Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 511 Le Xiao’s Passion 2 (Part 1)


There was a soft clinking sound of cups, and Alpha smiled helplessly. She did not look at Fry next to her.

Men are really fragile sometimes!

Clone Frye had tears on his face. He knew very well that the sunlight coming from the barrier zone in the distance in front of him touched the emotions in Frye's memory, and he couldn't help but shed tears. This feeling was very important to Frye now. Lai Lai is very strange. The memory is obviously not his, and his whole person is also false.

The real Fry is probably crying like a child now!

After sending Ji Qing home, Alpha carried Lexiao home. When he entered, he found someone in the living room. Alpha didn't recognize him at first, but after Frye revealed his identity, she recognized it was her former classmate Frye. .

At this time, both of them were sitting by the window, with the high chairs set up, and the two wine glasses placed on the window sill. Le Xiao had already fallen asleep, and Alpha didn't know what was going on. She was also very tired today. , after learning about the plan of the Executive Branch, in just 2 hours, everyone who knew about it was probably like this.

Fry next to him seems to know something. Anyone who is familiar with the city's history and business methods can guess that the city is under full martial law, and such strict martial law can only be caused by a problem in the barrier area.

"Are you still in the mental hospital now?"

Alpha looked at Frye who was wiping his tears and asked, and Frye snorted.

"Miss Alpha, when did you come out? It's really surprising!"

Alpha scoffed and held up his phone.

"Don't you read the news about the members of the department on weekdays?"

Frye smiled and shook his head. The two had been chatting for an hour. It was now 1:21. Alpha also knew that Frye was waiting for Jean. Although she was tired, she couldn't sleep because she knew very well that it would be dawn. When the time came, there would be bigger problems. Looking back at the bedroom on the left side of the living room, she was a little worried about Lexiao.


The door to the room opened, and a cold current poured into the room.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting Fry."

Gene quickly came in and turned on the light, only to find that Alpha was back. A little surprised, he sat back on the sofa, picked up the wine, and drank a whole bottle directly.

"Tomorrow will be a disaster for the secretary."

After a while, Frye handed over the patient files in the mental hospital and left directly. Alpha helped Gene organize it. At this time, Gene was in a good mood and had just taken a shower. He was shirtless and lying comfortably on the sofa. .

"Everything has nothing to do with me starting tomorrow!"

Alpha suddenly stopped, and the cigarette in his mouth began to tremble.

"What's the meaning?"

"I'm going to take a vacation starting tomorrow. According to the regulations of the administrative department, every clerk has 3 days of vacation per month. I still have about 1,800 days of vacation, so I'm going to take a 15-day vacation!"

Alpha's mutated expression immediately turned into shock.

"Such words would come out of the mouth of a super workaholic like you, which really makes me speechless!"

Gene held the wine glass with a smile, shook the ice cubes in the glass, took a sip, and laughed happily.

"Now is not the time to laugh."

Jean took out his cell phone and threw it towards Alpha. Alpha caught it in his hand and looked at it in confusion.

"The code in the phone that requires permission to unlock it, I will tell you later. It is up to you to decide what you can show to that girl, as her second guardian!"

Alpha smiled bitterly, and suddenly his shoulders felt a little heavy.

"If you leave at this time"

"I want a vacation!"

Gene stood up and walked to the window, smiling softly, his soft white hair trembling slightly in the wind.

"I will say goodbye to that girl properly tomorrow."

"You are really willful. I can't imagine what will happen to that girl tomorrow."

Alpha said and looked at Le Xiao's cell phone. Michelle had personally called before. After Alpha answered the phone, Michelle told Le Xiao to come to the large conference room on the 7th floor of the General Affairs Department at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.

"It is not good?"

Gene laughed, and Alpha frowned slightly and tutted.

"Do you really have the heart to leave that girl behind? Tomorrow will be a very bad day, at least for that girl."

Gene stood up and put away the smile on his face.

"It's okay, isn't that girl's nerves very strong?"

Alpha smiled knowingly and leaned over with the wine glass in his hand.

Inside the Congress Hall, 1:26 a.m.

The discussion on the issues raised by Le Xiao has basically ended, and King Xue is sorting out the report alone.

"It's really fast, it only took 10 minutes to sort it out."

Locke looked on and said with praise.

"Your Excellency, Manager, everyone here is capable of organizing the report in 10 minutes. I'm just doing it for you. After all, everyone is very tired tonight, because of this miraculous magic."

Niya hit her head on the table. She woke up and looked very energetic. She wiped the saliva from her mouth, lit a cigarette and bit it in her mouth.

"That's almost it. I slept for 10 minutes."

At this moment, Tian Hen was still lying on the table, and Niya suddenly took away Tian Hen's chair with a smile.

"You bastard woman!"

