Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 412: Working years: until death (Part 1)

Alpha quietly lit a cigarette and looked at the building in front of him. The four people wearing collars walked out. They would be transferred to the nearby public security management station to wait for the legal department to prosecute them and then be convicted. Put in jail.

The charges include assaulting department staff, carrying weapons, and kidnapping. Alpha had just had dinner in Section 2. Jean told her to keep an eye on the whole process, and then made a report on what these people confessed. At this time, a director officer led Zou Ming and his nanny came out.

Alpha stared at the nanny quietly. She had already confessed that she had sent the original letter to the bottom of the logistics to find these guys. They specialize in kidnapping people or doing some illegal and criminal things. The nanny will need to He went to work in the Agriculture Department for one year, and Zou Mingze's career as a parliamentarian may be over.

After reading some information, Alpha found out that Zou Ming was the nephew of Zou Yun, a wealthy man in the city. Looking at Zhou Ming's appearance at this moment, he walked over in despair. Alpha saw a female staff member smiling and pushing Zou Lin, who was sitting in a wheelchair with a dull expression and dull eyes, giggled and Alpha quickly approached her.

"Mr. Zou Ming, you are fine. Your daughter will now be taken care of by our Section 2. As for what you are doing now, we reserve the right to prosecute, even if you are Miss Zou Lin's father."

Zou Ming nodded, bowed, and then looked at Alpha. His throat was choked and he didn't know what to say.

"Come and see her when you have time. I'm sorry, Mr. Zou Ming. What I said before was a bit excessive."

Alpha bowed, Zou Ming nodded and walked slowly with a smile, then turned around after a while.

"Miss Alpha, my uncle often mentioned you before, thank you!"

Alpha sighed. At this time, the director came over and began to hand over to Alpha.

"Miss Alpha, you'd better pick up your secretary quickly. The meeting has ended now."

Alpha looked at the time. Just after 12 o'clock, she turned around and started running quickly.

Regarding the nanny of Zou Ming's family, He Lian, after interrogation, she was just an honest and humble woman in her 90s who came from the slums of the lower class. After accidentally working in the agricultural department for three months more than 10 years ago, she met a boss of a trading post and started working as a nanny. work until now.

But what Alpha couldn't figure out was that there was no information about this nanny's past. She said that she had been doing odd jobs all year round, and her citizenship level was 1 or 2. Almost no one was willing to officially hire her, and her current citizenship level was 4. They all worked their way up through more than 10 years of working as nannies in upper-class areas.

What makes Alpha confused is that except for the birth record, the nanny He Lian's resume is basically vague. More than 50 years ago, shortly after the establishment of the administrative department, it began to build urban population information. Alpha still remembers that he was working every day except Outside of work, I go door to door to register information, how could anything be missed?

But now Alpha can no longer care about so much. He must quickly go to the General Affairs Department to pick up Le Xiao. I don’t know what Le Xiao is.

Suddenly Alpha stopped at the top of a tall building, pressing his head, showing a slightly uneasy expression.

"That girl can't do it."

Le Xiao pressed her aching head, and with Gu Ningning's help, she stepped out of the Congress hall. Her head was still buzzing and aching. What happened just now was after she cursed the congressmen opposite who were mocking her. Le Xiao began to be attacked by the group, and the meeting ended up turning into a half-hour long round of verbal bombardment.

"That's not the case, those guys"

Le Xiao suppressed her blush, and couldn't get rid of the verbal attacks and naked attacks on her. The other party mercilessly criticized everything about her, including her identity and resume. , this was the first time Le Xiao stood on the stage to endure such a humiliating thing, just like a public execution.

"Okay, okay, Lele, I'd better help you with relaxation therapy, otherwise I'll feel like you"

Suddenly Le Xiao jumped up crazily and jumped down the short steps leading down to the square. After landing, she was immediately shocked to the point where her legs and head ached. She covered her head and squatted on the ground. Gu Ningning sighed. He took a breath and ran over, and then Le Xiao stood up, as if nothing was wrong, raised his head and took a deep breath.

"Remember this, I will make you look good in the future!"

Gu Ningning patted her back comfortingly.

Hey, what should I say to this child? Several people under her will suffer from it in the future, and I can only do nothing to help!

"Let's go to Lexiao for dinner."

At this time, most of the congressmen had gone back directly. They had already known about the explosion that occurred yesterday when they left the Congress hall. The original dinner had been cancelled, and the congressmen had left, while the heads of the administrative department stayed behind. In the General Affairs Section.

"What do you mean, tell me, you haven't caught anyone yet? What do you do for a living? Why didn't you go to the homes of those suicide bombers when the explosion happened? Are you idiots who haven't even graduated from elementary school? If you had gone to their home quickly when the explosion happened, you might have been able to find some clues. Has the evidence been destroyed? Where is the surveillance? What are you doing? Do you completely turn a deaf ear to what I say to you on weekdays? Are you? Isn’t it too comfortable? The damned people still have to die. It is more important to deal with the scene than to catch the murderer. Now that Section 4 has come to deal with it, you should quickly investigate the identity information of the 18 people who were made into human bombs, and then start the investigation. Everyone who comes into contact with them will always find a little bit of clues. Now, in the homes of these 18 people, because you arrived a few hours late, you couldn't find anything. You only found things that had been touched and damaged. Traces, you idiots!”

bang bang

In front of me, the District 1 section officer and more than a dozen team section managers were standing in the cafeteria of the General Affairs Section. At this time, a large number of section staff were there. They looked at Niya in horror, and with a few slaps, she killed the two-meter-tall girl in front of her. Gao's section officer was beaten so hard that he fell to the ground.

Niya was so angry that her veins were bulging, and the other section chiefs looked unhappy at this time. The section chiefs who were just about to have dinner received reports of two incidents. District 1 is still in a semi-lockdown state. Although the public opinion has been somewhat offset by another incident, the explosion has been carried out, and it occurred in Area 1 in front of the General Affairs Department.

Even Locke was so angry that he couldn't eat any more food. The only surviving middleman is still in the intensive care unit, and it's still unknown whether he can wake up.

"What are you doing standing around? Hurry up and eat, then get to work after eating."

Li Ang pressed his head angrily and glanced at the clerks in the hall, who began to eat quickly with their heads down.

Michelle had already eaten and went upstairs with a group of secretaries and directors from the general affairs department.

"Okay, Niya, everyone is not feeling well. Let's eat first. After dinner, go to the office to talk. There are so many people watching!"

Leona walked over and hugged the emotional Nia.

"You guys, come to the manager's office later."

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