Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 482 Waiting for Dawn (Part 2)

Located on the rooftop on the top floor of the General Affairs Section, Locke quietly stared at the action reports of Section 3 that were transmitted back one after another. He was processing them with one hand and holding a cigarette in the other hand. He had not smoked a cigarette for a long time. After taking a breath, Locke coughed violently.

An eye-catching bright red number on the document poked Locke's heart from time to time. At such times, he would sit on the edge of the rooftop and look at the barrier area in the distance, thinking about his childhood. Growing up in a mining town, I never had enough to eat. I was starving to death every day. I could only hope that my parents would come back soon.

The lingering black and gray in his mind often appears in his dreams, and the cold and suffocating air often wakes Locke up.

Presumably more than 200,000.

After taking another strong puff of cigarette, Locke choked and coughed.

"It's not like you don't smoke on weekdays, Mr. Manager!"

"Today's affairs have been dealt with. Michelle, go to bed quickly."

Locke has turned off the light and shadow screen, and Michelle behind him is wearing her hair, which is still a little wet, and the water droplets on her forehead have not yet dried.

Michelle slowly leaned over and took the cigarette from Locke's hand. After extinguishing it, she held it in her hand. Over the years, Michelle has known Locke's temperament. Locke's work was supposed to end this afternoon. He planned to go home, but when it was close to 8 o'clock, he showed a shocked look. Although it was only a little bit, Michelle knew that he would come to the rooftop when he was in a bad mood.

"Can you tell me, Mr. Manager?"

"You're too young Michelle, go back to bed!"

Locke's tone was a little stern, and Michelle stood up straight.

"Your Excellency, Manager, I would like to ask if you are giving the order as a superior, or simply as a person who has experienced it, to give you comfort. There are some things that I really have no right to know, but I hope you still remember what Sir Jean said before!"

Locke sighed and turned on the light and shadow screen. Michelle immediately squatted aside and looked at it seriously. After just a few minutes, his eyes became shocked.

"There are only 50,000 to 60,000 people with fighting power, but there are 150,000 to 60,000 old men, women and children. This kind of thing"

"Really, how to deal with it? It has been determined that they have an affair with the creator. The red tide was not as big as it is now three years ago, but it is different now. It is more like a city and is still expanding. There are a total of 131 points in the surrounding area. Everything is within their control, and now they have come up with such idiotic conditions as wanting to enter the city to fill the gaps in Districts 113 and 114. The threat is already obvious!"

Michelle pressed her head and looked at other shocking short one-hour briefings from 8 o'clock to 9 o'clock, the special meat shop, and the shop at the front entrance where women were displayed naked like goods. , as well as the words of each and every one of the people in the city, all of whom, without exception, hate the Brilliant City to the core.

And because of the 280,000 rioters who were expelled before, now if the 131 inhabited spots in the surrounding areas are included in the city of Nishi, the number of people has exceeded 500,000. In addition, they are still trading with the rioters in the city. This is Michelle saw for the first time about the barrier area, as well as the naked cleaning plan this time, as well as the combat plan and time, as well as the weapons and number of people carried, under the personal command of Xima, while Gene entered the city to negotiate.

Michelle couldn't believe that this happened in just two hours from dinner to 8pm.

"Your Excellency, Chief Manager, clean up the battle plan, is it..."

"Well, in a place like that, once the battle starts, you won't have time to guard the prisoners or question the surrendered people. The opponent has more than 4,000 mutants and will not sit still and wait for death. If it were you , what are you going to do Michelle!"

Locke turned his head and looked at Michelle. Michelle's face turned solemn for a moment. It was the first time she encountered such a problem, women, old people and children who were unable to resist. However, once there was a firefight, they would not be spared. It was difficult, and they had no choice but to rely on the armed force of the Red Tide, and no one in the report was grateful for the city's monthly supply of food.

"You know Michelle, the barrier zone is my second home, because it is my birthplace. Every time when this happens, I can only wait and watch from a distance, and nothing can be solved. Nothing can be done to stop it, not even anything can be done, because I know that if this problem is not solved, they will threaten Brilliant City all the time. Even now that the city is full of rioters, they have already targeted the city. If this sharp blade pierces the city when there is a crisis."

Locke did not continue speaking. Michelle was processing the report and her body moved involuntarily. Locke looked at it in surprise.

"This is the job of our General Affairs Department, to organize everything, witness everything that happens, and record everything. I'm sorry, Mr. General Manager, I can't answer your question because I can't think of a solution. The members of the department are innocent. The people in the barrier area are also innocent, not because of their position, but because of society. If there is really a solution to the conflict between two opposing societies, it may only be the day dawn comes!"

Seeing that Michelle had adjusted a light and shadow chair and immediately started to process the report sent back, Locke sat down cross-legged and took out a cigarette.

"I'll wait here until it's over, no matter what the outcome is!"

Michelle nodded without saying a word and continued to process the briefings sent back by Section 3.

Gene smiled helplessly. Potter in front of him had an angry look on his face. At this time, in the hidden attic room, 30 S-class mutants were already in place. In the narrow room, 30 people stared silently without saying a word. Looking at the Crimson Tide head coach Porter on the screen and Gene who kept laughing and shaking his head.

Everyone held their breath, and the mutant who was threatened by He Min and Sara before was also there. He seemed to understand the seriousness of the matter. On the way over, he learned that the soldiers in the City of Rebellion had left the city. The troops of the acting branch were just 5 kilometers away due north of them and could open fire at any time.

The man had already ordered his men to take their wives and children away. Many people did the same. Those who had wives and children here secretly let trusted people take them away temporarily.

For everyone, tonight's events may be a brief calm before the storm, and soon a bloody storm will come.

Maybe he will die! The results are the same.

The man muttered silently in his heart, and the people next to him were the same, and no one felt confident.

Time passed very slowly, as if it was forbidden. Potter's two thumbs that were folded together at random collided from time to time. Gene didn't speak yet, but just smiled. Potter was already very anxious at this time.

"What's so funny, Mr. Jean."

"Everyone has rights when they are born. Didn't you give up your rights?"

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