right now and ask her to lead the team there in person!"

King Xue said as he took out his phone and dialed Niya's number.

"What are you doing? I'm busy now. Didn't you three idiots form a temporary command center? If anything happens, don't bother me. I'm here."

"Businessmen have gathered at the entrance of Section 7, intending to protest and may go on strike tomorrow. I think Section Chief Niya would be better off personally bringing people over to maintain order on the scene."

There was a loud banging on the table from the other side of the phone.

"Damn it, those grandsons are on strike, you guys, let the people from the District 21 Public Security Office get closer. I want to go over and see what these grandsons are planning to do!"

The phone was hung up. King Xue looked at the two people next to him. The three of them all showed knowing smiles. As soon as she heard about the strike, Niya would not sit idly by and ignore it. If most people in the city went on strike tomorrow, the people in the city would Public security will fall into chaos again, and she will be the first to not allow this to happen.

In the hall of Congress, the congressmen also heard that businessmen were sitting silently on Golden Street and planned to pour into Section 7. Many congressmen were suffering in their hearts at this time. After all, many businessmen were related to them. They were completely You can tell the businessmen that this is just a delaying tactic by the business department, a show to appease the barrier area, but now they can't get out and can't contact the outside world.

Many members of Congress were so worried that their eyes were about to burst into flames. After all, if the businessmen made too much noise and any problems occurred, the business department would be able to get an excuse. When the accounts were settled in the fall, the fate of those businessmen would be miserable.

"I just hope those guys calm down."

Wu Qun sighed, and the female congressman next to him shook his head.

"No matter how calm you are, just thinking about it alone will make you furious, and everyone has gathered together. They are not fools and will not watch the fire burn to themselves. Even if we notify them in advance, they will definitely go on strike. Came to protest.”

Wu Qun smiled helplessly. Just two hours after the speech, problems had already begun to occur. The worst-case scenario tomorrow is that a large number of companies will go on strike.

Wu Qun glanced at the six gods who were still discussing something, and stood up.

"I dare to ask the six gods, are you serious? Or are you giving it half a try?"

The green god laughed.

"The word "half push" is used very well. It's just a chance. Let's make that little girl into a leading figure in the industry, a friendly, young and energetic new generation. Wouldn't it be great? If the voices in the city If they are really consistent, there won't be any problems. For those confident businessmen, let them shed some blood. The reason why they can succeed is because we have established a mechanism called society, and they have climbed up from it. The highest place, but now they are asked to give back and nurture a little something to the society, but they are a hundred reluctant. What happened today is really wonderful for the city, a lot of things are spewing out little by little, haha."

Wu Qun bowed and sat down. The plan was to push everything to Le Xiao. Whether Le Xiao was able to carry out this plan was her own business. The other departments were only responsible for providing help.

After all, it is really harder for that girl to find everything!

Wu Qun has seen very clearly that the so-called change is just a flash in the pan, and the resistance that needs to be encountered in reality is not something that innocent little girl can overcome.

"Well, it will definitely come true. Please just wait patiently. I also almost fell in the citizen level a while ago."

Just as Le Xiao was about to finish speaking, she suddenly felt a sharp gaze. She hurriedly closed her mouth and saw Michelle's gaze from a distance.

"It's nothing, it's nothing! If everything is okay, everyone, please be sure to exercise, because when the agricultural base starts to be established, a large number of workers will be needed."

Le Xiao shuttled among many people in the barrier area and talked to them. At this time, Le Xiao wanted to run back immediately and talk to Alpha and Niya's father, hoping that they could rent out their land and carry out Planting crops only requires a little bit. There is obviously a large area of ​​vacant land in the Zhuque District. It would be great if food could be grown. Le Xiao planned to convince these large and small families first.

There must be no problem. They helped the city when they built the city. As long as you have a good talk with them, it will definitely be OK.

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