Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 519 Reconciliation 1 (Part 2)

A wisp of smoke slowly floated up, and Jean stood quietly on the top of the building, looking at the General Affairs Department Building in the distance with a smile on his lips.

Jean never looked away in the breeze. He knew very well what Le Xiao needed to face in the General Affairs Department at this time, but he was not worried.

From the first moment he saw Lexiao, Jean found that this little girl was quite interesting. Although she was clumsy, she never gave in to her own misery. Every time he saw her, from her smile, Jean saw that What you get is only the warmth of the sun, not mixed with anything else.

Where there is the sun, there is life. Gene likes the sun very much. The sun has light that penetrates all things and can embrace everything warmly. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. When people are depressed and discouraged, the sun can Silently dedicating its own light and heat, passing on energy, when everyone is confused and wandering not knowing where to go, as long as you see the sun, you can accept guidance, find the direction, and pick up the lost hope again, let Man's faith is strengthened.

"It's time for everything to start, right Ellie, you were the only one who could do all this last night. But the child also has a share!"

Gene looked at the sun in the sky and blew out a puff of smoke.

Keep going and pull everything together towards a bright future!

Le Xiao's body bowed down again, and she shed tears silently. She never thought that her short 26-year life would usher in great changes and turning points again and again, but at this moment she knew what she wanted to say. What, what to do next.

"I can't do it alone because I'm only 26 years old. I'm not as smart as the section chiefs and secretaries here. I can't do what you can do because I'm stupid, but..."

Le Xiao suddenly raised his head, and a face full of hope but extremely sad appeared in front of everyone.

"Just because I can't do it, but you are smart, haven't you spent so many years and failed to do it? So I say it, I am really sorry for my dereliction of duty last night, I'm sorry!"

Le Xiao bowed again and said, as if there was something in her heart that had been silent for a long time, something that she wanted to express but could not say, but was blocked. She raised her head and clasped the pattern on her right arm tightly with her left hand.

"I can not do it!"

Once again, Le Xiao cried and spoke. Her body couldn't help trembling, and the sadness in her heart kept pouring out.

"But there are so many people in the city. The reason why I can stand here is because someone stretched out a hand to me time and time again and pulled me here. Without them, I might not be here now. I have set foot on the hard and cold land of the barrier area. Like everyone in the barrier area, I have suffered the same misery. I have walked across the Bridge of Weeping, and there is no day to look back. But I am standing here, Your Excellency the Manager, Your Excellency the Secretary-General. Dear section chiefs and secretaries, I can’t do it because I am only 26 years old and I am very clumsy. I will cry every time I feel sad and unwilling, but there are so many people who are willing to reach out to me. I'm lucky, so my plan is"

For a moment, everyone in the room looked at Le Xiao seriously, waiting for her to speak. Le Xiao kept wiping her tears. After a while, her eyes turned red and she kept choking. Her nose and tears were still flowing.

"There are many people in the city who are willing to extend a hand to me, and there are many people who are willing to extend a hand to me. There are too many to count. There are also many people who are willing to extend a hand to the barrier area. Just Over the years, there has been a huge gap between the barrier area without light and the dazzling city with light. Even if those people in the city who want to stretch out their hands want to reach out to the barrier area, their hands cannot reach across. So I want to find these people. As long as everyone is willing to stretch out their hands and take a look at the barrier area, I believe that the barrier area will be as dazzling as last night. This is my plan. I will try every means, even if In the coming days, it doesn’t matter if I don’t have a rest day. I will do my best to solve the problem in the barrier area. So, if you ask me about my plan, I can’t come up with it because I can’t do it alone! "

Locke nodded, sighed, and put a hand on Le Xiao's shoulder. Leona on the left stood up with a smile, took out a handkerchief, and pressed it on Le Xiao's cheek.

"If you don't even have the courage to refute such a point, I wouldn't dare to hand over the research results to you. Secretary Le Xiao, please come to the Agriculture Department when you are free, and I will tell you in detail. What is needed to establish an agricultural base, and you need to find everything within a year!"

