"There seems to be someone!"

Tang Rao raised his head as soon as he stepped onto the square in front of the Congress Hall. Just after 12:30, Witte next to him looked at Tang Rao doubtfully.

"How could there be someone? Everything tonight is really speechless. What happens next will be difficult to end. The other four guys arrived earlier than us. Why is that?"

Four large pillars on the outside of the square were already lit up with green, red, yellow and purple lights. The moment Tang Rao and Werther stepped on, the orange and cyan lights immediately lit up. In the middle of the square, there were people standing ready. A man bowed to the two people walking past in the breeze.

"Lord Werther, Lord Tang Rao!"

"Xiao Xue, why did you arrive so early?"

Tang Rao looked at King Xue in confusion. King Xue opposite him smiled gracefully and said calmly.

"Because when I received the news that nuclear weapons were about to be used to attack the barrier area, I felt it was unrealistic. Once a nuclear weapon strike only takes one night, the life of the sun will be shortened by at least 10 years. To deal with bed bugs, The price was too high, and secondly, it was a psychological consideration, or sixth sense, that the plan would fail, so I came to the Congress hall early to wait, and I had already prepared several countermeasures."

"The sixth sense is a woman's right, Xiao Xue."

Tang Rao said softly, and as soon as she took out a cigarette and put it to her mouth, King Xue lit it for her. Tang Rao said thank you. To be honest, in her heart, Tang Rao didn't like King Xue's behavior. There is even a trace of disgust for this guy, because this guy's behavior is always so annoying. He has been like this since he was a child, but a few other guys are very fond of this shrewd kid. Even Gene once said However, this kid will become the pillar holding up the city.

This is also true. Since King Xue took over Section 1 more than 30 years ago, the many problems that have occurred in the city were all prepared by King Xue as a comprehensive countermeasure after taking into account all aspects.

"Two adults, other section chiefs and secretaries are on their way. The secretaries will stay in the General Affairs Section. The secretaries of the 12 sections will be led by Michelle tonight. After our discussion is over, they will immediately let everyone take action. The people in the department are mobilized to deal with any situation that may arise tomorrow morning!"

"That bastard Jean, I don't know where to find this idiot. Let's not talk about how they changed the launch authority of optical nuclear weapons, but what she promised now represents the business department. I'm afraid it won't take a few days. The news It will spread into the city, and if the Xingke Department cannot do it, it will lose its majesty."

King Xue immediately bowed.

"Please rest assured, sir, I will come up with a reasonable solution at the meeting later!"

"Hmph, that kindergarten kid is really brave enough to do what she says, but I've seen a lot of kids like her over the years, and they will fall badly!"

The two of them walked side by side, and at the top of the Congress Hall, with morning light particles floating in the air, Ellie made faces at Tang Rao and Werther, who were walking directly opposite.

"These two are still as twisted as before. Bitch Tang Rao, bald Werther, especially Tang Rao. If I can touch you, I will slap you hard several times."

As Ellie said, there was a burst of hearty laughter. Behind Ellie stood a tall man, but he had no face. There was only a gem-like dawn-colored thing embedded in the face in the middle of the face, and a mark on his forehead. There is a big black 0. The body is no different from that of a normal person, but it is just a virtual body.

"Will you betray humanity? 0."

The artificial intelligence program 0 behind Ellie smiled and shook his head.

"As the last guardian of mankind, I will not betray mankind, because in my database, my parents are named human. Which child in the world would betray his parents?"

Ali laughed heartily, resting her chin on her hands, her long hair slowly flying behind her, like a flag, exuding the luster of the morning sun. She looked at the barrier area from a distance, and the light would shine until 6 o'clock in the morning.

"What mankind needs is reconciliation, and tonight is the most important first step in reconciliation. Whether it is reconciliation with yourself, reconciliation with this city, or reconciliation between people, time is running out. According to my opinion, calculate"

"There is no need to mention these things, because there are still many people in this city who are willing to fight and run for good. Even though it is just a small flame, it is enough!"

Ellie stood up, opened her arms, smiled heartily, and disappeared on the roof of the Congress Hall together with 0 behind her.

"I said slow down, ouch!"

The wise man grimaced in pain, and Quasimodo gently put down his wheelchair. Billy on the side looked in a daze at the huge halo of light outside the city in the barrier area.

"I must be dreaming!"

"Of course it's not a dream, Mr. Billy, this is real, and it's happening right in front of our eyes!"

Cheng Chen looked emotionally at the barrier area in the distance, his eyes moved, and he wiped the overflowing tears from time to time.

"A farce!"

Billy said and planned to turn around and go downstairs. The wise man stared at him and Cheng Chen said in an passionate voice.

"Finally, the Business Department is about to take action. I have heard about the establishment of an agricultural experimental base in this barrier area a long time ago, but year after year, this plan is not seen at all. But it is different now. A friend of mine from the 3rd Department Tell me, the secretary of the 13th Section just now, Mr. Le Xiao, spoke on behalf of the 13th Section and said that the sun tonight is just a test of the barrier area. This is the first step. The establishment of the agricultural base has become a foregone conclusion. , I am very grateful to Mr. Le Xiao, I have questioned her before, but now"

In an instant, the wise man's expression suddenly changed, as did Billy next to him. The two looked at each other, seemingly with the same mood, and thought of four words in unison.

Work yourself to death!

Cheng Chen was still talking nonstop.

"Captain Cheng Chen, I disagree with your statement, justice? Human nature is to pursue desires. No matter what is in front of you, even if it is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, people will step over it because of their huge desires, so they can make progress. , the so-called justice in your mouth is just "

"Yes. When I was a section member, I would often do something within my power. I once helped a person. I didn't think anything about it at the time. I didn't even remember the person. I just felt that no matter how much it was, Small actions and inadvertent kindness may change a person's life. In a subsequent case, the man ran around telling the clerks in the nearby department that a murder was about to happen, but no one was willing to accept the case because He couldn't produce evidence that a murder was about to happen, so he finally found me. I went from my district to his district and successfully prevented a murder. I still remember that it was my first one eight years ago. Case, although I don’t remember that person, he still remembered me and told me that he actually wanted to commit suicide that day, but I helped him when he was in the most difficult time, so he survived the suffering. After that, I started trying to help some people, and then I discovered an imminent murder case, so justice exists, and this is my justice!"

Billy laughed, but shook his head.

"But how many people in this world can wake up like the man you helped? Out of a thousand or even ten thousand people."

"This is not something that can be measured by numerical probability, Mr. Billy. I have seen countless acts of kindness happening in this city. They are very small, so small that they are inconspicuous and cannot even be noticed by people, but they are real, and I want to be the guardian of the city and guard these good intentions. What I can’t understand is that those in high positions clearly understand BC City’s problems better than we do, but they cannot lead us to solve them. As the people below, we have no choice but to Can we ignore everything except our own work? We are city managers and also service providers. There are many choices. I am willing to choose the stupidest one because no one chooses. Even if I am called a fool or an idiot by many people, But can what I firmly believe in my heart be crushed so easily? One day, I will climb up. Since no one is willing to make such a choice, then... let me do it!"

Billy laughed and clapped his hands, and the wise man sighed.

"Brother, it's okay to stick to yourself, but"

"Thank you, uncle. I completely understand what you said to me before. The position I am in now is very free, but I can't do anything because my position is too low. But I still have time. I You are still young. Your Excellency Le Xiao, who is younger than me, is also working hard, isn't he? I am really happy tonight because the sun's rays shine on the barrier area."

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