The air was cold and biting, and in the dark and stinky southern area of ​​Area 101, the wise man gasped quietly. His hands were wrapped in the clothes stripped off the mutant he had just killed, and the dagger was already held in his right hand. The wise man bit the cloth, breathed hot air from his mouth, and tightened his dagger.

There was no way to retreat. The wise man only ran 500 meters for a short time before finding a house and hiding in it. There was almost nothing available here. The houses were evacuated one after another, and there were only dilapidated houses. I could barely see my fingers, and could only rely on the dim light shining from the city to identify my direction.

After checking the third mutant killed, the wise man found that they did not bring equipment such as night vision goggles. In such darkness, the wise man felt at ease, and the night was the only thing he relied on.

The conditions of the other party and him are the same. Even if the other party comes from the barrier area, it is extremely difficult to find him in such a cold night, but we cannot wait until daytime. It is around 12 o'clock now. If the people in the business department cannot find him before dawn If so, he will only die.

He had been forced into such a desperate situation countless times, but the wise man survived time and time again. Even when his children were killed, the wise man kept a clear head. Survival was his only consideration.

Scene after scene of the past filled with blood and disgusting things flashed through the mind of the wise man. A cold light flashed in the wise man's eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. It seemed cold, but his body was getting hot.

"People always face various difficulties from birth to death, come on, boys!"

The wise man took a deep breath and listened. There were a few faint footsteps nearby. Occasionally, the wind blew by, making whining sounds in the empty room. He must not be attacked or caught by telekinesis. If he makes even the slightest mistake, he will be dead.

Gradually the footsteps approached, and someone came over. The wise man stared sideways, and with the faint light, he saw a person walking towards this side. The invisibility state had been released, and the mutant released alienated cells to cover the body. The effect of invisibility requires a lot of physical energy.

The wise man's head was pressed against the cold wall, his head was buzzing, sweat began to seep out along his forehead, and there was a huge roar in his body. The wise man could clearly hear the crunch of stones as his feet scraped against the ground.

The sound of footsteps one after another was like the sound of a bell, echoing in the wise man's head, and he tightened his grip on the dagger.


Suddenly, the wise man turned around and leaned down and rushed out. The other person noticed that white particles were flashing around the wise man's eyes. The wise man raised his left hand high, and white scabs appeared on the other person's neck.

The moment he felt his shoulders tighten, the wise man fell to the left, and the dagger held in his right hand had been pulled horizontally into the opponent's abdomen.

After rolling around in the place, the opponent covered his abdomen and screamed. The wise man ran without looking back, and there were noises from both sides.

In addition to the bad smell, there was a unique smell mixed with the tip of his nose. The wise man's eyes widened, and his cheeks tightened. He suddenly rolled over to the right, took out a black thing from his pocket, and directly Throw it towards the distance.

With a swishing sound, the wise man stood up and ran after stabilizing his body. The moment he saw the legs of the discarded stool being thrown away, the wise man had already approached the mutant who came out of the invisibility state in front of him.

The moment he was stared at by the opponent, the wise man turned around and leaned back, kicked hard with his feet, and slid over. The dagger in his right hand accurately pierced the opponent's abdomen. He pulled hard, and his face A surge of heat, accompanied by screams, made the wise man stand up and run as hard as he could.


A mutant ejected over and came to the front of the wise man in an instant. The wise man's eyes widened and he saw that the squatting mutant had already jumped towards him. He suddenly stopped and stopped when the mutant jumped towards him. The moment he arrived, he could already see some scabs appearing on the surface of the mutant's body.

The wise man closed his eyes. The moment he was about to be hit by the mutant, he opened his eyes as he ducked sideways. In the flash of lightning, the dagger in the wise man's right hand had accurately nailed into the back of the mutant who passed by him. , he took advantage of the situation and put his left hand on his right hand, and flew out with the mutant. The moment he landed, the wise man pressed down the dagger in his hand.


The wise man was thrown away by inertia and rolled several times on the ground. The moment he stood up, he jumped into a room. The door behind him broke into several pieces. After the wise man stood up, he jumped out of the back window. After he stood up, he jumped out of the back window. Hot, his cheeks and forehead had been cut by stones. The wise man grinned. After confirming the footsteps behind him, he rolled towards the left. The dagger in his hand had already pointed accurately after seeing the figure at the window. The opponent's neck was stabbed.


After feeling the dagger pierce the opponent's neck, the wise man pulled the dagger and blood spilled on his face. The mutant in front of him fell from the window to the ground and covered his neck in pain. After a while, he stopped moving.

The wise man sat on the ground, panting constantly. Various parts of his body were bruised to varying degrees, and his fingers seemed to be broken. The wise man swallowed a mouthful, and then fear rose from the bottom of his heart, and he trembled. He stood up and ran quickly.

After running more than two hundred meters, the wise man stopped. He knew very well that he was almost at his limit. He could still handle one or two enemies. But if there were four people like just now, he would have no strength to do it anymore. He made a series of extremely accurate moves, and his body was no longer young.

Looking at his trembling right hand, several of the cloth strips wrapped in it had been broken. The wise man endured the severe pain from his fingers and continued to fix the dagger in his hand.

"Perhaps this is the biggest crisis in my life!"

The wise man smiled bitterly. If he were 10 years younger, he would have no problem dealing with a few mutants. He might not be able to do anything with well-trained mutants, but these mutants who are like fish are just a little stronger than ordinary people.

"You bastards, didn't anyone notice me running towards the south?"

The wise man stood up with a grin on his face and began to adjust his rapid breathing. Now he had to keep his head clear.

The purpose of these guys is very clear. They hope to know some things about the business department from their own mouths, especially what happened in the blocked 91 area that night. This is probably what they want to know urgently.

At this time, the wise man saw a black thing in the corner. He immediately opened his eyes and smiled.

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