Gu Ningning was sitting in a spacious research room. She was using microscope equipment to observe and record the chemical changes and reaction products in the vessels on the table in front of her. She rubbed her dry eyes.


Looking at the drugs used to fight hemangioma in 69 containers, without exception, they were unable to kill the diseased cells in the new hemangioma. Some cells even proliferated. Today, there are more than 3,000 patients. Struggling on the edge of life and death.

I can only survive on nutritional supplements every day, and I need to have surgery every 50 hours to remove the tumors growing on the blood vessel walls, because if no surgery is performed, the tumors will hinder blood circulation and eventually cause cerebral blood vessels to burst or heart function to become imbalanced. die.

On a small table next to it, there is Haitian Company's new liquid food, which is mixed with the original Sanlian Company's toxic liquid food on the market. It only adds a taste-improving fermentation agent and has not been treated with toxic substances.

This batch of food was originally intended to be supplied to the barrier area, but many people in the barrier area are talking about the problem of this food. Many armed forces refuse to accept this batch of food. There should not be much left now, and the harm is still there. There have been small-scale cases in some areas, and the medical department’s explanation for this can only be that it was caused by eating toxic food before.

Just a few minutes ago, the only hope was shattered. Huashen brought back some antibody samples from people who had resisted this hemangioma disease from the barrier zone. However, this sample could not protect against this unknown disease that was still moving towards the unknown. Hemangiomas with directional lesions are useful because everyone's body functions are different. Although we want to get some clues about cure from this sample, there is currently no way.

"If I had known earlier, I would have gone to the banquet with Le Xiao. It would have been exhausting!"

Gu Ningning yawned and blinked. At this moment, there was a beeping sound, and a black line appeared in the room with white walls and no doors or windows. After a door opened, Hua Shen walked in slowly.

"There is nothing the doctor can do, all 69 samples were invalid."

Huashen tiredly pulled out a chair. After sitting down, he stared at all the failed samples in the container. A touch of green particles slowly floated over all the samples. Each sample floated up. Huashen opened the door at his feet. There is a processing port, and all the utensils are put in.

"Ning Ning, can you ask Le Xiao if she is willing to provide immune cells from the body and some cells from other parts of the body to help save patients."

Gu Ningning looked at Huashen doubtfully.

"Doctor, is there anything special about that little girl?"

Huashen smiled and nodded.

"You have no authority to know. I hope there will be results tonight. 2,187 people are critically ill, and critical illness notices have been issued to their families. The family members are now gathering in front of the hospitals in Department 4 to protest."

"I told you then, doctor, that you can't just make random promises. It's true that doctor, your reputation and medical skills have appeased most people, but, if there is nothing we can do now, the situation will be very bad."

Huashen sighed.

"I thought I could cure them."

"There's nothing I can do about it, not even me, a pharmacological and medical expert, can do anything about it, unless there's a pharmacological expert who's better than me in the city!"

Suddenly Hua Shen's mind thought of a person, Frye Stein, his classmate and an expert among pharmaceutical experts.

"Even if Lexiao's immune cells can be used, by the time we complete all clinical studies, the patients will be almost dead. I think doctor, you'd better find an appropriate time to make an announcement, or apply to Congress for a solace payment. , just compensate them!"

Huashen talked, got up and started walking.

"I'm going to find a pharmacology expert who's better than you, and I'll leave Ning Ningke's affairs to you."

Huashen said and left the room directly, took the elevator in the middle of the white corridor, and went directly to the top floor. An emergency lift had been called.

Hua Shen was a little irritable. He really didn't want to ask Fry for help. They were both outstanding leaders in medical school back then, and they often conducted innovative medical research in their respective fields.

Nowadays, one-third of the pharmacological theories in the city were collected and constructed by Frye. The most important one, the theoretical basic model of anti-cancer and the construction of experimental drugs, were all built by Frye.

