Chapter 432 Fangs (Part 2)


With a scream, the wise man pressed the dagger in his hand frantically, and his legs and arms were twisted and rattled. Finally, the mutant in front of him stopped moving. He gasped. He was already the eighth person, no. Know how many mutants there are.

But the wise man already felt tired, but there were footsteps not far away. He stood up, glanced left and right, and immediately started running. He couldn't stop for a moment and had to keep running. This was in this desperate situation. The only way to survive in this situation.

It seems that no one has noticed the situation here. He will become more and more dangerous as time goes by. Fighting in the cold night will consume more energy. The wise man feels as if his throat is about to burst into flames.

His hands were so cold that he lost consciousness. After running a certain distance, he stopped and found a relatively complete room. After entering, he immediately cut off the cloth strips wrapped around his hands to free his right hand. His fingers had lost all feeling. The wise man endured the wounds that had been scratched by the handle of the knife and rubbed his hands. He had to regain the feeling in his numb hands, but at this time, there were footsteps again behind him.

Becky stood quietly at the entrance, red particles vibrating slightly around his body. The chill was gone, replaced by warmth. Mutants can control their alienated cells to resonate to generate flames and electricity. At this time, the alienated cells controlled by Becky are only slightly rubbing to generate some heat flow. If a flame is generated, the alienated cells will be used as fuel to burn. This method is extremely energy-consuming.

Electric current can often even hurt oneself during friction. For many mutants, these two abilities are almost impossible to use, because it requires years of practice to operate them. At this time, Becky thought of a person in his head. , Niya, the section chief of Section 5, is the one who turned the electric current generated by the alienated cells into her own power. It is almost impossible to achieve her level.

"You can actually kill 8 people. It's a bit impressive, old man. If I were an ordinary person, let alone 8 mutants, I wouldn't be able to defeat even one."

Becky was not in a hurry at all. The people from the Business Section were still busy in the north, east and west of Area 101. I'm afraid they thought the wise man had been captured. Contacts came from the front and the people from Section 3 and Section 5 had already withdrawn their teams. .

But then Becky began to doubt, did the old man really know many things about the business department? If the old man was so critical, the Business Department would have continued the search. With the character of Section 2 Chief Mo Xiaolan, he would probably have to dig deep to find him.

Now I don’t care about so much. Catching the old man is the key. Becky is still waiting. There are 22 people left. The trajectory of the old man’s actions is to the west. He will always be forced into a desperate situation. Becky will Just rush there.

In the cold wind, the wise man kept shivering. With the dim light on the roof of a building, he looked at the square-shaped thing in front of him. The outer shell was broken, but the inside was still intact. It was a bacterial battery. The wise man I opened the casing with a trembling knife and saw two black tube-like things. After shaking, the sound of liquid could be heard inside. The durability of this kind of battery can reach 50 years, but it is extremely prone to problems. Once A leak can lead to death in severe cases and disability in mild cases.

The wise man rubbed the surface of the two tubes with his hands. After touching a triangular mark, he immediately laughed happily. It contained flesh-eating bacteria. He looked at the positive and negative terminals of the battery calmly. As long as the positive and negative terminals were connected, If the poles are reconnected in reverse, an explosion will occur inside the battery due to the disorder of the electrodes. The wise man is planning to make a bomb now, but he is also at risk of being infected. Once inhaled or stained by bacteria on the skin, it will be a very serious problem. In a few minutes A large area of ​​skin will ulcerate inside. With the concentration of bacteria in this battery, a person's entire arm will be eaten clean in one hour. If inhaled, it will be fatal.

After a while, the wise man finally disconnected the positive and negative terminals of the battery. He immediately stood up and made a slight noise after going downstairs. Sure enough, he heard a faint sound of footsteps after a while. The wind was blowing from west to east.

The only opportunity was right in front of him. After the wise man went downstairs, he heard a noise.

"Old man, you'd better come out, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

The wise man immediately raised his hands and went downstairs. At this time, the people outside the house started shouting. The wise man immediately turned around and went upstairs. On the rooftop of the third floor, the wise man held the bacterial battery in his hand and was ready to connect the negative electrode. The people below obviously didn't dare to come up because someone had been killed before.

"Get your boss over here, I want to talk to him."

The wise man shouted. At this time, six or seven people were coming from a distance, and there were still people rushing towards this direction. They were carrying short-range communicators.

What the wise man didn't expect was that there would be so many people. This place is about seven or eight meters above the ground, and the maximum distance of their telekinesis is only 5 meters. It cannot hurt the wise man. The people downstairs are already surrounded, and They have confirmed that the wise man only has a dagger and no gun.

