Ji Mo stood in a hurry at the east gate, waiting in line to leave the city. Ling Fei had just eaten, and some didn't want to go out of the city on such a cold night, because the city was extremely lively at this time, and many places were brightly lit. Ling Fei had been there for many days She had never seen this scene before, and she looked at the dazzling lights behind her with some nostalgia.

The street behind him was crowded with people, who were preparing to enter the store to watch the beauty show being held. All they needed was 20 flattened empty jars.

"Uncle Mo, why don't you stay one night? I'm interested."

"We have to leave tonight."

After finishing the phone call with his wife Ivy, Ji Mo retreated from the room and planned to leave. He knew very well what Jean was doing, and he also knew that if it was determined that there was a potential threat to Brilliant City, a war would break out.

At the end of the season, I saw the heavy firepower weapons here. Many of the weapons were relatively old. When facing the powerful 3 subjects, they were just powerless babies waiting to be slaughtered. For so many years, the city had basically not displayed weapons to the outside world, but Ji Mo is very clear about the level of weapons in the city now. When he took the secretary exam, Ji Mo witnessed many weapons that could only exist in science fiction movies, and they were actually placed in front of him. .

This hidden method is also to create a false impression for enemies who want to destroy the city. Many officers only have guns and protective shields on weekdays. Unless there is an emergency, officers can receive some heavy firepower weapons, or even Mechanical weapons.

There are secret underground weapons depots in many places in the city. Only the people in Section 3 and the section chiefs know where they are. But it is a pity that at the end of the season, he has served for less than 10 years, and only the section chiefs of the operational section who have served for 10 years have them. They have the authority to know the exact location of the weapons depot, and the people in Section 3 also know part of the location in batches. Only the captain or above has the authority to know the location of the weapons depot.

As long as any problem occurs, the city can urgently call on the items in these weapons arsenals and organize them into a fully mechanized force of 20,000 people. At the end of the season, he is not sure why this is because he has not yet obtained the authority to know everything. problem occurs.

Even if there are more than tens of thousands of mutants in the barrier area, they will still become vulnerable to the attack of these technological weapons. Before the end of the season, it was suspected that Brilliant City was preparing for war, and even large space strategic ships were Yes, this is incredible at the end of the season.

If necessary, Brilliant City can dispatch dozens of strategic ships. In just 20 minutes, the place will be razed to the ground. Except for some powerful mutants, everyone else will die.

Even every cleaning operation in the barrier area is more like training. I asked Gene at the end of the previous season, but Gene refused to say anything, only two words, secret.

The most doubtful thing at the end of the season is the monthly food supply, which needs to provide emergency food and water for 7 million people in the barrier area. Such a huge food supply, although it only comes from food residues in the city and some crops Some of the bad parts were made into liquid food and some self-reproducing increments of live nutrients were added, but this amount was a bit surprising at the end of the season.

The average monthly quota for a person is 20 cans of liquid food and 2 tons of water. In a month, the city needs to provide more than 100 million cans of liquid food. In the liquid food market, nearly 40% of the food goes to the barrier area. Yes, many foods cannot actually pass the inspection. Other liquid food companies in the city supply all liquid foods to barrier zones, and the money is paid by Congress. The cost of a can of liquid food has been reduced to less than 0.2 yuan. .

A year is also a big expense, including compressed heavy water, which comes in 5 packages from 100 to 500 kilograms.

At the end of the season, I have been wondering for a long time why the Congress allows the barrier zone to survive, but on the one hand it has to adopt a strong attitude of cleaning up. After each cleaning, the armed forces in the barrier zone will be honest for a period of time, but after a while they will return to their old ways and sneak into the city. Some operations were carried out inside, and the administrative department had repeatedly warned people who had passed through the barrier area.

Many people who sneak into the barrier area come from the ravine areas in the north that have not yet been deeply reclaimed. The depth is less than 1 kilometer. Although walls have been built and barbed wire has been pulled up, it has not helped. There is still a barrier area. People sneaked into the city from the north, and the only result after being caught was death.

More and more people are moving away from the north, and many districts have become ghost areas, because most of the people who come into the barrier area will cause some cases of violations, robberies, and murders. In the end, in desperation, Section 3 and Section 5 only Being able to join forces, the base was also set up in the north. Most of the staff were stationed directly in the 10 major areas in the north. This was able to contain the people from the barrier area who sneaked into the city, and also allowed the 10 people in the north who were already about to die. The region has some vitality.

Due to geological reasons, stone mining is not allowed in the gullies in the north. If the mining is too deep, the urban underground structure will lose its focus, thus causing greater problems.

Gene's attitude largely represents the attitude of the acting department, because for so many years, Gene has been working hard to and from the barrier zone, and now this delicate balance has been broken by the creators.

Finally it was the turn of Ji Mo and Ling Fei. After the two underwent a certain degree of inspection, they were allowed to leave. Many people left the city at this time because they lived in nearby towns. Ji Mo planned to go to the east. Went to a small town for one night.

"Uncle Mo, I'm really tired."

After Ling Fei left the city, she started talking. She had been hungry for more than ten days and had finally eaten two meals. Her body still needed to recover. Ji Mo bowed down and Ling Fei happily lay on his back. .

"Uncle Mo, you are really a nice person. Really, you are the only good person I have met in my life."

Ji Mo smiled.

"I'm sorry Feifei, I'm not a good person, I'm a sinner."

At 7:58, there were commotions at the entrance directly north of the City of Rebellion. Many people looked at the man in uniform with a majestic face in front of them in horror, quietly wondering. Passing under his gaze, there were a lot of comments from all around.

Jean took out a cigarette and walked over quietly. At this time, sirens were heard on the city wall, and black guns were pointed at Jean. Many people looked at Jean in horror.

"Let the cadres gather together as promised."

Jean took off his hat and walked over slowly, one step at a time and two steps across the bridge. At this time, many people guarding the city looked at Jean excitedly, with fear on their faces.

"Please put this kind of toys away!"

A person in charge rushed over immediately.

"Put your fucking weapons away. What do you want to do? Are you looking for death?"

The big man in charge said and immediately nodded and looked at Jean.

"Lord Jean, we have notified the bosses and they will send a car to pick you up. Please be patient."

"No, I'll just walk over."

Gene said and walked slowly, and the person in charge behind him hurriedly followed.

"Lord Jean didn't expect you to come here so soon, haha, it's true."

"Is there something I can't see?"

Jean scanned everything around him with sharp eyes.

"No, what can we do? Our place is broken!"

"That's good!"

Jean said and walked leisurely down the street. Looking at the women in the shop windows as they entered, a pair of eyes cast their eyes full of expectation. Jean walked quickly through the shop, put on his hat, and pressed the button. Wearing a hat brim.

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