Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 400 Father and Son (Part 1)

Wu Lei sat quietly on a bench. The meeting started in half an hour. Just after 8:30, there were only two bills today, and the last one was fatal. The plan to establish an agricultural experimental base in the barrier area was already over. Submitted for the 4th time this year.

A bill like this that will involve major issues in the entire city has gone through countless debates and actual investigations since it was proposed. It is this bill that will drag Brilliant City into the abyss. The faction of parliamentarians represented by his father Wu Qun, There was fierce opposition.

In fact, this is not the case. Wu Lei has thought carefully about this bill. It is feasible, but it requires everyone in the city to join forces. This is why this bill is not feasible at all. After it was proposed at the beginning of the year, it was once It triggered a fierce discussion in society, and the discussion is still continuing.

The most intense one is that even if the land in the barrier area is revived, whether the things grown are harmful or not, and there are still a large number of armed forces in the barrier area, this is a big question.

Wu Lei once had a heated discussion with his father on this issue. He felt that if this plan was implemented, it would alleviate most of the problems in the city, but his father said something.

When resources are scarce, always give priority to the few.

"What on earth was I thinking? It's about to start."

Wu Lei looked at his slightly trembling hands. Ever since he was a child, he had always listened to his father and never resisted, because many things his father said were correct. Along the way, he had never doubted anything his father had done. , and also plans to serve the city as a councilman like his father.

When he grew up a little, his father Wu Qun often took him to various occasions in order to let him enter such a circle early and prepare for his future career as a parliamentarian.

However, at one point, Wu Lei felt something was wrong with his father's actions. On a certain medical bill, he was only 28 years old and officially entered the hall of Congress for the first time as a member of the 11th District.

At that time, Wu Lei felt that the bill led by his father would eventually fail, because the bill would ultimately benefit large medical companies. Such a bill would make medical equipment unaffordable for ordinary doctors except for 4 subjects, and they would simply not be able to afford it. Not to mention medical equipment, purchasing equipment requires a series of complicated procedures. The result is obvious. Such a bill is not only beneficial to the companies that produce medical equipment, but also beneficial to the practice. A large number of doctors have no choice but to join 4 division.

The bill has pros and cons. The result is that most ordinary doctors are unwilling to join the 4 departments to receive fixed salary and welfare benefits. They are forced to have no choice but to play tricks on drugs and start to make some cheap drugs for sale. Make profit.

The previous motion proposed by Gu Ningning, to control the circulation of these low-cost drugs with trace amounts of ingredients, was the final result of the medical reform plan promoted by his father more than 10 years ago. A long time ago, there were many private hospitals and some Small clinics have the conditions and skills to perform surgeries and other treatments, but there are opaque charges. My father saw that the 4th Department wanted to rectify this, so he proposed such a bill to improve medical care. The price of the equipment and the procedure threshold for purchasing the equipment.

At that time, Wu Lei suggested to his father to unify standardized fees. Although the process was slow and involved too many problems, his father rejected such a proposal.

Another issue currently involved is the gradual disconnection of doctors, which has already begun to occur. There are a total of 138 hospitals with 4 departments in 120 districts, which cannot satisfy the medical needs of the entire city. Small individual medical clinics have changed from the past. There were more than 100,000 households, which has been reduced to less than 10,000 households.

Wu Lei's palms are already sweating. He knows very well what his father wants to do with this bill. Today's education system is very peaceful. Once tax cuts are implemented, the quality of education will definitely decline.

High fees naturally require high taxes and high-quality education. If taxes are reformed and this rigid standard is lowered and fees drop, teachers who originally had high incomes will see their incomes shrink. If more people can enjoy the third and fourth stages of education, the teaching staff will shrink. The only solution to the shrinking teaching staff is to lower the threshold. This will ultimately lead to a sharp decline in the quality of education, and will also lead to a super high industry competition rate in the future. .

"I have to stop my dad."

Wu Lei sighed. Since the implementation of the medical bill caused huge ups and downs in the city, Wu Lei has also been criticized for representing medical members and resigned. His father also told him not to worry. Things will turn out in a few years. If things were stable, he could just continue to serve as a member of the parliament. However, Wu Lei chose the executive branch.

His father, Wu Qun, was surprised and opposed at first, but in the end Wu Lei took the exam for the business department and quickly climbed up the ranks after passing it.

"Hey, why are you still here, Wu Lei?"

Wu Lei was startled and looked at Le Xiao who looked relaxed in front of him. His hands were still a little wet. Now most people had entered the Congress hall and were waiting for the upcoming Bill 19. Le Xiao came back because of a stomachache. .

"Lexiao, what do you think of the current education?"

Wu Qun asked, and Le Xiao immediately frowned and said.

"It's very expensive. My mother used to sell everything to support me in my studies, so I finally got to go to college."

Le Xiao got a headache when he mentioned this. The university he went to was the cheapest fourth-rate university. If he had more money, Le Xiao could go to a better university and learn the same things as those taught in the fourth-rate universities. Different, maybe life will be easier for him after he comes out, because after entering the society, Le Xiao discovered that many things taught in fourth-rate universities are theoretical and forced education, because the tuition fee is really very high. It was cheap. After coming out, Le Xiao was reprimanded by her boss many times because what she learned and what she actually practiced were completely different worlds. Le Xiao always felt that her college education was in vain. Those teachers always said some beautiful things, such as As long as you study hard, you will definitely be able to get ahead when you go out.


Wu Lei lowered his head and felt at a loss for a moment. Education was indeed very expensive. For the Cinderella in front of him, if it weren't for Cinderella's good luck, she might have been working in a special service store now.

"But, after I got here, I discovered that it's not too expensive. After all, if you want to learn practical and good things, you have to pay more. You get what you pay for. I remember that I used to try The fruit candies in the small shop near our home cost 10 cents each, but when I went up there, I ate candies that cost 1 cent each. I was shocked at the time, what on earth were they eating before!"

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