But after graduation, Frye chose the more artistic psychiatry, while Huashen chose the more practical surgery, because in Huashen's philosophy, surgery can create miracles, while medicine can only As an auxiliary, especially in the era when surgery can be performed directly inside the body, the pathogens in the body can be directly found and surgically cut and crushed without incision.

The simplest one is like stones, which 80% of people in the city have. This kind of surgery is simpler than taking injections and taking medicine. It directly penetrates the patient's body with light to reach the location of the stone in the body, allowing that part to heal. The light materializes and crushes the stone directly without hurting any part, making it easy to heal.

Cancer is no exception. Most cancer patients can be effectively cured by directly using surgical methods to kill cancer cells in the body. Although it may continue to grow after a few years, as long as there are no lesions in multiple tissues of the body, plus The order of the drug is basically within control, but this time the tumor is different. It is like an infinitely proliferating spore, spreading continuously from the aorta to the blood vessel walls on which the human body depends for survival, and eventually even to the capillaries. Tumors will grow on the wall, and the disease will be accompanied by subcutaneous bleeding because the capillaries are burst by the growing tumors.

"Gene, are you free now? Come with me to Frye Mental Hospital."

In order to avoid embarrassment, the first person Huashen thought of was Gene, but when he heard the howling of the wind coming from the other side of the phone, Huashen understood immediately.

"Sorry, Fry is at my home. He is here to deliver the patient information of the mental hospital to me today. If you want to find him, you can go directly to my home and help me take a look at the report he compiled. After finding the doubtful points, record them, and I will go to the barrier area."

Huashen's eyes widened and the phone was hung up.

"Section Chief, the lift is ready. I will take you there myself."

A female director who looked like she had just eaten was wiping her lips with a handkerchief. Huashen hummed and looked at the upper floor.

"Send me there in 5 minutes."

Frye sat quietly in the room. He only prepared some fresh vegetables for the dishes in the kitchen. He sat alone on the sofa and drank wine. At this time, he was checking all his implanted memories. .

It was discovered that the depth of Frye's memory was due to the death of a woman and another man, Huashen, who is now the chief of Section 4. He and Huashen are competitors and love rivals.

"No matter how great a doctor is, he can't cure me. Huashen, people can only heal themselves. I'm sorry, your ideas and I have always been at odds. I will go to work in the No. 1 Mental Hospital. I can't stand it anymore. What does everything look like now in your eyes? Can't you see it?"

A smile appeared at the corner of Frye's mouth. At this time, there was a knock on the door. Frye stood up and walked out quickly. The moment he opened the door, he saw a man standing at the door who was familiar yet unfamiliar to him because of this name. The man named Huashen only exists in his own memory.

Huashen smiled, holding a bottle of wine in his hand, but Frye's three severed fingers were stuck in the corner of his eyes. When Frye was sent here with his fingers chopped off after being attacked by a mental patient, he had already He was about to die, and it was Hua Shen who performed the surgery on him, but the stubborn Fry was unwilling to install a fake finger or undergo a finger transplant.

"Is it convenient? I want to talk to you about the patients, but I really have no choice. There are still more than 3,000 patients who are dying because of the last food incident."

Frye burst out laughing, feeling in a good mood for a moment.

"This is the first time that you will bow to me."

Huashen frowned slightly and sighed.

"Will my old friend reject me if I ask for help?"

Frye nodded.

"Show me the particle grade ratio of the food, as well as all the records of clinical symptoms, as well as the methods you have taken before, whether it is surgery or medicine. Cancer is a very strange thing. It is a symptom of human self-destruction. , has very similar symptoms to the violent transformation of the alienated cells. In fact, I have considered a problem a long time ago, using the violent alienated cells to kill cancer cells."

Huashen's eyes widened in disbelief. Frye turned around and walked away. His face was sad at this time. All these memories were just implanted. He had Frye's complete personality, but not Frye's. Everything experienced.

Maybe if I confess to this man, I will have a way to survive!

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