In less than 3 minutes, the small building was surrounded by people. There were more than 10 people below, but the guys below did not dare to come up, not even to jump, because they were full of fear of the wise men in their hearts. , an ordinary person actually killed 8 of them by himself.

The wise man smiled coldly and pressed the negative terminal of the bacterial battery with one hand. The moment he suddenly stood up and connected the negative terminal, the wise man kicked off the bacterial battery, turned around and ran away with a roar. The house next to him was far away from the The roof is more than 4 meters away.


A breeze blew by, and the wise man had already jumped over. There was a cracking sound behind him. Someone had entered the small building. The wise man saw that there were people in the alley below, but he didn't care about that much anymore.


The wise man fell on the hard floor, and instantly there were screams behind him. The wise man felt that his hands and legs had been injured. After he stood up with a grin, a mutant had jumped to the roof. The wise man saw that When he reached a hole in the floor, he jumped down without hesitation.

There was a loud bang, and the wise man turned over. Fortunately, he was only more than four meters high. He limped to the window and jumped out.

The commotion behind him became louder and louder, and the wise man could hardly stand up. He stood up with a cry, and his legs were bruised to varying degrees.


The moment the wise man was about to rush into the opposite room, a mutant had already jumped in front of the wise man. The wise man raised his left hand and was pinched by the opponent as soon as he stretched it out, and then began to twist.


With the crisp sound of bones breaking, the wise man's entire arm had been twisted.

"Old man, I see you now."


The wise man didn't care about the pain. The moment he stared at the opponent with wide eyes, the dagger stabbed into the opponent's abdomen. Then he roared and moved upwards. The moment he lowered his body and pulled out the dagger, he had already crawled forward and fell into the house.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die"

The wise man roared, but after a while he rolled to the left again.

"Damn it."

After getting up and sitting down, the wise man couldn't run any more, and there was no sound of footsteps approaching. It seemed that the bacterial battery had worked. Now those guys were probably dead and injured. Even mutants, if they didn't have certain High-level mutants cannot resist such flesh-eating bacteria.

"No, I can't walk anymore, damn, move."

The wise man slapped his unconscious thigh vigorously, and the severe pain made him almost faint.


For a moment, the wise man's eyes widened. The whole house around him instantly collapsed, rocks flew, and a large wall was penetrated. Then there was a sound of footsteps, and Becky walked in with a sneer.

"It's not bad to be able to do this, old man."

The wise man's eyes widened. He wanted to get up but found that his legs could no longer move. He raised the dagger in his hand, but with a crunching sound, the dagger was twisted into a ball of scrap metal. The wise man's heart-rending misery cried.

The entire right hand was directly twisted, and then he was lifted up by Becky.

"Now is not the time to scream, old man. I will take you to a certain place later. When you get there, I will treat you first. When the treatment is complete, we will talk about things slowly. As for your behavior, you need to drink Enjoying a woman with a glass of wine, or screaming like this now, it's better for you to think clearly on the way to the location."

The wise man's mouth was gagged, his eyes widened, and he jumped up as Becky directly carried him.

"Don't go there. Don't worry about those guys. It's a bacterial battery. If you want to die, come with me quickly and go back."

Becky shouted with the communicator, and after a while the remaining 11 mutants bypassed the people who were still wailing and ran over.

"Let's go."

Becky said, and when she just turned around, Becky's eyes widened in horror. Orange particles were scattered on the empty roof in front of her.

"You're doing well, old man. I've been watching it for a long time. Seeing how hard you worked, I'll save you."

Becky's face was livid, looking at the opposite man with a mohawk, Werther wearing overalls and bucket boots, who was looking at him with a smile.

"Now I really want to play "Winter Sonata" to relieve my extremely sad mood. Becky, it's a pity that there is no guitar here. If you go back with me, you will be beaten to death by three quarters. !”

There was a whirring sound, and the mutants had jumped to the roof one by one. Werther raised his head, and for a moment he only heard bursts of cutting sounds. The mutants were cut into pieces in an instant. Werther jumped to the shell with a roar. Beside Key, a hand pressed on Becky's shoulder.

The back of the wise man was released from the pain and he was unable to move.

"Why are you here, teacher!"

"This is also what I want to ask Becky. I remember that you should be dead. Is it a soul-returning technique?"

Becky raised her head, smiled helplessly and took off her mask, revealing a young and slightly sad face.

"Teacher, the joke you told is not funny at all. I have nothing to say."

Witte pressed the hair on the top of his head and laid one hand horizontally. Orange particles condensed in his hand, gradually turning into a tachi-like sword.

"That's right, you were the one who helped the clone Lolita escape from the laboratory, right?"

Becky hummed, and red particles began to appear on the surface of her body.

"Did you really say nothing?"

"No need, teacher. It's meaningless to say more."

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