Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 475 Negotiation 2 (Part 1)

8:31 pm

He Min stood quietly at the east gate of the City of Rebellion and accepted the interrogation. At this moment, a man with dark spots on his face smiled and put his arm around He Min.

"Miss, would you like to stay with me tonight? Yes."

He Min pushed the man away vigorously, smashed a can of liquid food on the table, and then went into the city. The men behind him laughed, and the man who just talked to He Min sighed in distress. Take a breath.

"I lost again, hey."

As soon as she entered the city, He Min saw the glass windows displaying women. She couldn't help but feel angry. When she walked over, she saw many people watching, and everything in the glass windows was unsightly.

But soon He Min turned around and left the crowd of onlookers, walking alone on the street, pressing the shoulder straps of his backpack with both hands, squeezing tightly with two fingers. By 12 o'clock tonight, this city will be decided. The decision is made by their 10 inspectors who have been performing surveillance missions in the barrier area for a long time.

Feeling an invisible pressure falling on her shoulders, He Min walked quietly on the street, looking at the happy surroundings. People in the city seemed to have a much better life than other places in the barrier zone.

He Min had only been to this place once a year ago. At that time, she was a little shocked by everything in this place. There was actually a market here. Although it was still barter for goods, it had gradually formed a scale and market.

He Min looked at a dimly lit shop selling some clothes on the street, and walked in. Most of the clothes were old and damaged, and had only been slightly repaired.

"One cotton coat has five cans of food. If the cans are empty, only 400 are needed. Water cannot be exchanged."

An old woman could not open one eye because of a sarcoma on her brow bone, her teeth were incomplete, her face had a large number of black spots, her skin was rough and shriveled, and she looked a bit scary.

He Min glanced casually.

"Old lady, in your place, I heard that people from the city come here from time to time. Is it true?"

He Min asked, and the old woman laughed. The sound in her hoarse throat was like rough sandpaper rubbing against each other.

"Girl, if you want to ask something, at least ask first."

He Min took out 5 cans of food and handed them to the old woman. He looked around and found a room with some smelly but still clean blood-stained cotton clothes.

"Thank you for your patronage. I have never seen anyone from the city? Haha, what are the people in the city doing here? Those damn guys, it would be great if the whole city fell down one day, haha."

Although the tone was teasing, He Min could see that there was anger in the old woman's eyes.

"The riots of the past few days were such a pity. Those idiots would not have captured the guard station first. There are weapons inside. It would be great if the door could be opened. We could rush in and loot."

For a moment, He Min felt a little trembling in her heart. The old woman took the bright white knife in her hand and waved it a few times.

Deep-rooted hatred and hatred for everything in the city, this is what He Min saw in the barrier area, and it was the same here. Almost no one would be grateful for receiving food and water every month.

He Min took the cotton coat and walked out of the shop, and the old woman's hoarse clicking voice sounded again.

Just a few steps out of the store, He Min saw two men struggling with each other in front of him. The Crimson Tide people were maintaining order and began to open their mouths.

"Hurry up. Who will win the bet? You have to place your bet quickly."

Some people took the liquid food in their hands and put it into two different baskets. The two people roared and attacked each other continuously. It was an extremely ordinary fight. The people next to them cheered excitedly, as if they were watching the two sides bite each other. Like a beast.

Then someone secretly kicked a stone over. When the man who was suppressed on the ground and strangled his neck touched the stone, he hit the man on the head with it. Along with the knocks, there was a cold feeling. There was blood in the air, and the man who was hit by the stone stopped moving. The man holding the stone that was still dripping with blood let out a crazy cry.

After a while, the Red Tide people took off the clothes of the deceased and took away all his belongings. One person tied the body with a rope and dragged it on the ground.

However, what He Min didn't expect was that they did not take the dead man anywhere else, but directly to a shop with a strange smell. He Min covered her mouth and widened her eyes in horror.

"Boss, fresh meat."

A strong man took one look at the corpse and dragged it in. Some of the onlookers couldn't bear it and walked away, while others swallowed and were attracted by the smell.

He Min quickly ran to an alley, took off her veil, and started retching continuously. Her stomach was churning, and after a while, she couldn't help but vomit it out.

In a spacious room, there was a sofa covered with a clean white blanket. Women wearing only cloth to cover their bodies were timidly carrying some pastries, candies, and drinks and placed them neatly on the table.

"It's okay to go out."

An old, balding old man with a limp, only a lot of sparse white hair hanging on the sides. His face was pockmarked, his teeth were yellow and black, and he was wearing a red leather coat and a pair of boots. Wearing gemstone rings of different colors on all ten fingers, this old man's name is Porter, the founder of the Crimson Tide.

At this time, the door of the room was knocked open, and Zhu Fei and two other men walked in. One of them was very tall, over 2 meters tall and thin, with sharp eyes, all his hair shaved, and there were also a lot of stains on his face. Black spots, the other is short, has a hunchback, and a slightly crooked mouth. He looks unattractive, but has a pair of shrewd eyes.

The tall one is the Crimson Tide's No. 2 figure, Yao Zhuang, and the short slanted mouth is the Crimson Tide's No. 3 figure. Fang Si and Zhu Fei looked around. Potter had already asked the maids to tidy up the room. It was not worth having a model. In fact, many of the unsightly stickers on the wall with red tide propaganda slogans have been turned into stickers of landscape paintings.

Some relatively new sofas, tables and chairs have been moved up.

"Boss, it's been more than half an hour since Jean entered the city, but the others haven't arrived yet."

Potter hummed and sat down with a limp.

"It doesn't matter."

"It's really fast, that bastard Gene."

Fang Si said and walked to the sofa. Just as he was about to sit down, he was held down by Potter's eyes. He raised his hands and smiled.

"It's also very rude to the distinguished guests who are coming over to stain the freshly washed blanket, haha."

Fang Si sat on the wooden chair next to him, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Don't feel uncomfortable, Fang Si. Negotiations will happen sooner or later. The sooner, the better."

"Boss, why don't we be kings here? If we go under the sun, we will be nothing."

Zhu Fei smiled and shook his head.

"The city will not let us continue to expand, so the current time and the subtle opportunities that arise are the most opportune opportunities to negotiate."

Potter nodded happily, sat down, raised his head and sighed.

“It’s been 70 years since I’ve been here!”

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