A pungent smell of disinfectant filled the room. The wise man looked at the man in front of him dying. Both hands had been fixed with plaster, and he still had no feeling in his hands.

"You'd better think about it. Your hand has been twisted into a knot. No matter how much surgery you do, it will leave you with disabilities. The index finger, thumb and little finger of your right hand may not be able to move in the future, and the whole hand of your left hand may not be able to move properly. Flexibility, especially when grabbing things, makes me feel weak.”

Huashen took off the mask, looked at the wise man on the bed, and shook his head slightly.

"Even if you are disabled, your own hands are better."

It has been suggested to this old man that he should cut off both arms directly, and let him perform the surgery himself to connect the robotic arms. At least the peripheral nerves connected to the arms that have not been necrotic can make the installed robotic arms more flexible than the original arms. It is also stronger and can be equipped with light-kill weapons.

"I think there is something wrong with your concept. Mechanical prostheses are just to make disabled people complete and normal. Today's medical technology is already comparable to that of natural hands and feet. If you want prosthetics, I can do it in about 3 hours." I’ll help you install it, and after you get used to it for a month, you’ll be fine.”

The wise man grinned and shook his head.

"What are the chances of recovery?"

Huashen pressed his forehead and said.

"Up to 20%."


Huashen turned around and walked out of the ward. This was the hospital in District 108. He was woken up by Mo Xiaolan in his sleep. In addition to performing surgery on the old man, he also conducted on-site investigation. In addition to finding Mo Xiaolan and Kaixin Mo In addition to many cells, there were also Werther's. As for the enemy's hair tissue and dead alienated cells, they were not found.

Huashen had already watched the video of the battle while operating on the wise man. This was not surprising. After seeing the armor on the ghost face, Huashen already knew that it was biotechnology armor.

There have been similar joint experiments between Section 4 and Section 10 before. Huashen is aware of it. The armor that members of the Acting Section can quickly put on now is developed with this kind of biotechnology, and its performance is much higher than traditional defensive armor. , has a better defensive effect against most bullet explosions, but it is a pity that this kind of armor is expensive and cannot be issued to every member of the acting department. Only when some problems occur in the city, in the 5th department Collect them at the public security offices in each district.

At the door, Quasimodo and Billy looked at Huashen anxiously.

"It's all right. You can go in. There is nutrient solution in the cabinet. Remember to replenish it for the patient soon."

Billy immediately said thank you and entered the ward with Quasimodo. Seeing the wise man dying, Quasimodo showed guilt in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I won't die."

The wise man said as Billy took out the phone and dialed Alpha's number.

"How's Billy doing?"

"It's me, it's okay."

Alpha on the other side of the phone let out a long sigh of relief.

"Really, why are you going out alone?"

"Hey, it's not because we will be busy in the next few days."

Alpha hummed.

"Leng Rui just called. He was so worried that he couldn't sleep. You should give him a call yourself."

The wise man hummed.

"Where's the secretary?"

"Fell asleep."

The wise man grinned and snorted unhappily for a moment.

"You can rest in peace and recuperate. Maybe we will come down the day after tomorrow. The secretary is drunk. I will tell him tomorrow."

The wise man looked at the ceiling quietly. Now he carefully recalled everything that happened last night. He was still a little scared. He was no longer young. He had obviously realized that he was being watched as soon as he came down, but he still knew that Xu Ming's wife After hearing the news about his son, he went to investigate alone.

Because I have had this kind of personality since I was born, I will definitely not delay anything and let it ferment and deteriorate. Instead, I will solve the problem first. The longer the problem is delayed, the more difficult it will be to solve it.

What am I worried about?

The wise man laughed bitterly. Billy carefully held a small spoon and fed the wise man some water. Quasimodo sat cross-legged on the edge of the bed, still lowering his head. The wise man could see that he blamed himself a little.

"It's okay, I'm not going to die. I will definitely take you with me next time I go to do something. Did you give that bastard a good beating?"

The wise man asked. He briefly fainted for a while, and when he woke up, he was already in the lift.

Quasimodo raised his right fist, glanced at it, and nodded.

"Just take it, haha, I haven't encountered this kind of thing in more than 30 years, haha, but this incident is a lesson, you have to be careful yourself Billy."

Billy blinked, smiled cutely and shook his head.

"I'm not like you, the wise man, who knows a lot of things. It's useless for people to arrest me. Besides, I think about very few things, and I'm not like you, the wise man, who thinks about so many things. If I think about it, There are so many things that my head can’t bear, I just need to be happy every day.”

The wise man's eyes widened and he closed them. In the corner of his eyes, he could see Quasimodo praying devoutly.

"No, Gene, I can't drink anymore, I really can't drink anymore."

Hawke covered his mouth. The table in the room was piled with beer bottles. Different bottles were placed around the room. Hawke was kneeling beside the sofa. Tianai and Chense were already drunk and lying on the sofa. On the table, Gene was holding a glass of wine unsteadily and pressing Hawk's neck with one hand.

"Didn't you say you wanted to drink until dawn? How could you not drink?"

Gene said, pressing the wine bottle directly into Hawke's mouth, and began to drink.

The grunting Hawk drank more than half of the bottle of wine, panting and vomiting.

"Can I surrender? Gene, I can't drink anymore."

Gene was carrying a bottle of wine, drank it down in a gulp, and looked at Hawke who was already lying on the floor snoring.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the room. Tang Rao staggered over and opened the door.

"Who is it? It's so late at night."

"It's already dawn, you two bastards are so carefree."

Werther stared at the wine bottles in the room with wide eyes and said through gritted teeth. Tang Rao directly dragged Werther in, moved his hand slightly, got a bottle of wine, and directly pressed the bottle into Werther's mouth. , poured in a whole bottle of wine.

"How's the situation?"

Werther sat next to Gene. A wisp of smoke drifted over, and Werther frowned.

"What can we do? That guy seems to know us very well. Are there any of your acquaintances who have a strong anti-social personality?"

The drunkenness on the faces of Jean and Tang Rao disappeared instantly, and they both thought of the same person.

"Little Fry, can't you!"

Gene shook his head.

"Don't think too much, but you, Werther, Lolita and Becky are all your students. You have to figure this out yourself."

Werther hummed, lowered his head, grabbed a bottle of wine in a bad mood, drank it down, and sighed.

"I can't help it. I am their teacher and their adoptive father!"

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