Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 398 Going in the opposite direction (Part 2)

Wu Qun's face was slightly red. The reception in front of him was just halfway through. Most of the members who had served for a long time were gathered in the room. On the left side, all the people had pen pointers on their arms and pictures of open books. There are education congressmen, but judging from their appearance, many of them are hostile to each other.

"There is no need for you to hide your face like this. The key tomorrow is the reduction of education tax, which is good for everyone."

Important figures from the reformists, conservatives, and liberal education congressmen are all here. Charles and Avano are both there, but they are far away. In the past, the relationship between the two families was very good, but then Ange After problems arose in the Angus family, Charles decisively chose to take action and cut off business dealings with the Angus family without hesitation.

This is an absolutely necessary means for a successful businessman, because if these business relationships were not severed at that time, even their Aberron family would be dragged into the mud.

"Tomorrow, we can make a big fuss about the liberalization of newborn reproductive rights. As long as the tax rate is reduced by 1%, it will be a huge benefit to everyone."

Wu Qun raised his wine glass and said with a smile, most of the education councilors here are principals of prestigious schools, managers of some educational institutions, and presidents of some teachers' unions.

"It's easy to put it simply. Once taxes are raised, the problems that will arise are unpredictable. Although the taxes on education may not look great at first glance, overall, they account for at least 10% of the city's tax revenue. Even more.”

A middle-aged blond man said, and many councilors next to him nodded. As long as the industry is related to education, education tax is required. There are many education institutions in the city. These large and small education institutions all It is for adults. After paying the fee, you can choose the level and what you need to learn. Most people will learn something in their spare time. After all, they may not have work one day.

"This move will be an attack on the administrative departments. Especially in relatively stable areas where there are many education institutions, the tax revenue accounts for a large proportion. Once the tax revenue drops, the salaries of the administrative department members in that area will also decrease. ."

“That’s why I called everyone together tonight, hoping that everyone will be united tomorrow. As long as taxes are lowered, the quality of education can be improved, and more educational activities can be carried out. We can also take advantage of problems like those in District 29. "

Many people in the room knew very well that taxation has not changed much in the past many years. There are proposals for tax reform every year, but they fail every year. The reason given by the business department is that since they want to find To have a good job, go to an expensive school, and receive a longer and more expensive education, natural taxes are inevitable.

Education itself is not fair. Rich people who go to good schools and receive better education will naturally have to pay higher taxes. People without money can only go to poor schools and pay low taxes.

"So this year's tax bill must first open a breakthrough. As long as a breakthrough is opened, it will be much easier to handle next. Let's first take a look at the tone of the guys in the administrative department this year. I will personally take charge of the battle. "

Wu Qun smiled as he spoke. For a moment, everyone present looked at him with respect. As a fighter in the loudmouth faction, Wu Qun has an astonishingly high rate of passing bills submitted over the years, reaching 61%. The passing rate has been defeated by Wu Qun several times in a row among the section chiefs.

If you are not a senior council member or a member of the executive branch, you will only think that Wu Qun is just a greasy middle-aged and elderly man who likes to talk. However, those with some experience know that Wu Qun did not choose to enter the executive branch, but became a member of the assembly. Because he couldn't stand the high-pressure situation of Xingke, he decided to stand on the opposite side of Xingke. After all, his mantra was that fighting with others was endless fun.

Wu Qun's son, Wu Lei, also inherited his father's excellent genes. He has already held the important position of first secretary of the General Affairs Section at the age of just over 30, and his future is boundless.

A burst of smoke filled the air. Niya exhaled a puff of smoke happily, with a smile on her lips. She had sobered up from the wine. At this time, 10 section chiefs and 3 secretaries were sitting in the room, and nearly a hundred council officers were standing behind them. .

"What, where is the secretary of Section 13?"

Leona muttered, and Gu Ningning immediately stuck out her tongue.

"Lord Leona, Le Xiao is asleep."

"Don't worry about the secretary with a negative IQ. Tomorrow is the main event. Those pig-like guys are going to start talking about taxes again. No matter who they represent as members, I hope that everyone present will fight against each other. After all, you should know why taxes have not changed for so many years, Mo Xiaolan!"

Li Ang looked at Mo Xiaolan who was smiling evilly.

"Of course, stable and rapid growth has a lot to do with taxation. After all, if you want to seek development without sacrificing the demographic dividend, it is impossible to achieve it in the short term. The current taxation is relatively fair, and people with low incomes can go up. If taxes are low, those with high incomes will naturally pay more. They want to use education, which is a good idea, and they come at the juncture of liberalizing reproductive rights."

Mo Xiaolan said and looked at King Xue. He opened the light and shadow panel in front of him. After calling up a panel, everyone saw that the number of couples who had submitted fertility applications to Section 1 had exceeded 3 million.

There are currently 8,756 couples who have passed the review, of which 64% are in the upper class, 32% in the middle class, and 4% in the bottom class. Among them, 5,000 places are reserved for people who are willing to live in the 113 and 114 districts.

"Why is it so fast? King Xue, your work efficiency is too high!"

Heathcote stared at King Xue sideways.

"If you want to say anything, just say it directly, Chief Heathcote. I have made it clear to everyone that there are nearly 3,000 children among them, all of whom are open to the wealthy class who have already submitted applications. After all, when it comes to raising a child and educating it, many families are exhausted.”

Many people know that education in Bright City needs to be carried out from the age of 3, and it is mandatory. It is not because of the so-called age of three, but because the age of 3 is the formal starting stage of a child, which is particularly important, so 3 to At the 6-year-old stage, you can choose the type of education, all-round education, elite education, creative education, etc. The fees are different, there is no difference between good and bad. The cheapest is general education, the minimum is one per month. Children also need 500, which still includes the cost of the cheapest nutritious meals.

"Stop talking nonsense, what exactly are you going to do tomorrow? King Xue, you must have already thought of a countermeasure!"

Niya stared at King Xue sideways. He stood up, bowed and adjusted his glasses.

"Of course, after all, education is treated equally from the very beginning. If we continue to treat everyone equally in the future, it would be too unfair to those who have worked hard for Bright City to become rich!"

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