The furious Tianhen climbed up from the chair. At this time, the section chiefs were half-squinting their eyes and were more or less resting.

"Jewell, I think it's better if you don't overindulge. If you continue like this, sooner or later you will die on a woman's bed."

Leona yawned and said, Jewell blinked his sour eyes and looked at Leona not far away.

Mo Xiaolan, on the other hand, was laughing happily and excitedly watching the content on the light and shadow screen. Huashen was still helping Noah perform micro-surgery on his face.

"What's wrong, Mo Xiaolan, are you on drugs tonight? You've been chattering from the beginning."

Leona walked over, and as soon as she came to Mo Xiaolan's side, she glanced at the content on the shadow screen, and for a moment she lost all sleep.

"You guys really can do it."

Mo Xiaolan raised a finger and said with an evil smile.

"That disobedient lace lady has detected the body fluid residue of a third woman from a certain part of her body, and is currently comparing the information in the DNA library."

"It's better not to mention this kind of thing in the middle of the night."

Leona pressed Mo Xiaolan's head, Mo Xiaolan rubbed it and said.

"If I catch them, I will make them live in nightmares for the rest of their lives."

Mo Xiaolan closed the light and shadow screen after inputting a series of instructions.

At this time, Ivy slowly walked up to the six gods and bowed.

"Six Gods, regarding the secretary of Section 9, I have submitted an application before, and tonight I plan to officially appoint Chloe Freya as the secretary of Section 9."

The moment Ivy finished speaking, the smile on King Xue's face became even brighter. Locke immediately understood, but at this time Li Ang said a little unhappy.

"The child of Freya's family is also your niece, is it appropriate? Ms. Ivy, if the outside world..."

"There is nothing suitable or inappropriate, Section Chief Li Ang. That child of Chloe is a genius, a genius in the true sense. As the genius with the highest overall score in our entire academy, he has already practiced in many subjects and won the Many section chiefs, secretaries and governing officers have recognized that in terms of hardware facilities, it is much better than the shabby plush doll in Section 13."

Li Ang smiled and nodded.

"Chloe is indeed a good candidate, but there is one thing I want to remind Ms. Ivy. That child looks down on others from the bottom of his heart. This may cause certain problems at work."

Ivy stared at Li Ang sideways. She knew this better than Li Ang. On the outside, her niece looked like a naughty pig who was not afraid of boiling water, but on the inside she was extremely competitive with others.

"As long as they are talented, as for the secretary of Section 13"

The red god said, patting the table in annoyance.

"It's okay not to mention it."

After a while, the section chiefs present raised their hands and expressed their agreement with Ivy's decision. After all, there was a precedent, and the section chief's talent appointment system was clearly written in the regulations of the administrative department.

"Okay everyone, the report is finished. Tomorrow morning, as mentioned before, it will be Section 13 that will turn everything the little magician girl said last night into reality. Just let everyone keep the same tone, 13 The Science Council is implementing the agricultural base plan in the barrier area. If you have any questions, just go to Le Xiao, the secretary of Section 13. As for the power outage last night, I have already issued an order to the people in Section 1 when I was writing the report. The power distribution company maintains a consistent tone. The power distribution station was attacked by rioters last night. With the joint efforts of all the operations department, the rioters have been killed. The next step will be your side, Section Chief Tianhen."

Tianhen said with his hands raised.

"When the order is issued later, the bosses of the companies responsible for supplying liquid food in the barrier area will be summoned to Section 3 for a meeting overnight."

King Xue nodded and continued.

"As for last night's test, Chief Noah, I hope you will take your secretary to the camera in a few days to publish a detailed report on testing the sun's rays. Are you collecting data?"

Huashen frowned slightly, and Noah hummed. At the front of his nose, Huashen manipulated the light and shadow scalpel with both hands, helping Noah repair the broken bones of his nose.

"Luo is guiding himself, yes."

"Don't move. Don't blame me if your nose becomes crooked in the future."

Huashen said, and King Xue looked at him with a smile.

"As for the problem of the Medical Department, let's just push it directly into the hands of those fearless people who appeared out of nowhere. Let's just say that they cut off the network of medical specialists to make the Medical Department look bad. As for the content, Section Chief Mo Xiaolan, please Let those fearless people make a plan!"

"Wouldn't this be done to characterize them as rioters?"

Mo Xiaolan muttered something, and King Xue smiled, took off his glasses and wiped them.

"There is nothing we can do about it. If our department is all trying to maintain a positive image of city safety, it will actually reduce the trust of the citizens. The ugly and the beautiful coexist. Besides, when the medical network was cut off, something happened. Do good people do good deeds? Tomorrow I will convene a few more obedient media to publicize these good people and do good deeds. Then we can move on to the next topic, about the visit of Sky International Space Country next year! "

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