Ye Chunwang smiled kindly, and Zi Yuer curled her lips.

"Your Excellency, Chief Steward, it's already 8:46. This crybaby still has 2 hours to prepare."

Locke nodded, and the section chiefs stood up one after another. Niya breathed a sigh of relief. She looked up at the ceiling, and then said softly.

"We can only provide you with the greatest possible help. You have to find a way to find the people you said are willing to lend a hand. Come on, little girl!"

As soon as Niya finished speaking, Lexiao's mind went through the territories of those families located in the east below the Congress Hall. Such lush and fertile land was left vacant, with only lawns planted. If crops could be planted, , which can somewhat reduce the food burden in the city.

The section chief and secretaries left the conference room silently one by one. Leona was still wiping Le Xiao's tears, and she kept saying thank you gratefully.

"Little girl, the days ahead are not going to be easy. You still have a lot of bills on hand. I think you may have to work around the clock in the next 10 years!"

Le Xiao lowered her head in embarrassment and blushed. Niya was the last one to come over.

"Chief Niya, can you please invite Mr. Avano to dinner? I want to talk to him about something."

Niya blinked in confusion.

"You can make up your own mind. I won't go. Our department will be very busy next time, and the mutant exam is approaching."

Niya walked to the door, stood there, lit a cigarette and bit it in her mouth.

"Don't forget everything you said today. If you can't do it, I will throw you into the wastewater of the ravine and drown you!"

Niya waved her hands and left quickly. At this time, Michelle came over, holding a light and shadow screen.

"Follow me, go to the room below to put on makeup, and recite this speech while putting on makeup. At 11 o'clock, you have to go outside the Eastern Guard Station to deliver a speech in front of more than 7 million residents of the barrier area. Time is running out, you still have to You have 2 hours, please memorize this speech!"

Le Xiao's body trembled, and two words popped into her head.

Come again!

Before Le Xiao could calm down, she was grabbed by Michelle and dragged out of the room and walked quickly.

"There's no time for you to cry and calm down now. I'll explain something to you later!"

Le Xiao choked and her hand hurt a little from being grabbed by Michelle.

After a while, the two of them came to the dressing room. At this time, a large number of makeup artists were already waiting for verification.

"Done in half an hour!"

Michelle said and pushed Lexiao directly in front of a dressing table. Immediately, two makeup artists squatted beside Lexiao and began to trim her nails and then began to polish them.

Before Lexiao could figure out the uniform, Michelle pulled it off directly. There was a cold feeling on her cheeks. Someone had already started to apply a mask on her, and Michelle brought up a light and shadow screen. On it was an article that had already been written. Le Xiao began to read the speech carefully and carefully.

Didi didi

Locke picked up the phone. It was a mysterious number, but he knew the owner of the number. He sighed helplessly.

"You've driven this girl to a dead end, you bastard!"

"There's nothing we can do about it, Xiaopang, and I'm on vacation, so I won't answer any calls from the business department."

Then you still call?

Locke frowned dissatisfied.

"I've told you before, Xiaopang, you are the skeleton of the city and must not be loosened. Now that I have found a beautician for you, the future will become more and more interesting."

"Okay, okay, I understand. The little girl's answer is quite satisfactory. Someone must step forward to take the lead and be as capable of taking the blame as you are. Only then can we take action. Wait until everyone's attention shifts to the little girl. Things were almost ready when I got the girl, you are really an insidious bastard, Jean!"

A burst of hearty laughter came from the phone.

"Ah, someone must be able to withstand all the pressure and stand up. I can't do it, you can't do it, and no one else in the business department can do it, so the answer is obviously obvious."

"I understand, there is no need to keep chattering, I will help you keep an eye on that girl, and the other guys can use that girl to do a lot of things. Everyone gets the best of both worlds, and everyone is happy, but I always feel that you are the driving force behind the scenes. , isn’t it a bit too much?”

The phone hung up, Locke raised his head and sighed.

"Will it get interesting? In the future, that silly girl, it would be better if you don't cry next time!"

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