everyone is a child

As long as you have never forgotten


I often stay in the dark night

Standing under the wilderness and looking up

Because someone told me that the starry sky is bright

I walked through the wilderness

Picked up an old picture book

Flowers and the sun complement each other

I forgot about the biting chill

Walking across the cold, hard ground

I'm looking for


Even if it is weak, small and inconspicuous

I have fantasized about it countless times

What color should the future be?

Bright, colorful and colorful

Hide picture book

Continue to fantasize about the future

because i believe

No matter what is in front of me

Cold, hunger, and even death

The world in my eyes

still beautiful

"We are all children"


"Use your eyes to confirm!"

Le Xiao was stunned by the melodious and melodious singing, accompanied by little white light particles in the sunlight. She seemed to be high in the sky, and she seemed to be standing on the land of the barrier area.

Surrounded by people cheering without emotion, shouts, cheers, and hoarse cries, all without too much embellishment, when the light fell on the wasteland that has lasted for more than 50 years, although everyone The expressions on their faces are different, but everyone is the same, raising their heads and enjoying the sunshine that is impossible to appear in the dark night.

The warmth of the sun's rays began to drive away the chill on every inch of the land. Le Xiao saw different people. She didn't understand what was going on with her now. Tian Ai's famous song "We Are All Children" kept echoing in her ears. .

Le Xiao still remembers that when she was more than 10 years old, she was so moved when she heard this song at the end of the war movie called "Trench". Although the movie was eventually rated as a bad movie, the singing Tian Ai, who played the ending theme, won the recognition of most people with her slightly sad but heavenly singing voice.

Everything in front of him was colorful, and Le Xiao could see clearly. The people in the ruins were all jubilant at this moment, and there were many people running in the wilderness.

At this time, Le Xiao saw the members of the administrative department stationed outside a dilapidated city. In a huge semicircular fortress, stunned members of the administrative department kept walking out one after another, and Xima stood at the top, looking back at the sun. , as if it had been standing there for too long, its resolute figure trembling slightly in the breeze.

"Owen, you have said this before, saying that it would be great if one day the city could give some sunshine to the barrier area, but you just missed this scene!"

Le Xiao pressed her ears in surprise. She could hear the sound. It was clear that Xima didn't say a word, but she could hear it very clearly. But there was no need to say anything more. Le Xiao stretched out her fingers and crossed Xima's hanging There were two tear stains on his face.

In a daze, Le Xiao saw Jean. He was sitting quietly in a big pit, surrounded by a sea of ​​jubilant people. With a smile on his face, Jean was sitting on the ground smoking silently, under the sun. His white hair shimmered.

At this time, Gene was smiling like a child, his face was relaxed, and the unknown thing that had been pressing on him on his shoulders seemed to have briefly disappeared.

Now the girl has suffered a lot. Although I don’t know how she did it, why don’t she leave everything to that girl!

Le Xiao looked at Jean in horror, pressed the sides of his head, and squatted in front of Jean, but Jean immediately stood up with a naughty smile.


Le Xiao looked at Jean in surprise. She squatted in front of Jean, holding her chin in her hands, looking up at the man. Both of them were smiling under the light.

At this time, Le Xiao heard a burst of more intense crying. She followed the direction and instantly saw a strange man sobbing in the wilderness, lying on the ground and howling. He was wearing dark armor. There was something wrong with the right side of his body. There are raised bumps in many places.

"Who are you!"

Suddenly the man raised his head. He had a slightly older face. His skin texture was covered with black dirt. He had a messy beard. There were varying degrees of baldness in many places on his head. The armor on the man in front of him instantly It disappeared, revealing its original appearance, as if its body had mutated after being exposed to some kind of radiation contamination.

The man stared straight at Le Xiao, who was also very surprised at this time.

"Can you see me?"

Le Xiao discovered that the man only had three fingers on his left hand, but he must be an aboriginal of the barrier area, just like other people whose bodies have some physical deformities due to long-term exposure to severe air pollution.

"The sun will come down here again when the agricultural base is established."

Le Xiao looked seriously at the man in front of him with tears on his face, but at this time, there was deep anger in the man's eyes.

"At the end of the season, I didn't expect that what you said was true. Those bastards of the founder almost believed them."

Suddenly Le Xiao heard someone calling Ji Mo, and her eyes widened in surprise.

"Isn't Xiaoqing's father already?"

Le Xiao moved over for a moment, but she couldn't see anything at this time. Suddenly she woke up. Next to her was Ji Qing, who was still crying while holding Le Xiao. Many people in the 10th department below were cheering. .

"you did it."

Alpha looked at Lexiao solemnly and put a hand on her shoulder. She did not ask Lexiao how she did it. All this was irrelevant now. Alpha knew clearly what Lexiao said just now. Listening to her ears, she didn't know who she was talking about when she just spoke on behalf of the Business Department, but maybe many people heard it.

There was a sudden movement below, and Noah woke up from his coma. Looking at the values ​​​​on the light and shadow screen in front of him, he raised his head and looked at Le Xiao on the square metal block in surprise.

“It’s even more surprising!”

Noah's entire face was swollen, his nose was completely sunken, and his voice began to sound strange. Only then did he realize that the staff around him wanted to laugh, but they still hurried over to help him treat his wounds. .

But at this time, Noah was more surprised by who changed the original order to launch the optical nuclear weapon into launching an artificial sun, and adjusted and corrected the value so that the sun filled the barrier area. At this time, several light and shadow screens You can see the situation in the barrier zone from above, and there are people reveling everywhere.

"Fuluo, Sang, go!"

Noah stood up, his head was dizzy. The punch just now was really not polite at all. He may have a facial fracture now, but he would not die. It was just that it was a little difficult to breathe through his nose and mouth.

Le Xiao was panting and her eyes widened. Her head was dizzy and she felt unusually tired, but she still laughed.

"Sister Alpha, me."

Before Le Xiao finished speaking, she fainted in Ji Qing's arms. Ji Qing shouted in surprise. At this time, Noah slowly came up on the circular machine. Alpha looked at him sideways, still An angry look on his face.

"Luo Zao has already been treated like this by you. It's time to calm down!"

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